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读了《大自然的日历》给我一些启示,这不,在我观察蚂蚁时,发现蚂蚁坚持不懈,这也使我得到了一个启示。  在一个阳光明媚的清晨,我悠然自得地坐在小区里的石凳上享受清晨的美景。正当我不经意低头时,突然发现一块白色的东西在缓缓地移动着。我走近一看,原来是几只蚂蚁在搬一块小小的面包屑。我想:这附近一定有蚁巢,要不然,那蚂蚁搬食物干嘛呢?在好奇心的驱使下,我便四周找了起来。不一会儿,隐蔽在花丛下的蚁巢被我找了出来。  我继续观察蚂蚁的搬运情况。只见那几只小小的蚂蚁扛着一块面包屑,爬得还比较快,真要把蚂蚁称为“大力士”!过了一会儿,一只小蚂蚁从面包屑下跑了出来,急忙钻进蚁巢,接着,一只大而强壮的蚂蚁跟着小蚂蚁爬了出来。看来,这只小蚂蚁是来找帮手的。  有了大蚂蚁的帮忙,小蚂蚁的速度快了许多,我猜它们当时肯定也像我们玩课间活动那样,喊着“一二一,一二一”。过了一会儿,蚂蚁来到了一个最辛苦的阶段——上小土坡!而小土坡上就是蚁巢。只见蚂蚁们还是不放弃,努力一步步往上抬,其中有一两只蚂蚁还会轮流跑到队伍的后面支援,哦,多有灵性的家伙!我看着蚂蚁那么辛苦,我的爱心不禁爆发了!我用一根小树枝把蚂蚁们向上推动了一下,眨眼间,蚂蚁们就到达巢口了!最后,经过大家的同心协力,蚂蚁们终于把面包屑运到了蚁巢内。  蚂蚁虽然是小小的昆虫,但是,这不起眼的小家伙却给了我启示:团结就是力量,坚持就是胜利。












One, what is the character of nature? The character of what nature to still have?

" the character of nature " in have: A few kinds of characters such as limestone, boulder, star, cloud, bird. The author of this book is Yi Lin, 1896-1953 writer of writer of popular science of the Russia year ago, literature of engineer, children. Give birth to Yuwukelan. He wrote down a lot of popular science work all one's life, be like " 100 thousand why " , " a few bell " , " how does the person become giant " " black and white " , " the story of Five-Year Plan " , " hill and person " , " person and nature " and " transform a planet " etc, have certain contribution to literature of Russia popular science, and the development influence of career of modern to China popular science is tremendous.

2, what does the character of nature have?

Boulder, fossil, terrane, glacier, stone, cloud, bird, mist, ant.

The expression of the character of nature:

1, boulder (L ì ) : The huge block that the deposit after glacier melt comes down, there often is glacier scrape above. Gravel, clastic rock. , the person does not move it, put those who move on the ice however. These glacier climb over from cold north, along the road smashs rock, and break the broken block that come down to be being taken away one case.

2, go up in construction site, the shovel of banker came up against gray stone. Look in you this is common stone nevertheless, but know the person of nature character to look, it is not common stone, however limestone. Change from broken conch and it is become, you know shellfish is the dweller in ocean. Visible, in very ancient times, the place that this now is a city once was a boundless ocean.

3, air man knows, anvil shape cloud is thunderstorm is bodeful. Should a few further from it gift is nice. If fly inside it, it is met a plane finish -- the wind over is blown so strongly namely.

4, " solar halo 3 more rain, wind of lunar halo the period of the day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. . " the sun or moon are surrounded to be by halation reflex its light because of the ice crystal of earthly headroom and become. The damp that ice crystal dissolves and causes Gao Nong to spend can sink downward, form making love, so its can forecast weather well and truly.

5, ant moves, when weather turns bad, ant appears very busy, some moves at past altitude, some carry back and forth earthy base nest. Say commonly, nest base must be jumped over tall, precipitation is bigger also. Still have the check of base of a kind of big black ant, often be in of morrow wind will to partial base get some taller. Come millions upon millions years ant evolution arrives inductive air humidity, can baric the change that waits with ground temperature, when afore-mentioned conditions are formed, ant can feel need is transferred.

3, does the character of nature have those?

Boulder, fossil, terrane, glacier, stone, cloud, bird, mist, ant.

The expression of the character of nature:

1, boulder (L ì ) : The huge block that the deposit after glacier melt comes down, there often is glacier scrape above. Gravel, clastic rock. , the person does not move it, put those who move on the ice however. These glacier climb over from cold north, along the road smashs rock, and break the broken block that come down to be being taken away one case.

2, go up in construction site, the shovel of banker came up against gray stone. Look in you this is common stone nevertheless, but know the person of nature character to look, it is not common stone, however limestone. Change from broken conch and it is become, you know shellfish is the dweller in ocean. Visible, in very ancient times, the place that this now is a city once was a boundless ocean.

3, air man knows, anvil shape cloud is thunderstorm is bodeful. Should a few further from it gift is nice. If fly inside it, it is met a plane finish -- the wind over is blown so strongly namely.

4, " solar halo 3 more rain, wind of lunar halo the period of the day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. . " the sun or moon are surrounded to be by halation reflex its light because of the ice crystal of earthly headroom and become. The damp that ice crystal dissolves and causes Gao Nong to spend can sink downward, form making love, so its can forecast weather well and truly.

5, ant moves, when weather turns bad, ant appears very busy, some moves at past altitude, some carry back and forth earthy base nest. Say commonly, nest base must be jumped over tall, precipitation is bigger also. Still have the check of base of a kind of big black ant, often be in of morrow wind will to partial base get some taller. Come millions upon millions years ant evolution arrives inductive air humidity, can baric the change that waits with ground temperature, when afore-mentioned conditions are formed, ant can feel need is transferred.

4, what does the character of nature have?

The Wen Chan in rain cries, premonitory sunshine arrives.

Early Qiu Wen Chan cries, late Qiu greets pluvial field.

Spadger store up is fed should fall snow.

Ant base nest should fall rain.

The fish dives, rain comes.

Swallow is low fly should fall rain.

Toad unkennel, rain lean firmly.

Tide of curvature of the spinal column, rain million.

The earthworm mounts a road, rainwater chaos is like hemp.

Loach is static, weather fine.

The pig holds grass, cold wave arrives.

Chicken lodges for the night behindhand, duck cries happily, harships arrives before long.

Rain makes tomb-sweeping day, work solstitial red-letter day.

Pure Brightness is early, grain Full is late, grain Rain is planted cotton timely.

Pure Brightness scraped grace mound ground, drop drop is pulled pull 45.

Pure Brightness wants a fine, grain Rain wants to drench. Grain Rain does not have rain, cry later rain.

Pure Brightness fine, domestic animals is promoted; Pure Brightness rain, caustic 100 fruit.

Grain Rain has rain Zhao Yu is much, grain Rain comes without rainwater late.

The Beginning of Summer does not fall, mulberry old wheat stops.

East wind of the Beginning of Summer arrives, in wheat water waterlogged.

The Beginning of Summer arrives Grain Full, kind what is not late also.

The Beginning of Summer blows flatus, wheaten all in vain.

Grain Full around, kind melon is planted beans.

Grain Full warm complacently, v hoe wheat is planted food grains other than wheat and rice.

Crossed Grain Full 10 days to plant, 10 days are not planted all in vain.

Grain in Ear is not planted, come to nothing afterwards.

Wheat of Grain in Ear comes on stage, on Qiu Geng follow closely.

Grain in Ear blows north wind, drought breaks young crops.

The Summer Solstice does not have heat of pluvial the three ten-day periods of the hot season, the Limit of Heat is god-given 10 days of shade.

The Summer Solstice does not have rain, rice is not had in store up.

Modao heats up solstitial future, solstitial future Mo Daohan.

The Summer Solstice has heat of wind the three ten-day periods of the hot season, heavy Yang Moyu one winter fine.

The Summer Solstice enters the day in volt, agrarian cropland resembles is water irrigates garden.

The Summer Solstice blows east wind, half moon water will rush.

Slight Heat is not planted potato, establish volt to be not planted beans.

Slight Heat wind is not moved, what frost comes is late.

Great Heat arrives the Beginning of Autumn, accumulate dung to arrive cropland head.

The Beginning of Autumn does not have rain, autumnal little rain; White Dew does not have rain, 100 days do not have frost.

Cloud of the Limit of Heat of the Beginning of Autumn hits grass, cropland of secant of White Dew the autumnal equinox.

The Beginning of Autumn has pluvial all, the Beginning of Autumn closes without rain half autumn.

Drench of the Beginning of Autumn drenchs, good crop of the coming year.

The Limit of Heat is planted high mountain, white Dew is planted level land, the autumnal equinox is planted outside the door, cold Dew is planted river bay.

Head autumn drought, reduce an in part, rain of the Limit of Heat, expensive be like gold.

White open air enrages a fine, millet is like silver.

White Dew is early, cold Dew is late, the autumnal equinox is planted wheat the right season or time.

The autumnal equinox is not cut, frost hits windmill.

Millet of the autumnal equinox is cut must not, cold Dew millet is raised must not.

Commissariat risks pointed cotton to pile mountain, cold Dew does not forget to cross the land.

5, what does the character of nature still have?

" the character of nature " have move crow of plant, cloud, bird, wind, astronomical phenomena, stone, white mouth to wait a moment.

1, use a plant. When moving a plant to produce change in weather condition, its activity rule and characteristics can produce a few change, people forecasts weather according to these change.

2, the cloud. When weather is very good, with dope according to Yun Ke thunderstorm perhaps sexuals intercourse.

3, bird. Fly very high in sky when swallow, look very small very small, that can have good weather.

4, wind. See wind measure a nature, weather promotes Yun Zhiyu to want to have lunt above all, lunt relies on wind to carry, wind has to weather variation apparently bodeful.

5, astronomical phenomena. The lunt in aerosphere, water, ice crystal when suspension material, make day, month, star, day appears in the sky a variety of colour and a lot of optical phenomena, observe its change, can forecast prospective weather.

6, stone. On construction site, the shovel of banker came up against gray stone. Look in you this is common stone nevertheless, but know the person of nature character to look, it is not common stone, however limestone.

7, white mouth crow. White mouth crow flies for, spring has come to gate mouth. And the crane that fly away need not calendar can tell people, hot weather had gone.

6, the method that understands nature was read " the character of nature " , understanding?

Know the method of nature:

One, often contact nature as a child, the attention observes all things everythings on earth beside;

2, be good at seeking the solution from inside book, enhance self-study ability of the reader;

3, often go consulting sciential person, raise a question more, abound oneself intellectual face. " the character of nature " one book is with " the character of nature " the children books that one article makes headline, except the first " the character of nature " outside still have additionally a few implied meanings, layer upon layer development introduces nature, clarity is compendious, this is a character article of specification of sex of popular science of simple and easy and vivid, rich sapid, its compose an intent to depend on guiding children to understand nature, understand nature, from the wisdom of knowledge of the derive in nature and life. Article author is clever the assimilate to of all things everythings on earth in ground general nature " character " , and adduce example leads young reader to explore conceal in these distinctive " character " the knowledge from the back and mystery, will arouse children to be close to the enthusiasm of nature, understanding nature with this. The article shows logic be good at teaching, read rise interest is full. Patulous data: " the character of nature " it is popular science reader, write easy to read and understandly smooth fact and vivid and interesting. Full text uses short sentence more, each paragraphs structure is not complex also, many places are group of a word, reduced reading difficulty, also accord with children read a habit. Author style or manner of writing is multi-purpose spoken language, be like " the character is good thing really " " look very small very small " ; Analogy and personification, also use the common thing in the life as far as possible, be like " fingerpost " , " white mouth crow flies for, spring had come to gate mouth " etc, read will be like,understand word, simple dawn free and dramatic image. The language that suits a few young readers to enhance his organizes ability.

7, the feeling after is the demon of nature read?

Read " the demon of nature " , I was known deeply, chinese nature is wonderful the one part in the people is in that way wonderful confused is shown, also taught numerous people to want the passion to wild animal, take action then will protect them.

8, " the calendar of nature " the feeling after reading?

Read " the calendar of nature " give me a few inspiration, this not, when I observe ant, discover ant unremitting, this also makes I got an inspiration. In the early morning with a beautiful sunshine, I sit carefree and contently on the stone stool in the village to enjoy the beautiful scenery of early morning. When just when I am casual,lowering my head, the thing that discovers a white suddenly is worn in slowly shift. I approach to look, it is a few ant are moving a small crumble so. I think: There is ant nest certainly near this, or, does that ant move food to work? In curiosity drive below, I all around searched. Not a little while, concealmented to be looked for by me in the ant nest below the flowers. I continue to observe ant carry a condition. See those a few small ant are carrying a crumble only, climb more quickly, should call ant really " Hercules " ! Passed a little while, a small ant falls from crumble ran, get into ant nest hastily, then, a big and strong ant followed small ant to climb. Look, this only small ant will look for helper. Had big ant help, the rate of small ant became rapid a lot of, I guess them to also play playtime activity like us for certain at that time in that way, crying " just a little one, just a little one " . Passed a little while, ant comes to a the most painstaking phase -- on little ground slope! And ant nest is on little ground slope. See ant only people still do not abandon, hard one step by step upgrade carries, assist at the back of among them 9 ant still can run to the team by turns, oh, have the guy of intelligence of animals more! I look at ant so painstaking, my love can'ted help erupting! I use a spray ant people drove up, very short time, ant people arrive at mew mouth! Finally, through everybody's make concerted efforts, ant people went to crumble carry eventually inside ant nest. Although ant is small insect, but, this ordinary bub gave me inspiration however: Solidarity is force, hold to even if win.

9, what character does nature have?

" the character of nature " have move crow of plant, cloud, bird, wind, astronomical phenomena, stone, white mouth to wait a moment.

1, use a plant. When moving a plant to produce change in weather condition, its activity rule and characteristics can produce a few change, people forecasts weather according to these change.

2, the cloud. When weather is very good, with dope according to Yun Ke thunderstorm perhaps sexuals intercourse.

3, bird. Fly very high in sky when swallow, look very small very small, that can have good weather.

4, wind. See wind measure a nature, weather promotes Yun Zhiyu to want to have lunt above all, lunt relies on wind to carry, wind has to weather variation apparently bodeful.

5, astronomical phenomena. The lunt in aerosphere, water, ice crystal when suspension material, make day, month, star, day appears in the sky a variety of colour and a lot of optical phenomena, observe its change, can forecast prospective weather.

10, the character that asks what to nature still have?

The character of nature has a lot of kinds, besides ethereal cloud and Polaris, still have the stone on the ground and river. Stone has different figure and color, they can tell us where they come from, experienced what kind of history.

The river can flow to be awaited compatibly via different landform, form distinctive wadi and deposit, these can provide the information about the earth for us. In addition, still have the plant, animal and atmosphere character that also can be regarded as nature. Anyhow, nature was full of all sorts of information, want us to observe and be unscrambled attentively only, can understand this beautiful heavenly body better.

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