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Area of Xi'an city Chang'an teachs the duty of the bureau and mission

Bureau of education of area of Xi'an city Chang'an teachs an executive authority as area class, its are main duty is the preschool education inside responsible Chang'an area, middle and primary school education, profession education and the management that continue to teach and supervise, aim to promote area to teach the healthy progress of the career.

Those who teach resource plan as a whole with configuration

Bureau of education of area of Xi'an city Chang'an devotes oneself to to optimize those who teach resource to plan as a whole with configuration, the program that includes school distribution, allocation that teachs funds and the construction that teach establishment. This bureau can develop a case according to vital statistics and socioeconomy, of reasonable arrangement school establish and dimensions, ensure every student can obtain good educational natural resources.

The education of the faculty and development

Bureau of education of area of Xi'an city Chang'an pays attention to the education of the faculty and development, through strengthening a teacher education grooms and title assess controls spent construction, raise professional accomplishment of the teacher and education level. This bureau still encourages a teacher to enter education research and practice of educational education reform more, arouse innovation ability of the teacher and the vitality that teach teacher and student.

Teach quality and educational fairness

Bureau of education of area of Xi'an city Chang'an is driving educational quality and educational fairness respect to have main effect. This bureau can be strengthened education is evaluated and monitor the work, the educational quality that promotes the school and managerial level. In the meantime, this bureau also pays close attention to educational fairness problem, perfect those who teach resource to allocate a mechanism, effort is contractible and urban and rural with the educational difference between school time, ensure every student enjoys equality get educational right.

Domestic school collaboration and society are participated in

Bureau of education of area of Xi'an city Chang'an drives domestic school collaboration and society actively to participate in, think education is the responsibility that family and society assume jointly. This bureau encourages the parent and social all circles to take an active part in school activity, support project of domestic school collaboration begin, be a student jointly grow to provide favorable environment and support with development.


Bureau of education of area of Xi'an city Chang'an does bureau tenet with offerring overall support to be, devote oneself to to drive area to teach the evolution of the career. Through optimizing the configuration that teachs resource, foster a faculty, raise educational quality and educational fairness, and strengthen domestic school collaboration and society to participate in, this bureau provides an outstanding educational environment for students hard, for the society education more has the talented person of talent and contribution.

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