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(一) 中岁颇好道,晚家南山陲。兴来美独往,胜事空自知。行到水穷处,坐看云起时。偶然值林叟,谈笑无还期。

(二) 斜光照墟落,穷巷牛羊归。野老念牧童,倚杖候荆扉。雉雊麦苗秀,蚕眠桑叶稀。田夫荷锄立,相见语依依。即此羡闲逸,怅然吟式微。

(三) 莫笑农家腊酒浑,丰年留客足鸡豚。山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。

(四) 昙花一现,时间虽短,却把生命演绎得淋漓尽致流星划过,转瞬间,却给人留下一道美丽的风景线。

(五) 我们一路上兴致勃勃地参观,当夕阳西下时,才恋恋不舍地离开。

(六) 黄四娘家花满蹊,千朵万朵压枝低。留连戏蝶时时舞,自在娇莺恰恰啼。

(七) 我的风景都是关于你。里面有悲也有喜。我是秘密太早或太晚已经没分别。

(八) 空山不见人,但闻人语响。返景入深林,复照青苔上。

(九) 梅子金黄杏子肥,麦花雪白菜花稀。日长篱落无人过,唯有蜻蜓蛱蝶飞。

(十) 茅檐细雨湿炊烟,江路清寒欲雪天。不爱相公金络马,羡他亭长白篷船。

(十一) 屋中春鸠鸣,树边杏花白。持斧伐远杨,荷锄觇泉脉。归燕识故巢,旧人看新历。临觞忽不御,惆怅远行客。

(十二) 大自然如此美好,应当好好享受。

(十三) 清川带长薄,车马去闲闲。流水如有意,暮禽相与还。荒城临古渡,落日满秋山。迢递嵩高下,归来且闭关。

(十四) 不是爱花即肯死,只恐花尽老相催。繁枝容易纷纷落,嫩叶商量细细开。

(十五) 圣十字湖,湖水天然蓝,大自然真系好神奇。外国友人中意带埋宠物一齐感受自然,野餐美味。

(十六) 无边无际的平原平坦、广阔,像一个硕大无比的墨绿色的大翡翠圆盘,苍茫浩渺,气魄摄人。

(十七) 我相信世上有另一个我,做着所有我不敢做的事,看着我不曾看过的风景。

(十八) 有很多人觉得,一个人旅行好无聊。可我却偏偏喜欢一个人。

(十九) 言入黄花川,每逐青溪水。随山将万转,趣途无百里。声喧乱石中,色静深松里。漾漾泛菱荇,澄澄映葭苇。我心素已闲,清川澹如此。请留盘石上,垂钓将已矣。

(二十) 燕雁下秋塘,田家自此忙。移蔬通远水,收果待繁霜。野碓舂粳滑,山厨焙茗香。客来还有酒,随事宿茅堂。

(二十一) 秋色有佳兴,况君池上闲。悠悠西林下,自识门前山。千里横黛色,数峰出云间。

(二十二) 屏居淇水上,东野旷无山。日隐桑柘外,河明闾井间。牧童望村去,猎犬随人还。静者亦何事,荆扉乘昼关。

(二十三) 漠漠重云暗,萧萧密雨垂。为霖淹古道,积日满荒陂。五稼何时获,孤村几户炊。乱流发通圃,腐叶著秋枝。暮爨新樵湿,晨渔旧浦移。空馀去年菊,花发在东篱。

(二十四) 思忆常会在夜静灯昏时翻开甜酸苦辣也成了一道最凄美的风景线,陈旧的美无法在代谢中泯灭。

(二十五) 木杪田家出,城陰野迳分。溜渠行碧玉,畦稼卧黄云。薄槿烟脂染,深荷水麝焚。斜陽人不见,鸡鹜自成群。

(二十六) 江深竹静两三家,多事红花映白花。报答春光知有处,应须美酒送生涯。

(二十七) 绿遍山原白满川,子规声里雨如烟。乡村四月闲人少,才了蚕桑又插田。

(二十八) 鸡唱三声天欲明,安排饭碗与茶瓶。良人犹恐催耕早,自扯蓬窗看晓星。

(二十九) 黯乡魂,追旅思,夜夜除非,好梦留人睡。明月高楼休独倚。酒入愁肠,化作相思泪。

(三十) 太乙近天都,连山接海隅。白云回望合,青霭入看无。分野中峰变,陰晴众壑殊。欲投人处宿,隔水问樵夫。

(三十一) 江上被花恼不彻,无处告诉只颠狂。走觅南邻爱酒伴,经旬出饮独空床。

(三十二) 昨天越来越多,明天越来越少。走过的路长了,遇见的人多了,不经意间发现,人生最曼妙的风景是内心的淡定与从容,头脑的睿智与清醒。

(三十三) 昼出耘田夜绩麻,村庄儿女个当家。童孙未解供耕织,也傍桑陰学种瓜。

(三十四) 野外罕人事,穷巷寡轮鞅。白日掩荆扉,虚室绝尘想。时复墟曲中,拔草共来往。相见无杂言,但道桑麻长。桑麻日已长,我土日已广。常恐霜霰至,零落同草莽。

(三十五) 夏天,草木个性茂盛,冬青树的叶子油亮油亮的,老榆树枝繁叶茂,给人们撑起了一片浓浓的绿阴。

(三十六) 真诚是生活中一道绝美的风景。拥有真诚便拥有一笔可贵的财富。给迎面而来的人留下一声真诚的问候,他会倍感东方朝霞的美丽;给擦肩而去的人留下真诚的微笑,他会越发觉得西边晚霞的美好。

(三十七) 剥啄敲村舍,丫叉揖主人。新墙拆龟兆,疏瓦断鱼鳞。红粒炊畲粟,青烟郁涧薪。得床思熟睡,寒犬苦狺狺。

(三十八) 它们正飞向太阳。她也向太阳游去。可是太阳下落了。一片玫瑰色的晚霞,慢慢地在海面和云块之间消逝了。

(三十九) 即使是一个人,我也格外珍惜一路的风景。

(四十) 你静候着秋天的温柔,留我在风景之外。

(四十一) 独坐幽篁里,弹琴复长啸。深林人不知,明月来相照。

(四十二) 我希望有一个人可以陪我去我想去的地方,一起牵手看沿途的风景,即使他没空陪我,在我跟朋友去游玩回来,侃侃而谈的跟他讲一路上趣事。

(四十三) 木杪田家出,城阴野迳分。溜渠行碧玉,畦稼卧黄云。薄槿烟脂染,深荷水麝焚。斜阳人不见,鸡鹜自成群。

(四十四) 东望少城花满烟,百花高楼更可怜。谁能载酒开金盏,唤取佳人舞绣筵。

(四十五) 明天他们去旅游,我没去,我想去的不是宁德,我想看的不是风景,我想玩的不是游乐场,只想回到你身边而已。

(四十六) 雪,像柳絮一般的雪,像芦花一般的雪,像蒲公英一般的雪在空中舞,在随风飞。

(四十七) 羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。开荒南野际,守拙归田园。方宅十余亩,草屋八九间。榆柳荫后椋,桃李罗堂前。

(四十八) 属于自己的风景,从来不曾错过;不是自己的风景,永远只是路过。

(四十九) 迟日江山丽,春风花草香。泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯。

(五十) 望断金马门,劳歌采樵路。乡曲无知己,朝端乏亲故。谁能为扬雄,一荐甘泉赋。

(五十一) 乌鸟投林过客稀,前山烟暝到柴扉。小童一棹舟如叶,独自编阑鸭阵归。

(五十二) 那霏霏的雨丝,宛如一片朦胧的烟雾,遮掩了绵延千里的淮河平原。

(五十三) 人生,不会永远一成不变,其实无论悲喜,能够勇敢的面对属于自己的风景,就是最美。

(五十四) 篱落疏疏一径深,树头花落未成阴。儿童急走追黄蝶,飞入采花无处寻。

(五十五) 昙花一现,时间虽短,却把生命演绎得淋漓尽致;流星划过,转瞬间,却给人留下一道美丽的风景线。

(五十六) 一路风景一路人心、一路悲喜一路清醒。

(五十七) 太阳的周围最红,红得那样迷人。红色向四下蔓延着,蔓延了半个天空,一层比一层逐渐淡下去,直到变成了灰白色。

(五十八) 人生就像一场旅行,不必在乎目的地,在乎的是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情,让心灵去旅行。

(五十九) 新筑场泥镜面平,家家打稻趁霜晴。笑歌声里轻雷动,一夜连枷响到明。

(六十) 贾谊三年谪,班超万里侯。何如牵白犊,饮水对清流。

(六十一) 初夏的晚风,带着枣花和月季花的幽香,飘进这间简朴而舒适的客厅。

(六十二) 黄梅时节家家雨,青草池塘处处蛙。有约不来过半夜,闲敲棋子洛花灯。

(六十三) 空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。明月松间照,清泉石上流。竹喧归浣女,莲动下渔舟。随意春芳歇,王孙自可留。

(六十四) 旅途中有许多的风景,早晚你会找到属于你自己的风景。

(六十五) 看庭前花开花落,荣辱不惊,望天上云卷云舒,去留无意。

(六十六) 人闲桂花落,夜静春山空。月出惊山鸟,时鸣春涧中。

(六十七) 开门省禾黍,邻翁水头住。目前南涧波,昨夜西川雨。牧童披短蓑,腰笛期烟渚。不问水边人,骑牛傍山去。

(六十八) 篱落疏疏一径深,树头花落未成陰。儿童急走追黄蝶,飞入采花无处寻。

(六十九) 新晴原野旷。极目无氛垢。郭门临渡头。村树连溪口。白水明田外。碧峰出山后。农月无闲人。倾家事南亩。

(七十) 危径几万转,数里将三休。回环见徒侣,隐映隔林丘。飒飒松上雨,潺潺石中流。静言深溪里,长啸高山头。

(七十一) 稠花乱蕊畏江滨,行步欹危实怕春。诗酒尚堪驱使在,未须料理白头人。

(七十二) 寒山转苍翠,秋水日潺潺。倚杖柴门外,临风听暮蝉。渡头余落日,墟里上孤烟。夏值接舆醉,狂歌五柳前。

(七十三) 不要因为去绝美风景的路上偶遇了一条臭水沟,而坏了欣赏美的心境,而耽误了其它的美,要想想你为什么来这里。

(七十四) 木末芙蓉花,山中发红萼。涧户寂无人,纷纷开自落。

(七十五) 黄师塔前江水东,春光懒困倚微风。桃花一簇开无主,可爱深红爱浅红。


(one) in year old quite good way, the hill austral late home frontierses. Promote come to the beauty be gone to alone, sky success a thing knows oneself. Be in to water end all right, sit when seeing the cloud rise. Accidentally value forest old man, tan Xiao is not had still period.

(2) inclined illumination ruins falls, poor alley flocks and herds returns. Wild often read aloud cowboy, lean on bastinado to await Jing Fei. Pheasant Zuo wheat seeding is beautiful, leaf of mulberry of the inactive state of the silkworm before it sheds its skin is rare. Tian Fu carries on his shoulder or back to stand v hoe, meet language is supple. Namely this Xian Xianyi,

(3) not laugh at muddy of wine of farmhouse dried meat, good year detains a guest sufficient chicken pig. Answer doubt does not have hill heavy water road, promising another village.

(4) transitory, although time is short, deduce life so that shooting star of incisively and vividly has delimited however, in a flash, leave a beautiful scenery line to the person however.

(5) we all the way in spirits ground looks around, when the setting sun falls on the west, ground of be reluctant to part with leaves ability.

(6) Hua Manqi of Home Huang Siniang, 1000 10 thousand press a branch low. Leave Lian Hudie constantly dance, caw of just of comfortable charming warbler.

(7) my scenery is about you. There is Bei inside also be pregnant. I am the secret had not parted too early or too late.

(8) empty hill does not see a person, but famous man signal is loud. Return scene into deep forest, a note in reply is lichenous go up.

(9) plum is golden apricot is fat, flower of Mai Huaxue Chinese cabbage is rare. Day long hedge falls nobody pass, only dragonfly a kind of butterfly harmful to corp plants flies.

(10) wet smoke from kitchen chimneys of Mao Yan drizzle, jiang Luqing is cold desire Xue Tian. Do not love horse of sth resembling a net of official gold, admire his booth to grow white sail boat.

(11) the Chun Jiuming in house, cultivate edge apricot grey. Hold Yuan Yang of axe cut down, carry on one's shoulder observes v hoe fontal arteries and veins. Gui Yan knows reason mew, old person sees new one by one. Lin Shang ignore not drive, disconsolate go on a long journey guest.

(12) nature is so good, ought to enjoy well.

(13) Qing Chuan belt length is mean, car Maqu idle. If running water is intended, dusk birds get along with is returned. Barren city faces Gu Du, setting sun Man Qiushan. Relative superiority or inferiority of far away fleabane, return and shut close.

(14) not be to love a flower to agree dead namely, fear spending Laoxiang to urge only. Numerous branch falls easily in succession, volume of tender Xie Shang is thin fine leave.

(15) holy cross lake, lake water is natural blue, nature is very magical really. Meaning belt buries pet to experience nature simultaneously in foreign friend, picnic is delicate.

(16) boundless Campagna evenness, capacious, resemble the big halcyon disc of a huge and clinking Chinese ink green, vast grand insignificant, daring absorbs a person.

(seventeen) I believe to there am another me on the world, doing all things that I dare not do, look at the landscape that I never had seen.

(18) a lot of people feel, be merciful of brigade of a person is dull. But I like a person unluckily however.

(19) character enters chrysanthemum plain, every chase green brook water. Along with hill general 10 thousand turn, interesting road does not have a hunderd li. In acoustical noisy riprap, in lubricious Jing Shensong. Xing of water chestnut of overflow overflow extensive, the settleclear settleclear reed that mirror Jia. My heart element already idle, qing Chuan Dan is such. Leave Pan Shi please, go angling general already.

(20) the Qiu Tang below Yan Yan, tian Jiazi this is busy. Move greens connects far water, close to wait for numerous frost if really. Jing of pestle of wild a treadle-operated tilt hammer for hulling rice slips, hill hutch bakes tea is sweet. The customer will still have alcoholic drink,

(21) autumn scenery has beautiful to promote, the idle on Kuang Junchi. Below leisurely Xi Lin, know the hill before the door oneself. Horizontal black of a thousand li is lubricious, several peaks give the cloud.

(22) on water of screen house Qi, dong Yekuang does not have hill. Outside three-bristle cudrania of day concealed mulberry, river between bright Lv Jing. Cowboy hopes the village goes, gundog is returned along with the person. Static person Yi He thing, jing Fei closes by day.

(23) heavy cloud of vast and lonely is dark, neigh close rain hangs down. For ancient course of adj/LIT wide of continuous heavy rain, accumulate day of full barren Bei. When are 5 sow obtained, gu village a few cook a meal. Chaos shedding hair connects garden, corrupt leaf writes Qiu Zhi. Dusk cooks Xin Qiao is wet, morning fishing old riverside moves. Empty Yu last year chrysanthemum, beautiful hair is in Dong Li.

(24) Sai Yichang can turn over all sorts of joys and sorrows to also become a when Ye Jingdeng faints most the scenery line of chilly beauty, dated beauty cannot die out in metabolization.

(25) cropland home gives Mu Miao, city Zuo is wild divide directly. Smooth canal travel jasper, farmland sow lies Huang Yun. Fat of thin Jin smoke is caught, musk deer of water of deep carry on one's shoulder is burned. Inclined Zuo person disappears, chicken ducks from group.

(26) Jiang Shenzhu is static 3 two, eventful safflower mirrors Bai Hua. Repay spring scenery to know to have place, should need beautiful wine to send career.

(27) green all over hill former Bai Manchuan, the rain in cuckoo sound is like smoke. Countryside an unoccupied person is little in April, just silkworm mulberry inserts cropland again.

(28) chicken sings Tian Yuming 3 times, arrange rice bowl and tea bottle. Fine person still fears urging agrarian early, see Xiao Xing from the window that pull bitter fleabane.

(29) An country mood, chase after brigade to think of, nocturnal night unless, good dream leaves a person to sleep. Bright moon high-rise rests to lean alone. Wine enters sadness, change lovesickness tear.

(30) too second close day, lian Shan receives Hai Yu. Bai Yun is answered hope to close, qing Airu looks without. The peak in dividing line changes, different of Zuo fine numerous big pool. Be about to cast a person to be in constellation, lie between water to ask axman.

(31) be spent on the river angry not thorough, nowhere tells only crackbrained. Go look for Na Lin to love compotator, classics a period of ten days gives drink alone empty bed.

(32) increasing yesterday, less and less tomorrow. The route that has taken grew, encountered person is much, casual a discovery, the scenery with the most lithe and graceful life is a heart is calm with easy, of brains sagacious with sober.

(33) day goes hemp of accomplishment of weed cropland night, villatic children is n/COL the head of a family. Tong Sun was not solved knit for ploughing, also draw near mulberry Zuo learns kind of melon.

(34) field rarely human affairs, poor alley few annulus Yang. Door leaf of chaste tree of white day close, empty room absolutely dirt thinks. When in answer ruins music, unplug grass comes and go in all. Meet without miscellaneous character, dan Daosang hemp is long. Mulberry hemp day is long already, my earth day is wide already. Often fear frost graupel coming, decayed with wilderness.

(35) summer, wood individual character is flourish, the leaf of evergreen tree is sleek and sleek, numerous Xie Mao of old elm branch, maintained a strong green private parts to people.

(36) sincerity is a absolutely beautiful scenery in the life. Have sincerity to have the money with commendable brushstroke. Give head on and the greeting that comer leaves sincerity, he is met the beauty of alpenglow of times feeling east; Leave genuine smile to the person that pass by, he can feel even more in the west the happiness of afterglow.

(37) tap knock a village to abandon, crotch bows with hands clasped to host. New fence tears open chelonian million, scanty tile breaks scale. Millet of the She nationality of red bead cook a meal, firewood of Qing Yanyu gully. Sleep soundly so that the bed thinks of, cold dog suffers from yelp.

(38) they are flying to the sun. She also swims to the sun. But the sun fell. An auroral afterglow, mix in offing slowly between cloud piece die.

(39) even if a person, I also am cherished all the more all the way scenery.

(40) you are static the tenderness that stating the fall, leave me to be besides the scenery.

(41) sit alone in deep and remote bamboo grove, the Fu Changxiao that play musical instrument. Deep Lin Ren does not know, the bright moon will be illuminated.

(42) I hope to a person can accompany me go to the place that I consider to go, pull a hand to see on the way landscape together, although he did not accompany me for nothing, go with the friend in me amuse oneself come back, speak with fervor and assurance tell with him all the way fun.

(43) cropland home gives Mu Miao, city Yin Ye is divided directly. Smooth canal travel jasper, farmland sow lies Huang Yun. Fat of thin Jin smoke is caught, musk deer of water of deep carry on one's shoulder is burned. Setting sun person disappears, chicken ducks from group.

(44) east Wang Shaocheng spends full smoke, 100 beautiful high-rise are more pitiful. Who can carry wine to open golden small cup, call out take banquet of embroider of beautiful woman dance.

(45) they will travel tomorrow, I did not go, I think those who go is not Ning De, I think those who look is not a scenery, I think those who play is not pleasure ground, want to return you only beside just.

(46) snow, resemble the snow with general catkin, resemble the snow with general reed catkins, general like dandelion snow is in sky dance, in Sui Fengfei.

(47) bridle bird is loved old forest, chiyu thinks of reason deep. Border of Na Ye of open up wasteland, shou Zhuo returns rural. Square curtilage more than 10 mus, careless house 89. The Liang after Yu Liu Yin, before hall of collect of one's pupils or disciples.

(48) the view that attributes oneself, never miss; Not be oneself scenery, it is transient only forever.

(49) Chi Rijiang Shan Li, spring breeze flowers and plants is sweet. Flying swallow of slimy be in harmony, sha Nuan sleeps an affectionate couple.

(50) look at Jinmamen, lao Ge picks firewood way. Country music does not have a bosom friend, toward end lack kisses reason. Who can be Yang Xiong, spring of one Jian pleasant is endowed with.

(51) Wu Diao is cast forest passing traveller is rare, hill smoke sets before Chai Fei. Boat of oar of small Tong Yi is like a leaf, make up late duck alone blast return.

(52) the pluvial silk of Na Fei Fei, just like a hazy aerosol, cloak be continuous the Campagna of river of the Huaihe River of a thousand li.

(53) life, won't forever invariable, actually no matter Bei is fond of, can face the view that attributes oneself bravely, it is the most beautiful.

(54) hedge falls scanty scanty one diameter is deep, tree headdress flower falls to did not become back. Children whirl chases after Huang Die, fly into deflowering nowhere to search.

(55) transitory, although time is short, deduce life however incisively and vividly; The shooting star has delimited, in a flash, leave a beautiful scenery line to the person however.

(56) all the way scenery one passerby heart, all the way Bei happy event regains consciousness all the way.

(57) of the sun all round the reddest, red attractive in that way. Red is spreading to 4, spread half sky, one chases scumble to go down than, until became hoar.

(58) life travels like, need not care about destination, those who care is on the way scenery and the state of mind that read a scenery, let the heart travel.

(59) build face of field mud lens newly to make the same score, domestic home hits paddy to take the advantage of frost fine. Laugh at singing in light thunderous, one night flail rings bright.

(60) Gu Yi relegates a high official to a minor post in an outlying district 3 years, the class exceeds 10 thousand lis of Hou. How about pulls white calf, water flow to Qing Dynasty.

(61) late wind of Chu Xia, taking jujube flower and a faint fragrance that Chinese rose spends, wave this austere and comfortable sitting room.

(62) rain of home of home of Huang Mei season, green grass pond everywhere frog. Have do not cross midnight about, idle knocks festive lantern of castle the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces.

(63) after empty Shan Xinyu, weather comes late autumn. Illuminate between bright moon pine, qing Quanshi is genteel. Zhu Xuan puts in wash daughter 's charge, lotus moves Yu Zhou. Optional Chun Fang rests, offspring of the nobility can stay oneself.

(64) there are a lot of views in journey, you can find time the view that attributes yourself.

(65) the flower before viewing law court blossoms fall, honour or disgrace not Jing, look at easy of ethereal cloud cirrus, go staying innocently.

(66) person idle sweet-scented osmanthus falls, ye Jingchun hill is empty. The month gives Jing hill bird, in Chun Jian crying when.

(67) open the door the millet that save standing grain, head stays in adjacent old man. At present Na Jianbo, yesterday evening Xi Chuanyu. Cowboy wraps around short Suo, lumbar flute period smoke smalls piece of land surrounded by water. Pay no attention to water edge person, ride an ox to draw near hill goes.

(68) hedge falls scanty scanty one diameter is deep, tree headdress flower falls to did not become Zuo . Children whirl chases after Huang Die, fly into deflowering nowhere to search.

(69) free from worries of Xin Qing open country. Look as far as one can dirties without atmosphere. Guo Men is faced cross a head. The village cultivates the mouth that join a small stream. Outside white Shui Mingtian. After green jade peak gives mountain. Farming month does not have idler. South bend housekeeping mu.

(70) danger diameter tens of thousands of turn, several lis will 3 cease. Answer annulus to see apprentice associate, concealed is mirrorred lie between Lin Qiu. The rain on sough pine, midstream of Chan Chan stone. In static Yan Shenxi, grow head of howl high mountain.

(71) Jiang Bin of Wei of the stiff pistil that spend chaos, fact of high of travel pace Qi is afraid of spring. Poetic wine still can is driven in, did not need person of arrange hoary head.

(72) cold hill turns verdant, chan of Chan of autumn water day. Outside Chai Men leaning on bastinado, face wind to listen to dusk cicada. Cross more than setting sun, gu smoke goes up in ruins. Summerly worth receives area drunk, mad song before 5 willow.

(73) because go on the road of absolutely beautiful scenery,do not want come across a smelly ditch, and bad the mood that appreciates the beauty, and the beauty that delayed other, want to think why you come here.

(74) Mu Mofu Chengdu is beautiful, in hill aglow calyx. Gully door lonely unmanned, leave to fall oneself in succession.

(75) the Jiang Shuidong before Huang Shida, spring scenery is lazy lean on gentle breeze tiredly. Peach blossom tuft leaves derelict, lovely and scarlet love is shallow red.
