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龅牙男明星? 小眼男明星?英文双语对照


龅牙男明星? 小眼男明星?英文双语对照

















乔振宇,1978年11月1日出生在广西桂林市,内地演员2013年,在《古剑奇谭》中饰演欧阳少恭 。 也曾出演《烽火佳人》《老有所依》等热门电视剧。










2009年参加“雪碧·飞扬新声名师高徒”进入青岛赛区3强 。2010年《先声夺金,唱响亚运》全国总决赛,获得“优秀亚运歌手”称号。2011年通过比赛被选中,加入中韩组合成为练习生,担任队长、领舞和Rapper。后因故未能出道,2014年结束海外学习,回国发展。




Sai SaiKham Leng,毫无疑问是当下缅甸最炙手可热的一位偶像明星,可以说是家喻户晓。出生于东枝的他,不仅是超人气歌手,还是备受追捧的影视剧明星。




刘嘉亮,1981年2月20日出生于青海西宁,中国内地男歌手。代表作品 :《你到底爱谁》《爱我就别伤害我》。


Bucktooth male star?

The male star of bucktooth, Xie Jing is unripe (79 gold)

Small male star?

1, Sun Gonglei

Sun Gonglei, was born in Heilongjiang to visit the area in Harbin city talk on August 16, 1970, chinese inland actor, be graduated from class of three-year institution of higher learning of melodrama of central Thespian institute. Went out 1999 perform film of individual head ministry " my parents " , enter moviedom thereby.

2, Zhou Jielun

Zhou Jielun, was born in Taiwan to visit new north town on January 18, 1979, ancestral home Fujian Province fontal state city always spring county, le Nan of Chinese Taiwan popularity's singer, former achieve musical person, actor, director, playwrite, be graduated from Dan Jiangzhong to learn. Issued first pieces of individual special 2000 " Jay " .

Vietnam male star?

1, Liang Menghai, vietnam becomes red actor, chair. What he of strong finish school is engaged in is news industry, but depend on high grade appearance condition and outstanding artistic comprehension, be directed very quickly by young Vietnam Le Huang is medium, ascended the screen of movie and TV of Vietnam with the student figure of green difficult pure situation.

2, old Tan Shan, fine international male model, vietnam book, blood is mixed in the United States. Attention was caused in the Asia with the figure of be good at large and pure and fresh appearance.

3, Du Yougang, vietnam book, sports star. 2010 member of delegacy of Vietnam of Guangzhou Asia Game. Hold the coach of team of Vietnam country men and women part-time.

Male star of the Hui nationality?

Big universe, the Hui nationality, was born in Ningxia to visit Wu Zhong town on June 18, 1958, be graduated from Shanghai Thespian institute.

1994 edition " historical novel of the Three Kingdoms " in personate " 18 vassal " Yuan Shao, go out again later performed beautiful Zhou Lang " Zhou Yu " this part, those who make him is famous degree get the whole nation's famed degree.

Guangxi male star?

Zhao Chuan, was born in Taiwan on June 18, 1961 fine justice city, native place is Guangxi esteems the county such as left city weather, singer, what he sings " I am very ugly, but I am very tender " also be one of classical song.

Qiao Zhenyu, was born in Guangxi Guilin city on November 1, 1978, outback actor 2013, be in " Gu Jianji Tan " in personate Ouyang Shaogong. Ever also went out act " balefire beautifuls woman " " often depend on somewhat " wait for popular teleplay.

Hu Xia, was born in Guangxi Nanning city on March 1, 1990, singer, actor, was 2010 Taiwan is super starlight highway the 6th total champion, be sung " those years " be " those years, the girl that we pursue together " film theme song.

Hind bowstring, was born in Guangxi Liuzhou on December 14, 1979, outback male a general term for ci and qu produces a person, singer. " baby face " " picture wind " waiting for song is broadcasting station recommends Jin Qu.

Gansu Province male star?

. Chen Xiang

Was born in city of water of day of the Gansu Province on December 13, 1989, chinese inland sheds actor of picnicky male singer, movie and TV, be graduated from institute of Sichuan culture art. Masterpiece is tasted " cruel go " " step by step Jing affection " " love each other move back and forth chiliad " " tornado girl " " search Qin Ji " " young like us " etc.

2. Huang Xuan

Was born in city of Lanzhou of the Gansu Province on March 3, 1985, actor of Chinese movie and TV, be graduated from melodrama of Beijing dancing institute is. Main actor work " perfect relation " " only Yun knows " " red Lou Meng " " nobody drive " " Mi month is passed " " fragrant China " " poineering times " " Wu Hai " etc.

Aries male star?

Ren Jialun, was born in Shandong to visit Qingdao town on April 11, 1989, chinese inland actor, singer.

Attended 2009 " · of snow green jade flies upwards Gao Tu of new reputation division " enter Qingdao competion area 3 strong. 2010 " first signs seizes gold, sing noisy inferior carry " countrywide total final, obtain " outstanding inferior carry singer " title. Carried the game 2011 by pitch on, join Sino-South Korean combination to become trainee, hold the position of captain, get dance and Rapper. Fail to go out because of reason after, ended abroad study 2014, go back to the motherland development.

Chongqing male star?

, chen Kun, wang Junkai, xiao Zhan, wang Yuan. They are the male star of Chinese Chongqing, they accompany the role that perform to perform what to resemble inside teleplay and film, of expression very good, still have them a few sing, dance ah expression is very good also, often still do those commonweal activities, those who assist disaster area to help deficient up to behave is very good, , they enter those activities, I look to be in the eye or be held out match answer, brought a lot of joy to the masses so.

Burmese male star?

Sai SaiKham Leng, it is instantly without doubt Burmese a the hottest God star, can saying is widely known. Be born in east he of the branch, it is singer of superhuman vital energy not only, still suffer fully chase after the drama of movie and TV that hold in both hands to star.

Qinghai male star?

Xiao Shunyao (Aero) was born in Qinghai Xining on March 23, 1988, singer, actor, inland is sung jump member of assorted MIC male group. Represent work: " counsellor is allied " " hold read aloud division the 2nd season " " Xue Yuxiong eagle " " will love because of love " " pattern all corners of the country "

Kang Lei, on January 9, 1988, be born in Qinghai to visit Xining town, chinese inland actor, be graduated from Hunan university 2005 class performance is undergraduate course class. Represent work: Biting benevolence division, affection decides associate of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of carve of 3 unripe, gods, flower 1000 bone.

Liu Jialiang, was born in Qinghai Xining on Feburary 20, 1981, chinese inland male singer. Represent work: " who do you love after all " " love me not to harm me " .

上一篇:育儿的书哪本好? 快乐酷宝哪年播的?英文双语对照