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说一些松下相机吧!!!用过他家的GX9还有LX10两款!!!!LX10我用来录VLOG很赞呢!!!而且大光圈➕美颜自拍 非常?







我买的是尼康P900s 24-2000,现在又有P1000的了。画质就不能要求太高了。哈哈哈哈。






1. PowerShot G7 X Mark III - 这款卡片机采用20.1万像素1英寸堆栈式CMOS传感器和DIGIC 8处理器,支持4K视频录制和全高清120帧/秒的慢动作录制。

2. PowerShot G1 X Mark III - 这款卡片机采用24.2万像素APS-C尺寸CMOS传感器和DIGIC 7图像处理器,提供高质量的图像和视频。

3. PowerShot G5 X Mark II - 这款卡片机配备20.1万像素1英寸堆栈式CMOS传感器和DIGIC 8图像处理器,支持4K视频录制并配有5倍光学变焦镜头。

4. PowerShot SX740 HS - 这款卡片机采用20.3万像素1/2.3英寸CMOS传感器和DIGIC 8图像处理器,支持4K视频录制和全高清60帧/秒的慢动作录制,并配有光学40倍变焦镜头。

5. PowerShot G9 X Mark II - 这款卡片机配备2060万像素1英寸CMOS传感器和DIGIC 7图像处理器,配有3倍光学变焦镜头,并采用具有触摸控制的3英寸LCD屏幕。

6. PowerShot SX620 HS - 这款卡片机采用20.2万像素1/2.3英寸CMOS传感器和DIGIC 4+图像处理器,配备了25倍光学变焦镜头,具有Wi-Fi和NFC连接性。

7. PowerShot G7 X Mark II - 这款卡片机采用2080万像素1英寸CMOS传感器和DIGIC 7图像处理器,配有4.2倍光学变焦镜头并支持Full HD视频录制。

8. PowerShot G3 X - 这款卡片机配备2080万像素1英寸CMOS传感器和DIGIC 6图像处理器,支持Full HD视频录制和具有25倍光学变焦镜头。

9. PowerShot SX730 HS - 这款卡片机配备20.3万像素1/2.3英寸CMOS传感器和DIGIC 6图像处理器,配有40倍光学变焦镜头,支持Full HD视频录制并具有Wi-Fi和NFC连接性。

10. PowerShot ELPH 360 HS - 这款卡片机采用2020万像素1/2.3英寸CMOS传感器和DIGIC 4+图像处理器,支持Full HD视频录制和12倍光学变焦,并具有Wi-Fi和NFC连接性。


个人觉得这款还不错,,佳能博秀SX系列在长焦机方面始终在引领着科技发展,作为SX10的替代品,全新旗舰佳能 PowerShot SX20 IS携带者20倍长焦与28mm广角来到我们身边,DIGIC4图像处理器,新增的720p高清视频拍摄能力,性能完全超越了主流相机的水准,大气时尚的外形也让人爱不释手。目前,最新的售价为2900元。感兴趣的朋友可以一起来看看吧。

  佳能PowerShot SX20 IS采用了常规的1/2.3英寸CCD,1210万像素,支持20倍光学变焦镜头,等效焦距相当于35mm照相机的28-560mm,其丰富的焦段能够满足绝大部分的摄影题材。最大可拍摄分辨率为4000×3000的照片,SX20 IS加入了流行的高清摄像功能,最大可拍摄720p的高清视频,拍摄短片的过程中可使用光学变焦和光学防抖功 能,其性能之强悍完全可以媲美家用DV。最大光圈F2.8(广角)-5.7(长焦),可以进行0cm的超级微距拍摄。SX20 IS采用了USM(Ultrasonic Motor)超声波马达驱动高速变焦,从最大广角端到最大长焦端只需约1.3 秒。支持VCM(Voice Coil Motor)音圈马达驱动对焦,使相机对焦更快更安静。支持IS光学防抖技术,能获得相当于提高约4档快门速度的影像稳定效果。













佳能最近推出的EOS R5和EOS R6都是非常适合拍摄视频的单反相机。EOS R5配备了8K视频拍摄功能,以及4K 120fps的慢动作录制,同时还具备了全像素双核对焦技术,可以在追踪移动对象时保持清晰焦点。

而EOS R6虽然没有8K录制,但配备了4K 60fps的视频拍摄功能,同样具有出色的双核对焦性能,适合拍摄日常视频和vlog。另外,两款相机均采用了第二代对焦技术和5轴防抖系统,有助于提高视频拍摄的稳定性和清晰度,因此无论是专业影视制作还是个人创作,都是非常不错的选择。


One, digital camera beautiful can A3400IS, beautiful can A2300, beautiful can A2400IS where money is better?

Beautiful can government-owned net shows, have a type only: A3400IS, did not take optics to prevent 3400 what tremble, what accordingly you say is same money machine

2, beautiful can which sex price compares camera of S set number tall?

Recommend fine can EOS500D is covered machine (camera lens of former outfit EF-S18-135mmf/3.5-5.6IS) , suit a novice to use very much.

This sexual price of a machine is compared very tall, carry former outfit fine oneself can EF-S18-135mmf/3.5-5.6IS camera lens, this heading what compare 18-200 only is alleged the camera lens that one lens takes the world became little little is not commonly used anxious paragraph, but what photography effect compares 18-200 is better, very practical.

Airframe belt is photographed like the function, the hand uses a function complete, besides airframe it is the project is plastic, hardly what defect, but this kind of project is plastic weight is light, hard usage, also can saying is an advantage, my Ceng Yin temporarily carelessness has thrown this kind of camera, just give UV looking glass fall broke, other section is whole nondestructive.

3, choose digital camera, below Fuji, pine, beautiful can, which are better?

Say a few pines leave watch for an opportunity! ! ! The GX9 that has used his home still has LX10 two! ! ! ! I use LX10 to record VLOG very assist! ! ! And big aperture? Beautiful Yan Zipai special?

I use GX9 to pat take a picture! Like element 20.38 million like element and take course restoring ancient ways, yan Zhi is very tall! ! ! ! Camera lens is very deft also matched Lai blocks 1260 scene, basically do not weigh, convenient travel is taken out take a picture

4, which does Kodak number camera compare good place?

Actually Kodak arrives from low end high-end model is very good! Recommend camera of Kodak M552 number quite nevertheless, of this camera basically selling a site is very can easy can share a photograph to arrive happy net, simple interesting.

And memory reserves the function is powerful, card of even if memory is full already, automatic switch reachs photograph chance camera memory, won't miss a lot of beautiful scenery because of memory.

The intelligence in camera films the function can identify setting mode automatically to adjust camera setting, be in thereby the photograph that beauty can obtain below any environments almost.

5, which has been camera of long anxious number compared?

What I buy is Ni Kang P900s 24-2000, there is P1000 again now. The picture cannot ask character too tall. Hahahaha.

6, beautiful can which has been IXUS series compared?

Beautiful can the IXUS175 of Ixus series this is best.

IXUS175 screen used a beautiful can of fascia " brilliant dazzle II " screen of LCD liquid crystal, the dimension of this screen is 3 inches, resemble element effectively 230 thousand. Because used special coating, "Brilliant dazzle II " LCD watchs what clarity can undertake below angle and different illumination environment to browse in what differ, and maintain right picture result, this embarks about 20 million resemble element CCD effectively, can let a photograph present more exquisite and vivid picture.

7, beautiful can which card watch for a chance is better?

It is the 10 card machine with can best beautiful below:

1.This card machine uses PowerShot G7 X Mark III - 201 thousand like element sensor of CMOS of type of 1 inch of stack is mixed DIGIC 8 processor, transcribe of supportive 4K video and completely high-definition 120 frame / the slow-motion transcribe of the second.

2.This card machine uses PowerShot G1 X Mark III - sensor of CMOS of dimension of 242 thousand APS-C resembling element and processor of DIGIC 7 image, provide the image of high quality and video.

3.This card machine deploys PowerShot G5 X Mark II - 201 thousand like element sensor of CMOS of type of 1 inch of stack is mixed processor of DIGIC 8 image, support 4K video transcribe and deserve to have scene of 5 times optical scorch.

4.This card machine uses PowerShot SX740 HS - 203 thousand 1/2.3 resembling element inch CMOS sensor and processor of DIGIC 8 image, transcribe of supportive 4K video and completely high-definition 60 frame / the slow-motion transcribe of the second, match bright to learn camera lens of 40 times scorch.

5.This card machine deploys PowerShot G9 X Mark II - 20.6 million like element sensor of 1 inch of CMOS is mixed processor of DIGIC 7 image, deserve to have scene of 3 times optical scorch, collect appliance to have feeling pilot screen of 3 inches of LCD.

6.This card machine uses PowerShot SX620 HS - 202 thousand 1/2.3 resembling element inch CMOS sensor and processor of DIGIC 4+ image, deployed camera lens of 25 times optical scorch, have Wi-Fi and NFC join sex.

7.This card machine uses PowerShot G7 X Mark II - 20.8 million like element sensor of 1 inch of CMOS is mixed processor of DIGIC 7 image, deserve to camera lens of 4.2 times optical scorch supports transcribe of Full HD video.

8.This card machine deploys PowerShot G3 X - 20.8 million like element sensor of 1 inch of CMOS is mixed processor of DIGIC 6 image, transcribe of video of supportive Full HD and have scene of 25 times optical scorch.

9.This card machine deploys PowerShot SX730 HS - 203 thousand 1/2.3 resembling element inch CMOS sensor and processor of DIGIC 6 image, deserve to have scene of 40 times optical scorch, support transcribe of Full HD video and have Wi-Fi and NFC join sex.

10.This card machine uses PowerShot ELPH 360 HS - 20.2 million 1/2.3 resembling element inch CMOS sensor and processor of DIGIC 4+ image, support transcribe of Full HD video and scorch of 12 times optics, have Wi-Fi and NFC join sex.

8, it where fund camera of long anxious number recommends is better that where fund camera of long anxious number recommends?

The individual feels this is pretty good still, , beautiful can series of Bo Xiu SX is in from beginning to end in side of long anxious plane leading science and technology development, as the substitute of SX10, brand-new admiral beautiful can the person that PowerShot SX20 IS is carried 20 times long anxious as extensive as 28mm role comes to the side of us, DIGIC4 image processor, the 720p high-definition video that adds newly films ability, function surpassed the level of mainstream camera completely, the appearance of atmosphere vogue also lets a person fondle admiringly. Current, newest price is 2900 yuan. Interested friend can look together.

Beautiful can the 1/2.3 that PowerShot SX20 IS used convention inch CCD, 12.1 million resemble element, support camera lens of 20 times optical scorch, equivalent focal length is equivalent to the 28-560mm of 35mm camera, what its abound is anxious paragraph of photography subject matter that can satisfy the majority. Film resolution 4000 × most the photograph of 3000, what SX20 IS joined popularity is high-definition photograph like the function, can film most the high-definition video of 720p, film optical scorch and optics can be used to prevent in the process of short shake a function, of its function doughty and complete can rival family expenses DV. Extensive role of F2.8(of the biggest aperture) - 5.7(grows anxious) , what can undertake 0cm is super small be apart from film. SX20 IS used scorch of high speed of drive of motor of USM(Ultrasonic Motor) ultrasonic, need to make an appointment with 1.3 seconds only to the biggest long Jiao Duan from end of the largest wide part. Sound of supportive VCM(Voice Coil Motor) encircles motor drive to be opposite anxious, make watch for an opportunity right anxious faster quieter. Supportive IS optics is prevented shake a technology, can achieve the video and stable result that is equivalent to raising rate of shutter of about 4 archives.

9, which has been the digital camera that suits to be patted oneself compared?

Which has been the digital camera that suits to be patted oneself compared?

Answer: The thank invites. I recommend Suo Ni A5100. < one > 24 million resemble element

< 2 > completely high-definition 1080P is photographed picture

< 3 > distribute machine of 16-50 lens headgear, just 2000 multivariate

< 4 > peak value is right anxious, this function is very practical, ni Kangjia can camera is done not have

< 5 > indication screen can search forward area, this is very important to be being patted oneself

< 6 > support a remote controller, this pair is patted oneself as much important

< 7 > very cabinet, can put jacket bag easily, because its follow-up type was added inside buy flashlight and viewfinder (this is both me all along need not) , bulk weight is greater than it, for instance Suo Ni A6000 besides much this different thing, other property and A5100 exactly like, expensive 700 yuan do not say, the balata blind fold of that viewfinder is a lot of bulgier, ugly hinderous, because balata is acerbity, put a bag in or in the bag very difficult,

Fall down easily still. Suo Ni A5100 turns over camera small more than sheet, small gain is to make carry, the most important is to be able to use very small tripod

So I recommend Suo Ni A5100

10, beautiful can it which sheet sends video instead is better that which sheet sends video instead?

The EOS R5 that beautiful can roll out recently and EOS R6 are to suit to film the sheet of video turns over camera very much. EOS R5 deployed 8K video to film function, and the slow-motion transcribe of 4K 120fps, still had at the same time resemble element completely double check anxious technology, clear central issue can hold when trailing mobile target.

And although EOS R6 does not have 8K transcribe, but the video that provided 4K 60fps films function, have likewise outstanding double check anxious function, comfortable in harmony photographs daily video and Vlog. Additional, two camera all used the 2nd generation to be prevented with 5 axes to anxious technology shake a system, conduce to the stability that increases video to film and definition, no matter be professional,accordingly movie and TV is made or the individual is created, it is very right choice.
