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吃——最容易的事变得复杂奇妙 吃饭、喝水对于生活在地球上的人来说,是一件再平常不过的事了,但在失 重环境下的太空生活,宇航员的饮食就变得十分复杂而且特别奇妙。可以说,宇 航员的营养需求、食品制备、供给和他们的进食方式等都有一定的特殊性,与他 们在地面生活的饮食有着很大的不同。

航天食品从本质上讲与地面普通食品是一样的,都是为人体提供能量和营 养。但为了节省飞船的空间和发射时的有效载荷,宇航员携带的航天食品应尽可 能重量轻、体积小。如营养好的干化饼干和干化香肠,吃时用水泡一下,即可恢 复到与新鲜食品相近的味道。

航天食品除了要能经受住航天特殊环境因素的影 响,如冲击、振动、加速度等的考验而不失效外,还必须针对宇航员在失重条件 下生理改变的指数对膳食的营养素作适当调整,如肌肉萎缩就要求食品必须提供 充足的优质蛋白质;骨质丢失则要求食品提供充足的钙以及适宜的钙磷比例和维 生素等。

宇航员在航天飞行活动中如何进食,对他们来说是一个不小的考验。在失重 条件下,一杯盛满水的杯子朝下朝上放都一样,杯子里的水不会自动飘浮或洒落 出来,如果放在桌子上,杯子会连同水一起飞起来。所以说,宇航员在地面上原 有的吃饭、喝水习惯到了太空就完全不能适用了。

一般来讲,各种食物、零件、 用具等都是固定好了的。宇航员从食品柜里拿出食品后,要把装食品的复合塑料 膜袋剪开一个小口,把叉子和筷子伸进口袋里叉着往嘴里送。为了防止食品碎屑 到处飘飞,影响宇航员或设备的正常工作,这种食品往往都用小包装,制成与口 大小相近的方块、长方块或小球状的“一口吃”食品,吃时不必再切开。如果宇航 员要喝水,吃汤、羹、汁、果酱时,直接从塑料口袋或牙膏状的软铝管里,一点 一点往嘴里挤就可以了。

随着火箭技术的发展,宇航员从地面带去的食品可以丰富些了。如湿食品或 半湿食品的带汁火鸡、牛肉等,它们的水分含量和地面吃的正常食品相同。现在, 宇航员们在太空舱里已经可以使用微波加热器来烘烤食物了。这种微波加热器与 地面上使用的加热器有所不同。它上面有一些特制的凹进去的小格。

为了防止加 热时食物飘浮起来,需要加热的食物都必须固定在这些小格内,插上电源后,一 会儿就可以将食物加热到可口的程度。有了它,宇航员们就可以品尝到热烘烘、 香喷喷的红烧牛肉、炒蛋、猪排等食物了,其口感与在地面没有多大区别。


Aerospace life has what fun

Eat -- the easiest thing becomes complex and wonderful have a meal, drink water to be to the life for tellurian person, be a work that does not pass usually again, but the aerospace below weightlessness environment lives, the food of astronaut becomes very complex and particularly wonderful. Can say, preparation of the nutrient demand of astronaut, food, supply eats means to wait to have certain specific characteristics with theirs, with their look unfamiliar vivid food is having very big different.

Spaceflight food by nature and ground are common food is same, it is to be human body to provide energy and nourishment. But the space to save airship and the effective load when blasting off, the spaceflight provision that astronaut carries should as far as possible weight light, volume is minor. If nutrition works well,change biscuit and dried food change banger, bleb is used when eating, can restore the flavour with new provision close.

Spaceflight food besides want to be able to endure spaceflight the influence of special environment element, the test that waits like concussion, oscillatory, acceleration and not outside invalidation, the index that still must leave physiology to change in weightlessness condition in the light of astronaut is made to prandial nutriment adjust appropriately, if sweeny is about to beg food to must offer enough high grade protein; Bone loses a requirement food to offer enough calcium and appropriate calcic phosphor scale and vitamin to wait.

How does astronaut take food in spaceflight flight activity, it is a not little test to them. Below weightlessness condition, the cup of a cup of Cheng Manshui is put on gadarene face same, the water in the cup won't hang automatically or asperse fall, if be put on the table, water of meeting along with flies to the cup together. Say so, astronaut is in some former having a meal on the ground, the habit that drink water arrived aerospace is complete cannot applicable.

Will tell commonly, all sorts of food, spare parts, appliance have been secure. After astronaut takes out provision from pantry, want small to cut open the bag of compound and plastic film that holds food, extend broach and chopstick into the pocket send in forked past mouth. To avoid food drossy wave everywhere fly, affect the regular job of astronaut or equipment, this kind of food often uses Xiaobao to install, make the diamonds with buccal size close, long diamonds or globular " one impediment " food, when eating, need not dissection again. If astronaut wants to drink water, when eating soup, a thick soup, juice, jam, be in charge of from the soft aluminium of plastic bag or toothpaste shape directly in, it is OK to be squeezed in past mouth bit by bit.

As the development of rocketry, the food that astronaut goes to from area area is OK and some richer. Be like wet food or the turkey taking juice of half wet food, beef, the normal food that their moisture content and area eat is identical. Now, astronaut people can have used microwave heater to come in capsule roast food. The heater that uses on heater of this kind of microwave and ground differs somewhat. There is a few above it tailor-made sunken the small division that go in.

Rise to prevent the food when heating to hang, the food that need heats must be secured inside these small division, after inserting electrify source, can heat food a little while goluptious degree. Had it, astronaut people can taste beef of savor very warm, appetizing braise in soy sauce, fry the food such as egg, pork chop, its mouthfeel and do not have in the ground how old distinction.
