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泸州哪个学校最好? 泸州那个学校最好?英文双语对照


泸州哪个学校最好? 泸州那个学校最好?英文双语对照


高中是泸州高中、泸县二中(都是国家级示范性中学),其次是泸州二中和天立学校。 初中是泸州七中和泸县二中。 小学是梓橦路小学。 我是转别人的答案的,嘻嘻

































徐州财经学校去年评上高等职业技术学校,在泰山西坡,背靠云龙山,西边有云龙湖,学校去年建了一个新校区100亩,财经学校以前都很好,就是2002界的新生给闹腾的现在学校在招生方面严格了很多另外学校的管理现在很严格的,2002年第一学期就开除了200余人 学校的风景什么的也都怪好,别人认为财校不好说的是财校的学生不好我觉得这是人(学生)的问题不是学校问题我认为学校(老师)都还不错我的很多同学也都是这么认为的再说现在学校也开始注意招生这方面的问题了总而言之财校在徐州同类型的学校当中应该是最靠前的乘游2路69路39路51路都可以到




One, Lu city which school is best?

High school is county of Lu state high school, Lu 2 in (it is) of middle school of national level demonstrative sex, it is Lu city next 2 counteract a day to establish the school. Junior high school is Lu city 7 counteract Lu county 2 in. Elementary school is elementary school of catalpa grade. I am to turn of the answer of others, xi Xi

2, Lu city is that school best?

High school teachs the development way that affects one individual future, comprehensive and integrated high quality teachs the reform way that also made high school, so let us have a look at Lu city together next pop chart of 10 old high school, understand in detail have what famous school!

Lu city pop chart of 10 old high school

Lu of city of 1. Lu state changes a middle school

High middle school of city of 2. Lu state

The 2nd middle school of city of 3. Lu state school

4. Sichuan visits the school in adding up to river county

5. Sichuan saves Lu county the 5th middle school

City of 6. Lu state learns in the experiment

7. Sichuan visits talk always county school of the first middle school

City of 8. Lu state learns in ancient Lin

9. Sichuan saves Lu county the first middle school

10. Sichuan saves Lu county the 2nd middle school

3, it is good that Lu city weather establishs the school not?

Quite pretty good. Lu city weather establishs international school to teach bureau directly under to close to raise run by the local people oneself oneself as Lu state city complete middle school, china day establishs educational group to accuse the day establishs group admiral school, set ministry of junior high school, high school ministry, international department, weather of city of Lu of have as an attached institution establishs international school border elementary school of Tian Liguo of city of accessary nursery school, Lu, hold water formally on September 29, 2002. Lu city weather establishs international school to invest amount 160 million yuan, according to " Sichuan saves one class to show plasticity average high school " norms construction, cover an area of a face to accumulate 106667 ㎡, floor area 100000 ㎡. Count year of go through the mill, the day stands to already exceeded groovy development to become have 72 education classes or grades in school, 3255 people of student, the new-style school of 323 people of on-the-job teacher.

4, what cooking school does Lu city have?

Chef of an ancient name for China of city of state having Lu grooms the school, school of technology of profession of Lu state city, profession of Lu state city is advanced middle school school, technology school of Lu state city, school of technology of profession of Changjiang Delta of Lu state city

5, is attached school of Lu state high school tuitional?

Answer: Tuition of attached school of Lu state high school makes an appointment with 1000 yuan / one semester.

       Attached school of high school of in relief area of river of Lu state city (abbreviation: Attached school of Lu state high school) . Be make obligation 9 years teach fair education school. This school is located in education of way of Kang Cheng of the city zone of Lu city center to form a delegation health city district is handed in one paragraph with the road in Hua Yang collect place do.

     Ministry of this school junior high school teachs sports bureau and couplet of Lu state high school to do by Jiang Yang area, detail of Lu state tall lieutenant general is fine educational management group, the education that is in charge of ministry of junior high school in the round works, stimulative Jiang Yang teachs system to reform innovation.

       Mid the largest managerial scale is 3600 72 classes, students at the beginning of this school, execute one officer two areas, (namely junior high school of open of campus of Kang Cheng road one, 2 grade, city of Lu state high school on the west campus open junior high school 3 grade) .

6, junior high school of school of the city austral Lu city how?

Not be very good, basically offer feed-in city Wu to be versed in children is read, education quality is general kind.

7, does Lu city groom the school which are best?

Art of United States fine jade grooms the center is best, as Lu city the biggest groom orgnaization, lu city is beautiful fine jade art grooms center, in a small bay in a river happy square of one bridge beautiful, white fascia, 100 child the school of much disciplinary action such as the graph.

The good atelier that Lu city teachs has:

Ideal atelier; Liu Yuanyu atelier; Sun hill atelier; Tong Le atelier; Lu city atelier; Artist; The art that cultivate the United States grooms the school. Art of city of assemble for training of Lu city art, Lu grooms etc.

8, does Lu state school rank a list of names posted up?

Lu state university ranks the first affirmation is southwest medical university, it is Sichuan police academy next. Lu state high school is Lu state high school of course, it is Lu county next 2 in.

Lu state junior high school is Lu city the first 7 in.

9, a what kind of school is school of Xuzhou finance and economics? School of Xuzhou finance and economics?

School of Xuzhou finance and economics was judged last year on school of advanced profession technology, in peaceful Shanxi slope, hill of back cloud dragon, long Hu says in the west, the school built a new campus last year 100 mus, school of finance and economics is very good before, to what roister with respect to the new student that is 2002 bounds the school is in now recruit students respect is a lot of stricter the management of the school is very additionally rigorous now, the first semester opened the scenery besides school of 200 more than person 2002 of what quite good also, the student that what others thinks money school is bad to say is money school is bad that I feel this is a person (student) the problem is not school problem I think the school (teacher) pretty good still my a lot of classmates also are so those who think besides now the school

10, is school of Nanning finance and economics in that?

Had done not have this school, this school that you say is a technical secondary school, had mixed before a few years Guangxi finance is advanced schools incorporated, make money only one part, money is mixed only later Guangxi commerce is advanced schools is amalgamative became college of Guangxi finance and economics! I am the first student after money courtyard is amalgamative! Money courtyard is undergraduate course school did not recruit a technical secondary school to be born now, a last technical secondary school gives birth to me still is big 2 when graduated!
