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可以退啊,包装不要紧 拆修就不行了买家可以根据自己的收货时间及货物情况,在交易订单状态为“买家已付款”或是“卖家已发货”时,随时申请退款操作,并没有具体时间限制,以上就是我自己的看法,仅个人意见不喜勿喷,希望能帮助到大家哦?


就是你去市场上买这个相机该有的配件比如说数据线什么之类的 选其他套餐会送另外的配件比如说内存条升级到4G 3脚架之类 当然价钱要贵点。如果你是出去游玩要拍照 建议那个内存卡4G照片可以多拍点 其他的附件不合算 没多大用













不靠谱,回去7天内不要改密码,在IP没有适应前改密码,被检测到的很容易死如果有要开通的号,等要刷单了在开通,因为异常本身是ip问题,开通了是要证明本人在用,如果开通不刷就等于告诉淘宝不是本人用。必死最好不要登旺旺和安装证书,有安装了证书取消下,淘宝一个月盘查一次证书,正常安装证书的会死百分之20到百分之90。一个月一次同一天死,相 信你已经感觉到了,这个就是证书的问题。





1. 在淘宝网上搜索您想要购买的游戏道具名称或关键词,然后筛选出信誉好、售后服务好的卖家。

2. 在购买前,最好与卖家沟通确认道具的具体信息,如数量、质量等。

3. 在购买时,请注意选择安全支付方式,如支付宝、微信支付等。

4. 购买后,请及时确认是否收到了正确的商品,并及时评价卖家,以帮助其他买家选择靠谱的卖家。




One, is digital camera security bought on the net?

Seek credit tall, time of set up shop is long, the inn that has evaluated does not have a problem commonly, I play sheet to turn over more than 10 years, used Ni Kang D40, d3100, d90, d7000, d600, d610, d850, buy on the net entirely, never had encountered what problem.

2, clean out the digital photograph function that treasure buys to retreat?

Can be retreated, pack never mind tear open long washed-up buy the home to be able to accept money time and goods case according to his, in trade order state is " buy the home to already paid " or be " sell the home to already delivered goods " when, apply for refund operation at any time, do not have specific time limitation, above is the view of myself, only individual opinion is fond of not gush, can the hope help great master?

3, is digital camera bought on the net that formula what meaning?

It is you go buying this camera on the market this some fittings e.g. data line of what and so on choose other formula to be able to send another fittings to upgrade to and so on of 4G 3 horse e.g. memory bar of course price wants expensive place. If you are to go out,amuse oneself should take a picture suggest that memory blocks 4G photograph to be able to pat bit of other accessory disagreement to calculate more not how old with

4, is the toy bought on the net that clean out treasure?

The toy is being bought on the net that clean out treasure is the choice of a lot of people, the price is comparative and convenient, price privilege, the product category that can offer an alternative is much, can choose to compare big famous manufacturer, although buy a product dissatisfactory still can retreat exchange goods.

5, how to buy gas on the net that clean out treasure?

Answer: Clean out treasure to go up cannot sale and buy benzine to wait combustible it is dangerous to explode easily article.

Benzine this kind of commodity is dangerous chemical, wanting benzine of buying and selling to be in our country have firm administrative demand, safety of oily fire control of management license of oil of need finished product, industrial and commercial business charter, finished product is permitted. And this plants benzine combustible the liquid that explodes easily also prohibits express.

6, is treasure cleaned out to buy a curtain to rely on chart on the net?

It is bit cheaper that the curtain is bought to be about on the net below the circumstance that will generally if be similar pattern and manufacturer production,be told. Specific still want divisional case:

1, if be,sell the home (manufacturer, agent) what want to make a brand only is famous spend and is this merchandise on the net (brand) so possible meeting is bit more expensive than what sell inside the shop if revealing.

2, the should compare traditional store price that if be professional,does electric business wants a bit lower (without door inn hire) .

3, the cheap reason on the net returns what have even if order on general net not to wrap installation to do not have artificial cost so so inside petty gain is nodded (still need oneself to install) .

4, the net buys weakness: Carry out hind is done hard, real product cannot see when the choose and buy.

7, is the date that clean out treasure bought to rely on chart on the net?

Do not rely on chart, go back 7 days inside do not change a code, the code changes before IP did not suit, the if have,should open very easily to death number that is detected, etc should brush sheet in enlightened, because unusual itself is Ip problem, debutting is to should prove he are being used, if debut,do not brush be equal to telling to clean out treasure is not him with. Had better not publish flourishing flourishing and installation letter to death surely, have installed certificate to cancel to fall, clean out treasure interrogate and examine of a month certificate, the meeting that installs certificate normally is dead hundred 20 arrive hundred 90. A month same day dies, believe you had felt, this is the problem of certificate.

8, can be Wang Zherong bought on the net is boast inscriptive clean out treasure?

Can not buy on the net, can buy in game only, you can fill value drop to coil in game, buy the Fu Wen of better attribute, draw-out perhaps more accord with article, also can do the task to get more accord with language. Wang Zherong boasts in MOBA in playing a way, did a lot of improve, not only reductive method of classical upright amuse oneself, in battle bureau, the player's OK and free tie-in prop, the player gave more options in prop system, this also is the different point of this game. Have special the toll-gate for set of group tacit agreement, to a not small inspiration also is in the life.

9, how is game stage property bought on the net that clean out treasure?

It is a few proposals that buy game stage property below:

1.In the search on the net that clean out treasure you want bought game prop name or keyword, choose a credit next good, after service sells the home well.

2.Before buy, best with sell the home to communicate the material information that confirms prop, wait like amount, quality.

3.When buy, notice to choose safe terms of payment please, if pay treasure, small letter,pay etc.

4.After buying, affirm in time please whether to get correct goods, timely opinion sells the home, sell the home in order to help what the other option that buy the home relies on chart.

10, is the dog bought on the net that clean out treasure reliable?

I feel naughty to the dog is bought on treasure net fluky of course, because on the net you treat the breed that is less than dog dog and true condition, say to think bought word so, go buying in pet shop rely on chart quite

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