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Pupil is in the crucial period of development of body and mind, in this if one period appears the deviation on psychological unbalance or character, serious to the growing generation of their lifetime undesirable effect. Teach in overall executive quality today, the target that we teach trains the person of full-scale development namely, make a society useful talent. Full-scale development includes body and mind two respects get healthy progress. Health is traditional sense not just those who go up is healthy, still include good psychosis, perfect society to get used to ability, namely body and mind is healthy. Having healthy mentality is to become a society to have the key that uses a talented person, because this strengthens the mental health of pupil,teach especially important. Current, pupil is put in more and more psychology problems, be like envious, self-abased, capricious, dissocial, go against turn over psychology to wait, a variety of circumstances show undertaking to the student mental health is taught is necessary. So, how does ability do the mental health of good pupil to teach?

Above all, must make clear the purpose that mental health teachs.

The objective that undertakes to pupil mental health is taught is help student him understanding, admit oneself, manage oneself; Understanding, master surroundings, suit with environmental photograph; Help student solves the problem that face, handle the crisis, cast off difficulty, enhance the ability that faces environment and pressure and courage; Make student purify special symptom, improvement behavior, dissolve negative thought and affection; Directive student choice, decision-making and make action plan; Encourage a student to pass exploration, seek life meaning, the potential with him immanent recognize, make its can cross health significant, the life with contented ego.

Next, make clear the content that mental health teachs.

According to pupil characteristic, its teach content to include 5 fields commonly: 1, health and body development problem; 2, school education and life problem (habit of sex of study lack plan, study owes beautiful, read not absorption, detest study, kip truant etc) ; 3, character issue (sensitivity, bashful, self-abased, assertive, carelessness, lack sympathizes with a heart, cannot get along with the person, the mood is not stable etc) ; 4, family and household concern issue (parents is authoritarian, incontrollable to children, broken family, as uncooperative as the school family) ; 5, society and moral problem (not lying, courteous, thief is little feel, often carry nickname, fight, bully a schoolgirl to wait) .

Thirdly, want to master a few principles.

1, face all student principle.

Education of school mental health is the guiding that passes pair of students, guidance, assistance and service, will promote a student grow and develop. When the educational job that becomes all pair of students is done so that have effect, the student's problem little happening, or solve easily. Want student of collectivity of with a view to when formulate teachs a plan accordingly, affirmatory health should consider most student to need the issue with widespread presence jointly when educational content, the condition should be created when organizing an activity, let as far as possible much student is participated in among them, should give those introversion, calm, undemonstrative, bashful, expression ability especially not quite poor, conspicuous student offers the opportunity that participate in and behaves, make all student gets effective education.

2, esteem and understanding student principle.

Esteem, respect the student's character and sanctity namely, respect the right of every student equality. Understand, ask to teach Shi Yiping the manner that wait, the place that presses a student thinks of place to want, doing, experiences true colors goes understanding a student. Accomplished esteem and understanding, the heart is achieved to communicate between teachers and students, produce a kind thereby " encounter people on one's own side " feeling. When only the teacher respects a student, the student just can respect him, value oneself achievement and progress, experience the dignity feeling that be an upright person. And the main feature that self-respect, self-prossessed, self-confidence is sound moral quality, it is one of main goals that mental health education pursues. If respect and the student is understood by the teacher, he meets trustful teacher, wish the consider carefully of heart of intent teacher pour, terrified, dejected. This kind of good teacher-student relationship, it is the postulate that mental health education achieves result.

Carry out this one principle the attention is the following at 3 o'clock:

The C, attitude that uses sympathize and technology deepen pair of understanding that get complementary student. In teaching a course the teacher wants " view the world through the eye that suffers education to be born " , should mix the understanding to the student experience feedback to give a student, make the student experiences a teacher to be mixed to his esteem, understanding admit, cast mentally thereby be on guard, speak out the thing of him heart world.

3, principle of sex of student main body.

Want to respect main body place of the student in education. With the student need is jumping-off place, respect place of student main body, encourage a student " sing leading role " . Want to encourage a student to publish affection of view, drain, exploration to settle the way of the problem. The teacher should avoid to say " you listen to me to say " , " I tell you " the authoritative snout of and so on, application encourages the gender, mood speech that discusses form. Be like " I can be experienced " , " such before " , " continue to tell please " , " your means is not such " , " the opinion that hears me please " , " I think a bit complement " , " the place that I sympathize with you " etc.

4, otherness principle.

Admit the student is put in apparent difference on mental health level. Respect difference of mental health level adequately, grade, different to differring student should undertake classified guidance, do not need in order to satisfy its with psychology. Want to undertake special mental health education and tutorial to the student of intentional grain issue or behavior problem especially. Take student individual differences seriously, those who emphasize pair of students is individual change treat, it is the marrow that mental health teachs. The teacher should notice the understanding of pair of student individual differences, not only the general character that should know a student, should pay attention to the individual sex that understands a student, otherness more; Through man-to-man, face-to-face the contact will understand a student truly, appropriate processing learns what unripe bashful, self-abased, defensive psychology brings to communicate an obstacle. Had done a case research seriously. Gather a case data, heighten the actual effect of individual education. Change educational end individually according to different and individual formulate.

Its 4, use several approaches.

It is undertake in classroom education mental health is taught

The mental health education in classroom education is to point to make full use of in classroom education a variety of psychology elements, optimize student psychology environment, bring study enthusiasm of the student, initiative into play, make the student is in obtain knowledge, promotional culture while, undertake with the means of exert a subtle influence on osmotic mental health is taught, those who promote its psychology quality is comprehensive rise. Classroom education is intellectual education process not only, also be process of student psychology activity, psychological development process. With the school other psychology teachs formal photograph to compare, education of classroom mental health has extensive sex, whole sex on content. It is not to be aimed at some to plant psychological blemish will specific aim ground coachs, seek advice or train, be opposite however whole mentality world of the student. Have fun at already, affection element, also have part of volition, individual character. The function of mental health education in classroom education is invisible, it is the means with exert a subtle influence on, psychology the influence accumulates the psychological structure in the student in. Accordingly, the mental health education in classroom education has flexibility more.

2 it is right in the activity the student has education.

Make a student much participate in education activity, highlight an activity, but not be real activity, let a student experience in the activity through the activity however, go experiencing, go knowing everything what they face, let a student obtain psychological experience to change his intention. Development of student psychology quality is not to lean " listen " those who get, it comes true through the activity of main body oneself. In all sorts of activities, student place manages purposely the organ produces connection with objective world directly, abound psychological world thereby, develop psychological quality. Develop the concerned activity with the combinative student study that a few have specific aim and real life, give a student the chance, allow a student participating in medium, true in do be taught by mental health. Give priority to contain with the activity mental health is taught at the activity in. In daily educational education practice, capture a problem to begin vivid, intuitionistic mental health to teach an activity as educational chance at any time, organize a student to begin all sorts of activities to go conciously in the life the practice, knowledge that experiences mental health. Pass these vivid, lively, interesting, activity, let a student be taught by honest mental health, experience mental health education to originate the life.

3 it is to use good family to teach medium of communication.

Mental health is taught do not answer only inside campus of bureau be confined to, answer domestic education to undertake guidance, begin the mental health of polymorphous type, much channel to teach. Wanting change parent to want to had learned only is the old idea that has developed, directive parent creates healthy domestic environment in education of domesticity, family, make the student is in happy family life, the psychological character in health of the edify in democratic, equal, harmonious family environment.
