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家有儿女教育理念? 苏轼教育儿女的诗?英文双语对照


家有儿女教育理念? 苏轼教育儿女的诗?英文双语对照






































1.父母和子女,是彼此赠与的最佳礼物。- -- -维斯冠


3. 《还未待我长大你们却已老去》:在你的眉间,有一-条皱纹,那是你用来告诉我。有气在让你生,曾在你怀里,躺了一整夜。我告诉我自己,该是时候让你歇一歇。你不用担心,爸爸,叶子总有掉落的时候。你把这家扛了十几二十年,肩膀总有酸的时候,每一天你的贡献。我的爱在心里沉淀,- - 个人去承受挫折和痛苦,生怕我不够幸福,知道你的拥抱背后,有许多痛苦,我下定决心,让你幸福。--徐文涛




7.父母呼,应勿缓;父母命,行勿懒!意思是:父母呼唤,要赶快答应;父母有命令,应赶快去做! --出自(清)李毓秀《弟子规》


9.,对孩子来说,父母的慈善的价值在于它比任何别的情感都更加可靠和值得信赖! --罗素



Does the home have children to teach a concept?

To the child of my home, when playing, want the circumstance that is safety to fall only, I won't be interfered, that moment is the child sends out connate inning. To learning: 1To interest class, since you want to learn, OK, I sign up to you, midway cancels a course without reason.

2 understanding are cognitive, why should you learn, what is the purpose of study, (relevant the book about study, after me browse and telling me to read) I.

3 mutual agreements, it is not OK that the child is learning time parents libertinism.

4 encounter a problem to be solved together, the mouth does not give thick speech.

Does Su Shi teach the poem of children?

" wash poem "

Person all nursling Wang Congming, I by clever by accident all one's life.

Alone wishs child I and rash, do not have without calamity arrive hard fair dear.

Above all, before two of the poem " person all nursling Wang Congming, I by clever by accident all one's life " , namely common people fosters son Dou Pan to looking at him can lifetime is clever, myself however instead by clever by accident all one's life. One " look " word, wrote the common people expectation to the child, alleged " hope children will have a bright future " , " look at female Cheng Feng " . " by accident " word, wrote the deplorable lot of Su Shi lifetime again. And investigate its reason, according to Su Shi these two poems look, because,be poet too too clever.

Must be the heart that teachs the child experienced?

The parent teachs the child's result to experience: 1, when be being communicated with the child, must serious listen respectfully he talks, let him feel the parental attention to him and esteem, such children's small proper pride can be established to rise, he also can be in the talk with adult, ponder over oneself to want seriously with what do, express oneself opinion, the rational thought habit of this pair of children also has good help. Your Excellency of course when communicating with the child, also should notice a few detail, such ability are rapidder undertake be communicationed goodly with the child. 2, esteem child in the process that grow a few contain the idea like child child, although the feeling is babyish, if he delivers the opinion from the heart, want to express affirmation to its first, another analyses its interests deep step by step, reach ideal educational level, let the child be in imperceptible in change viewpoint. 3, have a kind of saturated principle, it is children some of be used to is cheesed the mood. Although want strongly to have an objective, also can experience the fun that finishs the thing, but because courses is various,obstruction arises in the heart, cannot work actively continuously, if reduce the level of the requirement, the deal of lesson decreases, continue to rear the child the vigor when low ebb, so they pass in low ebb hind, can promote responsibility heart again, go more actively doing a homework

The Chinese parents education to children?

Assure the child to grow in healthy domestic environment

Create a surroundings that paddle one's own canoe for the child, the life that develops child health learns a habit.

Also want to tell the parent at the same time: There is contradiction to often quarrel between the parent, also be very abnormal insalubrious environment. The broken family, family of long-term depart more let the child lack attributive sense.

The healthy way that we want to use the face will comfort dredge child, cannot adopt scanty wait for extreme measure at certainly or doting or beyond the mark severity, more cannot individual mood and vent one's anger on sb who's not to blame at children.

Does ABCD teach a result to experience?

Above all, I want to introduce the background that ABCD teachs. ABCD education is a kind of education method that is based on thinking training, its core concept is " it is a center with the problem, it is with thinking oriented " , pass analysis, integrated, quite, Baconian these 4 basic measure, help student fosters a problem to solve ability and innovation ability. This kind teachs methodological traceable United States, had received wide application inside global limits now.

On the classroom that teachs in ABCD, the student is passive ground accepts knowledge no longer, in participating in study actively however, go. The teacher can design a few real problems, let him student go analysis, integrated, quite, Baconian, conclude thereby. Method of this kind of teaching lets a student understand knowledge better not only, the thinking ability that still can develop them, language conveys ability and group efforts ability.

Attend the course that ABCD teachs, I am harvested quite abundant. Above all, I learned how to think better and analyse a problem. In the study previously, I often am mechanical memorizing, lack understands to intellectual profundity. But, on the classroom that teachs in ABCD, I learned how to solve a problem through thinking with the analysis, this let me have more thorough understanding to knowledge.

Next, I learned how to cooperate with other. In group efforts, I learned how to be communicated with other, harmonious, finish the job jointly. These skill are indispensable in duty field of future.

Finally, I learned how to ego thinks over and be evaluated. On the classroom that teachs in ABCD, the teacher can guide a student to undertake ego thinks over with the evaluation, this lets me realise this advantage and inadequacy more clearly, improve oneself better thereby.

Anyhow, the course that attends ABCD education let me harvest a lot of valuable experience and skill. In future, I can use these experience and mastery of a skill or technique in learn and working, promote oneself ability and quality ceaselessly.

How is educational children disobedient sentence?

Parents gives us life, we just have an opportunity to come to the world. Parents is fostered, our grow upping gave us too much and too much, we should be known be thankful.

Must be the heart of the education that feed Yo experienced?

The education that feed Yo is a kind of kind that ties other education with food, will improve healthy intelligence of the child, develop good food habit of the child and dietary culture.

I think, the education that feed Yo is very important, because it helps the child know food better not only, still conduce to them knowing healthy diet correctly, elevate nutrition consciousness, enhance ego to protect ability. It helps child understanding how protect its health through healthy diet, is not to eat only " good " and forget eat " bad " . In addition, it also conduces to the child is safeguarded and protect an environment, boycott illegal food, eat a health.

Anyhow, the education that feed Yo is very important to the child's development, it can help the child know healthy diet correctly, enhance ego to protect ability, stimulative health develops.

Does the parent teach the child's result to experience?

Educational child is sure to keep in mind simple and crude, answer to make friend with the child, understand the child's bewilderment and requirement in time, have the teach with skill and patience of specific aim.

Slant like child learning division, can say to the child, slant family influence is balanced development, want to learn to oneself weak sports aggrandizement, look for pair of study methods, establish study interest, weak sports can capture certainly.

If the child is willing to fight, but admonish the child, bullying a person is improper behavior, if fight,be others bullies you, but brave backstroke, but should notice proper limits for speech or action, hurt other and oneself bad, consequence is unimaginable.

Must be the heart that the family teachs experienced?

After seeing you so comprehend, what think it is good to be written down

Teach the statement of parents of children give presents?

1. parents and children, it is each other donative optimal gift. -- - - Wei Siguan

2. is filial straight of unripe still filial piety, disobedient goes against unripe still disobedient.

3." had not waited for me to be brought up did you often already go however " : ? Flatter astounded takes? of favour of ability clear  furrow, that is you are used tell me. Gas is in make you unripe, ever was in your bosom, lay one all night. I tell myself, should be moment lets you rest. You need not worry, father, leaf always has when dropping. You carried this ten years, when shoulder always has sick at heart, each days of your contribution. My love precipitates in the heart, - - the individual goes bearing setback and anguish, for fear that I am not quite happy, know your hug backside, have a lot of anguish, I am resolved, make you happy. - - Xu Wentao

Of 4. parents year, cannot not know also. First in order to be fond of, first with dread.

5. flower is thankful bounty, because bounty is moist,Cang Ying of its growing; is thankful vast sky, because vast sky lets it fly,; high mountain is thankful the earth, because the earth makes it topping; I am thankful, very a lot of more. . . . I am thankful my parents, it is they give me life, gave me a warm home. Solid and sweet port always will become the place that I perch too.

6. parents loving-kindness is like the sea deep, life not forgets parental favour, bear children to manage circularly, run in the family since ancient times today, humanness children wants filial, birds and beasts still knows lactation favour, father female parent is one's own flesh and blood, father mother is irreverent respect He Ren, the favour that foster needs graph newspaper, hope children will have a bright future the dream comes true, be handed down through generations of world of filial home wind, be continuous incessant Dai Daixing.

7. parents breathes out, should not life of delay; parents, row not lazy! Means: ? Change parents of? of Liao of Ji of gorge of  of  of negative Meng sword to have an order, answer to be done at once! - - out (clear) Li Yuxiu " child compasses "

8. parents, it is our benefactor, it is the family member that we are thankful. What they give us materially only not just is contented, more those who gave our spirit to go up is placatory! Even if we are to help parents does little chore, they are helped beat when parents works beating a vest also is to be thankful then. The loving-kindness that parents gives us is too big, and we can repay parents how can place on a par with parental loving-kindness again. We should learn to those 5 doggies, below the state of ego in one's power, use up the biggest work energetically to be thankful parents. Acknowledgment parents gave us life, let us thank parents to exhaust painstaking effort fosters us adult, let us become each young teenage; to thanked parents to give us altruistic care, let what we are loving caress next thrive, everything of all these, originate parents.

9. , to the child, beneficent value of parents is comparing any other affection at it more reliable and be worth to trust! - - Luo Su

10. father loves actually very simple. It resembles liquor, acrimony and enthusiastic, let; of person drunk amid easily it resembles coffee, agonized and alcohol is sweet, it resembles the hearten; that lets a person easily be tea, insipid and kind, let a person be in imperceptible in addiction.
