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  • 深化课程改革:江苏省按照新课标要求,持续更新和完善课程体系,强调学科交叉与综合素养的培养。
  • 优化师资队伍:通过培训、引进、交流等方式,提升教师的专业水平和教学能力,确保每一位教师都能成为学生发展的引导者。
  • 推动信息技术与教育的深度融合:通过智能教育平台和在线学习资源的建设,提升学生的学习效率,促进个性化学习。
  • 加强义务教育阶段的保障:确保所有儿童均能接受到基本的义务教育,严禁因家庭经济条件影响孩子的受教育权利。
  • 促进高校与地方经济发展的结合:鼓励高校发挥科研与技术创新的作用,与地方产业相结合,培养适应地方经济发展的高级人才。



  • 教育公平性提升:通过政策倾斜,尤其是对偏远地区学校的支持,教育资源开始逐步向更为薄弱的地区倾斜。
  • 学生综合素质提高:越来越多的学生不仅在学业上表现突出,而且在社会实践、创新能力等方面取得了显著进步。
  • 家长满意度上升:调查数据显示,家长对学校教育质量的满意度有了明显提升,普遍认为教育质量在稳步提升。


  • 区域差距未完全消除:尽管资源分配有所改善,但依然存在地区间的教育发展不平衡问题。
  • 教师专业发展不足:在教师培训方面,仍需加强对一线教师的支持,特别是在农村地区,教师的专业发展机会较为有限。
  • 课程改革与应试教育的矛盾:尽管课程改革推动核心素养教育,但在应试教育的压力下,很难真正落实到位。



  • 建立健全教育评价体系:推动形成一个更为全面的教育评价机制,从而减轻学生的考试压力,鼓励个性化发展。
  • 加强家庭与学校的合作:通过各种形式的家校互动,增强家庭对孩子教育的支持,使孩子在家庭和学校中得到充分的发展。
  • 推动教育与科技的深度融合:实现智能课堂、在线教育等新模式的全面推广,提升教育的灵活性和可及性。
  • 关注学生心理健康:建立常态化的心理健康教育体系,关心学生的情感和心理变化,促进健康成长。





Teaching reform is to urge economy of a region and the main power that the society expands, jiangsu province regards Chinese the eastpart part as coastal economy develop province, the reform that its teach system particularly fetching attention. In recent years, jiangsu province reformed a respect to undertake a series of innovation are explored in education, aim to improve educational quality, stimulative education is fair, make each student can enjoy high grade education.

Jiangsu teachs the setting of reform and target

As the progress of economic development and society, traditional educational pattern already got used to modern demand hard. The education that Jiangsu saves is reformed, basically be to be based on the following to consider:

The first, the change that answers population structure and society are right the demand of high quality talent. Upgrade as economic transition, the society is taller and taller to the talent's requirement, and the innovation that educational mode often cannot develop the tradition to accord with age requirement talent.

The 2nd, education of contractible and urban and rural, area develops difference. Jiangsu province memory is in apparent area difference, the disequilibrium that teachs resource allocates improve urgently.

The 3rd, promotion teachs quality, teach level in the foundation especially, the core accomplishment that raises a student and integrated ability already became Chongzhongzhi to weigh.

Basically reform measure

To achieve afore-mentioned goals, jiangsu province took a series of concrete step in teaching reform, cover the educational reform of different level.

  • Deepen curricular reform: Jiangsu province asks according to new tax mark, be updated continuously and perfect curricular system, emphasize the education of course across and integrated accomplishment.
  • Optimize a faculty: Through grooming, introduce, the means such as communication, promote pedagogic major level and teaching ability, ensure each teachers can become the guide that the student develops.
  • The deepness that promotes IT and education is shirt-sleeve: Teach the construction of platform and online study resource through intelligence, promote the student's study efficiency, stimulative individuation learns.
  • Strengthen obligation to teach the safeguard of level: Ensure all children all can accept basic compulsory education, forbidden get educational right because of what domestic economy condition affects the child.
  • Stimulative college is united in wedlock with what local economy grows: Encourage a college to produce scientific research and the effect that the technology innovates, be united in wedlock with local industry posture, education gets used to the senior talented person that local economy grows.

Reform effect and challenge

Through effort of a few years, the educational reform that Jiangsu saves already saw effect first:

  • Teach fair sex promotion: Tilt through policy, be opposite especially the support of remote region school, educational natural resources begins to tilt to more fragile area stage by stage.
  • Integrated quality raises the student: More and more students are highlighted in the expression on school work not only, and in the society the respect such as ability of practice, innovation obtained striking progress.
  • Parent satisfaction is spent rise: Investigation data shows, the parent is spent to the satisfaction of school education quality had apparent promotion, think generally to teach quality to be in promote steadily.

However, the educational reform of Jiangsu still faces a lot of challenge:

  • Area difference unfinished is eliminated completely: Although resource allocation is improved somewhat, but the education that still is put between the area develops lopsided problem.
  • Pedagogic major develops inadequacy: Groom in the teacher respect, still need to strengthen the support of teachers of pair of a gleam of, be in especially a rural area, professional development scope of the teacher is relatively limited.
  • Curricular reform contradicts with what should try education: Although curricular reform promotes core accomplishment education, but fall in the pressure that should try education, fulfil very hard truly reach the designated position.

Future develops way

Be aimed at current challenge, prospective Jiangsu teachs reform can undertake thorough exploration from the following direction:

  • Build perfect education to evaluate a system: Drive form a more comprehensive education to evaluate a mechanism, ease exam pressure of the student thereby, encourage personalized development.
  • Strengthen the cooperation of family and school: Interact through multiform domestic school, strengthen the support that the family teachs to the child, make the child gets sufficient progress in family and school.
  • The deepness that promotes education and science and technology is shirt-sleeve: Realize the comprehensive promotion of the new pattern such as intelligent classroom, online education, the flexibility that promotes education and can reach a gender.
  • Pay close attention to student mental health: The mental health that builds normalization teachs a system, the affection that cares a student and psychology change, stimulative health grows.


Jiangsu education reform is a system and complex project, involve many levels, those who need policy, society and family try hard in coordination. Adopt ceaseless exploration and practice, jiangsu province is raising educational quality and the target stride with stimulative fair education forward.

Thank you to read this article, the education that hopes to pass this article to be able to help you understand Jiangsu deep more reforms the current situation and prospective development direction.

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