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QQ飞车哪个宠物最好? qq飞车什么宠物竞速最好?英文双语对照


QQ飞车哪个宠物最好? qq飞车什么宠物竞速最好?英文双语对照







聪慧的冰蝠/火蝠宝宝还能为主人装备的赛车提供更充足的小喷动力。对比赛车改装,最高等级可提供小喷 6。





















  另外推荐:单人 跑图 狂 刷记录 专用宝宝——招财猫





道具领跑配乌龟,不领跑什么宠都差不多,我带狐狸。竞速神宠逆天鹰已经下架了,但我有,所以别的宠我也没了解过,据说雷震子和天蓬不错。总的来说,秘境宠优于其他宠,但是贵;其次是荣耀勋章宠,但前两期的都拿不到了,第三期的美人鱼真的不错,三技能跟之前已经下架的秘境宠哮天犬差不多,有机会可以拿;剩下的点券宠活动宠就逆天鹰还可以,但也买不到了,不知道会不会返场。 其实我觉得车队币换的虎力大仙也还是可以的,没有狐狸之前我玩道具都是带那个的。


一、QQ飞车装备宠物后每参与一局多人赛游戏,无论是否完成比赛,都给经验  每次在休闲区使用消耗性道具:心型烟花、花瓣雨、萤火虫、舞蹈精灵等,也给经验  每使用一张宠物经验卡,也可增加相应的经验值哦


招财猫 因为它是按百分比加经验的,最高+15% 刷经验专用宠(点卷可买的宠物中) 当然,飞虎王神马的超BT +50%经验,前提是你得得到






  T1 :乌龟,锦毛鼠,白泽









企鹅 经验+18 落后补偿+130% 碰撞后氮气保留60%帝企鹅 经验+18 落后补偿+130% 碰撞后氮气保留60%飞天猫 经验+10% 引擎+5 道具免疫几率5%小鸭 经验+30 引擎+5.5 碰撞后氮气保留65%羊驼 落后补偿150% 引擎+6 碰撞后氮气保留65%忍者兔 经验+32 落后补偿153% 引擎加7熊猫 落后补偿150% 集气+5.5 倒数加速概率20%暴龙 落后补偿155% 小喷+6 碰撞后氮气保留65%雪人 落后补偿156% 燃料+6 道具免疫几率6%蛋熊 经验+40 引擎+6.5 倒数加速概率30%招财猫 经验+15% 小喷+6.5 引擎+7.5豚鼠 经验+12% 小喷+6 倒数加速概率20%甜心熊 经验+30 燃料+6 碰撞后氮气保留60%晴天猪 落后补偿160% 点火+6 倒数加速概率25%小飞象 经验+13% 引擎+5.5 碰撞后氮气保留65%捣蛋鼠 落后补偿160% 小喷+6 碰撞后氮气保留65%蝙蝠 落后补偿160% 小喷+6 碰撞后氮气保留65%闪电幽灵 经验+12% 引擎+5.5 道具免疫几率5%希良喵 落后补偿155% 小喷+6 碰撞后氮气保留65%雪橇麋鹿 鲜花卡(仅情侣模式) 落后补偿130% 倒数加速概率20%分别问第一阶段 第二阶段 第三阶段~~也就是10级 20级 30级






目前只出到30级 10级需要进化卡一张才能继续升级(十级进化后身体略微变大一点)20级需要一张进化卡才能继续升级(二十级进化后身体明现变大)


One, QQ flying car which pet is best?

The pet with flying best car is flying tiger king actually, mastery of a skill or technique is good, grow lovelily, return conference speech, but dispute sells.

Glacial bat / igneous bat:

Skill one: ? Is creek Peng hooked?

Close glacial bat / hour of igneous bat darling is guarding you, when you lag behind at the first, it will offer additional backward compensation addition for you. Highest grade but addition 160% .

Skill 2: ? Qian procuress Ρ ?

Intelligent glacial bat / the racing bicycle that igneous bat darling still can equip for host provides enougher small spurt power. Comparative racing bicycle changes his costume or dress, highest grade can offer small spurt 6.

Skill 3: ? Thunder neck Ρ ?

If produce collision,be in after your drift, glacial bat / the value of certain amount nitrogen that igneous bat will preserve this drift place to obtain for you. Highest grade can withhold 65% nitrogen to be worth!

2, Qq flying car what pet contest fast best?

Contest fast first selection -- white / gold god animal!

3 skill are contest fast special, full grade addition:

1. Backward compensation + 200%

2. Engine is strengthened + 7

3. Collision is protected 70%

But divine animal dispute sells, can lottery gets

Next alpaca, bat also is contest fast darling, one adds engine, one adds small spurt.

(your cycle racing engine changes his costume or dress add strong later, the baby that the proposal selects to add small spurt)

Full grade alpaca:

1. Backward compensation + 150%

2. Engine is strengthened + 6

3. Collision is protected 65%

Batty (ice / igneous bat)

1. Backward compensation + 160%

2. Small spurt is strengthened + 6

3. Collision is protected 65%

Above applies to contest fast actual combat,

Recommend additionally: Single person walks the graph brushs a record madly special darling -- the cat that enrol money

1. + 15% experience

2. Small spurt + 6.5

3. Engine + 7.5

3, does QQ flying car open contest fast is that pet best?

Prop is gotten run match a tortoise, do not get run what is bestowed favor on about the same, I take a fox. Fast god bestows favor on contest the eagle that counter a day has fallen wore, but I have, so other bestow favor on me to also had not understood, allegedly Lei Zhen child with day bitter fleabane pretty good. As a whole, secret condition bestows favor on excel other bestow favor on, but expensive; It is honorable decoration is bestowed favor on next, but before two period be not taken, the 3rd period mermaid is pretty good really, worn secret condition has fallen to bestow favor on roar day dog before 3 skill follow about the same, the opportunity can be taken; The dot certificate that leave bestows favor on an activity it is OK still to go against Tian Ying, but also cannot be bought, do not know to be able to be returned. The tiger muscularity celestial being that actually I feel motorcade money is changed is possible still also, before doing not have a fox, I play prop take that.

4, how does pet of QQ flying car upgrade quickly is pet of QQ flying car the fastest?

One, every participate in one bureau much person to surpass play after pet of equipment of QQ flying car, no matter whether complete the race, use in recreational area every time to experience use up sexual prop: Demon of heart firework, petaline rain, firebug, dancing, also give experience every use experience of a piece of pet to get stuck, also can increase corresponding experience to be worth

5, Qq flying car what pet is best can you use bit of certificate to buy?

Because it increases experience by per cent,enrol money cat, highest + 15% brush experience special bestow favor on (in nodding a buyable pet) of course, of horse of god of flying tiger king exceed BT +50% experience, premise is you must get

6, does hand of Qq flying car swim 2021 which pet are best?

One, get run T0: Tortoise

T1: Rat of bright and beautiful wool, jiang Zi tooth

T2: Vitreous ball, able person, avoid water animal, bai Ze, lute essence

2, fill

T1: Tortoise, rat of bright and beautiful wool, bai Ze

T2: Jiang Zi tooth, able person, rainbow horse, white fugacious, lute essence

T3: Vitreous ball

3, auxiliary

T0: Rainbow horse

T1: White fugacious, bai Ze, lute essence

4, contest fast

T0: Mo Xie (flat) / small black (rise high into the air) / corrupt wolf (short figure) , each has his strong point is comfortable match total figure

7, QQ flying car the problem about pet?

Penguin experience + 18 backward compensation + the nitrogen after 130% collides withholds experience of 60% emperor penguin + 18 backward compensation + the nitrogen after 130% collides withholds experience of cat of 60% flying Apsaras + 10% engine + odds of 5 prop immunity experience of 5% small duck + 30 engine + the nitrogen after 5.5 collision withholds 65% alpaca

8, store of Qq flying car has the pet that sell, which best?

The alpaca that can buy, 3 skill are contest fast, activity when can give platinic god animal. Platinic god animal and gold god animal are to contest fast for two best pet, can coil with the dot those who buy is alpaca be best

9, how is pet of Qq flying car changed?

Click individual knapsack to nod pet option to be able to be changed directly

10, pet of QQ flying car how many full grade?

Give 30 level only at present evolution of 10 class need blocks a piece of ability to continue to upgrade (appreciably of the body after 10 level are developmental greatens) 20 class need a piece of evolution to block ability to continue to upgrade (20 level are developmental the back of a person
