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晋城美食做法? 晋城美食排名?英文双语对照


晋城美食做法? 晋城美食排名?英文双语对照









1. 刀削面:刀削面是山西传统的特色面食之一,晋城也有自己独特的刀削面品种。刀削面制作工艺独特,面片宽大而厚实,口感有嚼劲。你可以尝试一碗正宗的刀削面配上各式配料和汤底。

2. 烤羊肉串:山西以其独特的烤肉技法而闻名,晋城的烤羊肉串也不容错过。羊肉串经过特殊腌制和炭火烧烤,味道鲜美、香气四溢。在晋城的夜市或街头小摊上,你可以品尝到正宗的烤羊肉串。

3. 牛羊杂碎汤:杂碎汤是山西汤类菜品中常见的一种,由牛杂、羊杂等内脏组成,并加入多种调料和中草药进行慢炖。这道菜具有浓郁的香气和醇厚的口感,是冬季温暖身体的美食选择。

4. 豆腐脑:晋城的豆腐脑口感细腻,有一定的弹性。它以黄豆为主料制成,在煮熟后切成小块并加入调料。你可以在早晨或下午品尝一碗热气腾腾的豆腐脑,享受其清香和滑嫩口感。

5. 炒面糊:炒面糊也是晋城的传统美食之一。将面浆倒入平底锅中,快速搅拌并炒至金黄色,然后加入各种配料和调味料。这道菜色泽金黄、香脆可口,是当地人最喜欢的小吃之一。














新鲜的土鸡蛋用石头来炒,成为陵川当地一道流传很久的特色菜——“石头炒鸡蛋”。相传围棋创始人箕子下棋时,经常是废寝忘食。于是, 随从就地取材,用铁器和山上的石头来炒鸡蛋,香味立刻就把箕子吸引了,“石头炒鸡蛋”也就流传至今。







六、运城和晋城美食对身体的好处有什么? ?

























One, Jincheng cate practice?

Too oily flesh is the characteristic tradition dish with extremely famous Shanxi, basically feeding capable person is pork and winter bamboo shoots, its traceable bright generation, it becames famous, because cross oil to the flesh conducts heat with oil and became famous,be, because this does a crucial moment of this dish,also be quite important, can saying is success or failure in this with one action.

2, Jincheng cate rank?

Jincheng, enjoy " 9 18 artisan " title, it is the city with a very long history

1, too oily flesh

2, plain soup

3, is Jincheng cate recommended?

Jincheng is a town that Shanxi visits, have rich cate culture. The cate that is a few Jincheng below recommends:

1.The knife cuts an area: The knife cuts one of characteristic cooked wheaten food that are Shanxi tradition, jincheng also has his distinctive knife to cut face breed. The knife cuts craft that make distinctive, face piece wide and thick, mouthfeel has chew interest. You can try a bowl of authentic knife to cut a face to deserve to go up various burden and soup bottom.

2.The hotpot that bake strings together: Shanxi is famed with its distinctive barbecue ability law, the baking hotpot of Jincheng is strung together also not allow to miss. Hotpot strings together a course special souse and charcoal fire barbecue, flavour delicious, aroma 4 excessive. On small vendor's stand of the night fair of Jincheng or street, you can taste the baking hotpot with authentic savor to string together.

3.Soup of chipped cooked entrails of sheep or oxen of flocks and herds: Soup of chipped cooked entrails of sheep or oxen is Shanxi soup kind a kind when dish tastes middling to see, by Niu Za, sheep miscellaneous wait for splanchnic composition, join a variety of condiment and Chinese herbal medicine to undertake be stewinged slow. This dish has full-bodied aroma and full-bodied mouthfeel, it is the cate choice of winter warmth body.

4.Jellied bean curd: The mouthfeel of jellied bean curd of Jincheng is exquisite, have certain flexibility. It is given priority to with soya bean makings make, small are cut after thoroughly cook and join condiment. You can be in morning or sample afternoon a bowl of reeky jellied bean curd, enjoy its faint scent and slippery tender mouthfeel.

5.Chow mien is burnt: Frying panada also is one of traditional cate of Jincheng. Pour face oar into pan, fast agitate is fried to golden color, join all sorts of burden and flavoring next. This dish colour and lustre is golden, sweet fragile goluptious, it is local what like most is fastfood one of.

These are a few delegates in Jincheng cate only, of course still the choice with other and delicate more awaits you to explore. No matter be traditional cooked wheaten food or characteristic fastfood, believe you can find the cate that suits him taste to enjoy in Jincheng!

4, does Jincheng cate recommend a place?

Fry bean jelly

The characteristic tradition gust that Jincheng fries bean jelly is city of Jincheng of a Shanxi province is fastfood, already had 100 old histories up to now. Cut bean jelly first grow wide each 3-4 centimeter, thick about 1 centimeter diamonds, place stand-by. A few cooking oil are put inside boiler, after burning heat what had cut bean jelly piece enters boiler to break up fry. Irrigate foam of acetic juice garlic again, build, wait for flavour of garlic, vinegar to enter in hind give boiler. Mouthfeel is soft tender, sweet hot goluptious.

2, burn green Chinese onion

Burn green Chinese onion " it is main raw material with green Chinese onion, deserve to wait with pork, dried, litchi, it is one of Jincheng gust cate, also be the cate of winter season ideal.

3, turn face

Turn the side makes the same score one of cooked wheaten food of tradition of city the Han nationality high for Shanxi province. dissolve of alkaline, salt Yushui counteracts a face, after extrude of the bastinado that use roll is shining, wipe with vegetable oil, the roll after waking 30 minutes becomes noodle. Lid of reoccupy basket cloth is tight, wait for come loose boiler boils a fragrance nowadays feed. Its characteristic is distinct fragrance beauty, smooth and goluptious.

4, burn 3 delicacy

Burn 3 delicacy, it is dish of name of ooze water county, 3 delicacy are hedgehog hydnum, agaric, day lily, all be special local product of ooze water churchyard. Classics name hutch is machined subtly, match with spice, tick off add to become liquid, preserved its peculiar nutrition value namely, make flavour more delicious again.

5, Gao Ping burns bean curd

Burning bean curd is a kind of of Gao Ping peculiar and traditional food, already had 2000 old histories up to now. The short for xipi and erhuang of bean curd words spoken by an actor from offstage that fire becomes, bitter taste is sweet, loose and bouncy, nutrient value is higher, mashed garlic mixes when eating.

6, stone scrambles egg

New earthy egg is fried with stone, become hill plain place to circulate together long characteristic dish -- " stone scrambles egg " . Author of go of according to legend dustpan child when play chess, often be to forget food and sleep. Then, accompany use local materials, the stone that goes up with ironware and hill will scramble egg, fragrance immediately dustpan child attracted, "Stone scrambles egg " also circulate up to now.

7, in relief city burns liver

In relief city burns liver, it is this world of city of Shanxi province Jincheng name of city county place eats. Add spice with bright pork liver, with attar the bag coils, the working procedure such as classics decoct, evaporate, blast is amounted to brown and soft become namely. Its characteristic is outside Jiao Li is fragile, delicious and dainty, assist wine cate, heat is fed not be bored with.

8, black Ge of pickled Chinese cabbage

Black Ge of pickled Chinese cabbage, local calls oar water dish black Ge again, the name of a kind of place that is Jincheng eats. Old times because local flour is in short supply, people lives to adjust, become noodle with roll of face of white bread sorghum, bloat well because of Jincheng pickled Chinese cabbage again, make bittern match with pickled Chinese cabbage with black Ge. Scatter on caraway, sesame seed, also can join chili. Taste acid is sweet hot completely, sorghum face is peculiar flour of rice of essence of fragrance be better than, make the person eats to love more more, eat sweeter more. For a long time, become alias of people of a kind of place of Jincheng to eat.

5, cate of Jincheng cate characteristic?

Jincheng 10 bowls big, cross oily flesh, plain soup, wool head bolus, in relief city burns liver, gao Ping burns bean curd, fry bean jelly, evaporate pagoda tree is beautiful, hairtail of braise in soy sauce, steamed dumpings.

6, what do carry city and Jincheng cate have to the advantage of the body? ?


Carry city, the food staple food of Jincheng place still is main material with cooked wheaten food, cooked wheaten food contains a lot ofprotein, carbohydrate, vitamin and calcium, iron, phosphor, Potassium, magnesium to wait a variety of mineral, have kidney of the beneficial that raise a heart, be good at lienal stop the function such as thirsty, clear hot detoxify

7, the cate of carry city Jincheng?

: of carry city cate?  of flower mulberry  punishs Jia of  of  Mo ぃ to break through  of  hazel ǎ to return  of  of  of    to knock bright pull sip to wring boat of  of ǎ of Biao of brighting flood dragon of  of  of Er of antrum of boat of  of  Po octogenarian to steal  of  of Shu of Bian of shovel of  of carbuncle scar  blood clam, jincheng road steamed bun, in relief region 10 bowls big, gao Ping fries bittern face

8, Jincheng net red cate?

1, roll white steamed bread

The steamed bun here is not for nothing steamed bread, the face cake that spreads out in oily boiler however, in a way has some of interest to the sort of. Want respecting to coil the practice of white steamed bread, it can be the union of cake and dish, it is not difficult also to be done actually. This is a Jincheng famous gust is fastfood.

2, make the same score 10 bowls big high

Make the same score 10 bowls big high in all 10 dish: Soup of soup of soup of sheet jelly made from bean or sweet potato starch of soup of flesh of flesh of water plain boiled pork, walnut, braise in soy sauce, little crisp pork, intestines, mustard, a round mass of food, cropland and egg, soft rice, hyacinth bean. Someone says: Gao Ping is existent world 10 bowls big the earliest, most China cate of the system, it revealed the cooking craft of high smooth people and clever wisdom.

3, agaric Ge shellfish

"Agaric Ge shellfish " , it is a color black and white alternate with, mouthfeel is delicate sweet slippery name eats, there is the history of the chiliad on the move in Jincheng.

Mouthfeel characteristic: Whiteness of its colour and lustre is crystal, soft interest opening, soup flavour faint scent.

4, flesh of Jincheng quick-boil soup

Jincheng quick-boil Shang Zaichang is treated, and other places of Gao Ping, cornstalk, in relief city belongs to characteristic fastfood. The means that make is will all sorts of feeding material is to had been machined beforehand more, the one quick-boil in past soup can.

5, burn green Chinese onion

Give priority to with green Chinese onion makings cook cooked food, be in other place do not see more. But a the Han nationality that is city of Shanxi province Jincheng however is traditional renown dish.

6, Jincheng fries bean jelly

Fry bean jelly to already had 100 old histories up to now. The course is improved, fry bean jelly not only by the side of lane of consist in street, also hall and the ground of emperor walked into wine shop restaurant.

7, burn 3 delicacy

3 delicacy are hedgehog hydnum, agaric, day lily, all be special local product of ooze water churchyard. It is dish of a name of ooze water county. Classics name hutch is machined subtly, match with spice, tick off add to become liquid, preserved its peculiar nutrition value namely, make flavour more delicious again.

9, Jincheng characteristic cate?

Zuo of clear soup Zuo , cross oily flesh rice, agaric Ge shellfish, sweet-and-sour smooth bolus, Zuo of Zuo of shredded meat of pickled Chinese cabbage, fleshy bolus is convenient face, meal of potato silk millet, fry booth steamed bun, roll thin steamed bun, black arenaceous boiler is waited a moment.

10, the cate of carry city and Jincheng?

Two areas cate has more very much, fried dough twist, steamed bun of baked wheaten cake, bone circle, grail chicken, fleshy chow mien, natural face, hemp is hot very hot, etc, it is cate of area of carry city Jincheng

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