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育儿师报考条件? 育儿师证报考条件?英文双语对照


育儿师报考条件? 育儿师证报考条件?英文双语对照




(1)累计从事本职业或相关职业 ①工作 1 年(含)以上。



(1)取得本职业或相关职业五级/初级工职业资格证书(技能等级证书)后,累计从事本职业或相关职业工作 4 年(含)以上。

(2)累计从事本职业或相关职业工作 6 年(含)以上。

(3)取得技工学校本专业 ② 或相关专业 ③ 毕业证书(含尚未取得毕业证书的在校应届毕业生);或取得经评估论证、以中级技能为培养目标的中等及以上职业学校本专业或相关专业毕业证书(含尚未取得毕业证书的在校应届毕业生)。




(1)累计从事本职业或相关职业 ①工作 1 年(含)以上。



(1)取得本职业或相关职业五级/初级工职业资格证书(技能等级证书)后,累计从事本职业或相关职业工作 4 年(含)以上。

(2)累计从事本职业或相关职业工作 6 年(含)以上。

(3)取得技工学校本专业 ② 或相关专业 ③ 毕业证书(含尚未取得毕业证书的在校应届毕业生);或取得经评估论证、以中级技能为培养目标的中等及以上职业学校本专业或相关专业毕业证书(含尚未取得毕业证书的在校应届毕业生)。











































Yo does division enter oneself for an examination condition?

Level of state of Yo infant division enters oneself for an examination condition

The person that have one of the following requirements, can declare 5 class / primary labour:

(1) accumulative total pursues one's job trade or relevant profession ① works 1 year (contain) above.

(Course of study of 2) one's job or relevant profession apprentice expire.

The person that have one of the following requirements, can declare 4 class / intermediate class:

(1) obtains one's job course of study or relevant profession 5 class / certificate of qualification of primary labour profession (skill grade certificate) hind, accumulative total pursues one's job trade or relevant profession works 4 years (contain) above.

(2) accumulative total pursues one's job trade or relevant profession works 6 years (contain) above.

(3) acquires vestibule school this professional ② or relevant and professional ③ diploma (contain what have not gain diploma to be in school this year's graduates) ; or obtain via evaluating what be education target with intermediate skill is argumentation, medium reach above vocational school this major or relevant and professional diploma (contain what have not gain diploma in.

Yo does division card enter oneself for an examination condition?

Level of state of Yo infant division enters oneself for an examination condition

The person that have one of the following requirements, can declare 5 class / primary labour:

(1) accumulative total pursues one's job trade or relevant profession ① works 1 year (contain) above.

(Course of study of 2) one's job or relevant profession apprentice expire.

The person that have one of the following requirements, can declare 4 class / intermediate class:

(1) obtains one's job course of study or relevant profession 5 class / certificate of qualification of primary labour profession (skill grade certificate) hind, accumulative total pursues one's job trade or relevant profession works 4 years (contain) above.

(2) accumulative total pursues one's job trade or relevant profession works 6 years (contain) above.

(3) acquires vestibule school this professional ② or relevant and professional ③ diploma (contain what have not gain diploma to be in school this year's graduates) ; or obtain via evaluating what be education target with intermediate skill is argumentation, medium reach above vocational school this major or relevant and professional diploma (contain what have not gain diploma in.

Domestic Yo does division enter oneself for an examination condition?

Domestic Yo of division enter oneself for an examination the condition is:

1, job of classics one's job is primary and regular groom amount to duration of formulary standard learning, obtain letter of complete a course;

2, in one's job course of study successive learn on job works 2 years above. Yo infant division is to use contemporary education idea and scientific method to be opposite 0 to 3 years old the baby undertakes living attending, the professional that nurse and teachs, basically be engaged in 0 to 3 years old the baby attends, nurse and teach the job. Yo the working content of division is:

1, undertake to the food of darling complementary feed add, develop the dietary habit with good baby;

2, sanitation of responsible baby bedroom is clean, infantile clothes, bedding, tableware, toy, furniture undertakes correctly alexipharmic, maintain infantile surroundings neat;

3, baby of correct wrap up, wear disrobe correctly to the baby, change diaper or pants of paper make water, give skin cleanness to nurse, create the environment that fits Morpheus for the baby.

2023 Yo does division card enter oneself for an examination condition?

, the citizen that has citizenship of People's Republic of China.

2, abide by constitution and law, have deep love for educational enterprise, have good thought moral character.

3, the check-up standard that accords with application to maintain pedagogic qualification: Have good fitness, according to check-up the standard of requirement and regulation and program attend medical, check-up conclusion is qualification.

4, accord with " pedagogic law " requirement of record of formal schooling: Application attends exam of young division card, normal school kind graduate ought to have graduation of cheeper training school and its above record of formal schooling, blame normal school kind graduate ought to have graduation of three-year institution of higher learning and its above record of formal schooling.

Yo master, national qualification card?

Yo master, proper name calls Yo baby division. The aptitude of Yo infant division is card of national profession qualification.

Yo infant division is to use contemporary education idea and scientific method to 0-3 year old the baby undertakes living attending, the professional that nurse and teachs. Basically be engaged in 0-3 year old the baby attends, nurse and teach the job.

Professional grade: One's job course of study sets 3 social estate in all, it is respectively: Yo baby member (national profession qualification 5 class) division of intermediate Yo infant (national profession qualification 4 class) division of advanced Yo infant (national profession qualification 3 class) .

Yo does card of case of persons qualified to teach enter oneself for an examination requirement?

Take an examination of primary Yo the requirement that division needs to satisfy is course of study of classics one's job primary and normal groom amount to duration of formulary standard learning, obtain letter of complete a course; In one's job course of study successive learn on job works 2 years above.

Acquire one's job line of business after certificate of primary profession qualification, be engaged in one's job course of study working 3 years continuously above,

Acquire one's job line of business after intermediate qualification certificate, be engaged in one's job course of study working 4 years continuously above, obtain certificate of complete a course to be able to enter oneself for an examination advanced Yo master.

Super Yo does division broadcast time?

Super Yo division is the director of main actor CCTV such as You Lanhai is little piece, the broadcasting station such as centrally TV station broadcasted 2013.

How to take an examination of Yo does division card books and newspaper take an examination of the entrance?

The first pace: Land website signing up, net of official of exam of Yo infant division signing up is " net of Chinese thing exam " sign up after beginning, can enter a net to report a system.

The 2nd pace: Register Zhang name, upload a photograph, record of formal schooling of examine and verify.

The 3rd pace: Fill in application form.

The 4th pace: Qualificatory examine and verify.

The 5th pace: Net turn over to the higher authorities is expended.

Super Yo does division broadcast schedule?

Broadcast channel; Anhui is defended inspect

Broadcast time: Every week 3 late 21:15

Super Yo master first the means with true person show is true appear " ursine child " change personally " chickabiddy " , " catch mad parents " change personally " Yo amount to a person " whole process. The Yo that the program will devote oneself to to be millions upon millions young father and mother of Chinese to teach Yu Le's means to make practical, authority with contain jewel. Rare the program that lack the blank of excellent program of true person of China of configuration general fill, erect the new surveyor's pole of excellent program of Chinese true person!

" super Yo master " it is IPCN international medium manufactures with the 80 combination that make, the Chinese head file that makes jointly is large Yo close child true person excellent program.

This is China first the authorised edition is introduced those who sweep across the whole world is close child Yo; of true person excellent program first the means with true person show is true present " to rebuke child " changes " of body " chickabiddy, " catchs mad parents " to change body " Yo those who amount to person " . The Yo that the program will devote oneself to to be millions upon millions young father and mother of Chinese to teach Yu Le's means to make practical, authority with contain jewel. Rare the program that lack the blank of excellent program of true person of China of configuration general fill, erect the new surveyor's pole of excellent program of Chinese true person!

This program is chaired by Lan Hai, two season program already broadcasted end, at present program of the 3rd season rises from July 1, 2015, every week 3 late 21:15 defend in Anhui in inspecting heat to sow.

Yo division article table?

Hello, darling is small sun of the family, their growing need our company and guidance. As a Yo master, I am willing to explore Yo together with you fun and challenge.

In the growing process of darling, they can face various problems and quandary. As Yo master, I am met the different age level according to darling, the Yo that offers major for you proposal and guidance. No matter be the food of darling, Morpheus, education or behavior habit, I can combine scientific theory and practice experience, measure the Yo with custom-built and appropriate body for you plan.

I believe, every darling is unique, they are having their distinct personality and demand. I can be passed with darling interact and observe, the characteristic that understands them and growing demand, help the behavior that you understand better and answers darling and sentiment thereby.

Yo be arduous and the job that fills love. As Yo master, I can accompany you to grow together, share Yo with you joyance and challenge. I believe, pass our joint efforts, you will become an outstanding father and mother, the future that is darling lays solid foundation.

Let us make a warmth, harmony and happy family jointly hand in hand, let the thrive in the environment that darling is loving. The Yo that chooses me to serve as you master, my general goes all lengths to provide first-class service and support for you and darling. Let us make arduous efforts for the future of darling together!

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