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Park of the sea in 01.

Piao address: The Yellow River 8 Bohai Seas Piao of seventeen Lu Zhonghai park

Sea park is in bank the tourist attraction of ground mark sex of the city, this place is a net all the time the red ground that play card, the building here also has distinguishing feature very much, the place of many detail is worth to take a picture, also can go out very much piece.

There is a flower to have potherb here laky have weed land, can take a picture it is OK also to can take a walk picnic.

Bank city international exhibition center is the five-pointed star building that has distinguishing feature alone, be bank city the important urban sign sex in 5 seas total program builds 4 link, the picture that takes has artistic concept very much.

Village of amorous feelings of Holand of park of wet ground of river of emperor of 2. the Qin Dynasty

Piao address: Bank Bohai Sea of city mayor Jiang Wulu 18 direction on the west 500 meters of Piao

The world in April day, spring flower the right season or time. The Holand windmill of raw ingredient of village of Holand amorous feelings is old tulip, former juice, let a person as if place oneself is in Holand small town. Can take a picture can take a walk to still can be here the group is built, 35 good friends are being made an appointment with come free chats, the picture that takes is beautiful sea completely, also not crooked this one beautiful spring scenery.

3. makes park of fishing Zhang Senlin

Piao address: Bank state city rich promotes prefectural tall village to press down (south bank of close Yellow River) Piao

Park of the Zhang Senlin that hit fishing exceeds most probably the area is enclothed by green, afforest scale freeboard, whole park divides great respect area, canal head concept yellow division, canal go angling awards division of carry on one's shoulder on the west, canal east outside picking bank of Xian Guo area, Yellow River oneself area of library of the wet area, Zhang Shui that hit fishing.

All sorts of unique setting and wet wild interesting ornament among them, little bridge running water, like park of one place Changjiang Delta. Gymnastical footpath both sides, not be wet woods, it is big piece big meadow, suit to loosen the mood in this small holiday very much ah ~

Gu Cun of collect of 04. the Kingdom of Wei falls

Piao address: Shandong is saved bank Piao of market town of the Kingdom of Wei of state city Hui Min county

Someone says ancient dorp of collect of the Kingdom of Wei is small town of north of a river, that resembles here was to return to halcyon pastoral, solemning is one of ground playing card with the most popular instantly, return the game that a lot of play in one's childhood, can gather rubber band skipping sends sanded package here, still have the enchanter that becomes magic. . . If can return 8 years old, then I do not choose 18 years old!

5. on the west Gu Cun of Yellow River of paper mill ·

Piao address: Bank state city bank the city zone on the west Piao of paper mill village

On the west ancient village of Yellow River of paper mill · is proximate the Yellow River, with water system rural for the foundation, still characteristic Gao Taimin lodges for the night to burn ancient kiln with bavin of ancient magic art, traditional industry lane, close child composition of green line of Eden, beautiful cropland and Yellow River, it is to be in the travel that provides inside information of Yellow River culture greatly to go vacationing recreational treasure ground oh, such a local ~ that already the story has feelings again

City of 06. grandchildren strategics

Piao address: Shandong is saved bank Piao of highway of emperor of fierce of state city Hui Min county

City of whole grandchildren strategics is the main body building of type of Chinese of the Qin Dynasty, antique Han Yun is dye-in-the-wood, cannot help plainting among them grand grand, grandchildren strategics city is to commemorate great militarist Sun Wu, can experience strategics of be used to here, eat army food, carry the battlefield on the gun, contented millions upon millions be a soldier dream ~ inside the picture of full garden also does not hide, as if step another world, quiet beauty.

Hill of stone of 07. stone tablet

Piao address: Shandong is saved bank state city is not had younger brother Shi Shan of prefectural stone tablet presses down Piao

Hill of stone tablet stone is the volcano 730 thousand years ago erupts ejective and the taper that form is compound and volcanic caboodle, it is our country's youngest volcano, be known as " of the first hill austral " Beijing. Scan widely looks, it is dense and orderly forest is mixed completely almost wanton growth wildlife, the not far place enumerate side hill is worn the house of farmer, the picture scroll that draws the outline of a primitive zoology...

8. fierce decides area of scene of government office Ya

Piao address: Bank government office of state city Hui Min county east street and north of mouth of drum-tower street across 50 meters of Piao

Fierce decides government office arrange, Chinese palace is located in north of Hui Min county, hall of door of the entrance door that basically builds the road in including, appearance, benevolent rule, retreat think of hall of hall, Chang Huatang, contented, the palace after revealing those who know government office to sentence case and Ming Daihan king and wife gives birth to vivid setting. Close quarters experiences ancient architectural to be mixed gravely august, experiencing culture of rich folk-custom amorous feelings also is very pretty good ~
