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一、活动主题 :“525-大学生心理健康日”---健康从心开始,生命因你绽放


  1、 为宣传我部第二届“525-大学生心理健康日”的主题活动及心健部成立,努力营造积极向上、百花齐放、格调高雅、健康文明的文化氛围,在丰富师生业余文化活动同时加强精神文明建设,培养大学生的健康心理同时,向全校师生宣传心理健康的重要性。

  2、 引导以良好、阳光、理智、健康的心态去面对生活中的种种。



  1、 请各部门要高度重视,根据活动主题和学校活动的安排,积极参与并配合此次活动的举行。

  2、 加强宣传、营造氛围。充分利用校园媒体(横幅、海报、板报、广播、校园网络等)。营造良好的舆论氛围,以正向宣传为主,强化意识的形成。

  3、 活动结束后,要广泛征求学生意见、建议,征得反馈信息,以改进本次活动,为下一届活动积累经验。






  活动一 心理健康知识宣传 (前期)




  活动二 大学生心理健康节活动启动仪式 (中期)

  1、 时间:5月20日下午2:00

  2、 地点:天使广场

  3、 出席人员:全校师生

  4、 嘉宾:

  5、 活动流程:

  注:5月6日 节目筛选

  5月15日四节课前 上交伴奏带 (暂定t6教室)

  5月18日 节目表演指导、主持人审核、赛前各部门准备工作

  1) 开场手语主题歌

  2) 主持人介绍本次活动目的

  3) 学校领导致词

  4) 学生处领导发言

  5) 团委发言

  6) “天天天蓝”征文颁奖

  7) 朋辈优秀心理辅导员颁奖

  8) 心理情景剧表演

  9) 合唱歌曲《明天会更好》

  10) 全体师生放飞系上心愿卡的心型气球预示大学生心理节正式启动

  活动三 心理电影展播 (后期)

  1、 时间:5月21日--5月25日

  2、 地点:各班多媒体组织放映

  3、 将活动情况等发布到心健网,并予以备份



  a:前期宣传单 200份 0.5元×200=100元

  b:前期自制海报 3张 5 元×3=15元

  c:前期、中期横幅 7张 50×7=350元

  d:节目单 10张 0.5×10=5元

  e:邀请函 10张 2×10=20元

  f:备用制作海报、宣传组刊的用具(纸张、颜料、画笔)50 元

  2、 活动方面:


  b:嘉宾饮用水 一件 30元

  c:表演者的奖品 若干 300元

  d:氢气心形气球(欢庆心健部成立必用) 10包 200元

  f:备用资金 300元

  八、 突发事件应急措施(由机动组全权负责)

  1、 领导变更应急方案:如若临场有突发事件,未能按原计划到达直接通知主持负责人进行更改。

  2、 设备应急方案:如若临场出现话筒失灵,有备用活筒跟进。

  3、 节目应急方案:台上一个节目表演时,其后两个节目在后台准备。


One, mobile theme: "Day of 525- undergraduate mental health "---Health begins from the heart, life blossoms because of you

2, mobile tenet

1, to publicize my ministry the 2nd " day of 525- undergraduate mental health " be good at ministry establishs thematic activity and heart, build hard active up, let a hundred flowers blossom, the culture atmosphere with healthy and decorous, civilized style, in amateur of rich teachers and students culture activity strengthens cultural and ideological progress at the same time, the healthy mentality that develops an undergraduate at the same time, publicize the importance of mental health to entire school teachers and students.

2, in guiding the state of mind with good, sunshine, sensible, health to face the life a variety of.

3, mobile time: Xx year on May 6- - on June 5

4, mobile requirement

1, ask departmental door to want to take seriously highly, according to the arrangement of mobile theme and school activity, take an active part in what coordinate this activity to hold.

2, strengthen conduct propaganda, build atmosphere. Make full use of campus media (network of banner, placard, board newspaper, broadcast, campus) . Build good public opinion atmosphere, with be being given priority to to conduct propaganda, the formation of aggrandizement consciousness.

3, after the activity ends, want to solicit student opinion, proposal extensively, ask for feedback information, in order to improve this second activity, accumulate experience to leave an activity.

5, mobile content

1, mental health knowledge is publicized (early days)

2, activity of section of undergraduate mental health starts a ceremony (metaphase)

3, psychological film is exhibited sow (later period)

6, mobile arrangement

Knowledge of one mental health publicizes the activity (early days)

1, time: On May 6- - on May 25

2, place: Square of information building first floor, angel

3, content: Mental health publicizes common sense of banner, psychology and healthy brief to exhibit

Activity of section of 2 undergraduates mental health starts the activity ceremony (metaphase)

1, time: On May 20 afternoon 2: 00

2, place: Angel square

3, attend personnel: Entire school teachers and students

4, honored guest:

5, mobile flow:

Note: The program was chosen on May 6

Handed in before 4 classes on May 15 accompany belt (provisional T6 classroom)

Before the program performed examine and verify of directive, compere, contest on May 18, departmental door intends the work

1) theme song of begin sign language

2) compere introduces this second activity purpose

3) school leadership delivers a speech

4) student point leads a speech

5) round appoint make a speech

6) " every day shamrock " call for paper award prize

7) friend generation is outstanding psychological counsellor awards prize

8) performance of psychological scene drama

9) chorally song " the meeting is better tomorrow "

10) section of adumbrative undergraduate psychology starts the heart that all teachers and students puts flying strung wish to get stuck balloon formally

3 psychology film exhibits the activity sow (later period)

1, time: On May 21- - on May 25

2, place: Each multimedia organization is shown

3, wait for mobile circumstance release a heart be good at net, give backup

7, mobile budget

1, propagandist respect:

A: ? Portion of?200 of  of eight attentively  200=100 of 0.5 yuan of × yuan

B: Early days abstains placard 3=15 of 3 pieces of 5 yuan of × yuan

C: Banner of early days, metaphase 7=350 of 7 pieces of 50 × yuan

D: ? Flatter health?10 piece 0.5 × 10=5 yuan

E: ? ?10 of  an official document or note piece 2 × 10=20 yuan

F: ?  of a pavilion or house on a terrace of  of  of ⑿ of ā of 1 of Jie of chart of cover of another name for Jiangxi Province flinchs straw of magnesian Lu ㄖ twists?0 of remnant of  of rare ⒒ of ⒀ camphor tree yuan

2, mobile respect:

A: Build stage, acoustics, setting to print

B: Honored guest drinking water 30 yuan

C: The award of performer a certain number of 300 yuan

D: ? 〔 of admire of cook over a slow fire of abdomen of ɑ of Ying of  of Hun  male grain is chopped show ⒈ to subtle?10 of boundless and indistinct wraps 200 yuan

F: Reserve capital 300 yuan

8, measure of sudden incident lash-up (be in charge of by motor-driven team full-fledged member)

1, the leader changes lash-up plan: If face have sudden event, fail to arrive at immediate announcement to chair chief to undertake changing by original plan.

2, equipment lash-up plan: If face an occurrence mike malfunction, have reserve vivid canister follow-up.

3, program lash-up plan: When a program is performed, ever since preparation of two programs backstage.

上一篇:济南娱乐少儿春晚- 一个独具特色的儿童演出盛宴英文双语对照
下一篇:润润润什么意思? 润润润歌词完整版?英文双语对照
