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1. 控制热量:晚饭热量过高容易在身体停止运动后转化成脂肪堆积,影响健康和身材。建议晚餐热量摄入不超过当天总能量需求的30%,避免高热量、高脂肪、高糖的食物。

2. 合理搭配碳水化合物、蛋白质和蔬菜:健身人士可以在晚餐适当摄入一些碳水化合物,比如全麦面包、糙米饭、玉米、马铃薯、豆腐等,以便为身体提供足够的能量;同时需要注意摄入足够的蛋白质,比如肉类、蛋类、豆类、奶制品等,以帮助肌肉修复;此外,还要注意多吃蔬菜,摄入足够的膳食纤维、维生素和矿物质。

3. 控制脂肪和盐分的摄入:健身人士在晚饭中应该控制油脂、盐分和烧烤食品的摄入量,以免影响身体健康。


1. 烤鸡胸肉、鱼肉或鸡蛋白来补充蛋白质。

2. 高纤维、蔬菜、豆腐、羊肉、鸡肉等含有较少脂肪的食物。

3. 全谷物碳水化合物,如糙米、全麦面包、燕麦等。

4. 水果,如香蕉、草莓、蓝莓等。水果富含维生素、矿物质和天然糖分,为晚餐搭配提供了更多选择。 





Is there oxygen to calculate before dinner hollow is there oxygen?


Hollow cent of the candy in the purpose of oxygen depends on the body and insulin lowest when adipose cell accepts put oneself in another's position more sensitive, more adipose than be being decomposed easily at ordinary times. Evening is anteprandial and hollow having oxygen also is hollow have oxygen, have 4-6 only probably from lunch at that time nevertheless hour, when blood sugar and insulin level rise impossibly in the morning than you low.

Is there case of oxygen fitness article?

I like athletic fitness, I feel self-discipline is not the ticket that others gives you, blend in the passion of the life however, will move, let us do fitness having oxygen together, let life spurt give out happiness.

How to after there is oxygen afternoon, have dinner?

After oxygen moves afternoon, dinner should with high protein low adipose food is given priority to, control the amount of carbohydrate, the quantity that had better become with 5-6 is OK, time cannot too late, in 7-8 the dot has dinner best.

How long does dinner hind suit fitness?

Usually a hour after the meal, can have gymnastical activity, eat a meal to cannot undertake fitness immediately later, meet otherwise healthy to ours cause a harm, should removed fitness undertakes again after a hour.

Of gymnastical dinner have a way correctly?

Person dinner of fitness should be edible high protein, low adipose with easy digestive food.

 The person dinner of 1. fitness should be edible high protein, low adipose with easy digestive food, the refreshment that conduces to the body so and sarcous grow.

2. is in gymnastical process, muscle can use up a lot of protein, when because this dinner is absorbed,enough protein can help muscle get reaching, restore effectively and grow.

In the meantime, overmuch adipose photograph initiate adverse to the body, bring about easily fat, and the digestive burden that digestible food can reduce the body, more the refreshment that is helpful for the body and rehabilitate.

 The high protein with common 3. is low adipose food includes pink of pigeon breast flesh, fish, lean lean, albumen, legume to wait.

In addition, fitness person can arrange dinner cookbook reasonably with digestive circumstance according to his taste be fond of, absorb right amount carbohydrate, wait like a few whole wheat bread, rice, unpolished rice, make the body can have enough energy to attend training, won't produce digestive load again at the same time.

Is there oxygen to there is the effect after dinner?

Dinner hind undertakes motion is effective having oxygen. Motion having oxygen can raise heartbeat and metabolization rate, the help uses up calorie, promote adipose combustion. Dinner hind undertakes motion can use the energy after eat having oxygen, prevent energy translate into adipose store. In addition, motion having oxygen still can improve heart lungs function, enhance cardiovascular health. However, dinner hind undertakes motion may affect Morpheus quality having oxygen, because this proposal is right amount after dinner,rest for some time to have campaign again, with digesting food adequately. The most important is, the carry momentum that keeps measurable and reasonable dietary structure ability achieve the result that health reduces weight.

Suit to there is oxygen after dinner or do not have oxygen?

Depend on a circumstance and decide, need combines individual body state, target and athletic habit to decide. Normally for, the motion that do not have oxygen suits dinner hind to undertake more. Because do not have the high strenth when oxygen motion can pass motion to use up the glycogen inside body quickly, have the better effect that reduce fat. In the meantime, the motion that do not have oxygen still has increase muscle strength and the function that improve body configuration. But, if individual body state fits the campaign do not have oxygen of high strenth not quite, already fatigue perhaps excessive, can consider to undertake longitudinal has oxygen campaign, like take a walk or canter etc, in order to achieve slow the purpose of the body. As a whole, the campaign that has after dinner should be have oxygen with longitudinal or in of high strenth give priority to without oxygen, can undertake adjustment according to individual need and body circumstance, cannot excessive move and cause body load too big.

How long can dinner hind move fitness?

After eating dinner, probably 20 minutes or, half an hour comes out to move later, let oneself won't feel abdomen is uncomfortable, run ran lets gastric ministry well digest.

What does person dinner of fitness eat?

Gymnastical personage should pay attention to the following respects on the dietary collocation of dinner:

1.Control quantity of heat: Dinner quantity of heat is exorbitant and easy change into adipose accumulation after the body suspends campaign, affect health and figure. Proposal dinner quantity of heat is absorbed 30% what do not exceed requirement of total that day energy, avoid the food of high quantity of heat, high adipose, high in syrup.

2.Reasonable and tie-in carbohydrate, protein and vegetable: Gymnastical personage can absorb a few carbohydrate appropriately in dinner, for instance meal of whole wheat bread, unpolished rice, corn, potato, bean curd, so that be the body to provide enough energy; At the same time need notices to absorb enough protein, for instance the flesh kind, egg kind, legume, milk products, in order to help muscle rehabilitate; In addition, notice to eat vegetable more even, absorb enough prandial fiber, vitamin and mineral.

3.Control is adipose with salinity absorb: Gymnastical personage should control the intake of grease, salinity and barbecue food in dinner, lest the influence is healthy.

The health of dinner recommends food to be as follows:

1.Flesh of the chicken breast that bake, cruelly oppress or gallinaceous albumen will complement protein.

2.Tall fiber, vegetable, bean curd, hotpot, chicken contain less adipose food.

3.Complete cereal carbohydrate, be like unpolished rice, whole wheat biscuit, oaten etc.

4.Fruit, wait like banana, strawberry, La Mei. The fruit is contained a lot ofvitamin, mineral divide with natural candy, for dinner collocation offerred more alternative.

Anyhow, gymnastical personage should abide by low fat, low salt, low quantity of heat, enough protein, right amount carbohydrate in dinner, the principle of much vegetables and fruits, balanced and reasonable tie-in food, contented body the need of all sorts of nutriment, in the meantime, in dinner when also should avoid the food with too fat perhaps excessive as far as possible.

After dinner how long is gymnastical effect best?

The optimal time of the fitness after dinner depends on the individual's habits and customs and body state. Generally speaking, after dinner 1 it is better to have gymnastical effect to 2 hours. Because body of meal the back of a person is digested,absorb food to need time, move instantly after eat may cause unwell. And after the meal 1 arrive 2 hours, blood sugar level is already stable, the body has enough energy to undertake taking exercise. In addition, the fitness after dinner can be helped quicken metabolism, promote adipose combustion. But the body state of everybody and habits and customs are different, final time choice or the real case that should join an individual will decide. The proposal body response according to oneself and circumstance, find the gymnastical time that suits oneself most.
