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1. 蔬菜储存


2. 衣物整理


3. 餐具清洁


4. 地板清洁


5. 窗帘清洗


6. 厨房除味


7. 家具保养


8. 家电清洁


9. 垃圾分类


10. 绿色清洁用品




Little skill of household of everyday use uncovers secret greatly

In busy life, the little skill of household of everyday use of economic time and energy is crucial. Today, let us uncover the save labour when secret can be saved 10 times for you the household life small doohickey of environmental protection, the life that lets you is more convenient and comfortable.

1.Vegetable stores

UseSealed bagOr beLast boxStore the vegetable that has cut, can lengthen already last period go to the lavatory again take with.

2.Clothings is arranged

Seldom the dress that wearStore with vacuum bag, OK and economic deposit a space, what maintain clothings at the same time is clean.

3.Tableware cleanness

UseSodium bicarbonate pinkAndVinegartableware of mixture solution cleanness, already environmental protection decontamination force is powerful.

4.Floor cleanness

Join in mop water right amountWhite vinegar, can make floor cleanness more complete, have alexipharmic effect at the same time.

5.The curtain is cleaned

The curtain is the conceal ground of dirt, use regularlyCleanerClean curtain, can improve air quality.

6.The kitchen divides flavour

WithCitric pieceOrSodium bicarbonate pinkAbsorb the kitchen peculiar smell such as freezer, ash-bin, maintain air pure and fresh.

7.Furniture maintains

Use regularlyOlive oilOr professionalFurniture maintains agentWipe furniture, maintain furniture if brightness is new.

8.Home appliance cleanness

WithRubber is brushedWipe screen of TV, computer gently, can purify dirt and besmirch and do not harm screen.

9.Rubbish classification

Build rubbish to classify a habit, useCan reclaim bagAndAsh-binClassification puts in rubbish, protect an environment.

10.Green cleanness things

ChoiceThings of cleanness of green environmental protection, But degradation rubbish bagWait for household articles for use, reduce the pollution to the environment.

The life that hopes these live in daily expense little skill to be able to be you is brought advantage and comfortable, the household life that lets you is more good! Thank you read.

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