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北京吃的特色美食? 黄岩特色美食介绍?英文双语对照


北京吃的特色美食? 黄岩特色美食介绍?英文双语对照



















  1、温德思干肉,一马路武装部东侧  2、郡王铁帽烧烤,畜牧局最北侧,路西  3、铁蛋刀削面里面的炒山药丸子,金钱豹斜对面。  4、水云商厦对面面馆的炸酱面,《前几年还行 现在老板节约成本了》  5、朱军鱼庄的跳水鱼、松鼠鱼、富贵鱼、还有油泼辣子面,东方明珠院内<吃鱼的好地方》  6、天然气十字路口韩傻子鱿鱼虾  7、幺妹子傻儿鱼、香辣鸡脆骨。  8、阿荣蒙餐烩菜  9、疯狂烤翅的鸡翅、脆骨  10、达镇对面真鲜美粉汤《还有猪肉萝卜扁食》  11、旧 政府东巷子萨日娜蒙餐的馅饼和粉汤、《馅饼好吃》  12、畜牧局箱子内的多味麻辣香锅  13、中石油往北路西的烧麦!《有武川本地的味道》  14、二马路一市场门口路西陕北饸烙馆!!《吃面 就吃汤 汤里没油水了》  15、西转盘绿色牌子吴中的炒绘肉。《吃了好几年了》  16、畜牧局箱子内的草原牛肉城的牛肉土豆条《实惠》  17、文化宫对面云鹏木火鱼也不错  18、清爽的凉皮《其实华山的也不错》  19、畜牧局箱子内户大姐土豆粉<太暴利了 》  20、达镇对面的肥牛面《天然气公司对面肥牛面是原老板娘开的新店 亲自在那做》  21、沸腾砂锅《调料 可以放的少点就好了》  22、畜牧局箱子内的韩式石锅拌饭屋  23、火锅当然小肥羊和渝家鱼、和东港,对兰东港还有蛋挞!  24、冰激凌去尚品  25、土鸡去赛马场对面的味趣食府  26、喝粥的吃卷 饼菜的去二马路体育场十字路口的强氏喜阿婆  27、新疆村的羊肉串和大盘鸡、烤羊排不错《大盘鸡真的不错》  28、一马路炒菜必须新北郊  29、脊骨去明和对面雅苑脊骨店《味道不多》  30、艾尔咖啡的金针菇牛柳饭  31、羊杂碎去人民医院斜对面<数量足够》  32、人民医院西面的香辣蟹里的香辣虾  33、蛋糕到名豪苑北的意林蛋糕,那里的乳酪也不错。  34、四马路的巴盟海天的炖菜也不错哦《要老板自己亲自做的才好出》  35、香缇小厨的烩菜  36、社保局巷子内山东炒货的栗子<瓜子也不错》  37、赛马场的大排档 《好》  











Jiang xi cuisine

Welcome to Jiangxi prov.It is located in the Mid-China,which famous for New China revolution as well as its delicious food.

Here we would like to introduce something about the Local food.Firstly,snacks:nanchang waguansoup,it cooks in a speacial way with a jar,then cook only by hot vapour until it is rape.seondly,Chinese spirit

,Si Te spirit.in,China,almost everyone who drinks will know it,it is called for publics,both poor family and rich family can afford it.it drinks absolutely delicious.Thirdly,Shi cheng meatball,wow,it is so much nice to have some meatballs during festivals,if you got a chance to shicheng country for travel,you got to have some meatballs,that will help you feel the most exciting.

So,let's go!




















One, the characteristic cate that Beijing eats?

Beijing roast duck: With expect for duck of Beijing of duck of high grade carnivorous, fruit tree charcoal fire is baked make, colour and lustre is ruddy, the flesh is qualitative fat and not be bored with, outside fragile in tender, get of broad person love.

Fry liver: Have soup juice sleek sauce is red, liverwurst fertilizer, flavour is thick not be bored with, rare and not the characteristic of , with the liver of the pig, large intestine give priority to makings, wait with garlic for complementary makings, the Beijing that ticks off Gorgon euryale make it with starch is fastfood.

Bittern is boiled, a fermented drink made from ground beans.

2, does cate of yellow cliff characteristic introduce?

One: Ginger noodles in soup

The traditional characteristic that ginger noodles in soup is Zhejiang stage city is fastfood, having very long history, its make a method careful, with makings fastidious, choose silk of Jiang Shang, bamboo shoot, green vegetables, Xianggu mushroom, dawdle, day lily to wait for main raw material, the making method that uses a convention is made and become, the nutrition of ginger noodles in soup that makes is delicate.

2: Blueness is round

The traditional characteristic that black group is Zhejiang yellow cliff is fastfood, it is in Qing Dynasty a kind of green tea picked before Pure Brightness begins to make commonly, its make a method very careful, choose polished glutinous rice, the flesh, bamboo shoot, dried, bean curd doing is main raw material, match again with Qing Aizhi, the black group that makes is not sweet not be bored with, xian Xiang, soft glutinous, contain delicate long however green grass aroma.

3: Ci of black meal hemp

The traditional characteristic that Ci of black meal hemp is Zhejiang yellow cliff is fastfood, having very long history, huang Yan's every family can make Ci of black meal hemp, choose polished glutinous rice to be main raw material, the making method that uses a convention is made and become, the Ci of black meal hemp that makes is sweet and goluptious, having sweet, slippery mouthfeel, nutrition is rich.

4: Leach cake

The traditional characteristic that leach cake is yellow cliff of Zhejiang stage city is fastfood, having very long history, annual the end of the year of the traditional Chinese calendar, huang Yan every family can make leach cake, choose stalk ground rice to be main raw material, rice pink evaporate ripe pound knead New Year cake of the strip that make, soggy add aluminous store up, the leach cake soft glutinous that left pedestal comes out is goluptious, very delicate.

3, cate of characteristic of Beijing the Imperial Palace?

Have special custom-built ice cream, also be red ice cream of a net, still have turret coffee.

4, does characteristic cate introduce Dong Chuan?

Noodle, hotpot, hill lance potherb, yam, qiao cake cake sticks honey, yak dried up, small Jiangxi melon.

5, does the characteristic cate that introduces black careful standard write a composition?

1, Wen Desai biltong, one driveway armed ministry east side   2, barbecue of cap of county king iron, pasturage bureau most boreal side, road on the west   3, iron egg knife cuts a round mass of food of the medicine that fry hill inside the face, leopard is inclined on. 4, on mansion of water cloud business the face of fried bean sauce of noodle shop, " still go before a few years the boss is managing now cost "     5, fish of the diving fish of village of Zhu Jun fish, squirrel fish, riches and honour, still oil spills hot pepper face, the good place that the < inside courtyard of Oriental bright phearl takes a fish "     6,   of shrimp of squid of fool of Han of natural gas crossroad 7, one girl is stupid gristle of fish, sweet hot chicken. 8,   of dish of vegetables and water of A Rongmeng food 9, the gallinaceous wing that bakes a wing wildly, gristle   10, amount to a town soup of the really delicious pink opposite side " still have pork turnip flat feed "     11, old government east alley child Sarina! " the taste that has fierce plain this locality "     14, at the door one market of 2 driveways road on the west house of bake in a pan of North Shaanxi Zuo ! ! " ate a face to do not have grease with respect to Shang Li having boiling water "     15, on the west the flesh frying draw of Wu Zhong of brand of rotary table green. " ate several years "     16, the beef potato of the prairie beef city inside pasturage bureau case " material benefit "     17, fish of Yun Peng Mu Huo is pretty good also on culture palace   18, relaxed cool skin " actually of Mount Hua also, to Lan Dong harbor returns whip having an egg! 24, ice cream goes still tasting   25, the flavour interest that earthy chicken goes to on racecourse feeds government office   26, drink congee take a cake course go the strong family name of crossroad of 2 driveways stadium is fond of A mother-in-law   27, the hotpot of Xinjiang village is strung together and grail chicken, , the cream over there is good also. 34, the stewing food of the Ba Menghai day of 4 driveways is good also oh " the ability that wants him boss to be done personally is good go out "     35, sweet orange red the braise dish   of small hutch 36, alley of social security bureau child inside the chestnut < melon seeds of Shandong roasted seeds and nuts also

6, what does Beijing characteristic cate have?

Beijing is one is having the long Shi Hejian that build a wall history Gu Cheng, Zuo feeds culture also is have a distinctive flavour, some are really particular still. For example: ? Is offspringing straw of  of Lu of look of the  that blame  bad also fall does Hu of copy B our gourd ladle blink  abide by dash forward does Hu blink a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center of Li of  of scar of Xue of hammer of  of bewildered of salt of  of  of  weight high to be short of mark of Ju of Kuang of bad of V of  of joyous Su of Dong σ arm toad of  of  chapter Xi?

7, is dining-room of Beijing characteristic cate recommended?

Beautiful river court can try, brush boiler self-help.

Yes, like that birthday department, this you should love to eat day of makings to be able to go, sea urchin meal!

Fry chicken delicious!

Have a Hunan food, thick hall, heavy fish falls wild goose, the be ashamed that close a month is beautiful, should nod this two, still have gram sand, but good drank, home of 10 thousand constant has abundant stage area that piece inside unconscious a steamed dumping with the dough gathered at the top, delicious, those who eat hotpot!

Still have flesh of ordinary man rinse, I am to go commonly commonweal on the west the bridge that inn, the parking lot is big, want a hand to cut hotpot, slant fat.

Next arenaceous boiler room, besides arenaceous boiler plain boiled pork, the fermented bean curd on the dot expects eat a bowl, click of the tongue! 3 do not touch pretty good also!

8, cate of characteristic of English introduction Nanchang?

Jiang Xi Cuisine

Welcome To Jiangxi Prov.It Is Located In The Mid-China, which Famous For New China Revolution As Well As Its Delicious Food.

Here We Would Like To Introduce Something About The Local Food.Firstly, snacks:nAnchang Waguansoup, it Cooks In A Speacial Way With A Jar, then Cook Only By Hot Vapour Until It Is Rape.seondly, chinese Spirit

, si Te Spirit.in, china, almost Everyone Who Drinks Will Know It, it Is Called For Publics, both Poor Family And Rich Family Can Afford It.it Drinks Absolutely Delicious.Thirdly, shi Cheng Meatball, wow, it Is So Much Nice To Have Some Meatballs During Festivals, if You Got A Chance To Shicheng Country For Travel, you Got To Have Some Meatballs, that Will Help You Feel The Most Exciting.

So, let's Go!

9, the characteristic cate that introduces home town 15 words?

Arrived Henan, if do not take side of braise of on one bowl of hotpot,that went in vain a little. In Henan, no matter be provincial capital Zhengzhou, still be out-of-the-way village, can encounter hotpot braise noodle shop. Famouser should be Zhengzhou deeps and clear write down braise noodle shop, characteristic is the flesh tender Shang Xian is delicious, save city of major ground level to also have a branch completely, want to eat deep and clear write down

Braise face also need not go toward Zheng.

10, what characteristic cate does Beijing swallow outskirt have?

4, bridge river beans piece

Restaurant of size of Beijing ferry corridor has so a characteristic dish, call silk of 3 rivers bean curd, the 3 rivers beans that silk of this bean curd is famous piece. Traditional method is the soja wear starch that has made bubble with stone mill, after nodding bittern, an one layer shop arrives over spun yarn cloth, scheelite extrude exaggeration is used later, form a beans piece shape. If take out its insolation, become a beans piece; If into condiment its leach boils a silk that become a beans -- actually fabaceous silk also is a shape, nevertheless finished product is one layer upon layer coil, and most of 3 rivers person having a way is the beans piece cut filiform, this may be the antecedents of fabaceous silk name.

5, high-rise beans bubble

Call scamper beans bubble again, with bubble of beans of 3 rivers high-rise most famous, divide common beans bubble and bubble of meat stuffing beans (namely flesh bean curd) two kinds. Bubble of general blast beans is namely cut bean curd appropriate figure, decoct blast shapes can, bubble of meat stuffing beans laps stuffing makings in oil of the reentry in fabaceous bubble dip blast shapes. Fabaceous bubble tastes not only delicious, still can use with all sorts of dish collocation.

6, burnt cake

With fine corn face (common weighs cornmeal) knead dough, on baking pan its booth becomes a circle, with leek egg the makings that do stuffing enclothes his to go up, the leek after bake in a pan is ripe is sweet tangy, cortical crisp Jiao Xiang, chinese style wraps around Sa deserve the reputations one enjoys!

7, stuffing pastry

It is fine cornmeal will do likewise, nevertheless pastry can not be everybody can do those who come out. Should put corn face in the hand to take hold, expect stuffing to whole package goes in, cultured is pellicle big stuffing, call stuffing pastry so. The stuffing makings inside is potherb commonly, for instance shepherd's purse, it is gust really distinctive nutrition value tall.

8, scamper and

Also make scamper case, make a skin with tailor-made mixture flour, go up among add stuffing makings, after cutting rectangular lump, finalize the design into deepfry can. Crisp of golden, mouthfeel, flavour takes the external form on the road, it is Zun Jiujia is tasted. Box of fastfood creak of scamper and fact and Beijing gives one cause together, creak box out tells a state, and 3 rivers are long for " Lu county " the ground.

9, hamburger

3 rivers hamburger also weighs Beijing east hamburger, it is one content with fact of famous sweet river hamburger. The knead dough when making wants soft, use pork or beef do stuffing, stuffing big skin is thin, face skin is golden and soft submit translucent form, stuffing makings does not loosen not to come loose into integral cake shape, taste bright sweet dainty, solid for a special skill.

10, small fume chicken

Handpick the spring chicken inside a year, after treatment is handled, in old bittern stew boils tasty, brown sugar is used later fumigated shape, flavour salty delicacy is dainty, have special sootiness taste, it is very welcome Zun Jiujia is tasted.
