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凤凰古城淡季是 每年的十月中下旬到三月上旬 ,春节除外。不过凤凰古城淡季的时候古韵风情更加浓厚;假如碰巧遇到苗族的节日,那旅游更使游客一生回味。凤凰古城以它特有的自然和人文景观吸引着海内外广大游客,主要景点有:一、万寿宫,二、崇德堂,三、虹桥等。








汕头火车站买好广州到麻阳的K9068广州晚上10.20第二天下午13.22到麻阳. 汕头乘汽车到广州省站, 到麻阳下车到汽车站(很近出站直走到路口往左走5分钟不到)转去凤凰的汽车40分钟车程. 这是最方便的 出门注意安全,做好防火防盗措施


不要打张开的伞进别人的家;不要随便踩别人家的门槛;到别人家做客的时候,男女不能同房住宿;到苗族家里做客不要踩人家的三脚架,不要坐正堂主位(神龛方向); 苗寨里尽量不要和已婚妇女套近乎;苗寨,土家山寨里不要随便吹口哨(召鬼)。



凤凰不仅风光秀美,而 且特产很多,许多食品也别具一格,其中姜糖就是一个很有代表性 的食品。 姜糖是一种美食。它那特有的甜而不腻,脆而不硬,香而不辣 的甜甜的、脆脆的、香香的、略带有一点姜的辣味的那种美滋滋的 味道,实在叫人难以忘怀。















Go excuse me when is Hunan phoenix travel belonged to off-season?

The last ten-day of a month in October comes second year in March the first ten days of a month.

Phoenix ancient city is off-season it is the last ten-day of a month in annual October to March the first ten days of a month, spring Festival except. Ancient rhyme amorous feelings is more grumous when phoenix ancient city is off-season nevertheless; If meet the red-letter day that encounters Miao Zu opportunely, that travel more make tourist lifetime is recalled. Phoenix ancient city is attracting global broad tourist with its peculiar nature and humanitarian landscape, main tourist attraction has: One, palace of 10 thousand birthday, 2, Chong Detang, 3, rainbow bridge.

Go does Hunan phoenix travel which hotel is good ah? Had better be to live on side of river of a small bay in a river?

Go phoenix travel lodges in the evening room of scene of river of river of first selection a small bay in a river, river scene room has a big balcony, face river of a small bay in a river, sit in on the bubble on the balcony one cup of tea in the evening, admire the beautiful night scene side the river, look at the tourist of come and go, the yacht that floating on river side can make you complete loosen come down, enjoy only. It is Jiang Jing only room amount is limited, the price is so a bit higher, a room reachs peak period 779 the left and right sides. Live namely next the hotel in Gu Cheng, experience the ancient city lasting appeal of slow rhythm. It is a few cheaper that the hotel in Gu Cheng can compare river scene room. Good room must be booked before setting out, lest arrived,spend time to look for a hotel everywhere later. Chamberlain of small ant travel wishs you journey is happy.

Entrance ticket of tourist attraction of travel of Hunan phoenix city?

Phoenix travel entrance ticket, if conceive the native that turns city to take Id to be met,dismiss entrance ticket only

Does the tourist attraction travel near Hunan phoenix ancient city?

Phoenix ancient city, be located in the southwest ministry of autonomous prefecture of Miao Zu of the Tujia nationality of Hunan Province West Hunan, cover an area of an area to make an appointment with 10 square kilometre. The travel tourist attraction near phoenix Gu Cheng has: Green flag is street tourist attraction of travel of temple of king of former residence of ancestral temple of museum of tourist attraction of palace of tourist attraction of travel of building of travel tourist attraction, condole foot, rising sun, Gucheng, Yang Jia, Shen Congwen, Xiong Xiling former residence, day, .

The Shan head travel to Hunan phoenix ancient city course?

Guangzhou of try to win sb's favor of Shan head railway station goes to K9068 Guangzhou of Ma Yang in the evening 10.2 the following day afternoon 13.22 to Ma Yang. Shan head visits a station to Guangzhou by the car, get off to Ma Yang station (very close give a station to walk along crossing to go to continuously left go 5 minutes to be less than) turn go the car of phoenix Cheng of 40 minutes of cars. This is the most convenient go out the attention is safe, make step of guard against theft of good fire prevention

What does contraindication of travel of Hunan phoenix ancient city have?

Do not hit stretched umbrella to take the home of others; Do not step on the doorsill of others home casually; Until fastening family be a guest, men and women cannot of the same branch of a family lodges; In Miao Zu home be a guest does not step on the family's tripod, do not sit hall advocate (shrine direction) ; Do not cover with married woman as far as possible in Miao Zhai close to; Miao Zhai, do not whistle casually in earthy home mountain fastness (call together ghost) .

Hunan phoenix special local product?

Phoenix ginger candy.

Phoenix not only scene is elegant, and special local product is very much, a lot of food also having a unique style, among them ginger candy has representative food very much namely. Ginger candy is a kind of cate. It that is peculiar sweet and not be bored with, fragile and not hard, sweet and not hot sweet, fragile fragile, sweet sweet, the flavour of the sort of very pleased with oneself of the piquancy that contains a bit ginger slightly, call a person really hard dismiss from one's mind.

Why does Hunan phoenix ancient town call " phoenix " ?

Allegedly " phoenix " the origin of the name, there are a pair of phoenixes in fokelore from here volant and fly and get a name.

The beauty of phoenix, more it is halcyon, carefree! Because gift naturally,be not just her clever Shan Xiushui, vintage building, still have the pen and ink of literary Great Master Mr Shen Congwen.

Is phoenix over there Hunan?

By the side of the northwest that is located in Hunan, with adjacent of Guizhou Province photograph. The famous city of culture of the 101st history that phoenix ancient city is China. Regard culture of history of a country as the famous city, the scenery of phoenix will be natural, humanitarian idiosyncratic and organic confluence reachs one point, the heavy feeling after fluoroscopy perhaps is its attract all directions the marrow of the glamour of tourist. Gu Cheng is built at Qing Kangxi year, this " West Hunan bright phearl " be be worthy of the name " small " , small arrive inside the city only a pretty thing ave, but it is a covered corridor or walk of a green however.

Fruit of Hunan phoenix characteristic?

The characteristic fruit of West Hunan has accumulate orange of hilum of yangtao of orange of city of housing, riverside, West Hunan, Li Ye, Wang Cun mandarin orange of of orange of hilum of yangtao of red persimmon, phoenix, beautiful wall, West Hunan.

1, phoenix yangtao

Phoenix yangtao is the characteristic fruit of Hunan West Hunan, west Hunan is having very superior geographical environment, the environment is favorable, suburb air, fountainhead, soil was not contaminated, the yangtao fruit juice that this ground place yields is especially much, acid is sweet moderate, faint scent tastily, contain enrich the blood the gules vegetable that raises Yan Gong effect.

2, orange of beautiful wall hilum

Orange of beautiful wall hilum is the characteristic fruit of Hunan West Hunan, west Hunan spends wall county to having very superior geographical environment, illumination is enough, water natural resources is abundant, soil is rich, acid of yields orange of beautiful wall hilum is sweet goluptious, juice much smell is sweet, get broad consumer people love.

3, mandarin orange of West Hunan

Mandarin orange of West Hunan is the characteristic fruit of Hunan West Hunan, mandarin orange of West Hunan autonomous prefecture crops the history long, but date from comes year period, short, frost-free period grows West Hunan freeze-up, trenchant, quantity of heat abounds wintry warm Xia Liang, the four seasons, rainfall is abundant, very appropriate orange grows, lubricious orange color of yields fruit of mandarin orange is yellow, peel is easy come off, colour and lustre is delicious the flesh is qualitative fragile tender change broken bits, juice much flavour is thick, local color is rich.

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