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It's better late than never, right? 迟到总比不来好,对吗? Chinese fans of the critically-acclaimed Japanese animated film Spirited Away might just be on cloud nine right now since the movie has finally been scheduled for a June 21 release in Chinese mainland. 备受好评的日本动画电影《千与千寻》定于6月21日在中国大陆上映,粉丝们现在可能会欣喜若狂。 The movie made by Studio Ghibli was originally released in 2001 and quickly garnered fame around the world for the captivating and thrilling story it offers. 这部由吉卜力工作室制作的电影最初于2001年上映,并因其引人入胜和扣人心弦的故事迅速在全球走红。 It follows the adventures of a 10-year old girl named Chihiro, voiced by the adorable Zhou Dongyu, as she wanders around the spirit world to bring her parents back to their original form after turning into pigs. 故事讲述的是10岁小女孩千寻的冒险故事,国内版由古灵精怪的周冬雨配音。千寻在精灵世界四处游荡,想把变成猪的父母变回原貌。 In the magical world, she encounters challenges and a cunning witch, voiced by Wang Lin, who wants to keep Chihiro as her servant forever. She also meets a boy named Haku, voiced by Jing Boran, who will help her through the journey. Peng Yuchang gives life to Kaonashi, and Tian Zhuanhzhuang takes the role of Kamaji. 在魔法世界里,千寻遇到了很多挑战。影片中狡猾的女巫由王琳配音,她想让千寻永远做她的仆人。千寻还遇到了男孩小白,由井柏然配音,他将在旅程中帮助她。彭昱畅为无脸男配音,田壮壮则为锅炉爷爷配音。

Spirited Away was the first ever animated film to win an Academy award. Spirited Away won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature at the 75th Academy Awards in 2003. 《千与千寻》是第一部获得奥斯卡奖的动画电影。2003年,《千与千寻》获得了第75届奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖。 "Spirited Away" remains to this day the only non-English language title to earn the Best Animated Feature trophy. 该片至今仍是唯一一部获得奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖的非英语动画片。 It is also the highest-grossing film in Japanese history. The anime grossed over $275 million in Japan during its initial release, out-grossing such box office behemoths as James Cameron's Titanic. 它也是日本历史上票房最高的电影。这部动画在日本首次上映时票房超过2.75亿美元(约合18.8亿元人民币),超过了詹姆斯·卡梅隆的《泰坦尼克号》等票房巨头。 Studio Ghibli films have remained popular in China. 吉卜力工作室的电影在中国一直很受欢迎。 It's currently the second Studio Ghibli film to make its way in China, the first being My Neighbor Totoro which was digitally remastered and shown in Chinese mainland cinemas last December. 这是吉卜力工作室目前在中国上映的第二部电影,第一部是数字修复版的《龙猫》,去年12月在中国大陆影院上映。 Anime has long been popular with Chinese audiences and $83 million of Your Name's total gross came from the Chinese mainland. 长期以来动漫一直深受中国观众的喜爱,影片《你的名字》总票房中有8300万美元来自中国大陆。 The Totoro release was a huge box office success with more than $26 million, and Spirited Away is widely expected to perform even better given its enduring popularity. 《龙猫》在大陆上映后大获成功,票房超过2600万美元,鉴于《千与千寻》经久不衰的人气,人们普遍预计它的票房表现会更好。

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