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美粗心汉求婚戒指遗落下水道 警方寻回后物归原主(英语双语阅读)


美粗心汉求婚戒指遗落下水道 警方寻回后物归原主(英语双语阅读)

A man accidentally dropped an engagement ring through a Times Square sidewalk grate after proposing to his girlfriend. 一名男子向女友求婚后不慎将订婚戒指掉进了时代广场人行道的下水道里。 Last Saturday, the New York Police Department put out a Twitter bulletin seeking the woeful groom. 上周六,纽约警察局在推特上发布公告,寻找这位不走运的新郎。 "WANTED for dropping his fiancee's ring in Times Square! She said yes -- but he was so excited that he dropped the ring in a grate," the NYPD News tweeted. "Officers rescued it & would like to return it to the happy couple." 纽约警察局官方推特账号发文称:“'通缉'那个在时代广场丢了未婚妻戒指的人。女孩说了我愿意,他却由于太激动把戒指掉进了下水道。现警官找回了戒指,想要将它还给这对幸福的情侣。”

They posted video of the couple that shows the man peering down in to the grate. They also posted multiple photos of the ring. 警方还发布了有关这对情侣的视频,视频中男子正向下水道内张望。他们还贴出了好几张戒指的照片。 The next day, the NYPD announced that, with the help of social sleuths assisting in the multinational probe, it had found the owners, who are from the UK. 次日,纽约警察局宣布,因为社交侦察在这起跨国调查中的帮助,该局已找到这对来自英国的失主。 "We would like to thank everyone who shared this story!" the department tweeted. "The happy couple is back in their home country, but thanks to your retweets they heard we were looking for them! We're making arrangements to get them their ring back. Congratulations!" 纽约警察局发推称:“我们要感谢所有分享了这个故事的人!这对幸福的情侣已回到了他们的祖国,但多亏你们的转发,他们知道我们正在找他们!我们正在安排把戒指送还给他们。祝贺!”

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