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单反相机(Single-Lens Reflex,简称SLR)和数码相机(Digital Camera)是两种不同的相机类型,它们有以下几点区别:
















  数码单反相机大多数采用全片幅的2/3为感光材料,少数高端产品做到了全片幅(就是和35毫米胶片的大小一样),往往比普通的数码相机采用的ccd的面积大几倍,所以数码单反一般躁点非常小,而普通的数码相机躁点控制要差很多,例如800w 的canon 20D 和800w的sony f828比躁点控制相差太大了。






快门 数值不同:一般情况下,单反相机快门的最快速度为1/10000秒左右,而数码相机则为1/1000秒左右。所以明显我们就可以看到,单反相机的快门速度是远超于数码相机的,当我们在恶劣天气里进行外景拍摄时,快门速度更快的单反相机是更适于我们进行外部生态环境拍摄的。











数码相机是指使用数码传感器记录图像的相机,数码图像的质量和存储变得更加便捷,可以通过 USB 或其他方式将照片传输到电脑用于后期处理和在线分享。与数码相机相比,单反相机在色彩还原、曝光控制、动态范围等方面拥有更好的实际表现,更适合专业摄影师的使用,但价格一般较为昂贵,体积较大。而数码相机更适合普通用户、家庭等使用,价格较为亲民,易于操作,体积小巧,方便携带。






















快门 数值不同:一般情况下,单反相机快门的最快速度为1/10000秒左右,而数码相机则为1/1000秒左右。所以明显我们就可以看到,单反相机的快门速度是远超于数码相机的,当我们在恶劣天气里进行外景拍摄时,快门速度更快的单反相机是更适于我们进行外部生态环境拍摄的。














One, the distinction that sheet turns over camera and digital camera?

Sheet turns over camera (Single-Lens Reflex, abbreviation SLR) with digital camera (Digital Camera) it is two kinds of different camera types, they have the following distinction:

Film the principle differs: Sheet turns over camera to use viewfinder and the combination of 5 prism, carry the picture that optical viewfinder shows the object that be photographed in real time, should press when shutter, viewfinder retroflexions, the light enters negative directly through camera lens or digital sensor has exposure. And digital camera uses digital sensor to receive image directly, show picture of find a view in real time through LCD screen.

Kind of find a view is different: Sheet turns over camera to use optical viewfinder, carry the picture that will show the object that be photographed in real time through camera lens, impressions is more true and natural. And digital camera uses electronic viewfinder or LCD screen shows picture of find a view in real time, but the optical viewfinder that turns over camera as sheet as a result of the resolution of electronic viewfinder and LCD screen is tall, can pledge to the picture sometimes cause an effect.

Camera bulk and weight are different: Because sheet turns over camera to need to join viewfinder and 5 prism combination and more complex construction, bulk and weight are normally greater than digital camera.

Film the effect differs: The principle that turns over camera to film as a result of sheet is more accurate, camera lens is more professional, can come true so more pair of anxious, exposure with exact essence and color rendition effect. In addition, sheet turns over camera to also can change different camera lens, the shot that can film according to what differ demand chooses to differ will come true more of diversification film the effect.

The price is different: The technique that opposes camera as a result of sheet and construction are more complex, so the price compares digital camera normally taller.

As a whole, sheet turns over camera and digital camera to have actor drawback each, the camera that films according to what differ demand and budget will choose to suit his is the most important.

2, the distinction that digital camera and sheet turn over camera?

The construction that digital camera and sheet oppose camera different, shutter different, camera lens is different, sensitive these distinguish material.

The structure is different

Sheet turns over digital camera and us to contact watch for a chance of more average consumption number is two completely different systems, on the internal composition with the different and main both now put oneself in another's position that says here, turned over camera to use special construction euqally with traditional sheet, digital sheet turns over camera to go up at all the problem that solved aberration, that is to say will exposure namely from what viewfinder interior sees the image on film, because average number camera used CCD sensitive pattern, what everybody sees on LCD is the image that CCD experiences, what the person that film that is to say sees on liquid crystal screen also is the image that everybody will film, nonexistent also issue resembling difference, so average number camera also can have filmed small be apart from! Nod from this so for, sheet turns over camera not to prevail.

Shutter problem

Average number camera films to average user the photograph that comes here to swim is already enough, but its shutter rate asks higher to having it is very important to should suit to film be however for the person of the environment that photograph badly, speed of the fastest in average number camera shutter should be maintained again very control in 1/1000 second, and the rate of the fastest shutter that sheet returns digital camera can achieve 1/10000 second left and right sides easily, so rapid shutter rate invites too inferior to bear comparison of average number camera, very comfortable in harmony photographs zoology environment.

Camera lens is different

Mention sheet to turn over digital camera a lot of people it has metropolis take delight in talking about a variety of supportable camera lens, also somebody thinks sheet turns over the distinction with digital camera and average number the greatest watch for an opportunity to depend on can changing camera lens another not OK, listen suddenly seem very reasonable, think carefully actually otherwise. For instance the E2-M10 of Olympus cannot change the sheet of camera lens to turn over digital camera namely, of course the camera lens that sheet of the great majority on the market turns over digital camera backside to have form a complete set group support. Filming we can change in the activity camera lens of different specially good effect, pass viewfinder to be able to examine distinct special effect, choose appropriate camera lens finally to try to film.

The area difference of sensitive data

Digital sheet turns over camera great majority to use complete piece 2/3 is sensitive data, product of a few high end was accomplished complete piece (it is the size with 35 millimeter film same) , the area of the Ccd that often uses than common digital camera is large severalfold, so digital sheet turns over general impetuous the place is very little, and control of ordinary dot of digital camera impetuous should be differred a lot of, for example the Sony F828 of the Canon 20D of 800w and 800w differs than impetuous dot control too big.

3, the distinction that sheet turns over camera and digital camera?

Sheet turns over camera and digital camera to have a lot of distinction:


Is the structure different: ? Sheet of? of small time Mao turned over camera to use conventional construction south  of brilliant of  of over sixty years of age of Bei of reef of pry of neon of Mei of take along sth to sb of  of Ao of arsine of  of fade of  of シ acute hearing Ao, but from the picture that the exposure on film sees inside viewfinder. And digital camera was to use new-style CCD sensitive pattern, can see filmed picture directly on LCD, issue resembling difference is smaller.


Is shutter numerical value different: ? The rapiddest rate that sheet of? of You of a pavilion or house on a terrace of word a side gate of an imperial palace returns camera shutter is 1/10000 second to control, and digital camera is controlled for 1/1000 second. So apparent we can see, the shutter rate that sheet returns camera is Yuan Chao at digital camera, undertake in soup when us exterior films when, it is more comfortable that the sheet with shutter rapidder rate turns over camera undertake at us environment of external modes of life and relation to their environment films.


Is camera lens different: ? Clumsy of rinse of stand erect of Di of brother's son of С of Pie of  of シ acute hearing Ao is low return that to thank index of? camera lens to amount to 35mm ~ 38mm, the switch that different point of view has on the can oldest rate films. And digital camera criterion otherwise, it supports single shot to change only, shooting angle is narrower also, fit static view more film.


Is the area of sensitive data different: ? ?/3 of  of  of  of raw meat or fish of apricot of  of シ acute hearing Ao is sensitive data

4, is the distinction that sheet turns over camera and digital camera compared?

Sheet turns over the distinction of camera and digital camera to be as follows:

One, smooth way is different. Sheet turns over camera to have glance board, the light is entered arrive inside machine glance board refract viewfinder, and camera light enters the number to receive electronic viewfinder continuously.

2, sheet turns over camera to be able to change camera lens, digital camera cannot change to secure camera lens.

5, what does the distinction that sheet turns over camera and digital camera have? Is sheet turned over camera and?

Sheet turns over camera is to point to use single shot to glance technical camera, inside buy optics viewfinder, glance through camera lens picture the project arrives on viewfinder, the user can observe directly film object.

Digital camera is the camera that shows use number sensor records image, the quality of digital image and memory become more convenient, can transmit the photograph computer to be used at later period processing mix through USB or other way online share. Compare with digital camera photograph, sheet turns over camera to have better actual performance in the respect such as control of color rendition, exposure, dynamic limits, suit the use of professional cameraman more, but the price is average relatively costly, volume is larger. And digital camera suits average user, family to wait more use, the value is relatively relative civilian, operate easily, bulk is cabinet, just carry.

6, does sheet turn over camera to have at digital camera why to distinguish?

Sheet turns over the distinction of camera and digital camera to the following will distinguish

1, different sheet opposes the construction what camera and digital camera use is two completely different construction of system, sheet turned over camera to use conventional construction, but from the picture that the exposure on film sees inside viewfinder.

And digital camera was to use new-style CCD sensitive pattern, can see filmed picture directly on LCD, issue resembling difference is smaller.

2, shutter numerical value is different usually, sheet turns over the rapiddest rate of camera shutter to be controlled for 1/0 second, and digital camera is controlled for 1/ second.

So apparent we can see, the shutter rate that sheet returns camera is Yuan Chao at digital camera, undertake in soup when us exterior films when, it is more comfortable that the sheet with shutter rapidder rate turns over camera undertake at us environment of external modes of life and relation to their environment films.

3, different sheet turns over camera lens the switch that photograph function supports camera lens of a variety of form a complete set, camera lens index amounts to 35mm ~ 38mm, the switch that different point of view has on the can oldest rate films. And digital camera criterion otherwise, it supports single shot to change only, shooting angle is narrower also, fit static view more film.

4, different sheet has the area of sensitive data in camera instead complete piece 2/3 is sensitive data, the sensitive data that turns over camera in the sheet in brand of a few high end even can be achieved complete piece. And compare of digital camera little, have only commonly complete piece 1/3 is sensitive part.

7, do digital camera and sheet turn over camera what distinction?

Both has the following distinction:

1. films means: Digital camera uses electronic viewfinder or liquid crystal screen serves as viewfinder, and sheet turns over camera to use optical viewfinder, the picture that when filming, sees is more true.

2. camera lens changes: It is OK that sheet turns over camera to change through camera lens realize different perspective film, and the clipping after digital camera needs to use digital scorch to perhaps film will come true.

3. bulk and weight: Turn over camera at sheet relatively and character, digital camera is more light and cabinet, be carried easily and operate.

4. becomes like quality: Generally speaking, sheet turns over camera to be in have an advantage more like quality respect, behave a respect in tall ISO sensitivity and dark ministry detail especially.

The price: Generally speaking, sheet opposes camera price opposite taller, and digital camera price is relatively cheap.

Accordingly, choice number camera or sheet turn over camera, want to film according to oneself demand and economic actual strength will consider integratedly.

8, does sheet turn over camera and digital camera distinction to be in that?

Sheet turns over the distinction of camera and digital camera to have:


Is the structure different: ? Sheet of? of small time Mao turned over camera to use conventional construction south  of brilliant of  of over sixty years of age of Bei of reef of pry of neon of Mei of take along sth to sb of  of Ao of arsine of  of fade of  of シ acute hearing Ao, but from the picture that the exposure on film sees inside viewfinder. And digital camera was to use new-style CCD sensitive pattern, can see filmed picture directly on LCD, issue resembling difference is smaller.


Is shutter numerical value different: ? The rapiddest rate that sheet of? of You of a pavilion or house on a terrace of word a side gate of an imperial palace returns camera shutter is 1/10000 second to control, and digital camera is controlled for 1/1000 second. So apparent we can see, the shutter rate that sheet returns camera is Yuan Chao at digital camera, undertake in soup when us exterior films when, it is more comfortable that the sheet with shutter rapidder rate turns over camera undertake at us environment of external modes of life and relation to their environment films.


Is camera lens different: ? Clumsy of rinse of stand erect of Di of brother's son of С of Pie of  of シ acute hearing Ao is low return that to thank index of? camera lens to amount to 35mm ~ 38mm, the switch that different point of view has on the can oldest rate films. And digital camera criterion otherwise, it supports single shot to change only, shooting angle is narrower also, fit static view more film.


Is the area of sensitive data different: ? ?/3 of  of  of  of raw meat or fish of apricot of  of シ acute hearing Ao is sensitive material

9, what is the distinction that digital camera and sheet turn over camera?

The structure is different: Sheet turns over what camera and digital camera use is two completely different construction of system, sheet turned over camera to use conventional construction, but from the picture that the exposure on film sees inside viewfinder. And digital camera was to use new-style CCD sensitive pattern, can see filmed picture directly on LCD, issue resembling difference is smaller.

10, what is the distinction that sheet turns over camera and digital camera?

The main distinction that digital camera and sheet turn over is as follows:

One, both the camera lens between is different

Sheet turns over camera to have a variety of supportable scene, sheet turns over the distinction with camera and digital the greatest watch for an opportunity is one can change camera lens can not change another times camera lens, the backside that the most sheet on the market turns over camera camera lens of metropolis form a complete set group support, when film we can change different camera lens, will achieve different result.

2, digital camera cannot be used at professional photography

The camera lens function of digital camera is less, the hand uses functional photograph odder compare for camera instead fragile and into relative like ability difference, travel films or domesticity takes a picture still is possible, but cannot use at professional photography, sheet turns over camera to be able to exchange the camera lens of different specifications, this is sheet turns over the advantage with natural camera.
