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1. 打开设置菜单:在平板电脑的主屏幕上单击“设置”图标,进入设置菜单。

2. 找到“壁纸与主题”选项:在设置菜单中向下滑动屏幕,找到“壁纸与主题”选项,并单击进入。

3. 选择“互动桌面宠物”:在“壁纸与主题”选项中,向下滑动屏幕,找到“互动桌面宠物”选项,并单击进入。

4. 选择宠物类型:在“互动桌面宠物”页面中,您可以选择不同的宠物类型,包括狗、猫、兔子等。单击您喜欢的宠物类型,进入相关设置页面。

5. 自定义设置:在宠物类型设置页面中,您可以自定义宠物的外观、声音、行为等设置,以满足您的个性化需求。例如,您可以更改宠物的颜色、毛发、尾巴等外观特征,或者为宠物设置闹钟、提醒事项等行为特征。

6. 保存并应用设置:在完成宠物设置后,单击“保存”按钮以保存您的设置,并单击“应用”按钮以应用宠物到您的主屏幕。此时,您可以在主屏幕上看到您选择的宠物,并与它进行互动。







以OPPO Reno8 ,ColorOS 11.3 系统为例。在oppo桌面上找到宠物,长按宠物进入操作界面。








One, how does interactive desktop pet make friend?

Click desktop pet to be able to chat. The user still can show mobile phone desktop to go up, game plays to interact together together on the desktop again next.

Interactive desktop pet invites a good friend to should nod a symbol by 3, share a good friend can. Interactive desktop pet is App of pet of a fictitious desktop, choose the mobile phone desktop that exceeds bud to exceed lovely pet to put you only to go up, the mobile phone screen that allows you becomes " the desktop pet of the choice can be on your mobile phone desktop the left and right sides ambulates. It can become dull, the two side that mobile phone screen still can hop when getting angry are climbed climb, you also can procrastinate move pet to arrive desktop random position. Interact along with the heart, doubleclick pet can be installed and shut.

2, how can be interactive desktop pet put out?

Can put out. Because interactive desktop pet is a software that can install open to shut by oneself. Want to put out interactive desktop pet, need to find the icon of this software above all, next right key clicks icon, choose in playing the menu that go out " shut " can shut this software. If look for the icon that is less than this software, also can manage in the task implement in the process that finds this software, end this process, can shut interactive desktop pet.

3, why does interactive desktop pet disappear?

1, pet drop out screen, but if saying, can see, move QQ pet after dividing, install again also did not use.

2, should know it is in probably first what position, let it enter avoid disturb state, restore again, this during the light that can see a little small similar lightning, time is shorter nevertheless, want to see well well, the where that loses sight of below probably certainly puts down the mouse next, light Zun Jian, upgrade is pulled.

3, specification of above method invalidation is systematic issue, go up please government-owned net seeks advice.

4, how does interactive desktop pet send others?

The pet of yourself adopt cannot send a person, if your pet married,do not pass, can send a good friend its children, attention, can be a good friend only, enter pet community, select my home, choose domestic situation, nod nethermost to examine pet egg information, have in the final area of pet egg list give, , in the input in the page that come out you want given QQ number, the dot went certainly

1, on the mobile phone desktop that chooses to exceed bud to exceed lovely pet to put you, the mobile phone screen that allows you becomes interesting " and " different " .

2, the desktop pet of the choice can be controlled on the mobile phone desktop in you ambulate, you not dish it when, it can become dull, sell bud with you from time to time, the two side that mobile phone screen still can hop when getting angry are climbed climb.

3, you also can procrastinate move pet to arrive desktop random position, interact along with the heart, doubleclick pet can be installed and shut. We are studying in development pet grows whole process, include the tune, hello feed, clean, work, study, game, marry, unripe egg, travel, task.

5, report of bad news of interactive desktop pet?

Cost report.

But not be special fee report, interactive type desktop can increase the power comsumption of 10w to computer only, the power comsumption that increases than playing game is a lot of smaller. Monitor leaves to wear even if use up n continuously, taller foundation power consumption exceeds refresh rate tall, the content that the desktop shows is more complex the pressure that shows clip is greater also,

6, how does interactive desktop pet put skill?

First from " desktop pet " the pet that oneself find to be interested in the page, click the page that enters pet effect to preview next in, click from effect page next " begin " option, after downloading pet file, can succeed to show pet on mobile phone desktop.

7, how does interactive desktop pet feed food?

Open pet community first, go shopping next the street is bought eat. If you see the hungry value of pet becomes yellow, doubleclick the thing of that yellow, can appear some food in your storeroom, right Zun Jian playing role clicks the alimental that you should eat to pet in you next feed are OK.

8, how does flat set interactive desktop pet?

Interactive desktop pet is a kind of lovely fictitious pet, can undertake install and administrative on flat computer, bring for you more interesting experience with vivid user.

It is the measure that installs interactive desktop pet on flat computer below:

1.Open setting bill of fare: In flat computer advocate click on screen " setting " icon, enter setting menu.

2.Find " wallpaper and theme " option: Slip screen is down in setting bill of fare, find " wallpaper and theme " option, click enter.

3.Choose " interactive desktop pet " : Be in " wallpaper and theme " in option, be down slip screen, find " interactive desktop pet " option, click enter.

4.Select pet kind: Be in " interactive desktop pet " in the page, you can choose different pet type, include dog, cat, bunny to wait. Click the pet kind that you like, enter relevant setting page.

5.Define a setting oneself: In page of pet type setting, you can define the setting such as the exterior of pet, sound, behavior oneself, in order to satisfy your personalized requirement. For example, you can change substandard of the color of pet, hair, tail to watch a feature, perhaps set alarm clock for pet, remind the behavior characteristic such as item.

6.Save and apply a setting: After the pet that finish is installed, click " save " the pushbutton setting with saving you, click " application " pushbutton arrives with applying pet your advocate screen. Right now, you can be in advocate the pet that sees you choose on screen, undertake interacting with it.

The different brand of flat computer installs measure with what model may differ somewhat, you can be mixed according to your equipment type operating system version undertakes corresponding adjustment.

9, how should interactive desktop pet delete pet?

1, if this software is to switch on the mobile phone,start, run software above all, cancel to switch on the mobile phone in the setting start. Restart mobile phone.

2, beginning commonly - system - uninstall can uninstall inside the program 3, if do not have, resource management implement the Programs that visits airframe, delete whole software folder. It is next in the Windows-startup folder of airframe, search search see the quick kind that has this software, expunge.

10, how does interactive desktop pet expunge Oppo mobile phone?


With OPPO Reno8, colorOS 11.3 system is exemple. Pet is found on Oppo desktop, grow to enter operation interface by pet.


Click pet setting.


Click my pet.


Click shut can.
