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伟嘉猫粮好吗? 伟嘉猫粮的成猫粮与伟嘉幼猫粮有什么区别?英文双语对照


伟嘉猫粮好吗? 伟嘉猫粮的成猫粮与伟嘉幼猫粮有什么区别?英文双语对照





1. 营养成分:幼猫粮的营养成分比成猫粮更高,尤其是蛋白质、钙、磷、维生素E等营养素。这是因为幼猫在成长过程中需要更多的能量和营养来支持其发育。而成猫粮中的营养成分相对较低,因为成猫的能量需求较低,过多的营养摄入可能导致肥胖等问题。

2. 颗粒大小:幼猫粮的颗粒通常比成猫粮小,这有助于幼猫更好地咀嚼和消化。随着猫咪年龄的增长,它们的牙齿和咀嚼能力会逐渐增强,因此成猫粮的颗粒可以相对较大。











还 是伟嘉猫 粮吧 !也 是多 年的 老品 牌 了 吧 , 我 在 很 多 年 前就听说过这 个牌子 了 。 我 家 猫 咪吃的 就是 这 款 , 听 说有 4 1种 营养素 ,盐 分低 , 营 养 高,猫 咪 吃 了长 得 壮, 溜 光水滑 的 呢 !如 果 你 不 知 道 怎 么选 的话 , 就 每样 给 猫咪 买一 点,看 它 爱吃哪 个 。

伟 嘉猫 粮 盐 分低, 猫 咪 都爱吃的 。


















Is food of Wei fine cat good?

If Wei fine bad, so why each are big the supermarket is in sale, and global set limit to belongs to it the biggest. I also hope to say stand or fall of food of Wei fine cat can obtain specific statistical data, does the feline Mi that ate food of Wei fine cat after all have than having the healthy rate of Mi of cat of other cat food why to differ? This ability is a scientific and reasonable evaluation

The grain becoming a cat of food of Wei fine cat and Wei fine what distinction does young cat food have?

The grain becoming a cat of food of Wei fine cat and Wei fine the main distinction between young cat food depends on nutrient composition and grain size.

1.Nutrient composition: The nutrient class status of young cat food is higher than becoming feline food, especially the nutriment such as E of protein, calcic, phosphor, vitamin. Because young cat needs more energy and nutrition to sustain its growth in growing process,this is. And the nutrient class status in the grain that become a cat is relatively inferior, because the energy demand into the cat is inferior, overmuch nutrition absorbs a likelihood to bring about fat wait for a problem.

2.Grain size: The grain of young cat food compares feline food normally small, this conduces to young cat chews better and digest. As the growth of feline Mi age, their tooth and masticatory ability can increase gradually, the grain that becomes feline food accordingly is OK and opposite bigger.

Those who need an attention is, although become a cat to be able to eat young cat food, but long-term edible may bring about nutrition superfluous and fat wait for a problem. Accordingly, the age of Mi of proposal basis cat and demand choose suitable feline food.

What cat food is good, food of Wei fine cat how?

Be in most when beginning to raise a cat, I also resemble is a lot of people same, I do not know which had planted feline food after all, we are pondering over feline Mi what to eat to be able to have been compared, because everybody also does not know which had planted feline food, the feline Mi raise that gives oneself as actually the person of food of a lot of Nian Weijia cat, I want to tell everybody, this cat food is very good really. If you do not know which had planted feline food, food of Wei fine cat smells the fragrance that can feel it with the nose of our mankind, seeming is everybody wants to eat to be tasted readily, and this kind of fragrance is pure natural, absolutely later period does not tick off add to come out, so I very the gives oneself love cat that be at ease had.

Can provisions of fine Wei cat take?

Provisions of fine Wei cat can take.

Founded Wei fine brand 1958, and pass the development of half century, it is brand of international cat food already.

1995, be in conciliatory the pet food plant that builds major of the first home, begin to produce food of Wei fine cat. Not only nurse pet food and pet first the concept delivers our country to love feline personage, at the same time also drive the benign development of market of our country pet, those who win our country customer is sufficient approbate.

Look from channel, popular money has grain of Wei fine cat 1 million much criticism and of 99% lead reputably! So tall lead reputably, each brand can not accomplish believe.

User comment also is photograph place have love, it is more very since Wei is used all the time after raising a cat fine cat food, it serves to show is faithful vermicelli made from bean starch. See also be Man Bing almost reputably, the faithful vermicelli made from bean starch that is food of Wei fine cat it is thus clear that, still be more very more than 10 years old faithful pink. alleged: Good, the user said to calculate.

Be fond of the grain that jump a cat and Wei fine cat food which good?

Still be Wei fine cat food! Also be old old brand, I had heard of this brand before a lot of years. What my moggy Mi eats is this, hear 4 1 is planted nutriment, salinity is low, nutrition is tall, feline Mi ate to grow strongly, very smooth water slips! If you do not know how to be chosen, with respect to each Mi giving a cat is bought a bit, see it love to eat which.

Salinity of food of Wei fine cat is low, feline Mi loves to eat.

What cat is what Wei draws on fine cat food?

It is the argent tiger tabby in American undercoat cat. Wuhan the price here, taste commonly of the photograph 1500 the left and right sides. Bit better want 2000-2500

Food of Wei fine cat how so cheap?

Because contain the flesh,measure very low. Dainty sex relies on additive adjustment completely.

Is the bases of food of Wei fine cat? Content, namely egg? Qualitative? Is the part plant egg? , ? Either? Kind egg? Qualitative, can be being judged is not good cat food; Is the 2nd? Kind / ? Pink, ? ? Pink makes feline food also not be food of high grade cat, because? Is pink likely is origin unidentified inferior perhaps? , food of high grade cat? Part? Bright? Will do; Is the 3rd? ? Egg? Pink, more prove its egg? Be basically plant egg character? Qualitative; ? Before raw material 5, only? ? Kind / ? Pink, show Wei fine? Kind content? Constant low.

Is the cat? ? Animal, cannot digest plant egg? Qualitative (? Content) , but can let a cat have satiate feeling.

Long-term? ? Plant egg? Because starch does not metabolize,cause likely, puffiness, not the reason such as nutrition, from? Cause all sorts of complication.

Is food of Wei fine cat soft eat Wei is fine cat food soft how to recuperate?

The intestines and stomach of feline Mi is more sensitive, eat bad easy have loose bowels, caution should be added more when Mi giving a cat feeds the grain that feed a cat, still the age that should be aimed at feline Mi is fed to feline Mi feed, the word of young cat should eat young cat food, or bring about feline Mi have loose bowels easily also. What my moggy Mi eats in one's childhood is food of Europe coronal cat, it is quite good to digest, the cake cake that pull also but normal

Is what eat food of Wei fine cat for a long time sequential?

Food of 1. Wei fine cat the cat likes, lure namely feed an agent much, must not continue to be being fed again went down, it is good cat food far from, and Wei fine very salty, if be being fed for a long time, road of meeting make water is calculous.

You can go to 2. pet shop, perhaps clean out treasure, look for the inn-keeper of this locality, try to win sb's favor the feline food of a bit, conditional word can buy natural grain. The poorest also must be the United States is produced clever much happier. Mew is happy, royal perhaps.

Meal of 3. chicken liver also cannot have every day, the animal is hepatic now and then eat a few times to still go, feed meeting vitamin A for a long time toxic.

4. has time to cook to the cat is good of course, but the leftover that feline meal can not be a person, perhaps place from the person's food a few to it. Feline meal does not put condiment, chicken, duck flesh, beef, cruelly oppress, rejoin pumpkin, the vegetable such as carrot, evaporate is ripe perhaps thoroughly cook, hit into mud, mix together, still can add bit of cornmeal, the vitamin. Wei fine, goods of this kind of supermarket did not feed joyance again. .

Why is food of Wei fine cat broken bits grain?

Food of Wei fine cat is broken bits grain, because its bases is the commissariat of inferior quality and filler, and devoid animal is protein. These composition not only nutrient value is low, cause problem of path of feline Mi bowel and allergic reaction easily still. In addition, wei also added many chemical synthetic in fine cat food, be like artificial flavor, pigment and antiseptic, these composition may are opposite feline Mi is healthy cause negative effect. If want to ensure the health of feline Mi, the proposal chooses the feline food of high quality, among them bases is animal protein and high grade natural ingredient.
