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  方法如下:  第一种方法,举哑铃依然是锻炼上肢力量的首选方法,最好准备两种重量不同的哑铃,较重的哑铃可以用来做有针对性的手臂力量训练,比如一组平举20个,或者一组侧举20个,每天练习个六到七组;较轻的哑铃可以用来随时举着做一点热身运动或者舒展运动。  第二种方法,引体向上也是非常简单实用的锻炼上肢力量的方法,可以每天计划做个三到四组,每组做10-20个不等,根据自己可承受数量调节,需要注意的是,双手最好垂直挂于单杠上,做引体向上时最好下巴过单杠,尽量不要借助下身弹动的力量,靠双臂的力量。  第三种方法,做俯卧撑也能够锻炼上肢力量,这个不需要道具,随时随地都可以进行,有空的时候就可以随时做几个,需要注意的是地板过硬可能会伤到双掌,所以可以的话尽量避免粗糙的水泥地面,选择木板地、草地或者胶地。  第四种方法,平卧举杠铃可以同时锻炼上肢力量和胸肌,将杠铃移至胸口正上方,然后双手握住杠铃垂直上举,可以根据自己情况安排杠铃重量、举重次数以及组数,效果非常明显。  第五种方法,平常多做一些经常挥动手臂的运动,比如打棒球、打网球、打壁球、打排球等等,做这些运动不仅能够锻炼上肢力量,还能够锻炼自身的灵活性和反应能力。  第六种方法,平常可以打一打沙袋,学习一下拳击或者散打练习,能够有效锻炼上肢力量,提高上肢的爆发力和灵活性。  第七种方法,多参加户外的攀岩攀壁运动,一开始可以参加室内的模拟攀岩运动,如果岩壁不高,只要在下面垫上足够的垫子即可,不要用吊绳,靠四肢力量攀登,能够锻炼上肢。  第八种方法,折臂力棒也是锻炼双臂力量的好方法,选择自己可承受重量的臂力棒,将它用双手平握于胸前,然手双手同时用力向下折,双手向中间靠拢,然后再缓缓地向两边展开,根据情况设计做的个数和组数,需要注意的是千万要完全展开之后再放手,否则容易被弹伤。  第九种方法,用拉力绳锻炼上肢力量,将拉力绳的一端固定住,然后单臂交替拉动锻炼,或者将拉力绳的中间固定住,双臂同时拉动锻炼,最简单的方法就是将拉力绳中间用脚牢牢踩住,然后双手往上提拉锻炼。  第十种方法,采取双方角力的方式锻炼双臂力量,比如采用拔河的方式,限制双方的脚部不能移动,只能是用双臂和上身力量拉动,脚步移动或者倒地为输;或者采用双方互推的方式,限制脚步不能移动,以此锻炼上肢力量。  


The method is as follows: The first kind of method, lifting dumbbell still is the first selection method that exercises upper limbs power, had better prepare the dumbbell with two kinds of different weight, heavier dumbbell can be used do the arm power that has specific aim to train, lift 20 than be being made the same score like a group, or a group of side lift 20, practice everyday 6 go to 7 groups; Lighter dumbbell can be used lifting at any time do a bit warm-up to perhaps extend exercise. The 2nd kind of method, pull-up also is the very simple and practical method that exercises upper limbs power, can plan to do everyday 3 to quadruplet, every groups do 10-20 differ, him basis can bear quantitative adjustment, those who need an attention is, both hands is best and perpendicular hang on horizontal bar, when doing pull-up, best chin passes horizontal bar, do not want private parts of have the aid of to play the power that use as far as possible, lean the power of double arm. The 3rd kind of method, do push-up to also can exercise upper limbs power, this does not need stage property, can undertake at any time and place, a few can be done at any time when be free, those who need an attention is a floor excellent may injure double strike with the palm of the hand, so possible the word avoids rough cement the earth's surface as far as possible, choice board ground, meadow or glue ground. The 4th kind of method, smooth lie lift barbell to be able to exercise upper limbs force and chest muscle at the same time, move barbell to wind upper part, next both hands handholding barbell is perpendicular on lift, can plan frequency of barbell weight, weight lifting and set number according to him circumstance, the effect is very apparent. The 5th kind of method, do more usually a few often brandish the motion of the arm, play baseball for instance, dozen the tennis, ball that hit a wall, hit volleyball to wait a moment, do these motion to be able to exercise upper limbs power not only, return the flexibility that can exercise oneself and reaction ability. The 6th kind of method, can hit sandbag usually, learn boxing to perhaps come loose dozen of exercise, can exercise upper limbs power effectively, the outbreak that raises upper limbs force and flexibility. The 7th kind of method, attend outdoor to climb cliff to involve mural exercise more, can attend indoor imitate to involve cliff exercise at the beginning, if rock wall is not tall, should fill up enough cushion below only can, do not use condole rope, rely on limb force ascend, can exercise upper limbs. The 8th kind of method, folding muscle club also is the good method that exercises double arm power, him choice can bear the muscle of weight is marvellous, make the same score it with both hands grasp at the bosom before, like that hand both hands is folded downward forcibly at the same time, both hands to among draw close, spread out slowly to both sides again next, design a number that make and set number according to the circumstance, those who need an attention is after ten million should spread out completely, let go again, be played easily otherwise. The 9th kind of method, exercise upper limbs power with tensile rope, the one aspect of the matter of will tensile rope is secured, next thin arm is pulled alternately move take exercise, or of will tensile rope among secure, double arm is pulled at the same time move take exercise, the simplest method is tensile rope the firmly using a base intermediate walks, next both hands upgrade is carried pull take exercise. The 10th kind of method, the kind that takes bilateral have a trial of strength exercises double arm power, use the means of tug-of-war for instance, the crural ministry that restricts both sides cannot move, can be to use double arm and force of the upper part of the body to pull only move, the footstep moves or fall down to be defeated; Perhaps use the means that bilateral each other turns, limitative footstep cannot move, exercise upper limbs power with this.   
