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  1. 打开浏览器,输入青岛市安全教育平台的网址。
  2. 在网页的登录界面,输入您的账号和密码。
  3. 点击“登录”按钮,完成登录过程。



  • 在线学习:平台提供了安全教育课程的在线学习资源,用户可以根据自己的需求选择合适的课程进行学习。
  • 在线测试:平台提供了在线测试功能,用户可以进行相关知识的测试,检验自己的学习成果。
  • 资料分享:用户可以在平台上分享安全教育资料,方便其他用户学习和参考。
  • 互动交流:平台提供了论坛和留言板等功能,用户可以在这里与其他用户交流,共同探讨安全教育的话题。



  • 方便快捷:平台提供了随时随地学习的便利,用户可以根据自己的时间和地点选择合适的学习方式。
  • 资源共享:平台上的学习资源和资料是由广大用户分享的,用户可以从中获得更多的学习资源,丰富自己的知识。
  • 互动交流:平台上的论坛和留言板提供了一个与其他用户交流的平台,用户可以借此机会与其他师生交流经验,互相学习。
  • 提高安全意识:通过学习和测试,用户能够更好地掌握安全知识,增强自己的安全意识,提高应对突发事件的能力。



Qingdao city safety teachs platform to login

As Internet gain ground and develop, safe education also is united in wedlock with network photograph gradually, work to advance safe education better, qingdao city introduced safety to teach platform. This platform offerred safety of an online study to know the experience of knowledge, communication, platform that shares resource for broad teachers and students. Use for convenient user, qingdao city safety taught platform to provide the function that use Zhang date logs onto.

How to log onto Qingdao city safety to teach platform

Before safety of use Qingdao city teachs platform, the user needs to have number of a Zhang above all. Concrete entry move is as follows:

  1. Open a browser, safety of input Qingdao city teachs the network address of platform.
  2. In the entry interface of the webpage, input your Zhang date and password.
  3. Click " login " pushbutton, complete entry process.

Qingdao city safety teachs the function of platform

Qingdao city safety teachs platform to have rich function, include:

  • Online study: Platform offerred safety to teach online study resource of course, the user can choose likely course to undertake study according to his demand.
  • Online test: Platform provided online test function, the user can have the test of relevant knowledge, examine oneself study positive result.
  • The data shares: The user can share safety to teach a material on platform, convenient and other user learns and consult.
  • Interactive communicating: Platform was offerred forum and leave a message board wait for a function, the user can be here to communicate with other user, discuss the topic of safe education jointly.

Safety of use Qingdao city teachs the advantage of platform

Safety of use Qingdao city teachs platform, to broad teachers and students, have the following profit:

  • Convenient and quick: Platform offerred the advantage that learns at any time and place, the user can be mixed according to his time the study kind with place right choice.
  • Resource shares: The study resource on platform and data are shared by broad user, the user can obtain more study resource from which, abound oneself knowledge.
  • Interactive communicating: The forum on platform and leave a message board the platform that provided to communicate with other user, the user can take the opportunity to communicate experience with other teachers and students, learn each other.
  • Raise safe consciousness: Pass study and test, the user can master safe knowledge better, enhance oneself safe consciousness, increase the capacity that answers sudden incident.

Thank you to read the article, teach platform through Qingdao city safety, you can learn safe knowledge, communication conveniently experience, share resource, raise oneself safe accomplishment. Hope the article is helped somewhat to you!
