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1. 请幼儿三个三个组成一组,扮成蚂蚁。(第一个幼儿站立,两手作触角;第二、第三个幼儿分别弯腰,双手抱住前面一个孩子的腰)2. 请一组组的"蚂蚁"排好队行走,注意互相的配合,不摔跤,不踩到别人。

3. 设置一定的距离,在终点放置一些物品作"豆子"。请"蚂蚁"从起点到终点,再返回,比赛搬豆,看谁搬得快。



规则: 家长要将眼睛蒙好不能偷看。幼儿只能用语言指挥。























准备:三个家庭(每个家庭一大一小)玩法:家长蒙着眼睛,用勺子把散落在桌上的棉花球舀入碗中。(手不能碰棉花 球)孩子用勺子把一个碗中的玻璃珠舀入另一个碗中。三十秒钟后一个家庭的棉花球和玻璃珠相加。最多的家庭获胜。


准备:经过装饰的报纸团、玩具篓、蓝皱纸玩法:参赛妈妈收举玩具篓站在场地一端,幼儿扮成小哪吒,由爸爸从后面抱着腰部,站在场地另一端,中间有"海浪"间隔,主持人发令后,爸爸和小哪吒跑至 "海浪"边,在"海中"寻找"宝贝"(报纸团)每找到一个就往妈妈的玩具篓中扔,至主持人说停,哪个家庭的玩具篓中的"宝贝"多为胜!



1,三个人可以玩什么游戏 三个人可以玩游戏可以玩什么

1、适合三人玩的室内游戏有:抽大王游戏、萝卜蹲游戏、飞行棋、跳棋、斗地主、炸金花、跳绳等等。 2、飞行棋里有一个骰子,你只要转动骰子,骰子停下来的时候正面是几,你就走几步,刚开始时只有投到六,你的飞机才能起飞,并且投到六你还有机会再投一次,特别说明的是,到终点时走的步数要正好到达才算胜利,不然要返回来走。 3、跳棋是黑白棋的一种。跳棋是一种可以由二至六人同时进行的棋,棋盘为六角星形,棋子分为六种颜色,每种颜色6或10或15枚棋子,每一位玩家使用跳棋一个角,拥有一种颜色的棋子,并且跳棋是一项老少皆宜、流传广泛的益智型棋类游戏。 4、斗地主起源于湖北武汉汉阳一带,是职业扑克专家严军和他的同伴们根据当地流行的扑克玩法跑得快改编的;记得当初有一群跑得快痴迷者,经常在人数不足的情况下玩三个人的跑得快,起初并不叫斗地主,他们圈内的人叫二打一。




1, ant moves a beans

1.Ask cheeper 3 3 comprise a group, play the part of ant. (The first cheeper stands, two tactics makes antenna; the 2nd, the 3rd cheeper bows respectively, both hands is held in arms in front the waist of a child) 2. The " ant " that asks a group of groups discharges fine line to walk, notice commutative cooperates, do not tumble, do not step on others.

3.Install certain distance, a few article are placed to make " bean " in terminus. Ask " ant " to arrive from start terminal, return again, the match moves a beans, who to see be moved quickly.

2, stick nose

Play a way: Cover the parent's eye, place turns 3 rounds, the exact position that asks conductor of child diction character to grow to stick nose the animal wins a success namely.

Regular: The parent should have covered the eye cannot peek. Cheeper can use a language to direct only.

3, where is my darling

Preparation: Cloth takes a certain number of playing law: Every family plays by a parent and a cheeper, it is good to ask cheeper to carry hand in hand surround into circle, corresponding parent cheats an eye to stand inside the circle, cheeper hand in hand the edge sings the edge is circling the parent to turn, call song halt, ask the parent to search his darling next.

Requirement: Cheeper cannot sound, go seeking father and mother, parents finds his darling through feeling.

4, I give father (mom) wear shoe

Play a way: Every family plays by a parent and a cheeper, let cheeper know the parent's shoe above all, circle is put after letting the parent take off shoe next inside, the teacher throws into confusion shoe, game begins, cheeper from him father is found out inside circle (mom) shoe, help the parent had been worn, had worn first for conqueror

5, step on a balloon

Preparation: Balloon a certain number of playing law: Every family plays by a parent and a cheeper, the teacher sends a balloon and a drawstring to every family, ask the parent to bind balloon distend the ankle in oneself, bear child personally. The countersign game that hears a teacher begins, the parent is carrying darling on the back to step on the balloon of other family, balloon by auspicious hire walk explode be washed out namely, who comparing is champion.

6, bound feet steps on beetle-crusher

Play a way: By every family grows by one a person of academic or artistic distinction and a cheeper plays banquet lead, cheeper double foot walks on the parent's foot, the parent and cheeper hand in hand, after hearing countersign, the parent is taking cheeper to run ahead, cheeper double foot cannot leave the parent's residue, who to see arrive first terminal.

7, hold tight tail

Preparation: Tail a certain number of playing law: Every family plays by a parent and a cheeper, the parent adopts the child in the bosom, a tail is hanged on the buttock of cheeper, game begins after hearing countersign, the ' tail that has protectinging oneself while come down the tail hold tight of others.

8, two people 3 sufficient

Preparation: Cord a certain number of, play a way: One parent uses two legs of photograph adjacent cord to be bound together with one cheeper, after hearing countersign, two people walk ahead simultaneously, who to see run to terminus first to get the better of.

9, shift a car (young in)

Play a way: The parent captures two legs of cheeper, cheeper both hands maintains the ground, after hearing countersign, cheeper both hands climbs ahead, who to see arrive first to get the better of.

10, lovely kangaroo darling

Play a way: Let cheeper hold firmly the parent's neck, the waist of parent of double leg clamp, hang closely before the parent's bosom like wallaby, parent stoop waist, touchdown of both hands double foot climbs ahead, arrive first terminal person to get the better of

11, push-up

Play a way: Cheeper holds firmly the parent's neck, the waist of parent of double foot clamp, the back is on the parent's back, touchdown of parent both hands does push-up, see which family hold to the longest to get the better of.

12, wear big shoe

Play a way: Attend by a parent and a cheeper, the parent takes off next shoe to sit attendant across, cheeper puts on the parent's shoe to stand in across, after hearing countersign, cheeper sets out to grow homeward, go excellent to grow that, help parent shoe, across help cheeper wears field of run to of the cheeper since parent back good shoes, who to see be finished first.

13, pily ball

Preparation: 3 families (every family one big one small) play a way: The parent is covering an eye, enter the pily ball dip that scatters on the desk with ladle in the bowl. (The hand cannot touch pily ball) the child uses ladle the glass in a bowl bead dip enters another bowl in. The cotton ball-flower of a family after 30 seconds is mixed vitreous bead addition. Most family wins victory.

14, which Zha finds treasure

Preparation: The course is basket of illuminative newspaper group, toy, blue knit paper to play a way: Take part in the match mom closes lift toy basket to stand attendant one aspect of the matter, cheeper plays the part of small where Zha, holding the waist in the arms from the back by father, stand in field other one aspect of the matter, there is interval of " of " ocean wave among, after compere hair makes, father and small where Zha run to edge of " of " ocean wave, in " sea " seeks group of newspaper of " baby "() every find a toy with respect to past mom throw in basket, say to stop to compere, the " baby " in the toy basket of which family is more get the better of!

15, kangaroo relay

Number: 8 families (every family one big one small) it is a group, every constituent two stations opposite side (span is 10 meters) in all two groups.

1, 3 people can play what game 3 people can play game what to can play

1, the indoor game that suits 3 people to play has: Smoke king game, turnip to crouch chess of game, flight, Chinese checkers, fight gold of landlord, blast flower, skip is waited a moment. 2, there is a dice in flight chess, you want rotational dice only, when dice stops, the front is a few, you take a few steps, just cast only in the begining 6, your plane ability takes off, and cast arrive 6 you still have an opportunity to be cast again, what do not explain especially is, to the step that takes when terminus number wants as it happens to arrive at ability to calculate a victory, want to be returned otherwise. 3, a kind Chinese checkers is black and white chess. Chinese checkers is a kind can by the 2 steps that have at the same time to 6 people, chessboard is form of 6 horn star, castle cent is 6 kinds of color, every kinds of color 6 or 10 or 15 castle, each players use Chinese checkers a horn, own the piece of a kind of color, and Chinese checkers is old little all appropriate, circulate extensive beneficial wisdom chess kind game. 4, fight Han Yang of Wuhan of landlord traceable Hubei to be taken, the companions that are Yan Jun of expert of professional playing cards and him play a law to run quickly to adapt according to the playing cards of local popularity; Remember having a flock of person that run quickly to be obsessed with at the outset, the circumstance that often is not worth in the number issues those who employ 3 people to run quickly, do not make fight a landlord at first, they encircle the person inside to call 2 dozens one.

2, close child game has is what is mixed the 3 game that the individual plays

Of 3 people close child game is very much still. Still have can play a turnip to crouch hole game. Can play the game of stone shears cloth of 3 people. Also can play open-armed word to take a risk greatly.

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