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1. 黑色黑色的礼服,白色的衬衫,黑色的领结。这是绝对不会出错的经典的装扮,要记住,选择经典,并不会让你成为老古董,而是让你更加“绅士”。 保证线条除了要注意经典的款式以外,还有一点要注意的就是线条。要确保你穿的是合身的礼服,而不是松垮的夹克,那种会让你看上去像海盗一样破破烂烂,懒懒散散的衣服,一概不要。确保合身的线条,是让你时尚的首要标准。 TIP:注意你的领子--戗驳领正统的男士礼服,就是选择的戗驳领。这种在1886随着礼服诞生的领子,穿着的时候,不能有丝毫的怯场和胆怯。只有最自信,才能驾驭这种礼服所带给你的时尚精神。

2. 蓝色至上有了要点,我们的装扮大体上是OK了。但是,你难道不想看上去和party里的其他人有所区别吗?没问题。要注意的是,想要跟别人不同,并不是说你可以穿上一件皱皱巴巴的牛仔裤,再搭配一个牛仔靴。在我印象中,只有Ralph Lauren先生才会这么搭配,也才可以这样搭配。对于你来说,一个深蓝色的礼服,就足够了。 蓝色的礼服,虽然并不是相当的传统,但是也同样足够的正式了。通常情况下,我会推荐你搭配白衬衫和黑色的领带。但是,如果你非要想“出席一次格莱美颁奖”,那么你也可以选择类似照片中Brandon的穿法。 黑色的正装衬衫,不打领带的这种穿法,充分的有着一种“葛来美式”的自由和时尚主义。当然,在某种情况下,也会收到相当不错的效果。衬衫的话,Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Neil Barrett, 和 D&G 的店中,都会有你想要的衣服。 TIP:注意你的领子--西装翻领如果你不知道自己适合什么样的领子,最好选择普通的西装翻领,这种适合任何人的领子,会是你不出丑的相当重要的着装保险。

3. 享受天鹅绒的摇滚天鹅绒的西装,会达到和蓝色晚礼服一样的效果。当然,黑色是你一贯通常的保险选择,不过,如果你不害怕“出位”的话,不妨选择深绿色、酒红色,甚至海军蓝来享受一下天鹅绒带给你的视觉“摇滚”。要注意的是,其他的着装一定要简单简约,无论是裤子、衬衫,或者是领带,都要保持低调。

4. 一衣两穿当然并不是所有的聚会都要求你必须以完整的礼服出席。过度正式,同样也是时尚的一大弊病。要确保场合和自己的穿着相搭配,你还要学会,如何将你的礼服“休闲化”。为了能够出席更多的场合,你还要学会用不同的搭配来搞定不同的时尚虽然这样不适合出席那种超级正规的婚礼,但是礼服搭配T恤,却是完全足够应对一场简单的家庭的聚会和几个好朋友举办的交流晚宴了。 这样可能会遭到Clark Gables和Cary Grants 这种老一辈经典绅士的笑话,不过,领带也已经越来越多的进入到正装的领域去了。只要注意,确保领带的宽度和材质!最简单的方法,让领带和你的领子材料保持一致,也就是说,丝绸的领子,搭配丝绸的领带。 新郎在婚庆上也是一个很重要的人物的,不同的新人都会选择不同的新郎礼服,但是一个前提就是要穿着要搭配合理,不能失了礼节,伴郎也是一样的。


1.The formal attire of black black, white shirt, black bow tie. This is absolutely won't make mistake dress up classically, want to remember, the choice is classical, can not let you become antique, let you however more " gent " . Assure line besides should notice classic pattern beyond, returning those who a bit want to notice is line. Wanting what you wear to ensure is formfitting formal attire, is not the jacket that the pine breaks down, the sort of meeting lets you look tattered like pirate, slack dress, entirely does not want. Ensure formfitting line, it is the principal level that makes you fashionable. TIP: ? Refute of prop of?- of Man of herd of ⒁ Bo astounded gets lineal man formal attire, the prop up refute that chooses namely is gotten. This kind is in the 1886 collar that are born as formal attire, when be being worn, the stage fright that cannot have the slightest amount or degree and cowardly. Only the most self-confident, ability controls the fashionable vitality that place of this kind of formal attire brings you.

2.Blue is consummate had a point, our dressing up substantially is OK. But, don't you want to look to be distinguished somewhat with the someone else in Party? Sure. Those who want an attention is, want to differ with others, not be to say you can put on a wrinkled jeans, again tie-in boots of a cowboy. In my impression, ability of Mr Ralph Lauren will be so only tie-in, just also can match so. To you, a blue-black formal attire, enough. Blue formal attire, although not be the tradition that comparative, but as much enough formal. Normally the circumstance falls, I can recommend the cravat of your collocation white shirt and black. But, if you must think " attend Gelaimei to award prize " , so you also can choose the Brandon in similar picture wear a law. Of black packing a shirt, do not make tie this kind wears a law, having one adequately to plant " Ge Laimei type " freedom and fashionable creed. Of course, under certain circumstance, also can receive perfectly the effect. The word of the shirt, calvin Klein, tommy Hilfiger, neil Barrett, in the inn with D&G, can have the clothing that you want. TIP: ? Business suit of?- of Man of herd of ⒁ Bo astounded is turndown if you do not know you suit what kind of collar, the business suit with best common choice is turndown, this kind suits the collar of anybody, can be you not fie-fie quite significant move installs insurance.

3.Enjoy rock and roll velvetly velvet business suit, can achieve the result with blue evening dress. Of course, black is you consistent normally insurance choice, nevertheless, if you do not fear " piece " if, might as well choice bottle green, wine is red, naval even La Laixiang suffers velvet the visual sense that brings you " rock and roll " . Those who want an attention is, other moves are installed must simple and contracted, no matter be trousers, shirt, or cravat, want to keep low-key.

4.One garment two wear not all of course party to ask you must be attended with complete formal attire. Excessive and formal, also be fashionable one big drawback likewise. Want to ensure circumstance and oneself dress photograph is tie-in, you learn even, how the formal attire you " recreational change " . To can attend more circumstances, you learn to although do not suit to attend the sort of super and normal wedding so,get the style that differs surely with different collocation even, but T-shirt of formal attire collocation, it is completely enough however the communication late dinner that the party that answers a simple family and a few good friends hold. May suffer Clark Gables and Cary Grants so this kind of older generation is classical the jest of gent, nevertheless, cravat also already more and more entering go to the domain that installing went. Want to notice only, ensure the width of cravat and material are qualitative! The simplest method, the collar material that yields cravat and you keeps consistent, that is to say, the collar of silk, the cravat of tie-in silk. Bridegroom is in marriage celebrate going up also is a very main character, different people of a new type can choose different bridegroom formal attire, but a premise wants dress to want collocation namely reasonable, cannot break formality, accompanying Lang Ye is same.
