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f16战斗机参数配置? f16战斗机发动机功率?英文双语对照


f16战斗机参数配置? f16战斗机发动机功率?英文双语对照


F-16技术数据 翼展:9.45m 全长:15.09m 高度:5.09m 空重:7,070kg 最大起飞重量:16,057kg 内载燃油量:3,160kg(4,060L) 最大挂载能力:6,800kg 发动机:P&WF100-PW-200型涡轮风扇发动机一具。

发动机推力:11,350kg 最大平飞速度:Mach2.

0 最大爬升率:15,240m/min 升限:15,240m(46,250ft) 最大航程:3,890km 电子系统: 火控雷达:WestinghouseAN/APG-66(V)2A 最大搜索距离:185km(100nm) 导航系统:LittonLN-93型激光陀螺仪 电子战系统: 雷达预警系统(RWS):LittonAN/ALR-56M型雷达预警系统 电子对抗系统(ECM):AN/ALE-47红外诱饵、干扰丝撒布器、RaytheonAN/ALQ-184(v)2型电子对抗吊舱 武器系统: 固定武装:GEM61A120mm机关炮 武器挂点:左右翼端各一、翼下各三;机腹挂点一;计九个挂点 F-16C装有一台F-100-PW-200(3)型涡扇发动机,加力状态可达11338公斤。最大时速2120公里,马赫数2.0。最大航程3219公里以上。实用升限15240米以上。JF17数据:翼展8.98米,长度14.30米(单座版[14] )14.50米(双座版),高度4.90米,主轮距2.54米,前主轮距4.94米,正常起飞重量9100千克,最大起飞重量12700千克,外挂能力3800千克,机内燃油2300升,最大马赫数M1.6,实用升限16500米,起飞滑跑距离450米,着陆滑跑距离700米,航程2500千米,限制过载8G。










F-16战斗机(英文:F-16 fighter,编号:F-16,代号/绰号:Fighting Falcon,译文:战隼,通称:通用动力/洛克希德F-16“战隼”,又称:国际战斗机),是美国空军一型喷气式多用途战斗机。F16战斗机最大飞行速度为2175千米/小时。最大航程3219公里以上,实用最高什限15240米以上。




F—16的最大飞行速度与大多数第二代战斗机差不太多,约在M2左右;但其最大飞行表速大,可达1480公里/小时。由于F—16飞机的推重比大、翼载荷低,因而机动性能相当好。F—16在M1.5前的水平增速性能是相当好的。在高度6000米时,从 M0.9增速到M1.2仅需19秒钟,增速到M1.5需48秒钟。F—16的可用升力系数较大、翼载荷又低,所以瞬时盘旋角速度较大。超低空低速飞行时,其瞬时盘旋角速度可达25.5度/秒。稳定盘旋性能也较好,在飞行速度为M0.7时,其盘旋半径仅为650米。当飞行高度超过11000米、特别是进行超音速飞行时,其盘旋性能下降较为明显































F-16发动机性能参数: 翼展:9.45m 全长:15.09m 高度:5.09m 空重:7,070kg 最大起飞重量:16,057kg 内载燃油量:3,160kg(4,060L) 最大挂载能力:6,800kg 发动机:P&WF100-PW-200型涡轮风扇发动机一具。









One, configuration of F16 battleplan parameter?

Ala of F-16 technology data is exhibited: 9.45m is full-length: 15.09m height: 5.09m empty weight: 7, 070kg is the biggest takeoff weight: 16, fuel carries to measure inside 057kg: 3, 160kg(4, 060L) is the biggest hang carry ability: 6, 800kg engine: PEngine of &WF100-PW-200 turbine fan.

Engine thrust: 11, 350kg is the biggest flat flying rate: MAch2.

0 the biggest climb are led: 15, 240m/min ceiling: 15, 240m(46, 250ft) is the biggest range: 3, 890km electron system: Fire accuses radar: WThe biggest search is apart from EstinghouseAN/APG-66(V)2A: 185km(100nm) navigation system: LSystem of warfare of electron of IttonLN-93 laser gyroscope: Radar early warning system (RWS):LSystem of antagonism of electron of IttonAN/ALR-56M radar early warning system (ECM):ABestrew of silk of N/ALE-47 infra-red bait, interference implement, system of weapon of towed bird of RaytheonAN/ALQ-184(v)2 electron antagonism: Fixed arm: GDoes EM61A120mm mechanism prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan the weapon hangs bit of: ?  of evil spirit of Lu of Dong of ⒁ of arc of Tao of bright of Ji of second of bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase changes  compose course of study to quarrel bluff suffers from contain by?F-16C of gull Yu course of study engine of fan of a F-100-PW-200(3) eddy, thrust augmentation condition can amount to 11338 kilograms. The biggest speed per hour 2120 kilometers, mach number 2. The biggest range 3219 kilometers above. Practical ceiling 15240 meters of above. JF17 data: The ala exhibits 8.98 meters, length 14.3 meters (odd an edition [14] ) 14.5 meters (two-seater edition) , height 4.9 meters, advocate tread 2.54 meters, before advocate tread 4.94 meters, normal takeoff weight 9100 kilogram, the greatest takeoff weight 12700 kilogram, ability is hanged outside 3800 kilogram, the fuel inside machine 2300 litres, m1.6 of the largest Mach number, practical ceiling 16500 meters, take off slippery run be apart from 450 meters, land slippery run be apart from 700 meters, range 2500 kilometre, restrict overload 8G.

2, power of F16 battleplan engine?

American F16 battleplan is battleplan of a single shot. What inchoate model uses is F100 engine of Pu Hui, its probably parameter is as follows: PEngine of &WF100-PW-200 turbine fan,

Engine thrust: 11, 350kg

The oldest flat flying rate: MAch2.0

The biggest climb is led: 15, 240m/min

Ceiling: 15, 240m(46, 250ft)

The biggest range: 3, 890km

Because this engine stability is poorer, used general and electric F110 later.

3, is F16 battleplan the biggest how much is range?

F-16 battleplan (English: F-16 Fighter, number: F-16, code name / byname: Fighting Falcon, translation: Zhan Sun, appellative: Current motive force / Losk Heed F-16 " Zhan Sun " , say again: International battleplan) , it is air force one model jet-propelled multipurpose battleplan. Speed of the biggest flight is F16 battleplan 2175 kilometre / hour. The biggest range 3219 kilometers above, practical and highest assorted is restricted 15240 meters of above.

F-16 battleplan is sheet single shot layout, it is the United States the 3rd generation or the 3rd generation half battleplan, it is one of the most successful battleplan on the world. This battleplan optimizes function of the fistfight inside apparent distance substantially in the light of experience of Vietnam war air battle, it is the first kind of battleplan of American that can have 9G overload for emergency use, also be the United States uses telex to fly above all accuse, one of battleplan of cockpit of human body engineering.

4, is F16 the biggest speed?

F, 16 the oldest rate make an appointment with 2 horses conspicuous (1480 kilometers / hour)

F, the 2nd acting battleplan needs the speed of the biggest flight of 16 and great majority not quite much, control in M2 about; But its are the biggest the flight is expressed fast big, can amount to hour of 1480 kilometers / . As a result of F, the hold in esteem of 16 planes is lower than load of big, ala, motor-driven performance is quite consequently good. F, 16 in M1. It is quite good that the 5 levels before add fast performance. In height 6000 meters when, from M0. 9 add fast to M1. 2 need 19 seconds only, add fast to M1. 5 need 48 seconds. F, the usable lift coefficient of 16 load of bigger, ala low, so instantaneous circles angular velocity is bigger. When hedgehopper low speed flies, its instantaneous circles angular velocity can be amounted to 25. Second of 5 degrees of / . Stability circles performance is better also, m0 is in flight speed. 7 when, its circle radius is 650 meters only. Exceed 11000 when flight height rice, when undertaking supersonic speed flies especially, its circle function drops relatively apparent

F, the ceiling of 16 not very tall, about 18000 meters or so, but its climb performance is very good. In sea level, its are the biggest climb rate is controlled for second of 305 meters of / ; In 6000 meters of height, climb rate is second of 183 meters of / ; When height is 9000 meters, its climb rate still amounts to second of 120 meters of / . Exceed M1 when speed. 5, when height is more than I1000 rice, climb function drops faster. F, the pneumatic function of 16 planes carries oily coefficient inside better, machine the rate of bad news oil of taller, engine is inferior, the range of the plane is consequently bigger. Its do not take the range of auxiliary tank to be 1825 kilometers, when 3 auxiliary tank are being received outside the biggest turn field range is controlled for 3800 kilometers. When executive intercept task fight radius can exceed 900 kilometers; When patrolling in sky fight radius is controlled for 700 kilometers; When executing right attack mission, be received outside the basis and of flight section plane different, its fight radius is 440, 1400 kilometers left and right sides.

5, solution of F16 function detailed?

F-16A technology data

The ala is exhibited: 9.45m

Full-length: 15.09m

Height: 5.09m

Empty weight: 7, 070kg

The greatest takeoff weight: 16, 057kg

Fuel carries to measure inside: 3, 160kg(4, 060L)

The biggest hang carry ability: 6, 800kg

Engine: PEngine of &WF100-PW-200 turbine fan,

Engine thrust: 11, 350kg

The oldest flat flying rate: MAch2.0

The biggest climb is led: 15, 240m/min

Ceiling: 15, 240m(46, 250ft)

The biggest range: 3, 890km

Electronic system:

Fire accuses radar: WEstinghouseAN/APG-66(V)2A

The biggest search is apart from: 185km(100nm)

Navigation system: LIttonLN-93 laser gyroscope

Electronic warfare system:

Radar early warning system (RWS):LIttonAN/ALR-56M radar early warning system

Electronic antagonism system (ECM):ABestrew of silk of N/ALE-47 infra-red bait, interference implement, towed bird of RaytheonAN/ALQ-184(v)2 electron antagonism

Weapon system:

Fixed arm: GEM61A120mm mechanism prepares Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan

Does the weapon hang bit of: ? Does  of evil spirit of Lu of Dong of ⒁ of arc of Tao of bright of Ji of second of bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase change  compose course of study to quarrel bluff suffers from by gull Yu course of study?

F-16C contains engine of fan of a F-100-PW-200(3) eddy, thrust augmentation condition can amount to 11338 kilograms. The biggest speed per hour 2120 kilometers, mach number 2. The biggest range 3219 kilometers above. Practical ceiling 15240 meters of above.

6, limits of F16 depth of field?

The limits of depth of field of F16 from most Xiaojiao paragraph can see well to infinity

7, F16 detailed parameter?

F-16 engine performance data: The ala is exhibited: 9.45m is full-length: 15.09m height: 5.09m empty weight: 7, 070kg is the biggest takeoff weight: 16, fuel carries to measure inside 057kg: 3, 160kg(4, 060L) is the biggest hang carry ability: 6, 800kg engine: PEngine of &WF100-PW-200 turbine fan.

8, the game of battleplan imitate flight with a few recommend good?

Lockon, the lock decides ace air battle, it is the flight simulator game with the at present most distinct whole world, the picture need not say, 6 kinds of planes can offer choice F-15, MIG-29, su-27, su-33, a-10, su-25, cockpit appearance, smooth show a picture, pneumatic function and fight use with real airplane without the slightest difference! Suit player of class of ashes of the dead or professional aviation person to play only nevertheless, average person employs not to understand!

9, Singapore F16 what model?

What F16 of Singapore air force uses now is F16cd opportunity for combat of the United States

10, does Wukelan have F16?

Do not have at present

Zeliansiji of Wu Kelan's president put forward him then " dream " -- hope west offers battleplan. Although Ci of Er of German premier new moon expresses to object, and American president is done obeisance to ascend express publicly also to won't offer F16 opportunity for combat to black, but the dream of opportunity for combat that these making known one's position and does not mean Wukelan is broken because of this. From stand for war tank arrives long-range bazooka, the politics of western aid black and technical doorsill are being spanned step by step, the barrier that helps opportunity for combat already alled gone. But even if was to obtain F16, wu Kelan still faces a lot of test on Russia black battlefield.

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