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[hóng yá dòng]。

洪崖洞,原名洪崖门,是古重庆城门之一,位于重庆市渝中区嘉陵江滨江路88号,2003年,总投资3.85亿元对洪崖洞片区进行旧城拆迁改造,于2006年9月竣工开业,是兼具观光旅游、休闲度假等功能的旅游区。洪崖洞是重庆市重点景观工程,建筑面积4.6万平方米,主要景点由吊脚楼、仿古商业街等景观组成 。

洪崖洞一共有11层,夜晚灯光从晚上6点开灯,10点熄灯。可望吊脚群楼观洪崖滴翠,逛山城老街赏巴渝文化,烫山城火锅看两江汇流,品天下美食。形成了“一态、三绝、四街、八景”的经营形态,体现了巴渝文化休闲业态。2007年11月,重庆洪崖洞民俗风貌区被评定为国家AAAA级旅游景区 。

2020年11月18日,洪崖洞被列入“成渝十大文旅新地标” 。2021年12月,洪崖洞被列入“重庆市第二批历史地名保护名录”。










One, when does market of cate of hole of Chongqing Hong Ya close in the evening?

Market of cate of hole of Chongqing Hong Ya is common at latest closed at 12 o'clock in the evening

2, how does Jiang Bian go to Hong Ya hole on Hong Ya hole?

Cliff hole crosses river Bian Quhong of course on big cliff hole river and go! 3 method, it is from cross Jiang Daqiao to go, 2 it is from the Yangtse River demand goes on the road, 3 it is to take a ship to go from river side.

3, cause of formation of Hong Ya hole?

Big cliff hole, door of Yuan Minghong cliff, it is one of ancient Chongqing city gate, the area in be located in Chongqing city change liberates white road of tablet dark blue, two rivers hand in river of ground section chief, Jia Lingjiang collect bank river region, it is to hold a sightseeing concurrently travel, recreational go vacationing the travel area that waits for a function.

The history of big cliff door: Period of the Warring States (BC 314 years) , qin Zhangyi destroys cling to Ba Jun of the build after the country. Period of the kingdom of Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms (the Christian era 226 years) , li Yan is in this dominant the 2nd fortification on Chongqing history. Chongqing signs of human habitation is exiguous at that time, stone of large-scale exploitation hill is difficult, it is earthy city so. Period of the Southern Song Dynasty (1238) , peng Daya is beat back yuan arms the 3rd fortification, city wall by stone load one's writing with fancy phrases and into.

4, fare of Hong Ya hole?

Area of scene of big cliff hole need not entrance ticket, but enter scene area, entrance ticket is executed make an appointment make, make an appointment on need net.

Make an appointment platform: Small program of government of big cliff hole or beautiful group make an appointment

Enter garden notice: Undertake sweeping piling up measuring to all tourists that enter garden lukewarm, check 72 hours of nucleic acid to check electronegative proof (include this locality tourist) , accord with epidemic situation to prevent the Fang Kejin that controls a demand to enter.

5, expressions of Hong Ya hole?

Had not arrived to it's hard to say of big cliff hole Chongqing. Can of night scene of big cliff hole weighs a special skill, the atmosphere of big cliff hole that depend on hill and establishs is boundless, imposing manner is grandiose, regret of shake letting a person especially night scene too many beautiful things, all sorts of lamplight interweave reflect, time excessive colour. Night scene of big cliff hole is Chongqing is beautiful, must arrive to Chongqing amuse oneself big cliff hole, do not go crooked of big cliff hole goes Chongqing.

6, steamer ticket of Hong Ya hole?

The steamer ticket price of big cliff hole: One-way 40 yuan / person.

Open a schedule

Hole of ① Hong Ya comes the airliner hour of wide in relief island: 11:00

Wide in relief island reachs ② the airliner hour of big cliff hole: 15:30

Time going there and back is 70 minutes respectively, 100 minutes.

7, pronunciation of Hong Ya hole?

Phoneticize of big cliff hole:

[Ng] of ò of D of á of H ó Ng Y.

Big cliff hole, door of Yuan Minghong cliff, it is one of ancient Chongqing city gate, road of river of Jiang Bin of the Ou Jialing in be located in Chongqing city change 88, 2003, total investment is opposite 385 million yuan Hong Ya hole piece the area undertakes old city tears open change to transform, in September 2006 complete practice, it is to hold a sightseeing concurrently travel, recreational go vacationing the travel area that waits for a function. Big cliff hole is project of landscape of Chongqing city key, floor area 46 thousand square metre, main tourist attraction is comprised by the landscape such as business street of condole foot building, archaize.

Altogether of big cliff hole has 11, night lamplight opened the lamp at 6 o'clock from in the evening, at 10 o'clock light-off. Be expected to a string of 1 foot group drop of Lou Guanhong cliff is emerald green, shop to enjoy Bayu culture, chaffy dish of city of very hot hill sees two rivers converge, taste the world cate. Formed " one condition, 3 absolutely, 4 streets, 8 scene " management configuration, reflected Ba Yuwen to change condition of recreational line of business. In November 2007, area of scene of folk-custom of hole of Chongqing Hong Ya is travelled for national AAAA class by assess scene area.

On November 18, 2020, hong Ya hole is included " Cheng Yu mark of new ground of brigade of 10 big article " . In December 2021, big cliff hole is included " place name of the 2nd batch of histories of Chongqing city protects directory " .

The condole foot building of big cliff hole belongs to column type construction, according to hill make use of condition, edge river and build, building structural frame is simple, agile, form does not have bay formulary, let liberate tablet to arrive directly at Jiang Bin. Along with the condole foot Lou Qun of slope make use of condition, form linear road space, the bottom built on stilts of condole foot building becomes void, upside is surrounded into entity.

Area of scene of folk-custom of big cliff hole builds characteristic with having Ba Yu tradition " condole foot building " scene gives priority to body, through cent the layer builds foot of stage, condole, fault to fold, face the country such as cliff to construct technique, shop meal, recreation, recreational, health care, hotel and characteristic culture wait for condition of 6 great undertaking organic conformity is together, become the urban situation area that has administrative levels and qualitative feeling, mart.

8, Hong Ya hole, send word?

Hole of Chongqing Hong Ya is a net the red place that play card, the night scene over there is exceedingly beautiful and attractive

9, is Hong Ya hole archetypal?

Big cliff hole, as the building of the sex of a mark of Chongqing city, arrive first as a foreigner Chongqing, cannot not come, because here represented the characteristic of Chongqing, condole foot building is built group, and here also was drawn as prototype by Gong Qijun of caricature Great Master " 1000 with 1000 search " in, thereby more let Hong Ya hole be famous in global, peremptory a piece of calling card that made Chongqing.

10, area of scene of Hong Ya hole?

Big cliff hole is located in in Chongqing city change two rivers make the division collect place rely on Jia Lingjiang a side, of the China that be called 1000 with 1000 search, it is the one part part that makes by cygnet group shopping sightseeing amusement is happy the travel tourist attraction of an organic whole, the network that has become famed throughout the country now is red the ground that play card, whenever important holiday, the nonlocal tourist in an endless stream that be attracted. Every arrive night, lamplight twinkles, too many beautiful things.
