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1. 交通费用:前往雪乡的交通费用因人而异,如果您选择飞机、高铁等交通工具,费用可能会比较高昂。如果您选择自驾或者租车,费用可能会相对较低。

2. 住宿费用:雪乡的住宿费用因酒店档次和服务质量而异,一般从几百元到数千元不等。如果您选择住在当地的民宿或者客栈,费用可能会更加亲民。

3. 餐饮费用:雪乡的餐饮费用因餐厅档次和服务质量而异,一般从几十元到数百元不等。如果您选择在当地的小吃摊或者餐馆用餐,费用可能会更加亲民。

4. 旅游活动费用:雪乡有很多有趣的旅游活动,例如滑雪、雪雕、冰灯等,需要支付一定的费用。

5. 其他费用:雪乡旅游还可能涉及到其他费用,例如旅游保险、通讯费用等。




1. 景点推荐:

a. 都督大峡谷:位于都督乡境内,峡谷内溪流、瀑布、悬崖、奇石等景观丰富多样,是徒步、探险和摄影的好去处。

b. 都督水库:都督乡境内的一座人工水库,水域面积广阔,水质清澈,适合垂钓、划船和观光。

c. 都督古寨:都督乡的历史文化景点,古寨内有许多古建筑和文物,可以了解当地的历史文化和民间风俗。

2. 美食推荐:

a. 都督豆腐:都督乡的特色美食之一,选用优质黄豆制作,口感细腻、豆香浓郁。

b. 都督茶叶:都督乡特产的茶叶,品质优良,口感独特。

c. 农家菜:在都督乡的农家乐中,可以品尝到地道的农家菜,如柴火鸡、腊肉等。

3. 住宿推荐:

a. 都督农家乐:都督乡内有多家农家乐,环境优美、设施齐全,提供住宿、餐饮和休闲娱乐等服务。

b. 桐梓县酒店:如桐梓县城内有多家酒店可供选择,可以满足不同预算和住宿需求的游客。

4. 交通指南:

a. 公共交通:从遵义市出发,可乘坐长途汽车或火车到达桐梓县,然后在桐梓县转乘前往都督乡的班车。

b. 自驾游:从遵义市出发,沿G75兰海高速公路行驶,经过桐梓县后继续行驶至都督乡,全程约130公里,预计车程2小时左右。







酒吧) 桃江路东平路 汾阳路的宝莱纳(酒吧) 外滩3号 乐:汉源书店 逛街 去淮海路百富勤三楼m-box吧,上海所有好的酒吧我都去过,那里最好,有很棒的歌手。汾阳路的..


Does strategy of 9 countryside travel go surely tourist attraction?

9 countryside beauty spot is with cave landscape gives priority to body, the omnibus scenery that be in harmony of amorous feelings of scene of the nature outside the hole, humanitarian landscape, nation is an organic whole scenic spot area. Scene area has cave of about a hundred size, for domestic dimensions most # big, amount the burrow community system with the most peculiar landscape of most, cave.

The area of scene of the bridge that fold rainbow that already opened now shares region of 10 great respect: Gorge panorama lift, shade stockaded village of cropland of waterfall of palace of hall of emerald green gorge, Jing fetch gorge, male lion, goddess, male and female, god, Home Yi, batty hole and travel cableway.

Yunnan how do 9 countryside travel?

9 country absolute value must swim, the dot that can swim is much, can swim, but special those who recommend is 9 countryside cave, its development at the Sinian Period 600 million years ago, have cave of about a hundred size, for domestic dimensions the biggest, the amount is maximum, the burrow community system with cave the most peculiar landscape, by experts praise for " cave museum " .

What Kunming stone forest is the tourist attraction that 9 countryside travel sees surely do 9 countryside swim one day?

Chinese name

Countryside of the Hui nationality of 9 countryside the Yi nationality

Canton category


What belong to an area

Yunnan saves appropriate fine county

Leave administer area

8 administrative village

Phone area size


Postal area is piled up



appropriate fine county


255.5 square kilometer


17561 people


Yunnan word, yi language

Famous tourist attraction

9 countryside beauty spot

Are 9 countryside mythological what are 9 countryside?

Mythological 9 countryside are fact of cave of travel dip type Jing Guangying experiences a project.

The area transforms museum of 9 countryside cave upgrade, "Mythological 9 countryside " solid Jing Guangying of cave of travel dip type experiences project shock gives heat. Area of 9 country scene is nature of a collect, humanitarian with ethical amorous feelings the burrow landscape at a suit. This area has hundreds of greatly small burrow, it is domestic dimensions the biggest, amount the most, karst geology that has distinguishing feature most travels scene area.

Does snow countryside travel sign up?

Go snow countryside travel signs up the tourism group that can seek place signs up, perhaps look for local hotel to sign up to snow countryside by train. Snow countryside is located in Harbin north end, weather is in 35 degrees or so 0 times.

Expenses of snow countryside travel?

Snow countryside is China's famed winter travel resort, sightseeing travel comes before attracting many tourist every year. The charge that snow countryside travels because of the person different, basically depend on the element such as content of time of your travel means, travel, travel and individual consumption. It is a few fee that need a consideration possibly below:

1.Traffic expenses: The traffic expenses that heads for snow countryside because of the person different, if you choose the vehicle such as plane, Gao Tie, charge may hold high quite. If you choose to be driven oneself or rent a car, charge may relatively inferior.

2.Room charge: The room charge of snow countryside because of hotel class and service quality different, differ to thousands of yuan from hundreds of yuan commonly. If you choose or hotel, charge may more close civilian.

3.Meal charge: The meal charge of snow countryside because of dining-room class and service quality different, differ to hundreds yuan from a few yuan commonly. If you choose the fastfood booth that is in place or cafeteria have dinner, charge may more close civilian.

4.Travel activity charge: Snow countryside has a lot of interesting travel activities, for example lamp of ski, Xue Diao, ice, need pays fixed fee.

5.Other charge: Snow countryside travel involves other charge possibly still, travel for example charge of safe, communication.

The place on put together is narrated, the charge that snow countryside travels because of the person different, suggest you make good budget ahead of schedule, have reasonable arrangement according to individual demand and actual condition.

Strategy of travel of countryside of superintend and director?

Countryside of superintend and director is located in Guizhou Province abide by justice city tung catalpa county, have rich rich and historical culture, it is a rustic travel destination that has distinguishing feature. It is below detailed strategy of travel of countryside of superintend and director, include the information of the respect such as tourist attraction, cate, accommodation and traffic, hope the journey to you is helped somewhat.

1.The tourist attraction recommends:

A. Big gorge of superintend and director: Be located in churchyard of countryside of superintend and director, the landscape such as the brook inside gorge, chute, cliff, strange stone abounds diversity, it is pedestrian, expeditionary the good place with photography.

B. Reservoir of superintend and director: A of churchyard of countryside of superintend and director man-made reservoir, water area area is vast, water quality is clear, suit go angling, row and go sightseeing.

C. Ancient stockaded village of superintend and director: The historical culture tourist attraction of countryside of superintend and director, there are a lot of ancient buildings and cultural relic inside Gu Zhai, can understand historical culture of place and folklore.

2.Cate recommends:

A. Bean curd of superintend and director: One of characteristic cate of countryside of superintend and director, choose high grade soya bean to make, mouthfeel exquisite, beans is spicy full-bodied.

B. Tea of superintend and director: The tea of special local product of country of superintend and director, quality is good, mouthfeel is distinctive.

C. Farmhouse dish: Be in the farmhouse of countryside of superintend and director is happy in, can taste the farmhouse dish of savor tunnel, the turkey that be like bavin, bacon.

3.Accommodation recommends:

A. Farmhouse of superintend and director is happy: There is much home peasant family inside countryside of superintend and director happy, environment beautiful, establishment is all ready,

B. Hotel of tung catalpa county: If there is much home public house to be able to offer an alternative inside tung catalpa county, can satisfy the tourist of different budget and room demand.

4.Traffic guideline:

A. Public traffic: From abide by justice city sets out, can take long-distance car or train to reach tung catalpa county, be in next tung catalpa county turns before multiplying, go to the regular bus of countryside of superintend and director.

B. Drive oneself swim: From abide by justice city sets out, travel of freeway of edge G75 Lanhai, through tung travel of add of catalpa county succeed comes countryside of superintend and director, whole journey makes an appointment with 130 kilometers, predicting car Cheng is controlled 2 hours.

Ask an attention, above information offers reference only, actual condition may change somewhat. Before set out, inquire local up to date information please and make good journey program. Wish you are in countryside of superintend and director plays happily!

Dongguan are 9 countryside town or countryside?

Dongguan does not have countryside, you say probably Dongguan 9 countryside are a community probably. If Dongguan city clear brook presses down 9 village community,belong to administer

9 countryside entrance ticket how many?

It is reported, in area of scene of countrywide congener cave, 9 countryside are active entrance ticket price everybody is 105 yuan, be in inferior price. To this, 9 country landscape scenic spot district management board offerred the application that move price, the demand raises entrance ticket price appropriately. Suffer Kunming city hair to change appoint entrust, prefectural hair changed bureau organization to hold a hearing. Kunming city National People's Congress, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is represented, prefectural National People's Congress, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is represented, the delegate outside the province, expert scholar is represented, delegate of travel agent consumer and 19 staff about function branch attended a hearing. Still have 3 audit delegate additionally. Will be opposite by concerned branch after the meeting " the price adjusts plan " undertake optimizing. Value of entrance ticket of area of 9 country scene changes with Kunming city hair appoint approve formally civil to allow.

Price of house of Han Yuanjiu country?

Bar) the Baolaina that peach Jiang Ludong makes the same score Lu Fenyang road (bar) outside beach 3 happy: ? ? of Lv of dry up word shops go sea route of the Huaihe River 100 Fu Qin 3 buildings M-box, shanghai is all I had gone to fine public house, over there best, have very terrific singer. Of Fen Yang Lu. .
