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4.建好公共文化体系, 推动文化大发展大繁荣。


























30、完善农村文化建设, 巩固农村文化阵地。











文化站(cultural station)是国家设立,政府举办的,乡、镇、城市社区、街道办事处、区公所一级的最基层公共文化事业机构。属于政府系列。是向广大人民群众进行宣传教育,研究文化活动规律,创作文艺作品,组织、辅导群众开展文体活动,普及科学文化知识,并提供活动场所,公益性的文化传播与管理的文化事业机构。文化站建设是公共文化服务体系重要工程之一,是精神文明建设的重要窗口。














One, is villages and towns integrated the introduction that culture stands?

Villages and towns is integrated the particular function that culture stands is:

One, when undertaking to broad masses politics conduct propaganda and education of policy legal system;

2, the style recreational activities that the organization begins rich and colorful, constituent film, TV, collection shows an activity;

3, use natural resources of countrywide culture information to share a project to hold art of of all kinds culture to groom lecture of lecture of class, popular science, farming ability knowledge, coach and foster literary backbone;

4, open reading room, constituent masses is begun read activity;

5, collect, arrange bequest of art of ethical folk culture, the development of culture of stimulative countryside characteristic;

6, coach and coach village culture room, club with the farmer culture door develops all sorts of business activities;

7, the conduct propaganda that makes good cultural relic protects the job;

8, suffer ranking culture to be in charge of a branch to entrust market of culture of assistance administration place.

2, is villages and towns integrated the catchphrase of core viewpoint of value that culture stands?

1. runs station of culture of nice rural area, serve people hard.

2. satisfies farmer culture requirement, stimulative country harmony develops.

3. culture harmony develops, the society is stable and civilized.

4. has built common culture system, drive culture to develop great prosperity greatly.

5. knowledge is the fountainhead of force, study is successful cornerstone.

6. abounds life of people spirit culture, compose builds harmonious society.

7. improves quality of the whole people, achieve harmonious society in all

8. prosperity culture, inheritance civilization, propagandist science and technology, earth up wisdom enrich the people.

9. increases construction of culture of new rural area, promote culture of new fashion farmer.

The window that 10. civilization builds, the position that science and technology grooms, learn Fapufa's classroom, culture recreational position.

11, harmonious culture of construction new rural area, breed fashion of new farmer civilization.

12, protective culture bequest, inheritance China is civilized

13, erudite, those who cross-question, shen Saizhi, prudential, earnest goes. (" The Book of Rites " )

14, 100 learn to need first aspire. (Zhu Xi)

15, the law that read, in in proper sequence advance gradually, perusal and essence of life is thought of. (Zhu Xi)

16, change thoroughly, change to be connected, general rule is long. (The Book of Changes)

17, I move, I am green.

18, I am my motion, my health, happy.

19, had good body, just have wedding day.

20, motion, healthy, civilized, harmonious.

21, motion accomplishs health, fitness creates harmony.

22, health is life the first fortune.

23, seek knowledge and come, carry know and go.

24, science and technology is the first industry, the talent is the first resource.

25, intellectual home, caress meticulously.

26, Tong Xiang of fish of broad bird of day high of great capacity, we share literacy knowledge.

27, read good book, good read, had read.

28, groom an able person, able person wants to groom.

29, begin professional skill to groom, promote industry whole quality.

30, construction of culture of perfect rural area, consolidate rural culture position.

3, does staff of integrated culture station deploy villages and towns what asks?

Have deep love for career of basic level culture, culture of above of three-year institution of higher learning, have knowledge of certain masses culture major,

4, how does railway station of Mi Luo Dong reach Mi collect city does Huang Bai press down integrated culture to stand?

Drive course: Whole journey makes an appointment with 20.4 kilometers start: Mi Luo Dong stands 1. From start Xiang Zhengbei direction sets out, travel 80 meters, right-hand rotation 2. Travel 430 meters, left-hand rotation enters the grade austral dragon boat 3. Travel of the road austral edge dragon boat 3.2 kilometers, right-hand rotation enters S3084. Edge S308 travel 1 kilometers, straight travel enters S3085. Edge S308 travel 170 meters, in the 2nd exit, left ahead turns enter S3086. Edge S308 travel 440 meters, a bit towards the left turns 7. Travel 180 meters, right-hand rotation 8. Travel 80 meters, west the front turns enter capital deep wire 9. Travel of edge capital deep wire 14.7 kilometers, arrive at terminus (it is on the right side of road) terminal: Huang Bai is pressed down

5, urgent! Be urgent! Be urgent! Be badly in need of helping! Do excuse me service center of agriculture of villages and towns and integrated culture stand is that pay better?

If you have literary talent, integrated culture station is a right choice; If you want to do bit of thing, learn a bit skill, make a bit money more, suggest you arrive agricultural service center.

Wh whichever unit is tired do not wear, especially female comrade.

6, is the staff member that the integrated culture of government of people of villages and towns stands officeholder?

The outside making up staff member that centrally level says to culture of villages and towns stands without such regulation for certain should join fair managing. Villages and towns one class government still is being withheld in reality recruit in great quantities make a staff member, join fair managing impossibly.

7, the full name that culture stands?

Culture stands (Cultural Station) it is the country is established, the government holds, community of countryside, town, city, street agency, area is general of an one class most grass-roots unit is public culture career orgnaization. Belong to governmental series. Be undertake propagandist education to numerous people, study culture activity law, create literary work, organization, coach masses begins recreational and sports activities, popularize scientific literacy knowledge, provide mobile room, the culture of commonweal sex transmits the culture career orgnaization with management. Culture station construction is system of common culture service one of main projects, it is the important window of cultural and ideological progress.

8, what does culture station put in 's charge administer?

Culture bureau administer.

Culture station is culture bureau differentiates the system below, branch each community and villages and towns.

Culture station accepts culture bureau to be led directly continuously, just the job inside the culture station of community of villages and towns has division of labor, constituent community is celebrated read meeting, literary program performs to wait.

But working report and forms for reporting statistics, culture station is Xiang Wen turns bureau report, culture bureau is the above leader that culture stands. ,

9, which branch does culture station belong to?

   Culture station belongs to unit of subordinate of bureau of article wide report.

   The unit that calls a station is installed commonly in villages and towns, bureau of broadcasting television of culture of county of vest in area.

   Duty is to use policy to build style position, develop style project, breed talent team, the organization develops activity of the culture of of a mass character of rich and colorful, artistic, sports; Do the culture inside good area under administration actively protection, " village village is connected " infrastructure form a complete set works;

10, how to build rural culture station?

Station of culture of villages and towns belongs to an institution, formal employee pay has safeguard, but the member that local government must match Qi Ren by the regulation, provide ground, should from solicit literary talent extensively socially, include to blow pull sing and play, can of dance of song be apt to, can keep meeting picture, have even make up achieve personnel.

After personnel is fulfilled, leader should revise good activity plan, define a goal, fulfil working system of job responsibility, report a performance to each village each unit regularly, enlarge an influence, rise famous degree, make oneself contribution for active country culture!
