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若干年后,美国,爱荷华州,詹姆斯・T・柯克(克里斯·派恩饰),那个时候的他是个喜欢到处追求刺激的爱荷华州农场男孩,却已经展示出了与生俱来的领袖魅力,企业号舰长克里斯托夫・派克(布鲁斯·格林伍德饰)对他产生了兴趣,发现他是中西部唯一的天才级入侵者。于是,派克邀请他加入星际战队,并用他父亲的事迹来激励他。舰队学院的另一个佼佼者史波克(扎克瑞·昆图饰),他在瓦肯星球长大,因为身上流淌着一半人类的血脉而受到驱逐,这样的经历使得他很容易受到不稳定的情感波动的影响,而在瓦肯人纯粹的逻辑教育体系下,是不可能出现这种情况的,不过史波克同时也是一个有独创精神、意志坚定的好学之人,是第一个被星际舰队学院所接纳的瓦肯人, 同时进入军官学校的柯克和史波克从任何角度看都是两个完全不一样的人,不过他们所追求的却是真正的自我和必须有所付出的艰难之路。



" interstellar get lost " it is the 11st big screen makes this series movie, it is the science fiction venture that plays company of unconscious movie estate to manufacture by American clique piece, pull Mu by Ai Bu of · of J · J this hold guide, graph of elder brother of · of the · clique favour, luck that plunge into a gram, Ai Rui overcomes Kelisi · Ba Na, assist the combination such as Yi Suoerdana acts the leading role.

This are adapted according to anthology of homonymic 1966 drama, told about the farm boy that comes from Iowa Zhanmusi Keke and come from tile to agree the Shibokedi of the heavenly body encounters in fleet institute become a partner, make concerted efforts is carried out a series of outside space mission.

Sealed spatio-temporal, brimless black hole, giant Luo Mulan battleship appears suddenly in aerospace. Esteem the Luo Mulan's person of fierce termagancy, it is much leave tile to agree before New Year the soldier that astral person builds interstellar empire oneself is phyletic. Nowadays, luo Mulan's Caesarean gubernatorial Ni Nuo (Ke Bana acts the role of Ai Rui) , to solve in the future formidable strong opponent Shi Bo is overcome, spanning interstellar and spatio-temporal the whereabouts that searchs for him everywhere. And one is Kelvin the naval vessel of federal heavenly body of date, fall unfortunately in chase into Luo Mulan's evil hands. Return naval vessel of still puerile federal heavenly body, in Luo Mulan battleship is urged withered strike back before the fire that draws decayed, throw egg against rock of as good as. The tall of captain of a naval ship that luckily dying recieves orders treats · Ke Ke (Kelisi Haimusiwosi is acted the role of) gallant resource, inside the short extremely Zhong Zhi before astral naval vessel is destroyed, guide full boat more than 800 people escape be born day, this includes the wife that he is laborring among them.

A certain number of after year, the United States, iowa, zhanmusi? T? Ke Ke (· clique favour acts the role of Kelisi) , he at that time is an Iowa farm boy that likes to go after stimulation everywhere, had revealed however gave inherent cacique charm, does company name captain of a naval ship overcome Lisituofu? The clique is overcome (Lin Wude of Bruce · case is acted the role of) generated interest to him, discovering him is ministry of Chinese and Western the person that only talent course inbreaks. Then, clique gram invites him to join interstellar battle group, the achievement that uses his father comes incentive he. Shi Bo overcomes another person above average of fleet institute (graph of · elder brother acts the role of Zakerui) , he agrees in tile the heavenly body is grown, because the body is genteel,dripping the hematic arteries and veins of half mankind and be driven out, the influence that such experience makes the affection that he is not stabilized very easily fluctuant, and agree in tile below the person's real logistic education system, it is impossible to appear of this kind of circumstance, nevertheless Shiboke also is one has the academic person with original creation spirit, sturdy volition at the same time, it is the first person be agreeinged by the tile that place of interstellar fleet institute admits, the Ke Ke that enters officer school at the same time and Shiboke look from any angle is two completely different people, what what nevertheless they go after is true ego and the hard way that must give somewhat however.

Agree when distant tile the star transmits be in danger of astral naval vessel cry for help when signal, does clique gram guide the other member on airship to include Shiboke, Lennart? Mai Keyi (be stranded of · blocking Er is acted the role of originally) , black Hu La (Yi Suoerdana acts the role of assist) , experienced cox Su Lu (· Zhao acts the role of John) with year, still have went up secretly the Ke Ke of ship vessel, was full of excited mood to develop first time when them interstellar flight when, ke Ke discovered this is the plot of a Ni Nuo, when the clique Ke Jian grows by enemy distrain when, ke Ke and Shiboke also are mixed hand in hand for the first time accordingly Ni Nuo do or die.

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