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山东非物质文化遗产? 山东非物质文化遗产排名?英文双语对照


山东非物质文化遗产? 山东非物质文化遗产排名?英文双语对照








































大坪山自然景观丰富,最主要的有生态森林公园。在大坪山南麓有成片茂盛的天然亚热带森林。山上植被为 常绿阔叶林、 针叶林、 混交林及灌木丛。在狮山寺往西,山上有多棵参天古榕, 郁郁苍苍,蔚为壮观。



1. 传统音乐艺术类:如客家宜乐、粤剧、潮剧、音乐会等。

2. 舞蹈类:如客家舞、汉族广场舞、广东木偶舞等。

3. 传统工艺类:如木偶制作、结扎绳艺、石湾陶瓷、竹编艺术、羊皮画等。

4. 传统节庆活动类:如广州花灯节、博罗采花节、梅州广场舞大赛等。

5. 民间美术类:如牛角雕刻、紫金竹编、岭南画派等。

6. 传统戏曲类:如粤剧、客家大戏、潮剧、高甲戏等。

7. 传统技艺类:如南海海螺雕刻、沙田竹编、从化剪纸、番禺灯笼等。













交城山,古时特指交城县北山。雍正十二年刊版《山西通志》载:“交城山在县北百里,交城故县治此,今为故交村……其山若神狮羊肠,交山皆险绝。” 今泛指山西省交城县境内所辖所有山川。

交城山区山高路险,谷深地僻,长期交通不便,生活条件十分艰苦。歌词中“交城的山里没有那好茶饭” “灰毛驴驴上山灰毛驴驴下”等场景,便是旧时代交城山区生活的真实写照。山民有感于生活的贫苦,遂将此生活化的场景编成小调,代代传唱并丰富,逐渐形成这首曲调凄婉悠长的民歌。






One, bequest of Shandong immaterial culture?

The immaterial culture bequest of Jinan has: River of temple fair of chapter grave fuse, dough modeling, 1000 Fosan, business is roused child yangko, Lv opera, quick-patter.

Chapter grave fuse: National level is immaterial culture bequest, traceable Ming Dynasty. To drive out at first demon petitions lucky, play the part of childen's garments of male and female figure of god of all day long, evolution becomes form of recreation of a kind of culture later.

Jinan dough modeling: Shandong saves immaterial culture bequest, common says " the person that hold a range " , tradition of folk of the Han nationality is artistic, make an appointment with 300 years of histories. Give priority to with face of polished glutinous rice makings, transfer into dye and antiseptic, point to with the hand and become.

1000 Fosan temple fair: It is collect sacred, singing and dancing, entertainment the Chinese folk-custom activity at an organic whole, hold one year twice, at the Spring Festival on hold during the section weighing this world of Si section and autumn. The 3 temple fair at the beginning of March only then Yu Weijin period, day of the Si on March arrives by the side of water bath, be called " long Xi " in order to divide bodeful; Temple fair of the section that weigh this world only then at yuan acting, at the beginning of September section of ninefold this world, people arrives 1000 Fosan uprise, admire singing and dancing of chrysanthemum, amuse oneself, sacred, show, lively and extraordinary.

Beat child yangko: National level is immaterial culture bequest, seminary at county of Jinan business river, have 2000 old histories, it is folk the form of folk art of a kind of the Han nationality of to celebrate a bumper harvest festively singing and dancing.

Lv opera: National level is immaterial culture bequest, call masked dulcimer, musical instrument play again, one of 8 big opera type of drama of Chinese, shandong place type of drama, classical a list of plays has " Wang Xiao drives a foot " , " sister is married easily " etc.

Shandong quick-patter: Renown " bamboo clappers quick-patter " , traceable Shandong saves form of local tradition quyi. Shandong quick-patter is given priority to with a genre of popular entertainment consisting mainly of talking and singing, language rhythm sex is strong, do not suffer field to restrict, but at any time show, quickly reaction reality lives, have distinct artistic effect. Provide representative traditional music eye to have most " Jing Yanggang " , " Dong Yue temple " etc.

2, rank of bequest of Shandong immaterial culture?

Main immaterial culture legacy ranks as follows:

1, kite makes craft

2, stannic carve

3, Shandong tom-tom

4, Liu Zi makes fun of

5, Shandong story-telling

6, Lao hill folktale

7, New Year picture of Yang Jiabu block

8, craft of Lu Jin weaving

9, book of warbler song willow

10, Shandong flower-drum.

3, what does bequest of Guangdong immaterial culture have?

Guangdong has Guangdong opera, wake the national level such as dance of lion, tea art, centipede is immaterial culture bequest, also language of dance of fish of a huge legendary turtle, another name for Guangdong Province tells fokelore of clay sculpture of ancient, Wu Chuan, 5 sheep to wait for bequest of provincial immaterial culture

4, what does bequest of culture of material of Fujian East Africa have?

1, song of She nationality novel

2, Gan Guobao passes narrate: Gan Guobao (1709-1776 year) word afterwards Zhao, date and hut, be born in ancient cropland county 26 (today foreign village of small pear of the county austral screen) , clear generation writes a general, the official reachs Guangdong Fujian is overland and prefectorial, prefectorial hold Fujian concurrently to read.

3, language of 8 sound cough: "8 sound cough " basically circulate Yu Shoushan is taken, already had 450 old histories. Ming Jiajing year, ethical hero Qi Jiguang leads a ministry to go to Fujian to fight an old name for Japan. Demolish in Ning De horizontal island of Japanese pirates den, bandit of the incomplete that chase after annihilate has arrived the Kang Li of peaceful De Xianglin, Shou Shan.

4, everywhere sees She nationality folk song, with language of the She nationality vocal form is conveyed. Whenever festival is festival day singing flies upwards, although between hill field works, visit one's family visit when friend welcomes guest, often also speak with the song. Of She nationality sing a form to solo, antistrophic, unison waits. Among them unaccompanied folk song is She nationality person most a kind of form that like.

5, tung hill hits Shi Jin: Hit Shi Jin performer to lay to apply more family, friend says again " apply laying Kunqu opera " , after the ancestral hall that use a family name builds, "Melodies which originated in Kunshan " serve as sacred happy, with pray blessing restful.

6, traditional and Thespian: 4 smooth play

5, the example that bequest of Guangdong immaterial culture protects?

Guangdong is one of main areas that bequest of Chinese immaterial culture protects, have resource of rich immaterial culture bequest. It is the example that bequest of immaterial culture of a few Guangdong protects below:

Reckoning by the abacus: Reckoning by the abacus is one of bequest of Chinese immaterial culture, it is to use abacus to undertake calculative a kind of traditional craft. Reckoning by the abacus is one of important culture bequest of area of Guangdong bead triangle, the mankind that already was included U.N. Educational is immaterial directory of culture bequest masterpiece.

Guangzhou paper-cut: Guangzhou paper-cut is one of Guangdong's notable immaterial culture legacy, it is a kind of traditional folk art of Guangzhou city. Guangzhou paper-cut with exquisite, delicate, lifelike, changeful and celebrated, the mankind that already was included U.N. Educational is immaterial directory of culture bequest masterpiece.

The Hakkas folk song: The Hakkas folk song is the traditional music culture of area of Guangdong the Hakkas, have distinctive color and characteristic. The Hakkas folk song with affection full, air guileless of lively, libretto is beautiful, rhythm characteristic, already was included Guangdong to save directory of immaterial culture bequest.

Wet Shan tradition builds: Wet Shan tradition builds the tradition that is area of Guangdong wet Shan to build culture, have distinctive building color and culture intention. Building of wet Shan tradition pays attention to building construction, material and craft, shirt-sleeve Central Plains culture and southern and marine culture, already was included Guangdong to save directory of immaterial culture bequest.

Lion wakes south mountain: Mountain Na Xingshi is the traditional dancing culture of Guangdong area, have grumous terrain distinguishing feature and historical culture intention. Mountain Na Xingshi behaves leonine figure with dancing form, pay attention to performance skill and dancing to weave, already was included Guangdong to save directory of immaterial culture bequest.

These example are the one share that bequest of culture of material of wide East Africa protects only. Mix to be protected better inheritance these culture bequest, guangdong government and social all circles took a series of step, include to draft relevant code policy, build protection orgnaization, begin blame heredity bear the activity.

6, bequest of culture of material of dispute of hill of big level ground?


Landscape of nature of hill of big level ground is rich, the mainest have zoology forest park. In big level ground Shan Nalu has a flourish natural semi-tropical wood. The vegetation on hill is Chang Lukuo Xie Lin, needle Xie Lin, mixed forest and bush. In westerly of lion hill temple, there is many very tall Gu Rong on hill, depressed grey, weiwei is grand.

7, what does bequest of culture of wide East Africa have?

Guangdong saves rich and colorful of immaterial culture bequest, include the following fields:

1.Traditional music is artistic kind: Happy like the Hakkas appropriate, Guangdong opera, current theatrical work, concert.

2.Dancing kind: Wait like dance of puppet of dance of the Hakkas dance, square of the Han nationality, Guangdong.

3.Conventional technology kind: If puppet is made, ligation rope art, Shi Wan pottery and porcelain, bamboo makes up picture of artistic, sheepskin to wait.

4.Traditional part celebrates an activity kind: If Guangzhou spends the Lantern Festival, rich,Luo Cai spends contest of dance of square of section, Meizhou to wait.

5.Civilian art kind: Like ox horn sculpture, violet Jin Zhu is made up, style of the drawing austral mountain.

6.Traditional opera kind: Play of if Guangdong opera, the Hakkas is big play, current theatrical work, tall armour.

7.Traditional craft kind: If Nanhai conch sculpture, Sha Tianzhu is made up, from change paper-cut, time Yu lantern.

Above is the one part that Guangdong saves immaterial culture bequest, the culture is not involuntary discharge of urine of these rich and colorful reflected Guangdong's solid history inside information and the local culture that its have distinguishing feature alone.

8, bequest of world material culture which 5 hill?

The Five Mountains is to point to: Hill of Dong Yuetai hill, Xi Yuehua hill, Na Yueheng hill, boreal Yue Heng, Zhong Yuesong hill

Dong Yue points to a father-in-law namely, ancient name is " an administrative unit in Xizang of another name for Taishan Mountain " or " hill of another name for Taishan Mountain " , "Another name for Taishan Mountain " namely the meaning of big, elder.

Heng Shan ancient name is Shou Yue. According to " astral classics " be carried, na Yueheng hill is corresponding constellation the star thing cross board at the rear of an ancient carriage of 28 constellation, star thing cross board at the rear of an ancient carriage is in charge of life of terrestrial common people therefore. Farming family name ever came to god of according to legend this extracts 100 drug,

Xi Yue points to Mount Hua, also say too Mount Hua, China the Yinshan Mountains, hero occupies Yu Qin, advance, comfort 3 provinces, for the centre of ancient city Chang'an, Luoyang. Mount Hua unplugs with hill form high high risk is worn say, enjoy " the Five Mountains alone beautiful " beautiful praise.

Heng Shan renown Yuan Yue, the root of antipyretic dichroa, element has " stockaded village north the first hill " beautiful praise. At the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty year, constant hill Si is built have cloister; Arrive bright, Qing Chaoshi already cloister is gregarious, have " 3 temples 4 ancestral temple 9 booth cabinet, 7 palace 8 holes 12 temple " say. Constant hill scenery with ground danger, Shan Xiong, temple strange, spring is saying absolutely.

In high mountain the fleabane hill that points to Henan all along, " Er is elegant " " Shi Shan " say: "Fleabane Gao Weizhong high mountain " , say " hill is big and tall " for fleabane. Fleabane hill Yellow River of its north overlook, Luo Shui, hill of Ying water, dustpan is faced south, bridge of another name for Kaifeng of Kyoto of the Five Dynasties is received east, luoyang of 9 government ancient capital is connected on the west, element has " the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces of another name for Kaifeng hill of the name inside two Beijing, Ji " say. At bizarre high peak, palace view is bristly, reason is in city district the first hill.

9, is the hill that make a wall immaterial culture bequest?

The hill that make a wall is not immaterial culture bequest.

" the hill that make a wall " it is quiet day earlier perhaps time begins to circulate a Yu Wenshui, folk song that makes a city be taken.

After new China holds water, this song ever was sung by famous singer Guo Lanying, wide inside countrywide limits to circulate, it is a very classical Shanxi folk song.

Make city mountain, refer in particular to hill of north of the county that make a wall in ancient times. Yong Zheng 12 annual edition " Shanxi opens keep in mind " carry: "The hill that make a wall is in prefectural north a hunderd li, county of the reason that make a wall treats this, reach a village for reason today... its hill is like bowel of divine lion sheep, make mountain all danger absolutely.

Make a wall danger of high road of a mountainous area hill, out-of-the-way of Gu Shen ground, long-term traffic is disadvantageous, living conditions is very difficult. In libretto " do not have in the mountain that makes a wall good tea meal " " below ass of grey donkey of the hill on grey donkey ass " wait for setting, it is old age makes a wall the true portraiture of a mountainous area life. Hill civilian has feeling at the life poor, the setting that spends this life then makes up canzonet, dai Daichuan is sung and abound, form this melody chilly gradually beautiful long folk song.

Song is passed gradually by folk sing and become, because this does not have specific creation time. Think to form Yu Qing to take the place of commonly, circulate Yu Wenshui, hand in a city to be taken.

10, corporeal culture bequest and immaterial culture bequest?

Answer: ? Does attentively of Bi of Qian of fish hawk of Tao   ask N of copy of the  that tell brilliant Liu to Bi of  of move of the  that act the role of act plans does  of school of reins of comfortable billows of Liu of Nai of chasm of a surname heir break extensive to treat Bi of  of Liu city father in law to plan does fat of act of show off joyous ǖ hold  Xiao is 6  spruce Liu acted the role of?

