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北京中国首都,人文历史气息浓厚,值得一游这是我从温州到北京的攻略供你参考,希望能帮助到你,你可以根据实际删减行程。三个人带个7000元吧,省点花还是可以的。第一天1.动车 温州南-北京南(1)10:07-18:43 677元/人(2)10:58-19:49 663元/人•可以在动车站附近办理公交卡,坐公交4折,20元押金。每个人都要办。2.步行前往自己订的酒店,约850米。•如果早可以再出门逛一逛第二天1.天安门看升旗•在前一天和某个司机商量好。升旗仪式时间约为4点50分。最好提前半小时到。约5点30结束,吃早餐。(1)人民英雄纪念碑(2)毛主席纪念堂:每周二至周日7:00-11:00,下午14:00-17:00。大约要排一小时队,参观20分钟。(3)国家博物馆:凭有效证件免费参观。开放时间:全年开放每日9:00~17:00,16:00停止入馆(周一闭馆)(4)国家钱币博物馆:10元/人。(8:00-12:00)每天9:00~16:00,周一、周日闭馆。2.午饭3. 游览天坛公园公交前往,约30分钟。联票:35元/人四大门开放时间:6:00—22:00。 18:00闭馆。(13:30-16:00)游览约3小时。(13:30-16:30)4.晚饭第三天1.游览故宫从旅馆乘公交出发,约1小时。8:30-16:10。 60元/人。 一天左右。(8:30-17:00)2.游览王府井故宫博物院出发,约3公里。3.返回酒店,约10公里。第四天1.游览八达岭长城(06:30~19:00。 45元/人。)地铁转市郊铁路,单程约2小时,长城游览约4小时,返回两小时。市郊铁路S2线:8:34-9:47.(周二至周四运行)游览约10:00-14:00.回程:15:10-16:47(7:00-17:00)2.晚餐第五天1.游览颐和园地铁前往,约1小时。06:30~20:00。 联票60元/人游览约3小时。(8:00-11:00)2.午餐3.游览圆明园从颐和园乘公交前往,约20分钟。全票约35元/人。 07:00~21:00。游览约3小时。(12:00-15:00)4.德云社北京相声大会听相声地铁前往,约1小时。逛大栅栏街,吃晚餐。演出:周二至周日晚19:00开始。演出结束,坐公交回宾馆,约40分钟。(16:00-22:00)第六天1.游览孔庙和国子监博物馆(08:30—18:00,30元/人)公交前往,约1小时暂定游览2小时。(8:30-10:30)2.游览中国人民革命军事博物馆地铁前往,约50分钟8:30——17:30(冬17:00)周一闭馆凭有效证件免费领票。(11:30-13:00)3.游览北京天文馆(9:30-17:30(周末及节假日16:30),周一周二闭馆。票价10-45元不等。)公交前往,约30分钟。游览约2小时。(14:00-16:00)(4.游览自然博物馆地铁前往,约50分钟游览约1.5小时)(选择项目)5.晚餐第七天1. 游览北京海洋馆(9:00-17:30。 130元/人,包括动物园)步行前往游览约3小时。(9:00-12:00)2.午餐3. 游览北京动物园(7:30—18:00,20元/人)地铁前往,约40分钟游览约3小时。(13:00-16:00)第八天1.回温州08:10-16:44 动车。 677/人


Beijing China capital, humanitarian history breath is grumous, be worth to swim this is me the strategy that goes to Beijing from Wen Zhou consults for you, the hope can help you, you can reduce the travel according to actual cutout. 3 people are taken 7000 yuan, the flower that visit a site is possible still. The first day 1. South motor-car lukewarm city - south Beijing (1) 10:07-18:43 677 yuan / person (2) 10:58-19:49 663 yuan / person? Public transportation card can be handled around motor-car station, sit public transportation 4 fold, 20 yuan of cash pledge. Everybody should do. 2. Head for the public house that oneself order on foot, about 850 meters. ? If early can go out again ramble the following day 1. Does Tian An Men see raise a flag? Having discussinging with a certain driver before today. Flag-raising ceremony time is about 4:50. Had better shift to an earlier date half hours to arrive. Make an appointment with at 5 o'clock 30 ends, have breakfast. (1) people hero is monumental (2) Chairman Mao memorial hall: Every week 2 to weekday 7:00-11:00, afternoon 14:00-17:00. Want to discharge one hour team about, look around 20 minutes. (3) national museum: Look around freely by effective certificate. Open time: Annual opens daily 9:00~17:00, 16:00 stop a house (Zhou Yi closes a shop) (4) national coin museum: 10 yuan / person. (8:00-12:00) everyday 9: 00 ~ 16: 00, zhou Yi, weekday closes a shop. 2. Lunch 3. Visit the Temple of Heaven go to before the park is public transportation, about 30 minutes. Couplet ticket: 35 yuan / 4 gates open the person time: 6: 00, 22: 00. 18: 00 close a shop. (13:30-16:00) visit about 3 hours. (13:30-16:30) 4. Dinner the 3rd day 1. Visit the Imperial Palace to be multiplied from hotel public transportation set out, about 1 hour. 8:30-16:10. 60 yuan / person. A day or so. (8:30-17:00) 2. Visit museum of the Imperial Palace of well of king government office to set out, make an appointment with 3 kilometers. 3. Return a public house, make an appointment with 10 kilometers. The 4th day 1. Visit the 8 Great Walls that amount to mountain (06:30~19:00. 45 yuan / person. ) the subway turns environs railroad, one-way about 2 hours, the Great Wall visits about 4 hours, return two hours. Line of environs railroad S2: 8:34-9:47. (Zhou Er goes to Zhou Siyun) visit make an appointment with 10:00-14:00. Return trip: 15:10-16:47 (7:00-17:00) 2. Dinner the 5th day 1. Visit Summer Palace subway to head for, about 1 hour. 06:30~20:00. Couplet ticket 60 yuan / the person visits about 3 hours. (8:00-11:00) 2. Lunch 3. Visit a circle bright garden is multiplied from the Summer Palace public transportation head for, about 20 minutes. Full makes an appointment with 35 yuan / person. 07:00~21:00. Visit about 3 hours. (12:00-15:00) 4. Congress of comic dialogue of Beijing of heart cloud company listens comic dialogue subway is headed for, about 1 hour. Shop, eat dinner. Show: Zhou Er comes weekday late 19:00 begin. The show ends, sit public transportation answer guesthouse, about 40 minutes. (16:00-22:00) the 6th day 1. Visit Confucian temple and museum of the Imperial College (08: 30, 18: 00, 30 yuan / person) public transportation head for, about 1 hour provisional visit 2 hours. (8:30-10:30) 2. Visit subway of museum of war of Chinese people revolution to head for, make an appointment with 50 minutes of 8:30 -- 17:30 (wintry 17:00) Zhou Yi shuts a house to get a bill freely by effective certificate. (11:30-13:00) 3. Visit Beijing planetarium (9:30-17:30 (reach holiday 16:3 on the weekend0) , zhou Yizhou 2 close a shop. Fare 10-45 yuan differ. ) public transportation head for, about 30 minutes. Visit about 2 hours. (14: 00-16:00) (4. Visit natural museum subway to head for, about 50 minutes visit about 1.5 hours) (options looks) 5. Dinner the 7th day 1. Visit Beijing marine shop (9:00-17:30. 130 yuan / person, include the zoological garden) head for on foot visit about 3 hours. (9:00-12:00) 2. Lunch 3. Visit Beijing zoo (7:30, 18:00, 20 yuan / person) the subway is headed for, about 40 minutes visit about 3 hours. (13:00-16:00) the 8th day 1. Answer Wen Zhou 08:10-16:44 motor-car. 677/ person

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