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一、开放性不同 欧洲文化更具保守性(传统性)就是说更讲究传承的风俗。

美国则稍显的开放些。二、价值观不同 欧洲更尊崇对社会的贡献,美国文化则更关注个人的价值实现。美国社会阶级不像欧洲国家那样固定,加上公共教育的普及,使沿着社会阶梯向上流动成为可能。许多生活在美国的人,无论是土生土长的美国人,还是漂洋过海来到美国的外国移民,都有一个梦,即通过自己的努力,改变自己的社会地位,实现自己的人生梦想,这就是人们常津津乐道的“美国梦”。三、多元性不同 欧洲文化有很强的传承性,不太易受文化冲击,美国则文化包容性更好,由于是移民国家。文化的多元化和多变化较强。四、信仰 美国是以基督教为宗旨的宗教文化。在美国人看来,不信基督的,和野蛮人没区别,无论财富多少,权势大小。对欧洲文化而言,持续发展着的欧洲艺术仍旧保留了莎士比亚、达芬奇、莫扎特以及其他艺术巨匠的遗产,这些遗产成为了欧洲通用的艺术语言和文化语言。更重要的其实是由共同的基督教和艺术传统产生的文化身份的认同。




中国越南在文化、习俗、语言上都有着明显差异。由于两国文化起源不同,所表现出来的商务文化类型和定势也不同,特别是价值观念、 思维方式、行为模式均有很大的差异。这些差异会极大地影响商务活动的各个环节,以及商务活动的成败。


































美国妇女的名字在结婚前都有自己的名字 ,结婚后一般是自己的名加丈夫的姓。

美国人口头一般称姓 ,正式场合一般要全称 但关系密切的常称本人名。亲属朋友除称本人名外 还常用昵称。

不同的国家有不同的习俗文化,我们要尊重文化的多样性 ,尊重各文化之间的差异,博采众长,实现不同文化间的交流、融合。






One, what do the characteristic of European culture and American culture have to differ?

One, different Europe culture has open sex more conservative sex (traditional sex) that is to say is more exquisite the custom of inheritance.

What the United States shows a bit is some opener. 2, viewpoint of value is different Europe more the homage contribution to the society, american culture pays close attention to the individual's value to come true more. Country of Europe of unlike of American society class is fixed in that way, add public education gain ground, make flow up along social a flight of stairs become a possibility. A lot of people that live in the United States, no matter be local born and bred American, still bleach ocean to cross the sea to emigrate, have a dream, pass oneself effort namely, change oneself social class, realize oneself life dream, this is people Chang Jinjin of happy path " American dream " . 3, different Europe culture has pluralism very strong inheritance sex, suffer culture not quite easily to pound, american criterion culture includes the gender is better, because be emigrant country. The diversity of culture and much change are stronger. 4, devotional United States is the religious culture that is a tenet with christian. Look in American, do not believe Christian, do not have distinction with Goth, no matter fortune how many, ascendancy size. To European culture character, the European skill that developing continuously still preserved the heritage of Shakespeare, Da Vinci, Mozart and other and artistic great master, these bequest became Europe's general artistic language and culture language. More important is the self-identity of the culture capacity that generates by collective christian and artistic tradition actually.

2, of Chinese film culture and Indian culture different?

A depressed place of Lai of Indian film treasure is imitate Hollywood run mode, culture style is to insert Indian singing and dancing, relaxed and humorous. Chinese film culture is more implicative inside collect or imposing manner extensive grand

3, do Chinese culture and Vietnam culture differ formally?

Chinese Vietnam is having apparent difference on culture, consuetudinary, language. Because two countries culture is genetic different, the type of business affairs culture that place expression comes out also differs with calm situation, especially mode of means of value sense, thinking, behavior all has very big difference. These difference can affect each link of business affairs activity greatly, and the success or failure of business affairs activity.

1, coffee culture:

Vietnam person has very rich coffee culture, this is the few thing in China or other Asia culture. According to the individual understanding Vietnam person has his distinctive coffee color not only, and head for cafe to chat, drinking a cup of coffee is the thing of routine of most Vietnam person, this is why Vietnam can have so much cafes.

2, local Vietnam is consuetudinary:

If chew areca; Vietnam is having him distinctive consuetudinary, not with Chinese Hunan and other places munch a way identical, vietnam person can mix an areca to do not have the areca leaf of lime, still include a tobacco to be chewed together even. On the tradition, the guest that they invite before Vietnam person is beginning a talk chews areca. The woman chews areca for a long time to be able to catch the tooth into black, this regards a kind of beauty as.

3, language:

Two kinds of languages are absent same language is familial in. Although the Vietnamese vocabulary of 60 % comes from China, word order also is disparate. Vietnam person tried a few kinds of different character systems, it is a Chinese character above all, it is Nan word next, now is the Latin alphabet.

In culture divergence is being exceeded in, still also preserved Chinese culture:

1, Spring Festival culture

Resemble the Spring Festival of our the traditional Chinese calendar, vietnam is mixed almost we exactly like, stick spring festival scrolls, still red bag is mixed etc we very much the same. Although abolish Chinese character is old, with respect to Lian Gong the word on the bag is being written " Dajidali " , "Blessing " this word is in however Vietnam is very common, it is every family can affix this spring festival scrolls almost during the Spring Festival.

2, dress culture

The cheongsam of local female opens fork to open the waist, the cheongsam regards our country tradition as a kind of dress, it is a kind of dress that can show Oriental female lasting appeal most. The cheongsam of our country opens fork commonly is to open crus position, for more enchanting, also can leave diverge ham. Vietnam has a lot of areas on the history belong to China, got the be influenced by what one constantly sees and hears of Chinese culture, the female of this country also begins to wear a cheongsam. But what your person feels strange is not, cheongsam of this country woman opens fork to open the waist.

4, of Cuba and American culture different?

Cuba is socialism and the United States is capitalist, incompatible

5, China and Gu Xila is what go up in thought culture different?

Thought foundation is different

Above all, the foundation of Chinese philosophy thought is ethical morality, and the foundation of western philosophy thought is religion, so they have heaven, hell, achieve century and god. And the thought itself that Chinese philosophy thought pays attention to a person more, the reflection that pays attention to pair of human nature more and think over. Philosophical thought of China cares the state that raises the spirit more, exceed in order to achieve actual state, obtain the value of value of prep above morality even, namely place of Chinese the ancients goes after " sage " state.

And philosophical thought hair of the west results from the Gu Xila of BC, till Rome empire and later mediaeval, european religion has very profound effect to European politics, culture and thought, till the Christian era of 14 centuries " renaissance " begin, scientific ability gradually conquer religion, become the main force that European society expands. And before this, religion affects western philosophy thought deeply all the time, so that Socrates be charged with is irreverent of Wei city-state magical and be in with capital punishment.

Thought setting is different

Next, the setting that is thought of thing square philosophy is different. Gu Xila is marine country, and China is mainland country, make a living with agriculture, call somewhat in Chinese philosophy thought " this " and " end " cent, point to agriculture namely originally, and end is to point to commerce. In thought of Chinese ancient time, have all the time weigh this small last stage, weigh namely farming the thought of small business. Agriculture is it is an unit with the family, because this family system is in Chinese regime,have very important place, in traditional human relations in society: Jun Chen, father and son, brother, couple, friend, among them 3 tell a family. And in Chinese culture, domestic idea is the characteristic of Chinese culture again very.

And, farming plough and agriculture is to rely on the ancients intuition to comprehend, from this one theory also can see, why intellectual talking rises without development in Chinese ancient time, see a piece of table is in for instance before, it is true visional still, it is in what an idea in my heart exists objectively still merely, philosophy of Chinese ancient time won't consider these issues. But in the philosophical idea in the west, unified exam Lv is subjective with objective distinction, be proved then through hypothesis, such development rise western knowledge is talked.

So, chinese philosophy is to pass intuition to get an idea, and Greek philosophy is to pass hypothesis to get an idea. Gu Xila is marine country, rely on commerce to maintain prosperity, business is very accordingly main in its society, and commercial items of an account is more abstract number, these numbers are the concept of a kind of hypothesis, is not the thing of honest existence. Also appear because of the maths of this Gu Xila and quantitative inference earlier. Be in Plato institute, maths is a very main subject. Gu Xila also has a lot of great mathematician, for instance Archimedes, Pythagoras, Euclid.

6, is what Hunan culture changes with Central Plains article different?

Central Plains culture and Hunan culture point to the culture of catchment of the Yangtse River and the Huanghe valley respectively, supplement each other, unity of opposites, culture difference causes conflict, but same be in the majority, mutual influence, the totem of Central Plains culture represents dragon, of Hunan culture phoenix, the delegate character Confucius of Central Plains culture, the delegate character Qu Yuan that the He Chuwen such as Mo Zi changes, father not be of the Chinese nation, not be of the mankind

7, is what river Mu crosses culture and fine Zhu Wen to change different?

Above all, the distinction of culture pedigree and time. Fine smalls piece of land surrounded by water culture is annulus too the one annulus in pedigree of lake catchment culture, river Mu crosses the archaeological culture that culture is area of Campagna of peaceful carry on, yangshao culture is the one annulus in the culture pedigree alignment of Central Plains area. On time, fine smalls piece of land surrounded by water culture is later than river Mu to cross culture and Yangshao culture. Fine smalls piece of land surrounded by water culture is apart from arrived 5300 today 4300, river Mu crosses culture and Yangshao culture is to be apart from controlled 7000 today, both antedate on time fine Zhu Wen is changed.

Next, culture appearance and development level are different. This also is fine smalls piece of land surrounded by water can decide for civilization, and river Mu crosses culture and Yangshao culture to wait antedate the important sign that fine smalls piece of land surrounded by water the culture of new stone vessel of culture fails to enter civilized society.

8, what does the person have to differ in culture of the United States on appellation means and Chinese culture?

On appellation means China and United States have very big different.

Chinese customarily puts the last name in front, the name is put at the back, express the respect of pair of familial attribute and self-identity.

In normal circumstance, the Chinese's habit says " surname + renown " , this kind of appellation does not take any emotional tint.

Go up in feeling by the order with close prep as far as: "Surname + renown " , " surname + comrade (gentleman or lady) " , " surname (weigh a surname alone) " , " renown (weigh a name alone, use when answer name commonly) " , " small + surname (by appellation person the person that the age is less than appellation apparently) " , " old + surname (by appellation person the person that be more than appellation commonly) " , " renown + renown (single name repeats, use at elder commonly to junior or the appellation between sweethearts) " , " old + surname (junior is right the appellation of the elder of sainted) " . Infant name is used at parental two pairs commonly female appellation.

Still can use to having the person of official, duty " surname + functionary name " the respect that stresses position of pair of the other side.

American full name is an advanced surname after. Some people surname the mother or also concern with the family close person the surname serves as the 2nd name. Return the name that somebody uses father name or father generation name regards him as.

The name of American woman has his name before marry, the name that oneself are commonly after marrying adds marital last name.

American population head says to surname commonly, formal circumstance wants full name commonly but the relationship is close often call oneself the name. Relative friend is divided commonly used nickname is returned outside calling his the name.

Different country has different consuetudinary culture, we should respect the diversity of culture, respect the difference between each culture, rich is collected numerous long, implementation is the communication between different culture, shirt-sleeve.

9, of Chinese culture bequest and foreign culture bequest different?

Chinese culture bequest with palace, cloister, ancient city wall, grotto is given priority to, rich Chinese culture style, and foreign culture bequest is full of christian, mohammedan, buddhist culture characteristic, have Baluoke, rococo classical or romanticism, realistic, modernistic characteristic

10, the place of the similarities and differences of south Africa culture and American culture?

South Africa is African culture, the United States is emigrant culture, south Africa and beautiful national capital have Europe to emigrate

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