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燕郊是河北省三河市西市区的辖镇,位于河北、北京边界三角地带,北临三河市高楼镇,西部与北京市通州区潞城镇、西集镇、宋庄镇隔潮白河相望,京秦铁路和京哈公路横贯东西,总面积约108平方公里。 燕郊因春秋战国时期地处燕国城郊而得名,踞今已有3000多年的历史,有“天子脚下,御驾行宫”之美誉,多次入选全国综合实力千强镇,并且因很多在北京工作的人住在燕郊得名“睡城”。



按照规定,借读生都要回原籍参加中招考试和读高中。回原籍报考确有困难的,可以留在北京报考民办学校、公办学校所办分校和公办民助学校。这对将来发展受影响哦! 在北京你是无考试资格的(除现疫军人子女,有绿卡的,华侨,台湾商户,北京知青子女等8类情况外)!抱歉了,深表同情!


燕郊读 yān jiāo,


◎ 郊 jiāo 


(1) (形声。从邑,交声。从“邑”,表示与城郭、行政区域有关。本义:上古时代国都外百里以内的地区称“郊”)

(2) 郊区







01 位置


02 经济


03 人口


04 商业


05 医院


06 学校










One, does where of Langfang swallow outskirt have pet hospital?

The ave has make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital then on the west Beijing of outskirt of a swallow east spouse animal hospital, the dog that take a dog goes making vaccine, check crosses arched bug, the feeling is OK still

2, does where of Langfang swallow outskirt have pet hospital? Bit better? Thank?

The ave has make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital then on the west Beijing of outskirt of a swallow east spouse animal hospital, the dog that take a dog goes making vaccine, check crosses arched bug, the feeling is OK still

3, the pet hospital that which know Yan Jiao relies on chart to nod?

Swallow outskirt Beijing east spouse pet hospital relies on chart quite.

Yan Jiao is Heibei province urban administer presses down 3 river city on the west, be located in region of attrib border triangle of Heibei, Beijing, north arrives town of high-rise of 3 rivers city, with Beijing the Ou Lucheng that tell a state is pressed down western, market town, Song Zhuang presses down the Bai He that lie between tide to look on the west, railroad of Beijing the Qin Dynasty and Beijing breath out highway to traverse a thing, gross area makes an appointment with 108 square kilometer. Because period of age the Warring States is located in Yan Guocheng outskirt and Yan Jiao gets a name, crouch already had 3000 old histories today, have " below the emperor foot, drive drives make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital " beautiful praise, for many times comprehensive strength of selected whole nation 1000 powerful garrison posts, and live in swallow outskirt because of a lot of people that work in Beijing get a name " sleep city " .

4, take an examination of in Yan Jiao?

Can Yan Jiao of seat of registered permanent residence took an exam.

According to the regulation, study at a school on a temporary basis is born to want to the action in answering ancestral home to attend takes an exam and read high school. Answer ancestral home to enter oneself for an examination truly inconvenient, school of run by the local people, fair education can stay in Beijing to enter oneself for an examination school place manages branch school and fair do civilian aid the school. Development suffers an effect this pair future! Be in Beijing you are do not have exam qualification (except children of soldier showing epidemic disease, those who have green card, overseas Chinese, taiwan business door, outside 8 kinds of circumstances such as children of Beijing educated youth) ! Feel sorry, close watch sympathizes with!

5, swallow outskirt pronunciation?

Yan Jiao reads O of ā of Y ā N Ji,

Detailed word justice

O of ā of ◎ outskirt Ji

< renown >

(1) (echoism. From city, make reputation. From " city " , state with inner and outer city walls, canton region is concerned. Original meaning: ? Does Mo of Luo of Jing of discipline of  of  of blind Pan Bei read flesh of Ao of Pi of  of She of closely question male?

(2) suburb

Outskirt, a hunderd li that spur a nation is outskirt. -- " say civil " . By, 50 lis place calls national capital of the distance when week outskirts, the place of a hunderd li calls outer suburbs.

Comfortable those happy outskirt. -- " rat of large of · of wind of poetic · the Kingdom of Wei "

White clothing outskirt second. -- " the left Xi that pass · is fair 32 years "

6, does city of peacock of swallow outskirt hot spring belong to Yan Jiao?

Popularize next knowledge, specific place is in city of peacock of swallow outskirt hot spring inn of big plant summer, but because be apart from Yan Jiao,very close solid names Yan Jiao city of hot spring peacock, proximate Yan Jiao the first hot spring goes vacationing village.

7, swallow outskirt full name?

01 positions

Swallow outskirt full name should be Yan Jiao presses down 3 rivers of city of Heibei province Langfang, because be apart from Beijing Tian An Men,linear distance has 30 much kilometers only, accordingly times get attention. Especially price of these a few years of Beijing houses advance rapidly when, retreat and beg next psychology, more and more people that buy a house begin to pay close attention to Yan Jiao.

02 economy

Yan Jiao is new and high developing zone of class of home of technical development dependency, there is of all kinds company inside the developing zone 234. Is Yan Jiao famous does the enterprise have: ? Yao of Chen of 3 part of the day says meal evil spirit entangles Xing Xun  uses up Pang Xingxun of  of graph of another name for Jiangxi Province of ⒒ Qiao A  lens takes?018 year in October, yan Jiao is selected " before comprehensive strength of 2018 year whole nation does powerful garrison post 100 " .

03 population

Yan Jiao presses down an area to be 105.2 square kilometre, population is made an appointment with 1.2 million, next administer 53 administrative village.

04 commerce

Swallow outskirt interior has many to manage large shopping center, like: ?

05 hospitals

Hospital of size of swallow outskirt interior has more than 10, became famous quite among them is there: ? Room of onlying actinium  all does body ⒀ toot already heir a surname all  of  of class of body ⒀ toot all cheese of Xin of  of Chinese road ┒ all is drought taken?

06 schools

Although swallow outskirt town is not big, have several colleges however, basically have: ?

8, Yan Jiao, suitable justice?

Yan Jiao is subject Heibei, arrange justice area to belong to the far suburb of Beijing

9, swallow outskirt special local product?

Sweet river hamburger, blessing becomes series food, especially blessing becomes fat cattle (beef) the special local product that should be Yan Jiao to press down.

The Heibei blessing that blessing becomes fat cattle is swallow outskirt town manufactures into Inc. of 5 abundant food, enterprise of bibcock of emphasis of nation of industrialization of this company agriculture, still offer goods of product of series of cold fresh beef, cooked food, organic milkings, beverage to wait for a variety of healthy food to the society. Once had offerred food to supply safeguard for 8 years of Olympic Games. Blessing interlinks inn into fat cattle meal, also brought the food of healthy dietary kind and rich health for broad consumer at the same time

10, is Yan Jiao fastfood?

Rash aunt does scamper tenderloin, hold up bag is fastfood, fabaceous Shang Yinxiang is hot fabaceous skin, powdery flavour, mu Ziyu, egg vinegar is fastfood, enema, fry cake, bridge river beans piece, high-rise beans bubble, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad cake, stuffing pastry, scamper and, hamburger, small fume chicken
