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健身步道宽度? 健身步道建设标准?英文双语对照


健身步道宽度? 健身步道建设标准?英文双语对照


































1. 起源:步道探戈起源于阿根廷的街头和社交场合,最初是由欧洲移民和非洲奴隶的文化融合而成的。它在20世纪初开始在阿根廷和乌拉圭的舞会和咖啡馆中流行起来。

2. 舞蹈风格:步道探戈是一种情感丰富、紧密配合的舞蹈,通常由一男一女搭档进行。它的舞姿流畅、腰部柔软,强调男性的引领和女性的跟随。

3. 基本步法:步道探戈有许多基本的步法和花样。其中最基础的步法包括前进、后退、侧步和转身,还有一些经典的花样如\ochos\(数字“8”形的步法)、\giros\(转身)和\boleos\(腿的飞扬动作)等。

4. 音乐:步道探戈的音乐通常是由小组乐队演奏的,主要包括手风琴、吉他、小提琴和双簧管等。音乐以其悲伤的旋律和深情的情感为特点。

5. 社交舞和竞技舞:步道探戈分为社交舞和竞技舞两种形式。社交舞是指在夜总会、舞厅和社交场合中进行的舞蹈,注重情感交流和互动。竞技舞则强调技术和表演性,会有评分和裁判标准。




















Gymnastical footpath width?

Footpath width is not less than 1.2 meters, total length is not less than 1000 meters or annular footpath circumference is not less than 300 meters. (1) footpath matchs wired road map, service instruction, explanation board. Mark has initial drop and terminus, reach walk direction.

(2) footpath two side or road surface are uninterrupted set a stage travel space, place uses time and the label such as disappear energy consumption.

(3) deserve to the guide that proposes healthy lifestyle is publicized, include smoke of reasonable and prandial, right amount motion, give up to be restricted the healthy knowledge such as balance of wine, psychology.

(4) install column of not less than 2 conduct propaganda or show window, deserve to have civilian establishment if street lamp, rest chair stool.

(5) in likelihood happening dangerous place installs clew shop sign,

Does gymnastical footpath build a standard?

Build a demand

1. The shop installs material to answer environmental protection is harmless, accord with relevant state level.

2. Level off of gymnastical footpath road surface, wait for fraise without pothole, seeper, clastic rock, the person that use aptly undertakes athletic taking exercise.

3. Gymnastical footpath upper part is perpendicular dimensional height with 2.4m above advisable, eye shot expanse, have good daylighting ventilated with afforest effect.

4. Gymnastical footpath surface should not have crack, without statified, without empty beat, mark line should clear, color is white commonly.

Design a requirement

1. Gymnastical footpath material should have skid resistance character can, what ensure citizen fitness adequately is comfortable with safety.

2. Gymnastical footpath foundation should close-grained, even, have enough strength, stability, fight be out of shape ability and endurance, should combine gas Hou of place, hydrology and geological condition, adopt relevant preventive measure.

3. Gymnastical footpath composition is general wait for combination by layer of facing, foundation, stable layer, mat layer and become. Mat layer but earthy radical and characteristic of fundamental layer material press the basis need to design.

Should wait for an element to choose corresponding structural combination according to the function of material of the fixed position of gymnastical footpath, facing and execution condition.

4. The gymnastical footpath length that brings into project of real issue of city seat of government is unfavorable be less than 300m. Gymnastical footpath designs life to should not be less than 5 years.

5. Width of one-way and current footpath is not less than 1.2m, two side appropriate sets way establishment of buffer zone, catchment.

6. Gradient of vertical slope of gymnastical footpath road surface with be more than 15% advisable. Transverse gradient should not is more than 0.5% ; When gymnastical footpath and traffic road across, appropriate takes security stand make way,

Set clew card or road surface label in roundabout, ensure the safety of footpath is mixed successional.

7. Gymnastical footpath is circumjacent should make the most of has establishment, below the condition that the condition allows, can install dustbin, rest the establishment of form a complete set such as chair stool.

8. Can offer nightly use gymnastical footpath, should removed 40, 60m installs illume establishment.

9. Mouth of across of passageway, main road should install establishment of label and scientific fitness guidance. Should configure:

-- ground course of development marks, every 50, 100m, should go up in facing material length of spray course of development, footpath of fitness of passageway spray citizen marks;

-- establishment of guidance of a scientific fitness, conditional gymnastical footpath can configure establishment of wisdom fitness guidance;

-- service instruction of footpath of a fitness, care and maintenance explains.

Cost of construction of plastic fitness footpath?

120 yuan

Usually, the construction cost that builds footpath of a plastic fitness is 120 yuan of every square

The difference of the creates valence to see construction square place choose even plastic character that plastic of course runway builds, compare high grade plastic cost to also be met commonly a few taller, also should compare average plastic price in the demand side of laid a bit a few more expensive

Footpath tango ABC?

Footpath tango is the traditional dancing of Argentina of a kind of traceable, have romantic, passion and elegant atmosphere. The ABC of tango of a few footpath is below:

1.Genetic: The street of Argentina of footpath tango traceable and social situation, become by the culture confluence of European immigrant and African slave at first. It is at the beginning of 20 centuries begin the ball in Argentina and Uruguay and cafe midstream travel to rise.

2.Dancing style: Footpath tango is a kind of affection the rich, dancing that cooperates cheek by jowl, normally by one male one female partner undertakes. Its dance appearance fluent, waist is soft, emphasize the male lead and of the female follow.

3.Basic footwork: Footpath tango has a lot of basic footwork and variety. Among them most fundamental footwork includes stage of ongoing, regressive, side and face about, still a few classic pattern are like \ochos\ (number " 8 " the footwork of form) , \giros\ (face about) with \boleos\ (of the leg fly upwards movement) etc.

4.Music: The music of footpath tango is played by group band normally, basically include accordion, guitar, violin and oboe to wait. Music is a characteristic with the air of its sadness and affectionate affection.

5.Gregarious dance and athletics dance: Footpath tango cent is gregarious dance and athletics dance two kinds of forms. Gregarious dance is to point to the dance that has in nightclub, ballroom and social situation, pay attention to affection communicates and interact. Athletics dance emphasizes technology and performance sex, can have grading and juridical level.

These are the ABC of footpath tango only, if you are interested in it, can learn further and explore this wonderful dancing.

Is footpath of fitness of Suzhou ancient canal full-length?

Footpath of fitness of Suzhou ancient canal is a major project that force of municipal government bend makes, basically offer fitness to take exercise for the citizen, recreational canter, it is the public activity system that advocates green zoology, healthy life. This fitness footpath is full-length 15.5 kilometers, width goes to 2.5 meters in 1.5 meters, the much place node such as bridge of all of raft of pontoons of Gou Lianqi of along the line, photograph raft of pontoons, Na Yuanqiao, aunt. Without exception of character, the Gu Yun that gymnastical footpath series connection had a city today wind.

Besides this, on the way ground of pleasance bank light green, walk change scene, wait for all sorts of close establishment plus dot of demonstrative card, caution card, have a rest, recreational chair, pedestrian walk with vigorous strides walks among them, can feel only, here is to manage site of recreational, fitness not only actually, it is the travel tourist attraction that one place has perfect landscape establishment and rich culture grade more.

10 big fitness footpath of Nanjing?

In Nanjing people is enjoying gymnastical footpath to bring gymnastical joy to everybody among them footpath of the following fitness is more favorite, footpath of footpath of fitness of lake of be surrounded by mountains of lake of incredible connecting with the boxing skill, fitness of fair of crescent moon lake, Chun Jiang 10 lis of fitness footpath, without footpath of fitness of park of lake of Hunan of footpath of fitness of hill of clear water missing mountain, 9 dragon, Qin Huai the river goes sightseeing gymnastical footpath, Gao Qiao.

How does footpath of fitness of bell home hill jockey?

The parking lot that in footpath the entrance handles jockeys. Because according to Zhong Jiashan gymnastical footpath administers the concerned regulation of place, the parking lot that the passenger that always enters footpath must handle car place in footpath entrance, must not drive enter. The parking lot that so footpath of fitness of bell home hill enters the mouth in footpath jockeys.

What material can gymnastical footpath spread?

Gymnastical footpath normally relatively neat, coordinate an organic whole with conjoint sports facilities and field and beautiful environment. Admiral PSP admiral has floor board of PSP of a footpath, colour sort is much, can match according to surroundings the color of footpath, easy and beautiful. Material is hundred raw raw material, healthy environmental protection, it is to compare floor of original a kind of adornment at present.

Big Ming Gongjian body footpath length?

Xi'an is big length of footpath of bright palace fitness is 10 kilometers.

Big park of relics of bright palace country is the palace building with Tang Di the most grandiose and proud country group, the country that is Tang Chao is indicative, cover an area of 3.2 square kilometer, it is 4.5 times of area of the Imperial Palace.

The start of body footpath is located in big Ming Gongjian big near the IMAX cinema of bright palace interior, set out from start, big whole a section of a highway rises and fall not quite, add up to steep declivous (2.3km is in) , a delay is declivous reach a delay is uphill (4.8km is in) , the others a section of a highway is relatively smooth, final terminal setting place is Marseilles on the west terminal on the west side.

Start of footpath of fitness of river of the official austral peaceful city?

△ Na Guanhe has week of the land of country south gymnastical footpath, north comes the canal that connect raise, overall length 9 kilometers, wadi thing each 4.5 kilometers, edge by way of dies name of bay of emerald green center of Mao Hebin, west lake, Jin Tonghai Tang, east bank, treasure takes garden of village He Dongming to wait for 16 dwellers village, it is peaceful city urban district covers residential area footpath of most fitness of bitumen road surface.

Footpath of Na Guanhe fitness is built along river two sides, on the way entirely afforest is enclothed, spring one's pupils or disciples, Xia Youhe lotus, Qiu Youju laurel, winter has Mei Lan, scenery of the four seasons is picturesque. This footpath is current without motor vehicle, everywhere is OK warm up, drawing. In addition, this footpath on the way cloth has street lamp, public order monitoring and urgent call the police appeal system, morning runs late practice is very safe.

Footpath of Na Guanhe fitness or the route of free and communal ran with an easy communication, footpath and aid plain road, always peaceful road, Mei Lan road, Yong Hui road, phoenix road, always start a journey, always decide road and week the land of country the road intersects, need hundreds of meters to be able to arrive only advocate the core trade group of the city zone, can find public transportation station, public bicycle on the way dot and parking lot, the citizen comes this fitness is very convenient.

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