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去监狱逃避压力? 韩国兴起模拟入狱!(英语双语阅读)


去监狱逃避压力? 韩国兴起模拟入狱!(英语双语阅读)

For most people, prison is a place to escape from. For South Koreans in need of a break from the demands of everyday life, a day in a faux jail is the escape. 对大多数人来说,监狱是个避之不及的地方。但对渴望从日常生活的煎熬中获得片刻休息的韩国人来说,在模拟监狱中“入狱”一天则是种解脱。 Since 2013, the "Prison Inside Me" facility in northeast Hongcheon has hosted more than 2,000 inmates, many of them stressed office workers and students seeking relief from South Korea's demanding work and academic culture. 2013年以来,韩国东北部洪川郡的“内心牢笼”已接待了超过2000名住客,其中多是不堪压力的上班族和学生,他们想要逃避韩国负担繁重的职场和课业文化。 Prison rules are strict. No talking with other inmates. No mobile phones or clocks. 这座监狱的规定相当严格。不得与狱友交谈。不准使用手机或是钟表。

Clients get a blue prison uniform, a yoga mat, tea set, a pen and notebook. 每名住客会得到一套蓝色囚服、一块瑜伽垫、一套茶具、一支笔和记事本。 They sleep on the floor. There is a small toilet inside the room, but no mirror. 他们睡在地板上。房间里有一个小马桶,但没有镜子。 Some customers are wary of spending 24 or 48 hours in a prison cell, until they try it, co-founder of the mock prison Noh Ji-Hyang said. 这座模拟监狱的联合创始人卢智香称,有些客人对在牢房里关上24或48小时持谨慎态度,直到亲身来尝试。 "After a stay in the prison, people say, 'This is not a prison, the real prison is where we return to,'" she said. 她表示:“住过我们监狱的人都说,‘这儿不是监狱,我们要回去的地方才是真正的监狱’。”

