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Fan Bingbing: The recreation that uncover secret encircles the truth of negative news backside

In recent years, fan Bingbing is recreation all the time the circle gets recreational topic fully, her name often is accompanying all sorts of negative news to appear often in public line of sight. However, what kind of story did these negative news backside conceal after all? Let us uncover the real experience of the Fan Bingbing inside secret entertainment group together.

Experience duty disturbance

Fan Bingbing is in 2018 because be suspected of problem of dodge a tax by exposure, this one incident caused huge to affect to her career. Ever since, fan Bingbing cooperates national tax authority actively to undertake investigating, imposition of a huge sum of active pay. Pass this disturbance, fan Bingbing also realized the responsibility of star citizen, begin to pay attention to oneself commonweal career more, take an active part in social commonweal activity.

Disappear be lost is heard

Once came out for a time Fan Bingbing " disappear " hearsay, caused pay close attention to extensively and guess. Actually, fan Bingbing did not disappear right now, be in however absorption film the film, participate in commonweal activity, in outer group key point " disappear " rear, it is her to the career dedicated with effort. This paragraph of experience also lets Fan Bingbing cherish each opportunity before more.

Network rumor

Fan Bingbing also meets with repeatedly the worry of network rumor, disloyal message lets her suffer harm fully. However, fan Bingbing chooses from beginning to end silent with adamancy, the real operation that carries oneself proves his innocence. In the times of this information explosion, of the transmission speed of network rumor make everybody quickly likely become a victim, example of Fan Bingbing that insisted to also establish a front to us.


Fan Bingbing regards current China recreation as a of the circle, no matter be negative news or openly news, be linked together cheek by jowl with her. Careful handle press, know the fact of backside, ability knows person of a public truly. The twist that Fan Bingbing also encircles in recreation grows on the road, she learns to stand up from inside predicament ceaselessly, be oppugned with what real operation responds to the outside and censure.

Thank you to read this article, the hope encircles the truth of negative news backside through uncovering secret recreation, can let you understand Fanbing in the round to put this public character on the ice more, and face negative news how to should look objectively wait for.

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