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泰山 Mount Taishan


黄山 Mount Huangshan


峨眉山-乐山大佛 Mt.Emei and Leshan Giant Buddha


武夷山 Mount Wuyi




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九寨沟风景名胜区 Jiuzhaigou Scenic Spot


黄龙风景名胜区 Huanglong Scenic Spot


武陵源风景名胜区 Wulingyuan Scenic Spot


三江并流 Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas

“三江并流”是指金沙江、澜沧江和怒江这三条发源于青藏高原的大江在云南省境内自北向南并行奔流170多公里, 穿越担当力卡山、高黎贡山、怒山和云岭等崇山峻岭之间,形成世界上罕见的“江水并流而不交汇”的奇特自然地理景观。其间澜沧江与金沙江最短直线距离为66公里, 澜沧江与怒江的最短直线距离不到19公里。

四川大熊猫栖息地 China's giant panda habitat


中国南方喀斯特 The Karsts in southern China



World culture of China and short story of natural and double bequest are like next introductions;

Father-in-law Mount Taishan

Be located in Shandong to visit Tai'an town. Gu Chendong high mountain, call another name for Taishan Mountain an administrative unit in Xizang of hill, another name for Taishan Mountain. Be continuous rise and fall grow about 200 kilometers. Emperor of jade of the highest peak in a mountain range carries altitude on the head 1532 meters, mountain peak is abrupt high unplugs, grand and gallant. Arrive from the foot of a hill the summit, on the way historic site scenic spot 30 much place, the road has cabinet of day of valley of stone of the king mother pool, palace that fight a mother, classics, crock in; The road has cliff of Hei Longtan, fan, macrobian bridge to wait on the west. Chinese and Western is culmination door after two assemble, ascend natural barrier 18 dishes, have south rash stage, day watchs ancestral temple of glow of day door, green jade, look up peak. Peak of the view that enter day sees sunrise, more wonderful scenery. Was included 1987 " world nature and culture bequest directory " .

Huang Shan Mount Huangshan

Be located in churchyard of city of yellow hill of the Anhui province. Ancient hill weighing Yi, tang Gaihuang hill. Form by granite. North and south grows about 40 kilometers, the thing is wide about 30 kilometers. Have 3 big the highest peak in a mountain range; Lotus peak (1873 meters) , bright top (1841 meters) , day Dou Feng (1810 meters) . The scenery is pretty, in order to surprise loose, strange stone, sea of clouds, hot spring is famous, say " Huang Shan 4 absolutely " . 72 peaks have distinguishing feature each. Temple of cereal of building of screen having jade, cloud, half hill temple, Ci Guangge, only then the famous places and historical sites such as waterfall of hole of peak of Dou Feng of letter peak, day, lotus, celestial being, Bai Eling, 100 a unit of length, it is one of our country's famousest beauty spot. Was included 1990 " world nature and culture bequest directory " .

Hill of high mountain eyebrow - Mt.Emei And Leshan Giant Buddha of happy hill big Buddha

Hill of high mountain eyebrow is located in Sichuan to save southwest of city of hill of high mountain eyebrow, altitude 3099 meters. Element has beautiful " of the world of eyebrow of " high mountain praise. Pass for Taoist or Buddhish rites of view of Pu Xian Bodhisattva. Tang Song period, buddhism is flourishing with each passing day, palace of Buddhist eaves beautiful jade, pervade chain of mountains, have niche for a statue of Buddha more than 100, cavern 40, have all ages temple again, dedicate oneself to the service of one's motherland level ground of temple, Hong Chun (courtyard of 1000 Buddha buddhist) , the pool that wash an elephant, Jin Dinghua hides a temple to wait scenic spot. Happy Shandafo is located in Sichuan to save Le Shan peak of a mythical bird like the phoenix of dwell of hill of city southeast reach the clouds faces Jiang Qiaobi. Tang Kaiyuan the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor (the Christian era 713 years) to chastity yuan 19 years (803 years) finish. Big Buddha head and hill are neat, the foot steps great river, connect 71 meters tall, shoulder breadth 24 meters, reason big Buddha of renown reach the clouds, for the world the biggest Shi Fo resembles. Was included 1996 " world culture and natural heritage directory " .

Mount Wuyi of fierce exterminate hill

Be located in Fujian Province fierce the outskirt austral exterminate hill city. The low mountain that gules sandstone forms, altitude is controlled 600 meters. For karst landforms calm view focuses the land. Have hole of 9 36 peaks, ninety-nine cliff, brooks, peach source, shed sweet gully, lie Long Tan, Long Xiaoyan scenic spot palace of He Chongyou all ages (Wu Yi palace) , violet in relief academy of classical learning (Wu Yi essence is abandoned. Build hill of exterminate of in relief, fierce, burnish 3 city boundary builds groove guard of nature of emphasis of country of hill of exterminate having military, be brought into international " person and biosphere " natural groove guard net. Was included 1999 " world nature and culture bequest directory " .

World natural heritage of China (6)

" protective world culture and natural heritage convention " the definition that gives natural heritage is the person that accord with one of following regulations: ① looks from aesthetic or scientific point of view, have outstanding, general value by geology and biology structure or this kind of structure group natural features of composition; ② looks from science or protective angle, have outstanding, of the geology of general value and physical geography structure and clear delimit be in severe danger use area of plant species zoology; ③ looks from science, protection or natural beautiful angle, what have outstanding, general value only is natural scenic spot or the natural belt of clear delimit.

Include " world bequest directory " natural heritage project must accord with following or a few standards win approval: ① makes delegate world in evolution history of important level outstanding and paradigmatic; What ② forms a delegate to undertake medium importantly simple procedure, biology evolution process and mankind and environment correlation is outstanding and paradigmatic; The natural phenomenon with distinctive, rare or excellent ③ , landforms or the region that have infrequent and natural beauty; The precious that ④ still puts rare or be in severe danger the habitat of the species that use plant.

Scenery of channel of 9 stockaded village scenic spot area Jiuzhaigou Scenic Spot

Be located in Sichuan to save county of the level ground austral autonomous prefecture of the Qiang nationality of A dam Tibetian. It is Bai Shuijiang bank of upriver white Henan raises channel greatly. Altitude is in 2000 meters of above, silvan area occupies 42 % , inside channel village of original nine Tibetian, friend name channel of 9 stockaded village. It is forest zone formerly, in high mountain ridges, natural scene is extremely beautiful, distributing have 108 lake (laky) , waterfall flies more between each lake, if cultivate chute, Nuorilang chute, of great momentum. Have the rare animal such as giant panda, golden monkey, takin. It is groove guard of nature of giant panda, golden monkey. Was included 1992 " directory of world natural heritage " .

Yellow dragon scenery scenic spot area Huanglong Scenic Spot

Be located in Sichuan to save autonomous prefecture of the Qiang nationality of A dam Tibetian loose Pan county. Area 700 square kilometer, as aureate megalosaurus is winding and below, celebrated with colour pool, snow mountain, forest, gorge, chute. Main landscape makes an appointment with the yellow dragon channel of 3.6 kilometers at growing centrally, calcium carbonate Hua Chen is spread all over to accumulate inside channel. Show terraced fields shape to arrange, be famous in the world with natural resources of substantial the content that use plant, enjoy " world marvellous spectacle " , "The world preciouses jade pool " wait for the United States praise. Included 1992 " directory of world natural heritage " .

Scenery of fierce hill source scenic spot area Wulingyuan Scenic Spot

Be located in Hunan Province western. By park of forest of state of Home Zhang group, Suo Xi valley is mixed nature of the emperor hill protects section to become. Area 360 square kilometer, highest peak altitude 1264.5 meters. With its distinctive quartz be in harmony of appearance of two cultivate land is sandstone peak forest and karst an organic whole, make infrequent natural scene. Have a tourist attraction 560, famous famous historical site has Jin Bian group of channel of chute of stockaded village of cliff, yellow lion, Huang Longquan, an affectionate couple, dry brook, Home Yuan, fairy bridge. There is Hua Nahu, macaque, white marabou, giant salamander inside scene area (giant salamander) reach dove tree, ginkgo, precious jade the precious such as hill Thoreau is rare use a plant. Was included 1992 " directory of world natural heritage " .

3 rivers shed Three Parallel Rivers Of Yunnan Protected Areas

"3 rivers flow " it is dark blue of Sha Jiang pointing to gold, billows the great river that Jiang Henu river originates Yu Qing hides highland 3 times this saves churchyard to run paralell from boreal Xiang Na in Yunnan torrent 170 much kilometers, pass through take on between the high mountain ridges such as force card hill, tall Li Gongshan, angry hill and Yun Ling, form the world to go up infrequent " Jiang Shui flows and do not hand in collect " landscape of peculiar physical geography. The shortest linear distance is river of meantime billows dark blue and Jin Shajiang 66 kilometers, the shortest linear distance of river of billows dark blue and angry river is less than 19 kilometers.

China's Giant Panda Habitat of habitat of Sichuan giant panda

Natural heritage of world of habitat of Sichuan giant panda includes to lie arteries and veins of golden hill of hill of dragon, 4 girls, clip, area 9245 square kilometer, cover Chengdu, A dam, elegant how, Gan Zi 4 city state 12 counties. There is a whole world here the feral giant panda of 30 % above, it is the whole world the biggest the most complete giant panda habitat, also be the whole world removes one of plant sort is the richest section beyond selva. It ever was by make choice of of natural protection international the whole world one of heat of 25 biology diversity, be decided to be the whole world by organization of global environmental protection one of 200 zoology areas. As world nature bequest included in July 2006 " world bequest directory " .

The Karsts In Southern China of Chinese southern karst

"Chinese southern karst " by the sword of Yunnan stone forest shape, columnar the awl shape karst with wave of Li of tower shape karst, Guizhou (peak forest) , of Chongqing Wu Long seam with natural bridge, ground, day hole group wait for the stereo karst that is a delegate to be comprised jointly, form come 500 thousand years 300 million years today at be apart from, gross area amounts to 1460 square kilometer. . A lot of tourist attractions are famous in this one area domestic and international. For instance element of Yunnan stone forest with " male, strange, danger, beautiful, deep and remote, abstruse, free from worries " celebrated, be called " the world the first marvellous spectacle " , " the elite of world karst " ; Guizhou Li wave is the minority such as the Bouyei nationality, aquatic animals, Miao Zu and the Yao nationality gathers place, ever selected " China's most beautiful place " , " China is the most beautiful 10 old forests " . As world nature bequest included in June 2007 " world bequest directory " .

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