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木地板能够搭配多种百变的家居风格,北欧风、轻奢风、 现代风、中式风均能轻松驾驭,可以满足装修风格一体化。 相对瓷砖、地砖等地面装修材料,木地板触感温润,而且冬暖夏凉。对于喜欢在家光脚走路的人来说,体验感非常舒适。







三层的,就是中间是一整块木头直接切割的,没有其他杂质的,也就是说的实木,经加工后在表面和底下贴一层其他的材质,刷上轻轻实木的制成的,价格要高很多 多层的,中间那一层就不是单独的一块木头了,有可能是其他的木屑加压制成,然后再贴上其他材质的膜刷清漆,价格没有实木那么高 两者区别主要是成本价和胶水的使用量,相对于来说实木的胶水含量比多层的低,所以甲醛的释放量也比较低,不过造价是很高的

















One, Dong Pengmu floor and nature wood floor which good?

Dong Pengmu floor is better

Wooden floor quality of Dong Peng is good, use high grade lumber to refine, use the special raw material that fight light and treatment method to high accuracy pressworks and be become, colour retention can be good, fight fade ability achieves 7 class above, accomplish truly " experience is long Chang Xin " , and fight bacterium, do not contain the harmful material such as formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, have at the same time high strenth and be able to bear or endure ability in swimming, impact resistance is strong, not the character such as craze.

2, is floor of wood of sitting room shop still wooden floor very good?

Wooden floor can match a variety of 100 household styles that change, boreal Europe wind, light excessive wind, contemporary wind, Chinese style wind all can control easily, OK and contented decorate style unifinication. Face of and other places of opposite ceramic tile, floor tile decorates material, lukewarm embellish of wooden floor tactility, and wintry warm summer is cool. For the person that smooth to liking to be in the home foot walks, the experience feels very comfortable.

The sitting room is often of the activity dimensional limits, if have the family of old person, child, the sitting room lays the floor that install wood, interface is relatively bouncy, can prevent gouge of old person, child, catch cold catch cold effectively

3, inferior is Guang Mu floor still light wood floor very good?

Wooden floor is dumb light good.

1, skid resistance, although light floor looks more beautiful, household adornment result is strong also, but it is good without dumb glossy floor however to prevent slippery effect, so, if there is an old person in the home or child, the comparison that had better be shop dumb light is some more appropriate.

2, service life, this also is everybody care quite one is nodded, the floor of light of choose of a lot of person selected is to think bridal chamber gives a person a kind of bridal chamber the sense with this new some, whole household also very connect fully, but after the course uses period of time, contrasting, dumb glossy floor still is mixed at the outset about the same, and light floor is very easy bleak and blank, in addition, if light ground is not careful bubble water, can drop Qi Qiqiao, the time that uses without the floor of dumb light is long.

4, is three-layer of nature wood floor still multilayer very good?

Of three-layer, namely among it is a whole wood of immediate cut, do not have other foreign matter, that is to say real wood, mix in the surface after classics treatment next stick an other material to pledge, brush on gently of real wood make, the price wants tall very great layer, among that one is not an alone wood, it is other wood chip pressurization are made likely, the film that affixes other material to pledge again next brushs varnish, the price is so high without real wood the use quantity that both distinction basically is cost price and glue, opposite at for the sizy content of real wood is compared multilayer low, so of formaldehyde release a quantity lower also, nevertheless cost is very tall

5, of wooden floor nature is still be Jun Ke very good?

Of nature of big floor board good, natural plank does not have formaldehyde

6, rank of whole nation of Lin Changmu floor?

Lin Changmu floor belongs to brand of a gleam of, before the whole nation is ranked 10 less than.

7, Pin Shengmu floor and nature wood floor which good?

Of nature good, brand of nature major floor, also be to get army enterprise

8, floor of the wood that believe an elephant and nature wood floor which good?

Of nature good. Nature is professional floor enterprise, also be a floor get army enterprise.

9, Ou Xiangmu floor and nature wood floor which good?

Nature wood floor is better

Nature is the old sign of Chinese floor, quality is very good still!

1, nature floor uses advanced lacquer face to handle a technology, solved floor of common fact wood the blemish of insufficient wear-resisting, and appear easily explode the problem of lacquer phenomenon. Make wearability of its floor surface gets promotion, also promote a floor to use convenient sex and wear greatly at the same time.

2, nurse easily: Because layer of wear-resisting of aggrandizement floor surface layer has good wear-resisting, fight pressure, fight concussion and fire prevention flame retardant, fight the function such as chemical pollution, in be used daily, need to use only pigheaded dry dishcloth, pull cloth or cleaner to undertake cleanness, if the floor appears when fat, smear, touch cleaner to wipe with cloth can

10, nature wood floor and floor of world friendly wood which good?

The comparison that nature floor does in environmental protection respect is good, pay attention to health, nature floor enterprise took the lead in building system of first-rate product research and development, have advanced manufacturing technology and manufacturing technology, floor sort of production is much, material is qualitative much, satisfied different customer decorate demand

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