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宠物获得方法植物系  01 树怪(捕获,捕捉地:城南野外,东之高原2)

  02 荆棘树(进化,由树怪进化可得)

  03 液毒树(进化,由荆棘树进化可得)


  05 香吻草(捕获,捕捉地:东之高原1,东之高原3,西之森林1)

  06 五彩花(进化,由香吻草进化可得)

  07 食人花(异化,由香吻草异化可得,需要异化道具)

  08 草果(捕获,捕捉地:东之高原2,西之森林1,西之森林 2)

  09 曼陀罗(进化,由草果进化可得)

  10 曼陀罗花(进化,由曼陀罗进化可得)

  11 仙人掌(捕获,捕捉地:城南野外,东之高原1,东之高原2)

  12 巨刺仙掌(进化,由仙人掌进化可得)

  13 毒刺仙掌(进化,由巨刺仙掌进化可得)

  14 果子小姐(任务,植物系骑宠,可以穿越荆棘地形,主线任务中某大妈赠送)

  15 四叶小姐(孵化,金属遗迹2中寻找到的金属宠物蛋孵化而成)

  16 霸王花(任务,第一次拿35级以上的曼陀罗、树瘴石、朱果给彩虹花房的丽萨,然后第二次送给她一个异化道具,最终丽萨会把得到的霸王花送给你)

  17 爱心草(孵化,西之森林2完成“给予老爷爷15个兴奋菇”的任务后获得的植物宠物蛋孵化而成)

  18 哈哈树(孵化,完成“挑战彩虹学院购物中心的哈利波特兄弟”的分支任务后获得的植物宠物蛋孵化而成)

  19 千年树精(进化,由哈哈树进化可得)

  20 花仙子(任务,五星级宠物,天空城2的彩虹召唤室中打败宠1主角晶晶后可得)

金属系  21 白裂狮(任务,收集到斑点猪、爱心草、皇后天马后展示给彩虹酒店的小小后所得)

  22 王狮(进化,由白裂狮进化可得)

  23 帝王狮(进化,由王狮进化可得)

  24 水晶雄狮(进化,由帝王狮进化可得。进化材料:白金*3,纯净水晶*1,其中纯净水晶可通过开宝箱获得)

  25 赤铜蛇(捕获,捕捉地:金属遗迹2,金属遗迹3,南之废墟2)

  26 铁甲蛇(进化,由赤铜蛇进化可得)

  27 赤金蛇王(进化,由铁甲蛇进化可得)

  28 赤金蛇后(孵化,由在南之废墟4右上角找到的金属宠物蛋孵化而成)

  29 铁甲士兵(捕获,捕捉地:金属遗迹2,金属遗迹3,北之天空1;或者游戏最初开始的时候选择3主角宠物时可得)

  30 铁甲队长(进化,由铁甲士兵进化可得)

  31 铁甲将军(进化,由铁甲队长进化可得)

  32 双刀将军(孵化,捕捉到40种及以上的宠物时到爱得庄园佣人屋找管家要的金属宠物蛋孵化而成)

  33 刀枪将军(任务,北海学院的北海教室2中给予里面的幽灵“治愈之心”后获得,其中治愈之心可通过开宝箱获得)

  34 铁头(捕获,捕捉地:金属遗迹1,西之森林5,南之废墟3)

  35 铁巨人(进化,由铁头进化可得)

  36 铁巨灵(进化,由铁巨人进化可得)

  37 电磁人(任务,在做“将铁甲蛇归还给彩虹宿舍某女生”的分支任务时与电磁人两次大战后自动获得)

  38 铜球兄弟(捕获,金属系骑宠,可以击碎挡路的石头。捕捉地:南之废墟1,南之废墟2,北海北部码头)

  39 铁球兄弟(进化,由铜球兄弟进化可得)

  40 龙鲤(任务,拿军心涣散卷轴与彩虹活动室的小美交换所得的金属宠物蛋孵化而成,其中“军心涣散”卷轴可通过开宝箱获得,或用徽章到商店里换)

  41 钢铁龙鲤(进化,由龙鲤进化可得)


飞行系  43 幼龙(任务,天空城中打败白金龙后白金龙妈妈赠送可得)

  44 小白龙(进化,由幼龙进化可得)

  45 金翼龙(进化,由小白龙进化可得)

  46 白金龙(进化,由金翼龙进化可得。进化材料:天羽*3,翱翔天石*1,其中翱翔天石可通过开宝箱获得)

  47 鹰(捕获,捕捉地:北之天空2,北之天空3,北海旧校区3)

  48 王鹫(进化,由鹰进化可得)

  49 狮鹫(进化,由王鹫进化可得)

  50 大嘴蝠(捕获,捕捉地:北之天空1,北之天空3,幽暗森林2)

  51 尖牙蝙蝠(进化,由大嘴蝠进化可得)

  52 高频蝙蝠 (进化,由尖牙蝙蝠进化可得)

  53 银翼天马(任务,北之天空2中在某个小女孩处花600金买来可得)

  54 独角天马(捕获,捕捉地:北之天空1,北之天空2,北海南部码头)

  55 皇后天马(孵化,北之天空2中寻找到的飞行系宠物蛋孵化而成)

  56 毛球鸟(捕获,天空系骑宠,可以在天空飞行。捕捉地:北之天空2,北之天空3)

  57 漂浮毛球(进化,由毛球鸟进化可得)

  58 法官毛球(异化,由毛球鸟异化可得,需要异化道具)

  59 白天使(孵化,天空城2中间的那个房子外面帮助小天收集到深海魔龟和天使蟹后,小天送的飞行宠物蛋孵化而成)

  60 天使长(进化,白天使进化可得)

  61 飞天玄女(任务,五星级宠物,天空城2的彩虹召唤室中打败小静后可得,不过之前你必须先打败宠1、2、3、4代主角)

猛兽系  62 虎兽(任务,主线任务中,东之高原2中打败 某NPC后自动获得)

  63 功夫虎(进化,由虎兽进化可得)

  64 虎勇士(进化,由功夫虎进化可得)

  65 虎酋长(进化,由虎勇士进化可得。进化材料:兽魂*3,王之证明*1,其中王之证明可通过开宝箱获得)

  66 山谷螳螂(捕获,捕捉地:城南野外,东之高原3,幽暗森林1)

  67 彩纹螳螂(进化,由山谷螳螂进化可得)

  68 巨镰螳螂(任务,拿独角天马与彩虹学院办公区的米米交换所得)

  69 山猪(捕获,捕捉地:东之高原1,东之高原4,幽暗森林2)

  70 巨牙猪(进化,由山猪进化可得)

  71 山猪王(进化,由巨牙猪进化可得)

  72 斑点猪(孵化,东之高原2中拿巨刺仙掌与林克交换所得的野兽宠物蛋孵化而成)

  73 山豹(捕获,捕捉地:西之森林2,西之森林5)

  74 剑齿豹(进化,由山豹进化可得)

  75 魅影(捕获,捕捉地:幽暗森林4,幽暗森林5)

  76 奇异兽(任务,野兽系骑宠,可以提高玩家一倍的移动速度,同时能够不遇敌。主线任务进行到一定程度时可得)

  77 真奇异兽(捕获,捕捉地:西之森林3,西之森林5,幽暗森林4)

  78 坚盾螳螂(异化,由山谷螳螂异化可得,需要异化道具)

  79 月光狼(任务:完成“报平安”的分支任务后到彩虹城竞技场的小玲后交差,小玲给你的一个猛兽系宠物蛋孵化而成)

  80 孤傲狼王(进化,由月光狼进化可得)

  81 银狐王子(任务,五星级宠物,天空城2的彩虹召唤室中打败宠3主角卢克后可得)

海洋系  82 小蓝鲸(任务,完成分支任务“拯救小蓝鲸”后在北海旧校区2获得)

  83 巨头鲸(进化,由小蓝鲸进化可得)

  84 独角鲸(进化,由巨头鲸进化可得)

  85 要塞鲸(进化,由独角鲸进化可得。进化材料:深海珊瑚*3,古鲸之心*1,其中古鲸之心是在彩虹学院活动区完成舜和一灰的任务后,这两兄弟让开一条路,出去打开蓝色宝箱与独角鲸交战后获得)

  86 小企鹅(捕获,捕捉地:北海北部码头,北海广场,北海旧校区4)

  87 刀锋企鹅(捕获&进化,捕捉地:北海旧校区1;或由小企鹅进化可得)

  88 帝企鹅(进化,由刀锋企鹅进化可得)

  89 海龟(捕获,捕捉地:北海旧校区2, 北海旧校区3, 北海旧校区4)

  90 刺海龟(捕获&进化,捕捉地:北海南部码头;或由海龟进化可得)

  91 深海魔龟(异化,由海龟异化可得,需要异化道具)

  92 深海巨龟(孵化,拿帝企鹅与北海广场的天天交换所得的海洋宠物蛋孵化而成)

  93 黄金蟹(捕获,捕捉地:北海北部码头,北海广场,北海旧校区4)

  94 银螺蟹(进化,由黄金蟹进化可得)

  95 天使蟹(捕获&进化,捕获地:北海水上都是…;或由银螺蟹进化可得)

  96 海豚(任务,骑宠,可以在海洋中游泳。主线任务进行到一定程度时安琪儿送给主角所得)

  97 极速海豚(任务,北海北海域中完成“给小海5个巧克力、5个香水、5个高级球”的任务后获得)

  98 犀利鲨(任务,各个场所与洛克对战,最后一次与洛克交战胜利后获得的海洋系宠物蛋孵化可得)

  99 狂暴鲨王(进化,由犀利鲨进化可得)

  100 美人鱼(任务,五星级宠物,天空城2的彩虹召唤室中打败宠4主角米罗后可得)

彩虹各召唤室小游戏  关于彩虹各召唤室小游戏,本人整理了其他玩家的好方法,再加上本人自己经验,就便说两句吧!(欢迎广大玩家朋友跟帖提供更好的办法)

赌鸟  这个应该是纯靠运气的吧,本人不知道还有什么方法,希望大家踊跃发表看法。

记忆图  方法一:如果你的身边还有另一个可以拍照的工具(如手机、照相机等),那就好办……不需要我再说下去了吧,呵呵~



接球  这个游戏讲究眼疾手快,尽量避开红色的小球就好了。

猜箱子  方法一:如果你身边有个同伴,那应该就好办了。


宠物的进化和异化  关于宠物进化与异化,只要你满足进化的条件和材料就行了。在这里我在说明几点:

稀有进化材料  翱翔天石、王之证明、纯净水晶、古树之核、治愈之心是商店里买不到的,主要靠开宝箱获得


进化和异化  有些宠物既可以进化,也可以异化(所谓异化,就是需要异化道具的进化)




彩虹召唤室的地点  蓝之召唤室:彩虹酒馆爬藤上去




编辑本段宠物蛋的孵化  本游戏加入了全新的宠物蛋系统,玩家可以通过做任务或是在野外发现都可以得到宠物蛋,然后到各地的宠物蛋孵化场,将宠物蛋交给孵化员。这样,你战斗的时候,在孵化场的宠物蛋也可以获得相应的经验,当经验到达200时,玩家回到孵化场和孵化员对话就可以孵化宠物蛋了,孵化后可以得到一只稀有的宠物。 宠物蛋总共有12个。




  4.斑点猪:东之高原2,往有宠物蛋的地方会有个学生要巨刺仙掌才肯让路,给他,可以得 到一个野兽系的斑点猪的宠物蛋!


  6.深海巨龟: 北海广亾场左下角,捕捉一只帝企鹅和天天交换一个海洋系的宠物蛋(可孵出深海巨龟)。








Pet obtains methodological plant to fasten 01 trees of   to blame (capture, take the land: The field austral the city, the highland east 2)

02 bramble are cultivated (developmental, by the tree strange evolution can be gotten)

03 fluid poison is cultivated (developmental, by bramble tree evolution can be gotten)

The king of 04 ancient trees (developmental, by fluid poison tree evolution can be gotten. Developmental material: Zhu Guo *3, *1 of Gu Shuzhi nucleus; Its are mediaeval the nucleus of the tree can be obtained through opening treasure box)

05 sweet kisses are careless (capture, take the land: The highland east 1, the highland east 3, the forest on the west 1)

06 multicoloured flowers (developmental, can get by the sweet evolution that kiss grass)

07 maneating flowers (dissimilation, by sweet kiss careless dissimilation can be gotten, need dissimilation prop)

08 caoguo (capture, take the land: The highland east 2, the forest on the west 1, the forest on the west 2)

09 mandala (developmental, can get by caoguo evolution)

10 mandala are spent (developmental, can get by datura evolution)

11 cacti (capture, take the land: The field austral the city, the highland east 1, the highland east 2)

Palm of celestial being of 12 gigantic thorn (developmental, can get by cactus evolution)

13 poison prick celestial being palm (developmental, can get by evolution of the huge strike with the palm of the hand that prick celestial being)

14 fruit young lady (the task, plant department rides bestow favor on, can pass through bramble landform, some aunt is given in masterstroke task)

Young lady of 15 4 leaves (hatch, the metal is vestigial 2 in the hatch of metallic pet egg that searchs and into)

16 Xiang Yu the Conqueror are spent (the task, the mandala that takes 35 class above for the first time, stone that cultivate miasma, Zhu Guo gives rainbow the beautiful Sa of greenhouse, give her the 2nd times stage property of a dissimilation next, final beautiful Sa can send you flower of gotten Xiang Yu the Conqueror)

17 love are careless (hatch, the forest on the west 2 finish " give great grandfather 15 excited stay of proceedings " the hatch of plant pet egg that obtains after the task and into)

18 haing haing trees (hatch, finish " the brother of haing benefit baud that challenges rainbow institute shopping centers " the hatch of plant pet egg that obtains after branch task and into)

19 chiliad plant seed (developmental, by Ha Hashu evolution can be gotten)

20 beautiful faery (the task, pet of 5 stars class, celestial city suffers a defeat in the rainbow call room of 2 after bestowing favor on brilliant of brilliant of 1 leading role, can get)

The metal is   21 crack lion in vain (the task, the earning after what rainbow public house shows after collecting horse of day of grass of stain pig, love, empress is small)

22 king lion (developmental, can get by the white evolution that crack lion)

23 monarches lion (developmental, can get by king lion evolution)

Lion of 24 crystal hero (developmental, by imperial lion evolution can be gotten. Developmental material: Platinic *3, pure and crystal *1, among them pure crystal can be obtained through opening treasure box)

Snake of 25 bare copper (capture, take the land: The metal is vestigial 2, the metal is vestigial 3, the remains south 2)

26 armour snake (developmental, can get by evolution of bare copper snake)

King of snake of 27 pure gold (developmental, can get by armour snake evolution)

After snake of 28 pure gold (hatch, become by the hatch of metallic pet egg that in the remains south 4 top right corner find)

29 armour soldier (capture, take the land: The metal is vestigial 2, the metal is vestigial 3, boreal sky 1; When pet of 3 leading role perhaps choosing when game begins at first, can get)

30 armour header (developmental, can get by armour soldier evolution)

31 armour general (developmental, can get by armour header evolution)

General of 32 pairs of knives (hatch, the hatch of metallic pet egg that manorial servant house gets to look for chamberlain to want to love when catching the pet that reachs above to 40 kinds and into)

33 arms general (the task, the classroom of the North sea of institute of the North sea 2 in give inside ghostliness " cured heart " hind obtain, the heart that cures among them can be obtained through opening treasure box)

34 iron head (capture, take the land: The metal is vestigial 1, the forest on the west 5, the remains south 3)

35 iron giant (developmental, can get by iron head evolution)

36 iron gigantic spirit (developmental, can get by iron giant evolution)

37 electromagnetism person (the task, doing " put in armour snake 's charge to still give rainbow dormitory some woman student " when branch task with electromagnetism person two big afterwar and automatic obtain)

Brother of 38 copper ball (capture, metallic department rides bestow favor on, can attack broken the stone that be in the way. Take the land: The remains south 1, the remains south 2, dock of north of the North sea)

Brother of 39 iron ball (developmental, can get by evolution of cupreous ball brother)

40 dragon carp (the task, the hatch of metallic pet egg of the gain of small beautiful exchange that takes reel of soldier's morale slack and rainbow activity room and into, among them " soldier's morale slack " reel can be obtained through opening treasure box, or change in the shop with the badge)

Carp of 41 steely dragon (developmental, by Long Li evolution can be gotten)

42 destroy a god (the task, pet of 5 stars class, celestial city suffers a defeat in the rainbow call room of 2 after bestowing favor on Shuai Shuai of 2 leading role, can get)

The flight fastens   43 young dragon (the task, mom of dragon of the platinum after platinic dragon sufferring a defeat in celestial city is given can get)

44 small white dragon (developmental, can get by young dragon evolution)

45 gold pterodactyl (developmental, by small Bai Long evolution can be gotten)

46 platinum dragon (developmental, by Jin Yilong evolution can be gotten. Developmental material: Tian Yu *3, hover day stone *1, hover among them day stone can be obtained through opening treasure box)

47 eagles (capture, take the land: Boreal sky 2, boreal sky 3, old campus of the North sea 3)

48 king vulture (developmental, can get by accipitral evolution)

49 lion vulture (developmental, can get by king vulture evolution)

Bat of 50 big mouths (capture, take the land: Boreal sky 1, boreal sky 3, dim forest 2)

51 fang are batty (developmental, can get by evolution of big mouth bat)

52 high frequency bat (developmental, by fang bat evolution can be gotten)

Horse of day of 53 silver-colored alas (the task, boreal sky 2 in 600 gold are spent in place of a certain little girl Mailaikede)

54 alone horny nature horse (capture, take the land: Boreal sky 1, boreal sky 2, dock of south of the North sea)

Horse of 55 empress day (hatch, boreal sky 2 in the flight that searchs fastens pet egg hatch and become)

Bird of 56 wool ball (capture, celestial department rides bestow favor on, can fly in the sky. Take the land: Boreal sky 2, boreal sky 3)

57 float Mao Qiu (developmental, by Mao Qiu bird evolution can be gotten)

58 judges Mao Qiu (dissimilation, by Mao Qiu bird dissimilation can be gotten, need dissimilation prop)

59 white angel (hatch, after celestial city helps young season collect deep-sea demon chelonian and angel crab outside that 2 houses among, hatch of days of small sent flight pet egg and into)

60 archangel (developmental, white angel evolution can be gotten)

61 flying Apsaras are black female (the task, pet of 5 stars class, celestial city suffers a defeat in the rainbow call room of 2 small static hind can get, before passing, you must suffer a defeat first bestow favor on 1, 2, 3, 4 acting leading role)

Beast of prey fastens   62 tigers animal (the task, in masterstroke task, the highland east 2 in after defeating some NPC obtain automatically)

63 kongfu tiger (developmental, can get by tiger animal evolution)

64 tigers Trojan (developmental, can get by kongfu tiger evolution)

65 tigers cacique (developmental, by tiger Trojan evolution can be gotten. Developmental material: Animal fetch *3, wang Zhi proves *1, among them the proof of king can be obtained through opening treasure box)

66 valleys mantis (capture, take the land: The field austral the city, the highland east 3, dim forest 1)

Mantis of 67 color lines (developmental, can get by valley mantis evolution)

Mantis of 68 gigantic sickle (the task, take alone the rice rice of horny nature horse and division of rainbow institute office exchanges earning)

69 hill pig (capture, take the land: The highland east 1, the highland east 4, dim forest 2)

Pig of 70 gigantic teeth (developmental, can get by hill pig evolution)

King of 71 hill pig (developmental, can get by evolution of gigantic tooth pig)

72 stain pig (hatch, the highland east 2 in the hatch of beast pet egg that takes the huge strike with the palm of the hand that prick celestial being and Lin Ke to exchange earning and into)

73 hill leopard (capture, take the land: The forest on the west 2, the forest on the west 5)

Leopard of 74 swords tine (developmental, by Shan Bao evolution can be gotten)

Shadow of 75 evil spirit (capture, take the land: Dim forest 4, dim forest 5)

76 bizarre animal (the task, beast department rides bestow favor on, can raise a player the floating rate of one times, can not encounter at the same time enemy. When masterstroke task has fixed rate, can get)

77 really bizarre animal (capture, take the land: The forest on the west 3, the forest on the west 5, dim forest 4)

Mantis of 78 firm aegis (dissimilation, by valley mantis dissimilation can be gotten, need dissimilation prop)

79 moon wolf (the task: Finish " the newspaper is restful " the report to the superior after accomplishing a task after the small Ling that rainbow city arena goes to after branch task, small Ling fastens pet egg hatch to your beast of prey and become)

King of wolf of 80 aloof and proud (developmental, can get by moon wolf evolution)

81 silver fox are princely (the task, pet of 5 stars class, celestial city suffers a defeat in the rainbow call room of 2 after bestowing favor on Lu of 3 leading role to overcome, can get)

Marine department   82 small blue whale (the task, task of the branch that finish " save Xiaola whale " hind in old campus of the North sea 2 obtain)

83 tycoons whale (developmental, by Xiaola whale evolution can be gotten)

84 alone horny whale (developmental, can get by tycoon whale evolution)

85 fastness whale (developmental, by alone horny whale evolution can be gotten. Developmental material: Deep-sea coral *3, *1 of Gu Jingzhi heart, its are mediaeval the heart of whale is to be after the Shun of area of rainbow institute activity that finish and the task of one ash, get out of the way of this two brother a road, go out to open blue treasure box and after horny whale is at war, obtain alone)

86 small penguin (capture, take the land: Dock of north of the North sea, square of the North sea, old campus of the North sea 4)

87 blade penguin (capture & is developmental, take the land: Old campus of the North sea 1; Or can get by small penguin evolution)

88 emperor penguin (developmental, can get by blade penguin evolution)

89 chelonian (capture, take the land: Old campus of the North sea 2, old campus of the North sea 3, old campus of the North sea 4)

90 thorn chelonian (capture & is developmental, take the land: Dock of south of the North sea; Or can get by chelonian evolution)

Chelonian of 91 deep-sea demon (dissimilation, by chelonian dissimilation can be gotten, need dissimilation prop)

92 deep-sea gigantic chelonian (hatch, the hatch of exchanges earning every day marine pet egg of the penguin that take the Supreme Being and square of the North sea and into)

93 gold crab (capture, take the land: Dock of north of the North sea, square of the North sea, old campus of the North sea 4)

Crab of 94 silver-colored snail (developmental, can get by gold crab evolution)

95 angel crab (capture & is developmental, capture the ground: It is on water of the North sea... ; Or can get by evolution of silver-colored snail crab)

96 cowfish (the task, ride bestow favor on, can swim in ocean. The An Qi when masterstroke task has fixed rate give leading role gain)

97 extremely fast cowfish (the task, the North sea of the North sea is finished inside the country " give Xiaohai 5 5 5 chocolate, perfume, advanced balls " obtain after the task)

98 biting shark (the task, each places and the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces overcome pair of battle, the ocean that after the last time and Lock make conquer profit, obtains fastens pet egg hatch to be able to be gotten)

King of 99 violent shark (developmental, can get by biting shark evolution)

100 mermaid (the task, pet of 5 stars class, celestial city suffers a defeat in the rainbow call room of 2 bestow favor on Luo Houke of rice of 4 leading role to get)

Rainbow little game of each call room about rainbow little game of each call room, oneself arranged the good method of other player, plus oneself oneself experience, at somebody's convenience says two! (welcome broad player friend to follow post offer better idea)

Bet a bird this should be pure lean lot, oneself do not know to still have what method, hope everybody expresses a view eagerly.

Memorial graph method one: If there still is another tool that can take a picture beside your (wait like mobile phone, camera) , that with respect to easy to handle... did not need me to go down besides, ah breathe out ~

Method 2: If your mobile phone has check scheme function, so you should be very clear how was done!

Method 3: 3 had better be written down at least in brain above all, take out a piece of paper and a piece of pen next, of other choose the figure that goes up with the graph below note at the same time at the same time, every time the error opportunity that game can have 7 times, can do for certain so decide!

Receive a ball this game is exquisite eye disease is swift-handed, keep away from as far as possible gules spherule is good.

Guess case method one: If there is an associate beside you, that should with respect to easy to handle.

Method 2: Every win to keep file, was defeated to read archives to continue to play. Pretty of composition of this game lottery is tall, unless you are the person with an eyesight and particularly nice memory...

The evolution of pet and dissimilation about pet evolution and dissimilation, want you to satisfied developmental condition and material to go only. Here when am I explaining:

Rare and developmental material hovers the nucleus of the proof of day stone, king, pure crystal, ancient tree, nuclear heart cannot be bought in the shop, basically rely on treasure chest to obtain

The heart of ancient whale is to be after the Shun of area of rainbow institute activity that finish and the task of one ash, get out of the way of this two brother a road, go out to open blue treasure box and after horny whale is at war, obtain alone.

Evolution and dissimilation have some of pet already OK and developmental, OK also dissimilation (alleged dissimilation, the evolution that needs dissimilation stage property namely)

If you want this pet evolution only, there is not dissimilation stage property in your knapsack

If you want his alienation, must want to have dissimilation stage property in your knapsack (dissimilation prop can be in shop most the ghostliness place of top left corner is bought, perhaps obtain through opening treasure box)

Still have same kind of pet either can developmental, should catch a few more oh ~~

The ground of rainbow call room lights blue call room: Rainbow cafes climbs a cane

Violet call room: Area of rainbow institute activity climbs a cane

Call room of gold: Classroom of the North sea of institute of the North sea 1 climb a cane

Platinic call room: Residential area of region of the North sea of the North sea climbs a cane

This game joined the hatch that edits egg of this Duan Chong content brand-new pet egg system, do the job or the player can be passed is outdoors discovery can get pet egg, arrive next the field of pet egg hatch of each district, give pet egg hatch member. Such, when you fight, in the pet of hatch field the egg also can gain corresponding experience, arrive when experience 200 when, dialog of the member that the player returns hatch field and hatch is OK hatch pet egg, hatch hind can obtain a rare pet. Pet egg always shares 12.

1. Moon wolf: From the metal vestigial rainbow city is answered after taking pet egg, go the rainbow arena of the right side and small Ling conversation, be informed her to worry about Lock. Accept next jobs first, etc can go can contacting hair branch line continuously when dim forest, after beating evil spirit movie, answer rainbow arena to look for small Ling, the pet egg that can get a beast of prey is fastened (but ~ of hatch moon wolf but developmental) .

2. Double knife general: Love gets manorial servant house, the pet egg that is informed good to arrive behind servant with servant dialog wants collect 40 kinds of pet. The double knife check of metallic department can get after collect is complete.

3. Long Li: Rainbow activity room, he Xiaomei speaks, general heart slack gives she, get the pet egg of department of a metal! (but hatch gives Long Li, but developmental ~ )

4. Stain pig: The highland east 2, toward what have pet egg the place can have a student to want the huge strike with the palm of the hand that prick celestial being to just agree to give way, give him, can get the pet egg of the stain pig of department of a beast!

5. Love grass: The forest on the west 2 toward left go see a great grandfather, to him 15 excited stay of proceedings can get the pet egg of a lovely love grass.

6. Deep-sea gigantic chelonian: Field of wide of the North sea is left next horn, catch an emperor penguin and the pet egg that exchange a marine department every day (but hatch is deep-sea gigantic chelonian) .

7. Ha Hashu: Arrive except the shopping centers beyond rainbow city, challenge the brother of haing benefit baud inside, the pet egg that obtains department of a plant (but hatch Ha Hashu, but developmental)

8. Make by day: That house can see a pair of lovers among celestial city, days of the band is small collect is over the pet egg that can get a sky is fastened after the pet of marine department (can hatch goes out very the angel that pulls wind ah ~ ) .

9. Biting shark: This is a very long branch line, the track that says Lock! Rainbow state-maintaineding institute- - the highland east- - the forest on the west- - south the city- - the remains south- - boreal sky- - field of wide of the North sea- - region of Nanhai of the North sea, defeat Luokeke to acquire a certain number of stage property every time, the pet egg that finishs this task to be able to obtain a marine department finally (can hatch gives biting shark, but developmental) .

10. Empress day horse: The city in the sky 1 inside, see pet egg, break the stone in front into pieces to speak to be able to get.

11. After pure gold snake: 4 top right corner have the remains south pet egg, break into pieces in front when the dialog can get.

12. 4 leaves young lady: At the beginning masterstroke gut can guide, to the metal vestigial 2 lis walk into pet egg to be able to get.
