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大学生心理健康论文  [摘要]  随着社会的飞速发展,人们的生活节奏正在日益加快,竞争越来越强烈,人际关系也变得越来越复杂;由于科学技术的飞速进步,知识爆炸性地增加,迫使人们不断地进行知识更新;“人类进入了情绪负重年代”,人们的观念意识、情感态度复杂嬗变。作为现代社会组成部分,在大学院校生活和学习的大学生,对社会心理这块时代的“晴雨表”,十分敏感。况且,大学生作为一个特殊的社会群体,还有他们自己许多特殊的问题,如对新的学习环境与任务的适应问题。对专业的选择与学习的适应问题,理想与现实的冲突问题,人际关系的处理与学习、恋爱中的矛盾问题以及对未来职业的选择问题等等。如何使他们避免或消除由上述种种心理压力而造成的心理应激、心理危机或心理障碍,增进心身健康,以积极的、正常的心理状态去适应当前和发展的社会环境,预防精神疾患和心身疾病的发生,加强对大学生的心理健康教育,就成为各高校迫切的需要和共同关注的问题。  随着我国经济水平的整体发展,人们的物质生活水平迅速提高,人们在追求身体健康的同时,也关注着心理健康,作为天子骄子的大学生也不例外。现今的大学生具有开阔的视野,活跃的思维,追求个性化的生活方式,充满着色彩浪漫的情感,但同时也面临着新的心理问题和冲突。  健康是人生的第一财富。对作为天子娇子的大学生来说,心理健康更是学业成就、事业成功、生活快乐的基础。  心理健康是由心理卫生的概念延伸过来的。心理健康通常是指一种积极的心理状态,心理卫生则是指一切维护心理健康的活动及研究心理健康的学问。  心理健康是指具有正常的智力、积极的情绪、适度的情感、和谐的人际关系、良好的人格品质、坚强的意志和成熟的心理行为等。心理键康与一个人的成就、贡献、成才关系重大。心理健康是大学生成才的基础。  一、心理健康的定义  心理健康是指这样一种状态,即人对内部环境具有安定感,对外部环境能以社会上的任何形式去适应,也就是说,遇到任何障碍和因难,心理都不会失调,能以适当的行为予以克服,这种安定、适应的状态就是心理健康的状态。衡量心理是否绝对健康是非常困难的。健康是相对的,没有绝对的分界线。一般判断心理是否正常,具有一下三项原则:其一,心理与环境的统一性。正常的心理活动,在内容和形式上与客观环境具有一致性。其二,心理与行为的统一性。这是指个体的心理与其行为是一个完整、统一和协调一致的过程。其三、人格的稳定性。人格是个体在长期生活经历过程中形成的独特个性心理特征的具体体现。而心理障碍是指心理疾病或轻微的心理失调。它出现在当代大学生身上大多数是因心身疲乏、紧张不安、心理矛盾冲突、遇到突如其来的问题或面临难以协调的矛盾等出现,时间短、程度较轻微,随情境的改变而消失或减缓;个别则时间长、程度较重,最后不得不休学甚至退学。心理障碍的表现形式多种多样,主要表现在心理活动和行为方面。表现在心理活动方面如感觉过敏或减退、体感异常、错觉、幻觉、遗忘、疑病妄想、语词新作、意识模糊、紊乱的心理特点和难以相处等等。行为方面和焦虑、冷漠、固执、攻击、心情沉重。心灰意冷,甚至痛不欲生等。  二、对大学生进行心理健康教育的意义  1、进行心理健康教育是提高学生综合素质的有效方式  心理素质是主体在心理方面比较稳定的内在特点,包括个人的精神面貌、气质、性格和情绪等心理要素,是其它素质形成和发展的基础。学生求知和成长,实质上是一种持续不断的心理活动和心理发展过程。教育提供给学生的文化知识,只有通过个体的选择、内化,才能渗透于个体的人格特质中,使其从幼稚走向成熟。这个过程,也是个体的心理素质水平不断提高的过程。学生综合素质的提高,在很大程度上要受到心理素质的影响。学生各种素质的形成,要以心理素质为中介,创造意识、自主人格、竞争能力、适应能力的形成和发展要以心理素质为先导。在复杂多变的社会环境中,保持良好的心理适应状况,是抗拒诱惑、承受挫折、实现自我调节的关键。正是从这个意义上可以说,大学生综合素质的强弱,主要取决于他们心理素质的高低,取决于学校心理健康教育的成功与否。  2、进行心理健康教育是驱动学生人格发展的基本动力  心理健康教育与受教育者的人格发展密切相关,并直接影响个体人格的发展水平。一方面,学生以在心理健康教育过程中接受的道德规范、行为方式、环境信息、社会期望等来逐渐完善自身的人格结构;另一方面,客观存在的价值观念作为心理生活中对自身一种衡量、评价和调控,也影响着主体人格的发展,并且在一定条件下还可转化为人格特质,从而使人格发展上升到一个新的高度。同时,心理健康教育不是消极地附属于这种转化,而是在转化过程中能动地引导受教育者调整方向,使个体把握自我,对自身的行为进行认识评价,从而达到心理优化、健全人格的目的。  3、进行心理健康教育是开发学生潜能的可靠途径  教育的目的之一就是要开发受教育者的潜能。良好的心理素质和潜能开发是相互促进、互为前提的,心理健康教育为二者的协调发展创造必要条件。心理健康教育通过激发受教育者的自信心,帮助主体在更高的层次上认识自我,从而实现角色转换,发展对环境的适应能力,最终使潜能得到充分发展。  三、当代大学生心理问题的现状  当代大学生的心理素质不仅影响到他们自身的发展,而且也关系到全民族素质的提高,更关系到跨世纪人才的培养,一项关于当代人主要素质的调查表明,当代人的素质不能适应社会进步和发展的需要,最欠缺的是心理素质,具体表现为意志薄弱,缺乏承受挫折的能力、适应能力和自立能力,缺乏竞争意识和危机意识,缺乏自信心,依赖性强等。究其原因,与教育不重视人的心理素质的培养与塑造有关。在大学生中,有人因自我否定、自我拒绝而几乎失去从事一切行动的愿望和信心;有人因考试失败或恋爱受挫而产生轻生念头或自毁行为;有人因现实不理想而玩世不恭或万念俱灰;有人因人际关系不和而逃避群体自我封闭。大量调查表明,目前我国大学生发病率高的主要原因是心理障碍,精神疾病已成为大学生的主要疾病。具体表现为恐怖、焦虑、强迫、抑郁和情感危机、神经衰弱等。我校每年对新生进行心理健康状况调查,结果表明每年有大量大学生心理素质不良,存在不同程度的障碍。土木水利学院 2002级学生入学第一年便因心理问题休学4人,他们四人分别因为:1、追求女生遭到拒绝而情绪不稳定;2、长时间怀疑同学背后议论自己、鄙视自己,因而不敢面对别人;3、对生活目标丧失信心,低糜消沉,抑郁;4、狂躁不安,行为异常。最终都不能继续学业。常见的大学生心理问题还表现为环境应激问题、自我认识失调、人际关系障碍、情绪情感不稳、感情适应不良等。当代大学生心理问题不容忽视。  四、对当代大学生心理问题的原因分析  大学生心理素质方面存在的种种问题一方面是与他们自身所处的心理发展阶段有关,同时也与他们所处的社会环境分不开。大学生一般年龄在十七、八岁至二十二、三岁,正处在青年中期,青年期是人的一生中心理变化最激烈的时期。由于心理发展不成熟,情绪不稳定,面临一系列生理、心理、社会适应的课题时,心理冲突矛盾时有发生,如理想与现实的冲突、理智与情感的冲突、独立与依赖的冲突、自尊与自卑的冲突、求知与辨别能力差的冲突、竟争与求稳的冲突等等。这些冲突和矛盾若得不到有效疏导、合理解决,久而久之会形成心理障碍,特别是当代大学生,为了在激烈的高考竟争中取胜,几乎是全身心投人学习,家长的过度保护、学校的应试教育、生活经历的缺乏使这些学生心理脆弱、意志薄弱、缺乏挫折承受力,在学习、生活、交友、恋爱、择业等方面小小的挫折足以使他们中的一些人难以承受,以致出现心理疾病,甚至离校出走、自杀等。从环境因素看,竟争的加剧、生活节奏的加速,使人产生了时间的紧迫感和压力感;个人对生活目标的选择机会增多,难以兼顾的矛盾加剧了内心的冲突,产生了无所适从的焦虑感。凡此种种,对变化的环境适应不良而出现的各种困惑、迷惘、不安、紧张在明显增加,社会的变革给正在成长着的大学生带来的心理冲击比以往任何一个时代更强烈、更复杂。各种生理因素、心理因紊、社会因素交织在一起,极易造成大学生心理发展中的失衡状态。心理素质低劣的人自然不能适应高速度、高科技、高竞争的环境,心理负荷沉重便容易导致各种心理疾病。  1、客观方面  与中学比,大学时期的学习、生活、人际关系都发生了很大变化。  1)学习的任务、内容、方法发生了变化。中学学的是基础知识,目的是为今后继续深造或就业做准备;大学学的是专业知识,目的是把学生塑造成建设祖国的高级专门人才。中学课程几年一贯学习仅有的几门高考课程,中学有老师天天辅导,日日相随;大学要有较强的自学能力,独立地思考和解决问题。新大学生往往不适应这种变化了的学习生活,不知道如何适应和支配时间。  2)生活环境发生了变化。部分新生在中学有寄读经历,但多数新生仍然是上学到学校,放学同家人居住在一起。进入大学后,班集体成为主要生活环境,宿舍成了主要的生活区,日常生活全要自理,这对那些平时习惯于依靠父母、家庭的人来说,确实是个难题。这种变化给他们带来了一定的精神压力。  3)人际关系较中学时代要复杂。大部分新生在中学时期居住的比较集中,从小学到中学,都有一些从小在一块儿的伙伴;班主任一任数年,天天相见。熟悉的面孔、相似的语言、习俗,构成自己熟悉的生活环境。跨进大学,周围的人来自不同地区,素昧平生,语言、习俗各不相同;同学间由原来的热热闹闹、亲密无间变得陌生,有想法也难以启齿。这对年龄仅有十七八岁的新生来说,是极不习惯的,因此,每逢节假日就会想家、想同学,会产生孤独感。  4)对待社会工作的态度发生了变化。中学的工作和活动多是在老师指导下开展,由少数同学承担的。大学强凋学生的自我管理,班里事情多,社团活动多,学生除了要搞好自身的学习外,还要担负一定的社会工作,关心班集体建设。新生往往不大适应这种较大工作量的生活,缺乏工作主动性,在其位又不知如何谋其政,感到压力大。  2、主观方面  新生物质生活的依赖性与精神生活的独立意识发生着矛盾;日益增强的自主自立意识以及主观愿望上的自主自立与客观条件上的可能性及能力之间发生着矛盾。这两方面的原因使那些适应新环境能力不强的新大学生很容易产生如下心理问题:  一是盲目自满与自我陶醉。因为考取了大学,老师表扬,同学羡慕,亲友夸奖,父母庆贺,部分学生在这种自我陶醉中渐渐松懈了斗志,终日悠哉游哉,认为自己是中学的尖子,大学里成绩也不会差,从而放松了对自己的要求,盲目自满。  二是失望与失宠感。有的学生入学前把大学生活过于理想化、神秘化,入学后感到理想与现实差距太大,因而产生失望感,有的学生曾是中学的尖子,是家庭与学校的重点保护对象,进入大学一下子不受重视了,就会产生失宠感。  三是松气情绪与歇脚心理。有的同学认为考上大学就是端上了铁饭碗,长期拼搏的目标已经达到,心理上得到了满足,生理上希望得到休整。加上进入大学后奋斗目标不明,适应能力不强,竞争的气势也有所减弱,便产生了“松口气,歇歇脚”的心理,再也鼓不起前进的勇气了。  四是畏首畏尾。因为环境变化而瞻前顾后畏缩不前,社会活动不参加,运动场不光顾。整日除了学习之外,无所事事,生活单一,有碍个性发展。  五、如何正确地认识自我  我们时常在各种报刊杂志上看到目前大学生中存在较为严重的心理问题,大学生中有心理障碍甚至精神病的人数还在不断增加。  大学生是从为数众多的中学生中选拔出来的佼佼者,在心理上有很强的优越感和自豪感。但是与此同时,大学生则承受着更大的压力和挑战。大学生往往自视甚高,很容易受挫折,并随之发生一系列心理卫生问题。从外部环境看,当前不断变化的思想观念、社会生活环境等都对大学生产生了深刻的影响,大学生必须快速适应紧张的社会生活节奏;就业竞争的加剧所带来职业选择的提前以及与之相关的高强度的心智付出等也使大学生的心理压力进一步加大。从大学生自身看,大学正是人生成长与发展的重要时期,大学生的生理、心理与社会化的协调发展中存在这样或那样的矛盾冲突,理想自我与现实自我往往会发生矛盾。面对这些问题,如果大学生不能很好地适应环境解决问题,就会产生一系列的心理障碍甚至精神疾病。  因此,培养良好的人格品质。良好的人格品质首先应该正确认识自我,培养悦纳自我的态度,扬长避短,不断完善自己。其次应该提高对挫折的承受能力,对挫折有正确的认识,在挫折面前不惊慌失措,采取理智的应付方法,化消极因素为积极因素。挫折承受能力的高低与个人的思想境界、对挫折的主观判断、挫折体验等有关。提高挫折承受能力应努力提高自身的思想境界,树立科学的人生观,积极参加各类实践活动,丰富人生经验。  养成科学的生活方式。生活方式对心理健康的影响已为科学研究所证明。健康的生活方式指生活有规律、劳逸结合、科学用脑、坚持体育锻炼、少饮酒、不吸烟、讲究卫生等。大学生的学习负担较重,心理压力较大,为了长期保持学习的效率,必须科学地安排好每天的学习、锻炼、休息,使生活有规律。学会科学用脑就是要勤用脑、合理用脑、适时用脑,避免用脑过度引起神经衰弱,使思维、记亿能力减退。  加强自我心理调节。自我调节心理健康的核心内容包括调整认识结构、情绪状态,锻炼意志品质,改善适应能力等。大学生处于青年期阶段,青年期的突出特点是人的性生理在经历了从萌发到成熟的过渡之后,逐渐进入活跃状态。从心理发展的意义上说,这个阶段是人生的多事之秋。这是因为,经验的缺乏和知识的幼稚决定了这个时期人的心理发展的某些方面落后于生理机能的成长速度。因而,在其发展过程中难免会发生许多尴尬、困惑、烦恼和苦闷。另一方面,我国正处在建立社会主义市场经济和实现社会主义现代化战略目标的关键时期。社会情况正在发生复杂和深刻的变化,社会竞争日趋激烈,生活节奏日益加快,科学技术急剧发展。这种情况也会在早晚要进入社会的青年学生中引发这样或那样的心理矛盾和心理冲突,例如父母下岗、家庭生活发生变故、学习成绩不佳、交友失败、失恋等。这些心理问题如果总是挥之不去,日积月累,就有可能成为心理障碍而影响学习和生活。让学生正视现实,学会自我调节,保持同现实的良好接触。进行自我调节,充分发挥主观能动性去改造环境,努力实现自己的理想目标。  所以大学生在学生过程中应学会自我心理调适,做到心理健康:  1、保持浓厚的学习兴趣和求知欲望。学习是大学生的主要任务,有了学习兴趣就能够自觉地跃入浩瀚的知识海洋里邀游,拼命地吸取新知识,发展多方面的能力,以提高自身素质,更好地适应社会发展的需要。  2、保持乐观的情绪和良好的心境,大学生应保持积极乐观的情绪、愉快开朗的心境,对未来充满信心和希望,当遇到悲伤和忧愁的事情要学会自我调节,适度地表达和控制情绪,做到胜不骄、败不馁、喜不狂、忧不绝。  六、对大学生心理问题的教育措施  人的心理素质不是天赋的,而是取决于后天的教育与训练,教育对心理素质的提高起着决定性的作用。我校在大学生心理素质教育方面进行了许多探索和尝试,开展了一系列工作,并取得良好效果,但同时也有许多不足的地方有待改进。以下是行之有效的教育措施:  1、充分发挥学校心理咨询作用。  学校心理咨询是增进学生心理健康、优化心理素质的重要途径,也是心理素质教育的重要组成部分。随着时间的推移,心理咨询被越来越多的人承认和接受,越来越多的大专院校,甚至中学开始设置心理咨询机构。心理咨询可以指导学生减轻内心矛盾和冲突,排解心中忧难,开发身心潜能。还能帮助学生正确认识自己、把握自己,有效地适应外界环境。近年来,心理咨询机构不断完善,增设了多种形式的服务,已成为大学生心理素质教育最有效的途径。  2、开展大一新生心理健康调查,做到心理问题早期发现与预防。  开展心理素质教育的前提是了解掌握学生心理素质的状态,从而有针对性地提出教育措施与方案。我校每年对新生进行心理健康普查,采用“心理健康问卷”从中筛选出有心理症状的学生,主动约请他们到心理咨询中心进一步通过面谈分析诊断,每年约有 10%的新生被约请面谈,根据面谈分析,区别不同的问题类型与程度,采取不同的应对措施,防患于未然,做到了心理问题早期发现、及时干预,使学生在入学之初就能得到具体的心理健康指导。  3、 把心理素质教育渗透在各科教学之中。  通过各科教学进行心素质教育既是学校心理教育实施的途径,也是各科教学自身发展的必然要求。各科教学过程都包括着极其丰富的心理教育因素,因为教学过程是经社会历史积淀的文化知识、道德规范、思想价值观念为内容和主导的。教师在传授知识过程中,只要注重考虑学生的心理需求,激发学生学习的兴趣,并深入挖掘知识内在的教育意义,就能够把人类历史形成的知识、经验、技能转化为自己的精神财富,即内化成学生的思想观点、人生价值和良好的心理素质,并在他们身上持久扎根。  4、开设心理教育必修课,增强自我教育能力。  心理素质的提高离不开相应知识的掌握,系统学习心理、卫生、健康等方面的知识,有助于学生了解心理发展规律,掌握心理调节方法,增强自我教育的能力。心理素质教育的效果在很大程度上取决于学生自我教育的主动性和积极性,取决于学生自我教育能力的高低。因此,心理素质教育就是要注重培养学生自我教育的能力。  5、加强校园文化建设,为大学生健康成长创造良好的心理社会环境。  大学生的健康成长离不开健康的心理社会环境,大学生心理素质的培养离不开良好的校园文化氛围。校风是校园文化建设的重要内容,也是影响学生心理发展的重要条件。良好的校风会潜移默化地优化学生的心理品质,如团结友爱的校风是学生形成群体凝聚力、集体荣誉感的土壤,有利于使人与人之间保持和谐的人际关系,促进同学之间相互沟通、相互帮助。丰富多彩的校园文化活动有助于培养学生乐观向上的生活态度和健康愉悦的情绪特征。因此,学校应该花力量抓校园文化建设,开展形式多样的文体活动和学术活动,形成健康向上的氛围、宽松理解的环境,有助于学生深化自我认识,充分发展个性,改善适应能力。  心理健康可以促进大学生全面发展健康的心理品质是大学生全面发展的基本要求,也是将来走向社会,在工作岗位上发挥智力水平、积极从事社会活动和不断向更高层次发展的重要条件。充分认识德智体美劳等方面的和谐发展,是以健康的心理品质作为基础的,一个人心理健康状态直接影响和制约着全面发展的实现。  心理健康可以使大学生克服依赖心理增强独立性。大学生经过努力的拼搏和激烈的竞争,告别了中学时代、跨入了大学,进入了一个全新的生活天地。大学生必须从靠父母转向靠自己。上大学前,在他们想象中的大学犹如“天堂”一般,浪漫奇特,美妙无比。上大学后,紧张的学习,严格的纪律,生活的环境,使他们难以适应。因此,大学生必须注重心理健康,尽快克服依赖性,增强独立性,积极主动适应大学生活,度过充实而有意义的大学生活。  心理健康是大学生取得事业成功的坚实心理基础。目前我国大学毕业生的分配工作已发生了很大变化,大学生都实行供需见面、双向选择、择优录用等方式,择业的竞争必然会使大学生心理上产生困惑和不安定感。因而,面对新形势大学生要注意保持心理健康,培养自立、自强、自律的良好心理素质,锻炼自己的社会交往能力、使自己在变幻复杂的社会环境中,作出选择适宜自己角色的正确抉择,敢于面对困难、挫折与挑战,追求更加完美的人格,为事业成功奠定坚实的心理基础。  优良的心理素质在青年学生全面素质的提高中起着举足轻重的作用,它必将对二十一世纪人才的质量产生积极而又深远的影响。健康的心理是一个人全面发展必须具备的条件和基础。加强对大学生心理素质的教育与培养,全面提高跨世纪人才质量已成为高等学校所面临的迫切任务。二十一世纪是一个思想文化激荡、价值观念多元、新闻舆论冲击、社会瞬息万变、的世纪,面对如此纷繁复杂的世界,未来人才都可能在某一时刻出现心理危机。二十一世纪人才的心理承受能力将经受更为严峻的考验。为此,就要不断加强对青年大学生的适应性、承受力、调控力、意志力、思维力、创造力以及自信心等心理素质的教育与培养,使他们真正懂得:要想占有未来,不仅要作思想品德、智能、体魄的储备,更要作战胜各种困难挫折的心理准备,从而引导他们科学地走出自我认识的误区,更新观念,突破时空,超越自我,唯有如此,方能在搏击中,翱翔自如,走向成熟,参与国际人才竞争,迎接新世纪的挑战!  参考文献  《大学生心理健康教育》主编 吕建国 四川大学出版社  《大学生心理辅导》主编 苏巧荣 苏林雁 浙江大学出版社  《心理学教程》主编 王贵林 陈洵 广东高等教育出版社


  of paper of undergraduate mental health [summary] the   flying development as the society, the life rhythm of people is being accelerated increasingly, competition is more and more intense, human relation also becomes more and more complex; As a result of the flying progress of science and technology, knowledge increases volatily, force people to undertake knowledge is updated ceaselessly; "The mankind entered a mood to load time " , manner of the ideal consciousness of people, affection is complex evolution. Regard modern society as component, in the undergraduate that college school lives and learns, manage to social heart of this times " barometer " , very sensitive. Besides, the undergraduate regards a special society as the group, still have themselves a lot of special problems, if be opposite,learn environment and job newly get used to a problem. To professional choice and study get used to a problem, ideal and real conflict problem, the contradictory problem in the processing of human relation and study, love and choose a problem wait a moment to prospective occupational. How make they avoid or eliminate by afore-mentioned a variety of psychology pressure and the heart behoove that cause is stimulated, psychological crisis or psychogenic disorder, further heart body is healthy, with active, normal mentation goes suiting to be mixed currently the social environment of development, precautionary spirit disease suffers from the happening with heart body disease, strengthen the mental health education to the undergraduate, become the need with each urgent college and the issue that pay close attention to jointly. Develop as the whole of standard of our country economy, the corporeal standard of living of people rises quickly, people is while pursuit is healthy, also paying close attention to mental health, regard the emperor as arrogant child the undergraduate is not exceptional also. The undergraduate of nowadays has open view, active thinking, pursue personalized way of life, be full of the affection of colour romance, but also facing new psychological issue and conflict at the same time. Health is the first fortune of life. To regarding the emperor as charming child for the undergraduate, mental health is the foundation of joy of success of school work achievement, career, life more. Mental health is by the concept of mental hygiene outspread come over. Mental health is to point to a kind of active mentation normally, mental hygiene is the activity that shows everything maintains mental health and the science that study mental health. The human relation that mental health is the intelligence that shows it is normal to have, positive sentiment, measurable affection, harmony, good character quality, firm volition and mature psychology behavior. Psychology bolts health count for much of the achievement with a person, contribution, grow into useful timber. Mental health is the foundation of undergraduate grow into useful timber. One, the definition mental health of mental health is to point to a kind of such condition, namely the person has stable feeling to in-house environment, to external environment can with socially any forms go suiting, that is to say, encounter because of,any obstacles are mixed difficult, psychology won't maladjusted, can give with appropriate action overcome, this kind of stable, accommodative condition is the condition of mental health. Measure psychology whether absolutely health is special difficulty. Health is opposite, without absolutely boundary. General judgement psychology is normal, have 3 principles: One of, the oneness of psychology and environment. Normal psychological activity, consistency is had in content and formally and external environment. Secondly, the oneness of psychology and behavior. This is to show individual psychology and its behavior are the process with consistent attune of a complete, unified chime. Thirdly, the stability of character. Character is individual what experience the feature of distinct personality psychology that forms in the process in long-term life is specific reflect. And psychogenic disorder is to show psychological disease or slight psychology are maladjusted. It is contemporary piece now because heart body is tired, nervous,the great majority on undergraduate body is disturbed, psychology is contradictory the conflict, problem that encounters arise suddenly or be faced with the contradiction that coordinates hard to wait appear, time weak point, degree is slighter, follow the change of circumstances and disappear or slow down; Individual a time long, degree is heavier, must not learn to leave school even endlessly finally. The expressional form of psychogenic disorder is varied, main show is mixed in psychological activity behavior respect. Expression is like in psychological activity respect hypersensitive or drop, body sense is unusual, illusive, psychedelic, forget, hypochondriasis covet, phraseology is made newly, ambiguous, disorder psychology characteristic mixes consciousness to get along hard etc. Behavior respect and angst, chill, obstinate, attack, heavy-hearted. Heart grey meaning is cold, be overwhelmed with sorrow even etc. 2, the meaning   that undertakes to the undergraduate mental health is taught 1, undertaking mental health is taught is to raise a student the quality of efficient way psychology of integrated quality is main body the inherent characteristic that stabilizes quite in psychological respect, the psychological element such as the spiritual outlook that includes an individual, temperamental, disposition and mood, it is the base that other quality is formed and expands. The student seeks knowledge and grow, it is a kind of continual psychology activity and psychological development process essentially. Education provides literacy knowledge of the student, carry individual option only, inside change, ability is permeated at individual character idiosyncratic in, make its mature from babyish trend. This process, also be the process that individual psychological quality standard improves ceaselessly. The student is integrated of quality rise, should get greatly the influence of psychological quality. Student the formation of all sorts of quality, want to be intermediary with psychological quality, creation consciousness, own person is ability of case, competition, comfortable should the formation of force and development want to be forerunner with psychological quality. In complex and changeful society environment, the mentality that keeps good gets used to a state, it is to resist temptation, bear the setback, key that realizes ego adjustment. Can say from this meaning just about, the undergraduate is integrated of quality lose by force, basically depend on the discretion of their psychology quality, depend on the success that school mental health teachs. 2, closely related the education of mental health of main motive force that undertakes mental health education is development of drive student moral quality and the character evolution that accept pedagogue, affect the development level of individual character directly. On one hand, information of means of the ethic that the student accepts with be in process of mental health education, behavior, environment, society expects to wait for the character structure that will perfect oneself gradually; On the other hand, in putting the value sense that be in objectively to regard psychology as the life, be opposite oneself is measured one kind, evaluation and adjusting control, also affecting the development of main body character, and be below certain condition still can change humanness style idiosyncratic, make character development rises to a new height thereby. In the meantime, mental health education is not change inactively at this kind accessorily, guide actively in changing a course however suffer pedagogue to adjust direction, make individual hold ego, undertake knowing evaluating to the behavior of oneself, achieve psychology to optimize thereby, the purpose of sound moral quality. 3, one of objectives that undertake mental health teachs the responsible approach that is development student potential should develop the potential that gets pedagogue namely. Good psychological quality and potential development are to be promoted each other, each other is premise, mental health teachs the harmonious development that is both to create requirement. Mental health teachs the self-confident heart that gets pedagogue through arousing, help main body knows ego on higher administrative levels, realize part changeover thereby, the suiting that develops pair of environments ability, make potential gets developing adequately finally. 3, the psychological quality of contemporary undergraduate affects the current situation of problem of contemporary undergraduate psychology not only the development of their oneself, and also matter to entire nation quality rise, more matter to the education that crosses century talent, about contemporary person the investigation of main quality makes clear one, the quality of contemporary person cannot get used to the need that the society progresses and admits, the most defective is psychological quality, incorporate is feebleminded, lack bears the ability of the setback, get used to ability and free-standing ability, lack competitive consciousness and crisis consciousness, lack self-confident heart, dependence is strong wait. Investigate its reason, the education with the psychological quality that teachs ignored person and model about. In the undergraduate, because negative, ego rejects ego and somebody loses the aspiration that pursues all actions and confidence almost; Somebody comes into being commit suicide thought or self-destruction action because of exam failure or amative be thwarted; Because somebody is actual not ideal and cynical or be utterly disheartened; Somebody closes because of human relation is on bad terms and escaping group ego. A large number of investigation make clear, the main reason with at present high incidence of a disease of our country undergraduate is psychogenic disorder, mental disease already made main disease of the undergraduate. Incorporate is horrible, angst, force, depressed with affection the crisis, neurasthenic etc. My school undertakes to the new student mental health state is investigated every year, the result makes clear have quality of many undergraduate psychology every year undesirable, put in the obstacle of different level. Institute of building irrigation works enter a school of 2002 class student the first year because of psychological problem suspend one's schooling 4 people, they because,4 people part: 1, pursuit schoolgirl refuses and the mood is not stabilized; 2, suspect a classmate for long him make talk, distain oneself, dare not face others consequently; 3, lose confidence to life aim, low rotten depression, depressed; 4, manic uneasiness, action is unusual. Cannot continue finally school work. Common undergraduate psychology problem returns expression to should stimulate problem, ego to know feeling of obstacle of maladjusted, human relation, mood for the environment malajustment of flabby, feeling. Problem of contemporary undergraduate psychology nots allow to ignore. 4, a variety of problems that exist to the respect of quality of psychology of case study undergraduate of problem of contemporary undergraduate psychology are on one hand with them the psychology with located oneself develops level to concern, at the same time as located as them also society environment is not divided. Average age is in the undergraduate seventeen, 8 years old come 22, 3 years old, lying young metaphase, young period is the period with the most intense change of the psychology in the person's lifetime. Because psychological development is immature, the mood is not stable, when facing the task that a series of physiology, psychology, society gets used to, psychological conflict contradiction happens from time to tome, self-respect and independence and reason and the conflict that is like ideal and reality, affective conflict, dependent conflict, self-abased conflict, curious with discern the conflict with poor ability, contend for unexpectedly with seek firm conflict etc. If these conflict and contradiction cannot get effective dredge, reasonable solution definitely, as time passes can form psychogenic disorder, especially contemporary undergraduate, to be in intense the university entrance exam is contended for unexpectedly in get victory, it is systemic heart sends person study almost, the should try education, life to experience lack of the parent's overprotection, school makes these student psychology flimsy, feebleminded, devoid setback bears force, in study, life, pay the respect such as course of study of friendly, love, choose a few people that small setback enough makes them medium bear hard, disease of occurrence psychology of as a result, even leave school leaves, the suicide. Look from environmental element, the acceleration of rhythm of the aggravate that contends for unexpectedly, life, make the person produced the sense of urgency of time and pressure move; The choice opportunity grow in quantity of individual opposite vivid target, hard the contradictory aggravate of give attention to two or morethings inner conflict, produced the angst move of not know what to do. Every this a variety of, all sorts of appears to environmental malajustment of change bewilderment, perplexed, disturbed, insecurity is increasing apparently, the psychological concussion of the society that changes to be brought to the undergraduate that growing is compared before any times is more intense, more complex. All sorts of physiology elements, psychology interweaves together because of element of confused, society, create position of unbalance of undergraduate psychology developing extremely easily. The person nature with psychological inferior quality cannot get used to the environment that competes high rate, high-tech, high, psychological load is heavy cause all sorts of psychology diseases easily. 1, impersonal aspect and middle school are compared, the study of university period, life, human relation produced very big change. 1) the task of study, content, method produced change. What the middle school learns is ABC, the purpose is take advanced courses to will continue henceforth or obtain employment prepares; What the university learns is professional knowledge, the purpose is the advanced and technical qualified personnel of a motherland of construction of student fashion into. Middle school course always learns course of only a few the university entrance exam a few years, the middle school has a teacher to coach every day, follow every day; The university should have stronger self-study capacity, independent ground thinks and solve a problem. New undergraduate often incommensurate this kind of changed study lives, do not know how to suit and rule time. 2) surroundings produced change. Partial new student has in the middle school send read experience, but most new student is remained go to school the school, classes are over live together with family. After entering a college, class collective becomes main surroundings, the dormitory became main life area, daily life should provide for oneself completely, for the person that this is used to relying on parents, family at ordinary times to those, it is a difficult problem really. This kind of change brought constant mental pressure to them. 3) human relation is mediumer class hour generation wants complex. Major new student compares concentration in what middle school period lives, acquire a middle school as a child, a few is in as a child at the same place companionate; Ganger either holds the post of several years, meet every day. Familiar face, similar language, consuetudinary, form oneself familiar surroundings. Cross matriculate, the person all round comes from different area, have never met before, language, consuetudinary each are not identical; Between the classmate by original lively, close become unfamiliar, have idea also hard open one's mouth. This is only to the age for new student of 8 years old seventeen, it is extremely unaccustomed, accordingly, whenever holiday can consider the home, consider a fellow student, can produce alone move. 4) the manner that handles work produced change. The job of the middle school and activity are more begin below teacher guidance, assume by a few classmate. The ego of student of university strong wither manages, the business in the class is much, mass organizations activity is much, student besides should do well outside the study of oneself, load regular in addition to one's regular job even, care a collective construction. The new student often gets used to the life of this kind of bigger workload not quite, lack working initiative, in its do not know how to be sought again its politics, feel pressure is great. 2, the independent consciousness of the dependence that material of subjective side new student lives and cultural life is producing contradiction; The own and free-standing consciousness that increases increasingly and subjective desire are producing contradiction between the recognizant possibility that goes up with external condition independently independently and ability. The reason of this two respects makes those get used to the new undergraduate with new environment not strong capability to produce following psychological problems very easily: It is blind and complacent with narcissism. Because of pass an entrance examination university, the teacher is praised, classmate envy, relatives and friends is complimentary, parents congratulates, partial student is gradually lax in this kind of narcissism fight, all day leisurely You Zai, think oneself are the best of its kind of the middle school, the achievement in the university also won't be differred, relaxed the requirement to oneself thereby, blind and complacent. 2 it is disappointment and disfavor feeling. Live the university before some student enter a school too Utopian, mystification, hind of enter a school feels ideal and real difference are too big, produce disappointed move consequently, some students ever were the best of its kind of the middle school, the key that is family and school protects a boy or girl friend, enter a college at a draught unvalued, with respect to meeting generation disfavor feels. 3 it is mood of relax one's efforts and psychology of stop on the way for a rest. Some classmates think to take an examination of got on an university to carry iron rice bowl-a secure job namely, the target that goes all out in work for a long time has been achieved, mentally got satisfaction, the hope on physiology gets rest and reorganization. Add the target struggles after entering a college unidentified, get used to ability not strong, competitive imposing manner also somewhat abate, arose " release what is held is angry, rest stop on the way for a rest " psychology, also rouse the courage that does not have advancement again. 4 it is be overcautious. Because of environmental change overcautious and indecisive is craven not before, social activity does not attend, playground not patronage. Days whole besides study, faineant, the life is single, individual character of be a hindrance to develops. 5, how to know ego correctly the psychological problem that we see the existence in the undergraduate is relatively at present serious on all sorts of newspapers and periodicals constantly, there is psychogenic disorder in the undergraduate even mental number still is increasing ceaselessly. The undergraduate is the person above average that comes out from the choose in numerous high school student, there are very strong advantageous sense and sense of pride in mentally. But meanwhile, the undergraduate is bearing greater pressure and challenge. Undergraduate often consider oneself is very tall, very easy bilk bilk, produce a series of mental hygiene problems subsequently. Look from external environment, produce the effect that gave birth to profundity surroundings of the idea idea that changes ceaselessly currently, society to the undergraduate, the undergraduate must get used to nervous social life rhythm quickly; The aggravate place that obtain employment competes brings what the profession chooses to shift to an earlier date and to it the intelligence of relevant high strenth is paid wait to also make psychological pressure of the undergraduate is increased further. Look from undergraduate oneself, the university is life grows the important period with development, exist in the harmonious development of the undergraduate's physiology, psychology and socialization such or in that way contradictory conflict, ideal ego and actual ego often can produce contradiction. Face these problems, if undergraduate cannot well acclimatization solves a problem, can arise a series of psychogenic disorder even mental disease. Accordingly, foster good character quality. Good character quality should know ego correctly above all, education likes the attitude of ego, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, perfect oneself ceaselessly. Should increase pair of frustrations next bear ability, have accurate knowledge to the setback, not panic-stricken before the setback, adopt reason deal with a method, change negative factor to be positive factor. The setback bears experience of the thought state of the discretion of ability and individual, subjective judgement to the setback, setback about. Raise a setback to bear the thought state that ability should try hard to raise oneself, establish scientific philosophy, enter activity of of all kinds practice actively, abound life experience. The lifestyle of nurturance science. Lifestyle already was scientific institute proof to the influence of mental health. Healthy lifestyle shows the life has the law, strike a proper balance between work and rest, science uses a brain, insist to drink physical training, less, not smoking, exquisite sanitation. Study burden of the undergraduate is heavier, psychological pressure is greater, to carry the efficiency of study for a long time, must have arranged scientificly everyday study, take exercise, rest, make the life has the law. Institutional science wants to be used frequently namely with the head head, reasonable with head, timely with the head, avoid to use a brain excessive cause neurasthenic, make thinking, write down 100 million ability to drop. Strengthen ego psychology to adjust. The core content of ego adjustment mental health includes to adjust position of understanding structure, mood, exercise volitional character, improvement gets used to ability to wait. The undergraduate is in young period phase, the sexual physiology that the outstanding characteristic of young period is a person is in after experiencing what send maturity from bud to transfer, enter active state gradually. Say from the sense that psychology develops, this phase is life eventful autumn. Because,this is, the babyish decision of the lack of experience and knowledge the certain field that the psychology of this period person develops lags behind at physiology functionary to grow speed. Consequently, in its the hard to avoid in developing a process can produce a lot of awkwardness, bemused, trouble and anguish. On the other hand, our country is lying the crucial period that establishs socialist market economy and goal of strategy of implementation socialism modernization. Social circumstance is occurrent complex the change with profundity, social competition is intense with each passing day, life rhythm is accelerated increasingly, science and technology develops quickly. Cause in the young student that this kind of circumstance also can want to enter a society in morning and evening such or in that way psychology contradiction and psychological conflict, for example result of misfortune of parental come off sentry duty, domesticity happening, study not the beautiful, failure that make friend, be lovelorn etc. If these psychological problems always are of brandish do not go, accumulate over a long period, become psychogenic disorder likely and live. Let a student face up to reality, learn ego adjustment, maintain the good contact that is the same as reality. Undertake ego adjustment, sufficient play subjective activity goes transforming an environment, achieve oneself ideal goal hard. So the undergraduate should learn ego psychology to adjust in student process, accomplish mental health: 1, the study interest that keeps grumous and curious desire. Study is main task of the undergraduate, invite in the intellectual ocean that had study interest to be able to jump vast self-consciously swim, absorb new knowledge desperately, expand the capacity of many sided, in order to improve oneself quality, get used to the need that the society admits better. 2, optimistic mood and good mood, the undergraduate should carry happy and active and upbeat mood, optimistic mental state, confident to future with the hope, want to learn ego adjustment when the thing that encounters sadness and sadness, measurable the earth's surface is amounted to and dominate a sentiment, accomplish get the better of not arrogant, be defeated not to putrid, happy event not mad, care is incessant. 6, to the teachs measure person psychology of undergraduate psychology problem quality is not endowment, depend on however acquired education and training, teach pair of psychology quality enhance the action with a decisive move. My school taught a respect to have a lot of exploration and attempt in undergraduate psychology quality, began a series of works, obtain favorable result, but the place that also has a lot of inadequacy at the same time remains to improve. It is the educational measure of effective below: 1, psychology of sufficient play school seeks advice from action. School psychology seeks advice is the promotional student mental health, important way that optimizes psychological quality, also be the main component that psychological quality teachs. As the elapse of time, psychology seeks advice to admit and be accepted by more and more people, more and more universities and colleges, even the middle school begins to install psychology to seek advice from an orgnaization. Psychology seeks advice from OK and directive student to ease inner contradiction and conflict, the care in untangle heart is difficult, develop potential of body and mind. Still can help a student proper him understanding, hold oneself, get used to outside ambient effectively. In recent years, psychological advisory orgnaization is ceaseless and perfect, added the service of a variety of forms, already became undergraduate psychology quality to teach the most efficient way. 2, begin give birth to mental health to investigate anew greatly, accomplish psychological problem inchoate discovery and precaution. The premise that begins psychological quality education is the condition of quality of psychology of understanding control student, thereby specific aim ground puts forward to teach measure and plan. My school has mental health general investigation every year to the new student, use " mental health questionnaire " the student that chooses intentional manage symptom from which, they go to active invite psychological referral center is diagnosed through interview analysis further, the new life that has 10 % every year about by invite interview, according to interview analysis, distinguish different problem type and degree, adopt answer measure differently, nip in the bud, accomplished psychological problem to intervene inchoate discovery, in time, make the student is in enter a school at the beginning of can get specific mental health coachs. 3, permeate psychological quality education in each family education. Undertake through each family education heart quality teachs since school psychology to teach the way that carry out, also be the inevitable demand that oneself of each family education expands. Process of each family education is including extremely rich psychology to teach an element, sense of value of the literacy knowledge that because education process is classics society history,accumulates, ethic, thought is content and dominant. The teacher is imparting in intellectual process, want to pay attention to the psychological demand that considers a student only, arouse the interest of student learning, dig the educational meaning with immanent knowledge deep, the mental fortune with respect to him translate into of the knowledge that can form human history, experience, skill, namely inside value of the idea that turns a student, life and good psychological quality, abiding on their body take root. 4, open psychology to teach obligatory course, enhance ego to teach competence. Of psychological quality raise those who cannot leave corresponding knowledge to master, the knowledge of the respect such as systematic study psychology, wholesome, health, conduce to a student understanding psychology to develop the rule, master psychological adjustment method, enhance the ability that ego teachs. The effect that psychological quality teachs depends on greatly the initiative that student ego teachs and enthusiasm, depend on the discretion of ability of student ego education. Accordingly, psychological quality is taught even if should pay attention to the ability that develops student ego education. 5, strengthen campus culture construction, grow for undergraduate health the psychological society environment with favorable creation. The undergraduate's health grows the psychological society environment that cannot leave health, the education of undergraduate psychology quality cannot leave good campus culture atmosphere. School spirit is the serious content that campus culture builds, also be the fundamental condition that affects student psychology development. Good school spirit is met the psychological character that ground of exert a subtle influence on actors or actress chemistry is born, if the school spirit of unitive friendly affection is the soil that cohesive affinity of put oneself in another's position of student body group, collective honor feels, be helpful for making harmonious human relationship maintains between person and person, communicate each other between stimulative classmate, mutual help. The campus culture activity of rich and colorful conduces to education student's cheerful life manner and healthy and cheerful mood feature. Accordingly, the school should spend force to catch campus culture construction, develop the recreational and sports activities of formal diversity and academic activity, form health up the environment of atmosphere, full understanding, conduce to a student deepening ego understanding, develop individual character adequately, improvement gets used to ability. Mental health can promote an undergraduate to develop healthy psychological character in the round is the main demand that the undergraduate expands in the round, also be to move toward a society in the future, on working station play pursues social activity and the fundamental condition that develop to higher administrative levels ceaselessly intellectual level, actively. The tune that knows the side such as beautiful service of heart wisdom body adequately develops, serve as a foundation with healthy psychological character, condition of individual mental health is affected directly and restricting the implementation of full-scale development. Mental health can make the undergraduate is overcome depend on psychology to strengthen independence. The undergraduate passes hard go all out in work and compete intensely, generation of the class hour in leaving, crossed an university, entered a brand-new life scope of operation. Undergraduate must from rely on parents to change direction rely on oneself. Before attending a college, in them the university in the imagination is just as " heaven " general, romantic and peculiar, wonderful and clinking. After attending a college, nervous study, rigid discipline, the environment of the life, make they suit hard. Accordingly, the undergraduate must pay attention to mental health, overcome dependence as soon as possible, strengthen independence, active and active get used to an undergraduate to live, spend contented and significant undergraduate to live. Mental health is the undergraduate gains the solid psychology base with successful career. At present the allocation of graduate of our country college worked to already produced very big change, the undergraduate executes supply and demand to meet, two-way choice, preferred the means such as employ, the competition of choose course of study can make undergraduate mentally produces bewilderment and astatic move necessarily. Consequently, face new condition undergraduate to want to notice to maintain mental health, the good psychology quality that fosters free-standing, self-improvement, self-discipline, the social truck capacity that exercises oneself, make oneself are in the social environment with complex irregular change, make a choice appropriate the right choice of own part, dare to face difficult, setback and challenge, seek more perfect human dignity, lay solid psychological foundation successfully for the career. Good psychological quality is in young student is comprehensive the in rising, having to hold the balance effect of quality, it is sure to arise to the quality of 21 centuries talent active and far-reaching influence. Healthy psychology is the requirement that full-scale development must have a person and foundation. Strengthen the education of pair of undergraduate psychology quality and education, raise the urgent task that crosses century talent quality to already became place of colleges and universities to be faced with in the round. 21 centuries are sense of agitate of culture of a thought, value ten thousand changes in the twinkling of an eye of concussion of public opinion of multivariate, news, society, century, face the world with such complex numerous and complicated, prospective talent is in possibly crisis of some hour occurrence psychology. The psychology of 21 centuries talent bears ability will be endured more acid test. For this, the adaptability that is about to strengthen pair of youth undergraduates ceaselessly, bear the education of the psychological quality such as force of force, adjusting control force, psychokinesis, thinking, creativity and self-confident heart and education, make they know truly: Want to have future, want the reserve of thought moral character, intelligence, physique not only, should make defeat more the psychological preparation of all sorts of difficult setbacks, guide them to walk out of the error that ego knows scientificly thereby, renew an idea, the breakthrough is spatio-temporal, transcend self, be like this only, in just can striking, hover freely, the trend is mature, participate in international talent to compete, meet the challenge of new century! Bibliographical reference   " undergraduate mental health is taught " press of university of Sichuan of chief editor Lv Jianguo   " undergraduate psychology coachs " press of university of Zhejiang of Su Linyan of chief editor Su Qiaorong   " psychological tutorial " chief editor Wang Guilin Chen Xun Guangdong

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