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西三旗位于北京市海淀区悦秀路 附近。

西三旗,紧邻昌平回龙观,清河小营之北,西二旗以东及东小口的西部范围,属于五环外的郊区。在海淀清河以北,有西三旗、西二旗两个村庄;在昌平区东南部北七家镇,还有东三旗、东二旗,后屯,前屯,潘庄几个村。随着北京城市建设的蓬勃发展和城区的急剧膨胀,这几个城中村已非旧日的乡村面貌,楼房小区拔地而起,居民小区星罗棋布。因此这几个村庄名称的知名度也越来越高,特别是西三旗,在京藏高速(G6 原八达岭高速)公路的路标中,就赫然见到它的名字。





3 banners are located in on the west near Yue Xiulu of Beijing Haidian area.

On the west 3 banners, proximate Chang Ping answers Long Guan, the north of clear river small battalion, on the west reach to the south of 2 banners east of small mouth western limits, belong to the suburb outside 5 annulus. In Haidian clear river with north, have on the west 3 banners, on the west two villages; is in 2 banners north of ministry of southeast of Chang Ping area is pressed down 7 times, still have Dong Sanqi, east 2 banners, hind collect, before collect, pan Zhuang a few villages. The bitter fleabane break out that builds as Beijing city is exhibited and of the city zone expand quickly, the village in these a few cities already was not the rustic appearance of former days, building village unplugs the ground and case, dweller village is dotted. Because of name of these a few villages famous degree taller and taller also, especially on the west 3 banners, high speed of Tibet is in Beijing (G6 former 8 Da Ling high speed) in the guide of highway, see its name awesomely.

The village weighs a name with " banner " , people associates very easily to what Qing Dynasty takes the place of to set Huang Qi, Huang Qi, white flag (on 3 banners) , set white flag, red flag, set a red flag, La Qi, set La Qi (below 5 banners) this Eight Banners, the Eight Banners that thinks because Qing Dynasty is acting,these a few villages are even army place where troops are stationed and form. Actually, on the west the formation of the village such as 3 banners and get a name, with clear generation Eight Banners army does not have a relation.

On the west the formation of 3 banners and get a name, it is the result that bright generation has partial army to bring herd horse in this. Of bright generation army making is the ground in a few crucial point the setting is defended or, defend a country with all keeping the home duty. Popularly says, one is defended have 5600 people, one all 1000 1120 people, one all 100 112 people. Every place interconnected system receives two total standards, 10 bannerol. Every bannerol has 10 Bing Cu, every total banner has 50 Bing Cu. Visible, the work out of Ming Daijun team, most the basic unit also calls " banner " , be just as today's " class " . Bright generation to resist Mongolia force stage a come back, in large-scale build Great Wall while, still set nine garrison post in Great Wall along the line, also call " 9 edges " , all gets large quantities of officers and soldiers that defend place to guard frontier defence. The steed that needs for place of garrison of supply edge edge, established a lot of herd horse careless field and stable inside, transfer partial officers and soldiers is special herd Ma Yangma, even folk also assumes the onerous job that raises a horse for feudal official. Have bright generation, the herd horse careless field of Beijing area and stable are very much, be in among them on the west the loess inn of 3 banners the eastern side has one place, call loess inn stable. Await in those days, it is all round loess inn without a few villages, it is the ground of the hollowness of green grass exuberance everywhere, be allocated to raise equestrian Guan Jun to horse of herd of stable loess inn, the bannerol that makes up according to place is dispersed meantime herd horse. On the west 3 banners, on the west 2 banners, Dong Sanqi, east the place where troops are stationed of the each bannerol Guan Jun that the village such as 2 banners is Ming Daimu horse, evolve into dorp later, and with the number of bannerol is in azimuth to name with place at that time.

In today bank of the eastern side of clear river town, clear Heibei has a village the name is " stable " , the involuntary discharge of urine that is room of Ming Daiqing hippo is put, because of,show municipal transform had torn open change. And make the same score small Shang Shan in prosperous south, bank of Wen Yu Heibei also has village of " of stable of a " , be the limits that belongs to stable of hill of little boiling water. Of stable of area of bright generation Beijing, this shows one spot.

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