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rust游戏时间? rust游戏名?英文双语对照


rust游戏时间? rust游戏名?英文双语对照




《RUST》是一款18年上线的多人动作生存游戏,《Rust》是采用Unity 3D引擎制作的一款丧尸类生存网络游戏,游戏是采取PVP(player vs player)方式,玩家看见其他玩家的时候,可以选择结伴、无视、或是直接杀了对方,抢夺其身上的任何资源。游戏除了注重战斗部分外,还拥有非常丰富的生存要素。












五、rust 游戏新手教学?

1.rust 游戏新手教学











1. 在RUST游戏的主页上找到"服务商列表"查找支持RUST游戏的游戏服务器提供商。

2. 根据需要选择一个服务器,然后按照提供商的指引注册账号并购买服务器的租用服务。

3. 等待提供商为你分配一个服务器,并确认所提供的服务器已经准备好安装RUST游戏服务。

4. 安装和配置RUST游戏服务,并按照需要设置其他选项,比如游戏地图、玩家数量和服务器规则等。

5. 启动服务器并让玩家通过网络连接到它来加入游戏。


1. 下载和安装RUST Dedicated Server软件。

2. 配置服务器:根据需要设置服务器选项,比如服务器名称、地图和玩家数量等。

3. 启动服务器并设置管理员密码,以便管理员可以通过控制台或命令行监控和管理服务器。

4. 使用防火墙配置,以保障服务器的安全性。

5. 在RUST游戏中连接服务器,退出游戏之前要首先保存进度。



Rust游戏对电脑的配置要求比较高。Rust的最低配置要求:  CPU:Intel Core2 3.0GHz/AMD同性能CPU  内存:8GB以上  硬盘:2GB以上空间  显卡:nVidia GeForce 9800GT/ATI同性能显卡  系统:Win XP/VISTA/Win7/Win8  声卡:Direct Sound 兼容声卡


在Rust游戏中,勘探装置可以通过以下步骤制作:1. 收集物资 - 需要收集200个金属碎片、150个电子元件和100个废铁。2. 搭建工作台 - 在基地中搭建工作台,可以用于制作勘探装置。3. 制作勘探装置 - 在工作台中制作勘探装置,需消耗收集到的物资。4. 使用勘探装置 - 将勘探装置放置在地面上,右键使用进行勘探。注意事项:1. 勘探装置只能在特定的地形上使用,如石头、沙漠等。2. 在使用勘探装置时,玩家需要保护自己,因为在野外使用会引起其他玩家的注意。



说白了就是快速拾取,那么我们长话短说,你只需要按住一个键(默认是“H”),然后把鼠标悬停在你想要移动的战利品上。这样做之后,项目就会排队并开始前往适当的位置(比如,从箱子到达你的背包)。 正如他们所说,这是双向的。你可以用它把东西放进盒子里,也可以拿出来。







One, Rust playtime?

Does Rust game play: of one bureau time? Tiao places?0~30 minute.

2, Rust game name?

" RUST " be go up 18 years the much person movement of the line lives game, " Rust " it is the dead body of a funeral that uses Unity 3D engine to make kind live network game, game is to adopt PVP (Player Vs Player) means, when the player sees other player, can choose mate, disregard, or was to kill each other directly, any resource that its get on loot personally. Game besides paying attention to action part, still have very rich live element.

The player is in game besides should be on guard the assault of animal, corpse, player, rely on of all kinds article to undertake existent.

3, Rust game foreground?

Hello, rust is one lives game, the player needs to collect resource in game, build the base, weapon that make and resist the attack of other player. This game was released first 2013, at present very welcome still, have many player community and active development group.

The game foreground of Rust is very hopeful. Above all, this game has dutiful player group, the online number of game maintains higher level all the time. Next, development group adds new function and content for game ceaselessly, in order to hold the new move of game and appeal. For example, they added element of a few science and technology recently, make a player OK make more advanced weapon and equipment. In addition, rust still has an active Mod community, the player can pass download and installation Mod to change the experience of game, this also develops for the abidance of game provided power.

Additional, rust still rolled out a brand-new experimental sex branch 2021, call Rust+ . This branch provided a few additional functions, wait like visible map, long-range monitoring and custom-built alarm, abounded the experience of game further.

The place on put together is narrated, rust pursues the sport that live and competes as, have powerful player group and the content that update ceaselessly, its game foreground is very accordingly hopeful.

4, is Rust game entered do not go?

Processing technique:

1, examine installation method folder to whether have Chinese, reduce folder character, lest newspaper fault shines,retreat.

2, whether does configuration requirement accord with configuration requirement, also can update show calorie of version that start

3, network join problem, the player fluctuates in the network when joining with abroad game server big, cannot stabilize join. Proposal young associate people quicken a tool with cruel mew, undertake the network is optimized, stabilize network join.

5, education of Rust game novice?

Education of 1.rust game novice

Above all, we enter game, preferential collect wood and stone resource.

2. makes a piece of map next, cost 50 wood to be able to make a piece of paper.

3. makes a map, the map can let us make a mark on land.

4. we seek a few in kind on the road, obtain a seed to had better be planted rise.

We build 5. a few collect a tool to accelerate gather speed

6. builds the home, make constructive paper and hammer

7. builds foundation, the door, building

6, how does RUST game open a service?

Open RUST game service to have two kinds of kind: The game server provider of use RUST government or proper motion build a server.

Means one: The game server provider of use RUST government

1." is found to serve business list " to search the game server provider that supports RUST sport on the homepage of RUST game.

2.Choose a server according to need, next according to the provider how-to the take on lease that register Zhang name and buys a server serves.

3.Await a provider to allocate a server for you, affirm offers server has prepared service of installation RUST game.

4.Installation and configuration RUST game serve, install other option according to need, amount of game map, player and server are for instance regular wait.

5.The server that start lets a player join through the network it will join game.

Means 2: Build a server by oneself

1.Download and install software of RUST Dedicated Server.

2.Configuration server: Install server option according to need, for instance server name, map is mixed player amount.

3.The server that start installs administrator password, so that the administrator can pass console or command travel monitoring and administrative server.

4.Use firewall is configured, in order to guarantee the security of the server.

5.In server of the join in RUST game, plan should be saved above all before quiting sport.

Those who need an attention is, build RUST game server to need certain computer and network knowledge by oneself, and need decides provider of lead plane of which kinds of sport suit oneself.

7, is Rust game configured to computer?

Rust game is taller to the configuration requirement of computer. The lowest of Rust configures a requirement: CPU: Intel Core2 3.0GHz/AMD is the same as memory of function CPU   : 8GB above hard disk: 2GB above space shows clip: Same sex of NVidia GeForce 9800GT/ATI can show calorie of system: Sound of Win XP/VISTA/Win7/Win8   gets stuck: Direct Sound compatible sound gets stuck

8, Rust game, how is exploration unit done?

In Rust game, exploration unit can make through the following measure: 1. Collect goods and materials - need collects component of 150 200 metals fragment, electrons and 100 scrap iron. 2. Build workbench - workbench is built in base, can use at making exploration device. 3. Unit of the exploration that make - exploration device is made in workbench, need to use up the goods and materials that collects. 4. Use exploration unit - set exploration unit go up in the ground, right key is used undertake exploration. Note: 1. Exploration unit can be used on specific landform only, wait like stone, desert. 2. When use exploration unit, the player needs to protect his, because outdoors is used,can cause the attention of other player.

9, by what key does Rust game collect a packet quickly?

H key

Spoken parts in an opera is fast collect, so our to make a long story short, you need to press a key only (acquiesce is " H " ) , hover the mouse on the spoils of war that you want to move next. After such doing, the project can queue up and begin to head for proper place (for instance, arrive at your knapsack) from the case. What they say no less than, this is two-way. You can put the thing into the box with it, also can take.

10, does Rust game shine what reason is retreating?

It is systematic setting gave an issue, settle way

1, the tiring-room process that closes application of mobile phone other, make sure memory is enough.

2, reduce a picture game has after the setting such as effect of qualitative, particle.

3, if be no good as before, can undertake feedback to customer service.
