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人与大自然 大自然诞生人类,说明它是尊重人类的行为,相反人类更应该尊重大自然。从表面看人是 父母所生,事实上是大自然有了人的光子信息,人体胚胎才能吸收来自大自然的这个光子 信息,将胚胎长大成人,是父母所生,同时又是大自然完成对胚胎暗物质的激发。

大自然有脊椎动物45336种,其中鸟类1244种,鱼类3862种。 现有300 余万种昆虫,已经确认的种类仅100 余万种。大自然是天然资源,人与大自然应该互相尊重,保持珍惜和爱惜心态,适度使用自然,不让大自然遭破坏,使生活环境美好、自然资源无耗尽,就像是母子一样亲密、和谐。

所以,关于大自然的资料,其丰富程度只能用浩如烟海来形容,其纷繁复杂非三两万字或几个人所能阐述的。 大自然的分类 大自然里有各种生物,其中包括三大类:植物,动物,细菌和真菌。

同时大自然也是一个包含各种生态系统的地方! 大自然的元素分为:光,暗,水,火,风,雷,土,七种 ,也就是说自然对这些东西的平衡进行控制。 大自然对于精神上的影响,以时间来说是最先,以地方来说是最重要。


在他看来,大自然是什么?这上帝的网,它那不可理解的连贯性,从来没有开始,也从来没有结束,永远是圆形的力,回到它的自身。 这一点它正和他自己的心灵相像,他永远不能找到它的开始与结束——这样完全,这样无限。

大自然的光彩也照得那样远,宇宙上面还有宇宙,像光线一样地放射出去,向上,向下,没有中心,没有圆周——不论是聚集的或是分散的,大自然都迫切地向人的心灵表白她自己。 开始分门别类了。 在年轻人的心里,每一件东西都是个别的,独自站在那里。



几何学纯粹是人类心灵里的一种抽象的东西,而天文学家发现行星的移动可以用几何学来测量。 化学家发现一切物质中都有比例与可以理解的法则;科学是什么呢?无非是在距离最远的事物中发现相仿、相同之点。


于是,这天宇下的学童感觉到他和自然“本是同根生”;一个是叶子,一个是花;亲谊与同情在每一根血管里活动着。 树根是什么呢?不是他的灵魂的灵魂么?一个太大胆的设想;一个太荒唐的梦。



他对于大自然知道得不够的程度,也就是他对于自己的心灵还掌握得不够的程度。总之,那古代的箴言,“认识你自己”,与现代的箴言“研究大自然”,终于成为同一个格言了。 大自然的天空,是无比的纯净。


类似问题 关于大自然——水、空气、山脉、河流、微生物、植物、动物、地球、宇宙等等,都属于大自然的范畴;研究大自然的科学是自然科学,包括数学、物理、化学、生物学、地理学等科学,而这些科学的分支学科是非常多而繁杂的,如:生物科学又可分为微生物学、植物学、动物学三大学科;再而又可以分出分子生物学、细胞学、遗传学、生理学等;各学科交叉又会衍生出许多分支学科,如生物化学,生物物理学,分子结构生人与大自然 大自然诞生人类,说明它是尊重人类的行为,相反人类更应该尊重大自然。从表面看人是 父母所生,事实上是大自然有了人的光子信息,人体胚胎才能吸收来自大自然的这个光子 信息,将胚胎长大成人,是父母所生,同时又是大自然完成对胚胎暗物质的激发。

大自然有脊椎动物45336种,其中鸟类1244种,鱼类3862种。 现有300 余万种昆虫,已经确认的种类仅100 余万种。大自然是天然资源,人与大自然应该互相尊重,保持珍惜和爱惜心态,适度使用自然,不让大自然遭破坏,使生活环境美好、自然资源无耗尽,就像是母子一样亲密、和谐。

所以,关于大自然的资料,其丰富程度只能用浩如烟海来形容,其纷繁复杂非三两万字或几个人所能阐述的。 大自然的分类 大自然里有各种生物,其中包括三大类:植物,动物,细菌和真菌。

同时大自然也是一个包含各种生态系统的地方! 大自然的元素分为:光,暗,水,火,风,雷,土,七种 ,也就是说自然对这些东西的平衡进行控制。 大自然对于精神上的影响,以时间来说是最先,以地方来说是最重要。


在他看来,大自然是什么?这上帝的网,它那不可理解的连贯性,从来没有开始,也从来没有结束,永远是圆形的力,回到它的自身。 这一点它正和他自己的心灵相像,他永远不能找到它的开始与结束——这样完全,这样无限。

大自然的光彩也照得那样远,宇宙上面还有宇宙,像光线一样地放射出去,向上,向下,没有中心,没有圆周——不论是聚集的或是分散的,大自然都迫切地向人的心灵表白她自己。 开始分门别类了。 在年轻人的心里,每一件东西都是个别的,独自站在那里。



几何学纯粹是人类心灵里的一种抽象的东西,而天文学家发现行星的移动可以用几何学来测量。 化学家发现一切物质中都有比例与可以理解的法则;科学是什么呢?无非是在距离最远的事物中发现相仿、相同之点。


于是,这天宇下的学童感觉到他和自然“本是同根生”;一个是叶子,一个是花;亲谊与同情在每一根血管里活动着。 树根是什么呢?不是他的灵魂的灵魂么?一个太大胆的设想;一个太荒唐的梦。



他对于大自然知道得不够的程度,也就是他对于自己的心灵还掌握得不够的程度。总之,那古代的箴言,“认识你自己”,与现代的箴言“研究大自然”,终于成为同一个格言了。 大自然的天空,是无比的纯净。



About nature -- water, air, mountain range, river, microbial, plant, animal, earth, universe is waited a moment, belong to the category of nature; The science that studies nature is science, include maths, physics, chemical, biology, geographical wait for science, and these scientific branch subject are very much and multifarious, be like: Biology science can be divided again for microbiology, botanical, zoologic 3 colleges division; Again and can separate an element biology, cytology, genetics, physiological etc; Each course across can derive a lot of branch course again, be like biochemistry, biophysics, molecular structure biology is waited a moment.

Person and nature nature are born the mankind, explain it is the behavior that respects the mankind, contrary mankind should respect nature more. Seeing a person from the surface is parental place is born, it is the photon news that nature had a person in fact, human body embryo just can absorb this photon news that comes from nature, embryonic and grown adult, it is parental place is born, it is the excitation that nature finishs dark to embryo material at the same time.

Nature has vertebrate 45336 kinds, among them avian 1244 kinds, fish 3862 kinds. Have more than kinds of 300 insect, the sort that has affirmed only more than kinds 100. Nature is natural resource, person and nature should be respected each other, maintain cherish and cherish state of mind, use nature moderately, do not let nature be destroyed, make surroundings happiness, rich is not had extinct, resembling is Muzi euqally close, harmonious.

So, about the data of nature, its abound degree to be able to be described only with tremendous amount of, its numerous and complicated is complex be not 289 words or a few people to be able to be elaborated. The classification of nature has all sorts of live thing in nature, include 3 kinds of big: among them? Join? animal, bacterium and fungus.

At the same time nature also is a place that includes all sorts of ecosystem! The elemental cent of nature is: Smooth, dark, water, fire, wind, thunder, earth, 7 kinds, undertake naturally controlling to the balance of these things that is to say. Nature the influence that goes up to spirit, with it is for time most first, with it is the most important for the place.

Each days, the sun; After sunset, night, with her stars. Wind is being blown forever; Grass is growing forever. Each days, man and woman, talking, watching, be being watched. Between all people, what the sort of figure can attract most is philosopher. He must decide its value in him heart.

Look in him, what is nature? This sacred net, it that baffling continuity, never begin, never also end, it is circular force forever, return its oneself. This it is resembling with his own spirit appearance, the beginning that he can never find it and end -- so complete, so infinite.

The glorious of nature also is illuminated far in that way, there still is the universe above the universe, like the light the ground radiates go out, up, downward, without the center, not circumferential -- it is no matter gather or it is dispersive, nature professions pressingly to the person's heart herself. Begin classify. In the youth's heart, each thing is individual, stand over alone.

Gradually, he knows how to connect two things together, see the intercommunity between them; Next 3 things, next 3000; Then he is combined this kind by him himself all natural place is controlled, continue to be together thing fasten, reduce irregular phenomenon, discover the tree root of land base, will contrary, distant thing contact rises, in same blossom on limb.

He knows before long, since the history when beginning, the fact gathers ceaselessly and classify. However " classify " what is the meaning? No more than is to see these things are not desultorily, did not matter between each other, have certain law however, this also is the rule of human heart at the same time.

Geometry is a kind of abstract thing in human heart purely, and the shift that astronomer discovers a planet is OK geometrically will measure. Chemist discovers to there are scale and understandable law in all material; What is science? No more than is similar, same point discovers in be apart from farthermost thing.

The person with an ambitious ambition sits to study each hard pilot fact; all bizarre construction classify of as many a as all new power ground their sort. Induce in their theorem, and go down so forever, apply deep observation, last fiber of all sorts of organizations, and of nature outside predestined relationship, endow with with life.

Then, the schoolchild below this sky feels he and nature " it is to be the same as a root to be born originally " ; One is leaf, one is a flower; Close friendship and sympathize with in each blood-vessel the activity is worn. What is establishing a root? The soul of the soul that is him? A too bold tentative plan; A too absurd dream.

However, when once the brightness of this heart helped him discover,comparing the pattern of the content sex of visible form -- know to adore the soul when him, and when the huge hand that sees existing natural philosophy is the soul only only is explored at first, at that time he will look forward to knowledge to expand increasingly, good the god that becomes a future.

He will see nature is incorporeal opposite, each part photograph echo is worn. One is seal, one is to imprint the word that come out. Its beauty is him himself interior beauty. Its rule is him himself interior rule. Accordingly he regards nature as he himself accomplishs measure measuring implement.

He knows to get insufficient rate to nature, namely the degree that he still masters not quite to his heart. Anyhow, the admonition of that ancient time, "Know yourself " , with contemporary admonition " study nature " , become eventually same gnomic. The sky of nature, be clinking pure.

La La's sky is waving white cloud.

Similar problem about nature -- water, air, mountain range, river, microbial, plant, animal, earth, universe is waited a moment, belong to the category of nature; The science that studies nature is science, include maths, physics, chemical, biology, geographical wait for science, and these scientific branch subject are very much and multifarious, be like: Biology science can be divided again for microbiology, botanical, zoologic 3 colleges division; Again and can separate an element biology, cytology, genetics, physiological etc; Each course across can derive a lot of branch course again, be like biochemistry, biophysics, molecular structure stranger and nature nature are born the mankind, explain it is the behavior that respects the mankind, contrary mankind should respect nature more. Seeing a person from the surface is parental place is born, it is the photon news that nature had a person in fact, human body embryo just can absorb this photon news that comes from nature, embryonic and grown adult, it is parental place is born, it is the excitation that nature finishs dark to embryo material at the same time.

Nature has vertebrate 45336 kinds, among them avian 1244 kinds, fish 3862 kinds. Have more than kinds of 300 insect, the sort that has affirmed only more than kinds 100. Nature is natural resource, person and nature should be respected each other, maintain cherish and cherish state of mind, use nature moderately, do not let nature be destroyed, make surroundings happiness, rich is not had extinct, resembling is Muzi euqally close, harmonious.

So, about the data of nature, its abound degree to be able to be described only with tremendous amount of, its numerous and complicated is complex be not 289 words or a few people to be able to be elaborated. The classification of nature has all sorts of live thing in nature, include 3 kinds of big: among them? Join? animal, bacterium and fungus.

At the same time nature also is a place that includes all sorts of ecosystem! The elemental cent of nature is: Smooth, dark, water, fire, wind, thunder, earth, 7 kinds, undertake naturally controlling to the balance of these things that is to say. Nature the influence that goes up to spirit, with it is for time most first, with it is the most important for the place.

Each days, the sun; After sunset, night, with her stars. Wind is being blown forever; Grass is growing forever. Each days, man and woman, talking, watching, be being watched. Between all people, what the sort of figure can attract most is philosopher. He must decide its value in him heart.

Look in him, what is nature? This sacred net, it that baffling continuity, never begin, never also end, it is circular force forever, return its oneself. This it is resembling with his own spirit appearance, the beginning that he can never find it and end -- so complete, so infinite.

The glorious of nature also is illuminated far in that way, there still is the universe above the universe, like the light the ground radiates go out, up, downward, without the center, not circumferential -- it is no matter gather or it is dispersive, nature professions pressingly to the person's heart herself. Begin classify. In the youth's heart, each thing is individual, stand over alone.

Gradually, he knows how to connect two things together, see the intercommunity between them; Next 3 things, next 3000; Then he is combined this kind by him himself all natural place is controlled, continue to be together thing fasten, reduce irregular phenomenon, discover the tree root of land base, will contrary, distant thing contact rises, in same blossom on limb.

He knows before long, since the history when beginning, the fact gathers ceaselessly and classify. However " classify " what is the meaning? No more than is to see these things are not desultorily, did not matter between each other, have certain law however, this also is the rule of human heart at the same time.

Geometry is a kind of abstract thing in human heart purely, and the shift that astronomer discovers a planet is OK geometrically will measure. Chemist discovers to there are scale and understandable law in all material; What is science? No more than is similar, same point discovers in be apart from farthermost thing.

The person with an ambitious ambition sits to study each hard pilot fact; all bizarre construction classify of as many a as all new power ground their sort. Induce in their theorem, and go down so forever, apply deep observation, last fiber of all sorts of organizations, and of nature outside predestined relationship, endow with with life.

Then, the schoolchild below this sky feels he and nature " it is to be the same as a root to be born originally " ; One is leaf, one is a flower; Close friendship and sympathize with in each blood-vessel the activity is worn. What is establishing a root? The soul of the soul that is him? A too bold tentative plan; A too absurd dream.

However, when once the brightness of this heart helped him discover,comparing the pattern of the content sex of visible form -- know to adore the soul when him, and when the huge hand that sees existing natural philosophy is the soul only only is explored at first, at that time he will look forward to knowledge to expand increasingly, good the god that becomes a future.

He will see nature is incorporeal opposite, each part photograph echo is worn. One is seal, one is to imprint the word that come out. Its beauty is him himself interior beauty. Its rule is him himself interior rule. Accordingly he regards nature as he himself accomplishs measure measuring implement.

He knows to get insufficient rate to nature, namely the degree that he still masters not quite to his heart. Anyhow, the admonition of that ancient time, "Know yourself " , with contemporary admonition " study nature " , become eventually same gnomic. The sky of nature, be clinking pure.

La La's sky is waving white cloud.

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