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  • 人文社科
  • 法学
  • 经济管理
  • 教育培训
  • 民族文化与艺术




  • 在职人员
  • 全日制学生
  • 社会人士




  • 面授课程:通过面对面的互动教学,增强学员之间及与教师的沟通。
  • 在线课程:利用互联网技术,为学员提供灵活的学习时间和空间。
  • 实习与交流:与社会实践结合,帮助学员理论与实践相结合。


  • 学业顾问:为学员提供专业的学习指导与咨询服务。
  • 职业发展:为学员提供职业规划与就业指导。
  • 丰富的学习资源:包括图书馆、在线数据库及电子学习平台。



  • 专业人才储备:为民族地区培养了一批懂政策、会应用的人才,助力地方经济发展。
  • 文化传承:在课程中融入了丰富的民族文化元素,推动了民族文化的传播与创新。
  • 社会责任:响应国家对教育公平的呼吁,为更多社会弱势群体提供继续教育的机会。



  • 课程多样化:根据市场需求,开设更多富有前景的新兴专业。
  • 跨学科融合:结合不同学科优势,提供更为广泛的学习选择。
  • 国际化发展:引入国际优秀教育资源与师资,提升教学水平及国际竞争力。




Below the setting that develops ceaselessly in Chinese higher education, central nation university serves as an omnibus university, main effect is being produced in ethical culture and educational field. And itsContinue to teach a collegeIt is to was the learner of disparate arrangement of ideas to offer high grade education natural resources and study opportunity more, the development that is ethical region was fostered many and compound model talent.

Central nation university continues to teach an institute to summarize

Central nation university continues to teach an institute to hold water at going up century 90 time, aim to satisfy a society the demand to higher education and the educational enterprise development that promote ethical region. The institute basically teachs course through providing a variety of form continuity, in order to promote the major of student skill and integrated quality.

Curricular setting and characteristic

Curricular setting of the institute covered many fields, include but not be confined to:

  • Humanitarian company division
  • Law
  • Economic management
  • Education grooms
  • Ethical culture and art

The biggest characteristic of these course is unionEthical characteristicWithContemporary education concept, offerred the study way of agile diversity for student, if the face is awarded, network course and Composite study. This kind of flexibility makes of all kinds student can find the study plan that fits his.

Recruit students object and condition of enter a school

The recruit students object that central nation university continues to teach a college is extensive, basically include:

  • On-the-job personnel
  • Full-time student
  • Social personage

Normally the circumstance falls, student needs to have background of certain record of formal schooling, condition of specific enter a school criterion the basis is different and professional somewhat difference. The institute devotes oneself to to for more annals offers an opportunity at the person that lifelong study, encourage them to promote ego ceaselessly in professional career.

Learn form and supportive service

Learn to ensure student can be finished smoothly, central nation university continues to taught an institute to offer a variety of study forms:

  • The face teachs course: Pass face-to-face interactive education, increase the communication with the teacher is reached between student.
  • Online course: Use Internet technology, provide flexible study time and space for student.
  • Exercitation and communication: With the society practice is united in wedlock, help student theory and practice photograph tie.

In addition, the institute still offerred the following support to serve:

  • School work adviser: The study guidance that provides major for student and advisory service.
  • The profession develops: Provide professional program and obtain employment guidance for student.
  • Substantial study natural resources: Include the library, online database and electronic study platform.

To the contribution that ethical region develops

Central nation university continues to teach a college is an education orgnaization not just, it is a fundamental strength that promotes ethical region development more. Have the talented person of professional knowledge and real operation ability in great quantities through education, institute remarkable contribution made in the following respects:

  • Professional reserve: Fostered a batch to know the talented person that policy, meeting uses for ethical region, economy of the place that help strength grows.
  • Culture inheritance: Rich ethical culture element was blended in in course, promoted the transmission of ethical culture and innovation.
  • Social responsibility: Answer the appeal with fair to education country, for more society weak force group offers the opportunity that continues to teach.

Future develops way

Look into future, central nation university continues to teach an institute to will optimize course to install further, enhance education quality, pay attention to the butt joint with social demand. The institute will devote oneself to the following respects:

  • Curricular diversification: According to market demand, offer the burgeoning major of more and rich foreground.
  • Interdisciplinary shirt-sleeve: Combine different course advantage, offer more extensive study alternative.
  • Internationalization develops: Introduce international outstanding education natural resources and persons qualified to teach, promote education level and international competition ability.

Try hard through these, central nation university continues to teach an institute to will satisfy a society to be opposite better the demand of high quality talent, the full-scale development of economy of stimulative nation region and society.

Thank you to spend time to read this article, the hope is passed a content, you are rightCentral nation university continues to teach a collegeHad more thorough knowledge, also can obtain what to oneself study and profession develop to inspire from which at the same time.

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