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长春旅游攻略? 陕北出发去塞罕坝旅游攻略?英文双语对照


长春旅游攻略? 陕北出发去塞罕坝旅游攻略?英文双语对照




1. 建议提前规划好行程,准备充足的时间。2. 陕北出发去塞罕坝需要经过多个省份,路程较远,需要考虑交通工具的选择和预留充足的时间。同时,塞罕坝景区较大,需要安排好游览路线和时间,以充分体验景区的美景和文化。3. 在游览过程中,可以了解当地的历史文化和风土人情,品尝当地美食,增加旅游的乐趣和收获。同时,注意保护环境,文明旅游。


















1. 长春世博园:这是一个大型主题公园,夏季时节在这里可以欣赏到盛开的花海和美丽的景观。你可以悠闲地漫步在园区内,参观各种展览和文化活动,同时还可以观赏到不同种类的花卉和植物。

2. 南湖公园:位于长春市中心的南湖公园是一个以湖泊为主体的城市公园。夏季时节,你可以租一艘小船在湖中划船,欣赏湖边的景色。公园内还有步行道和休闲区域,适合散步和放松。

3. 长影世纪城:位于长春市南部的长影世纪城是一个集电影拍摄基地、主题公园和文化观光为一体的旅游景点。你可以在这里观赏到精彩的表演和演艺节目,参观电影拍摄的幕后场景,还可以享受不同种类的娱乐设施和游乐项目。

4. 吉林省博物馆:作为东北地区最大的博物馆之一,吉林省博物馆收藏了丰富的文物和历史遗迹。在夏季,你可以参观博物馆的展览,了解吉林省的历史和文化。

5. 长春动物园:长春动物园是一个大型的动物园,有各种来自世界各地的动物。在夏季,你可以欣赏到动物们的生动表演,同时还可以观赏到美丽的花卉和植被。






公交线路:地铁2号线 → 地铁1号线 → 307路,全程约53.1公里1、从西安市步行约850米,到达行政中心站2、乘坐地铁2号线,经过6站, 到达北大街站3、乘坐地铁1号线,经过9站, 到达纺织城站4、步行约570米,到达纺织城枢纽站5、乘坐307路,经过16站, 到达兵马俑站6、步行约580米,到达秦始皇兵马俑博物馆








  1. 长春世界雕塑公园→净月潭国家森林公园→长春农业博览园→长春冰雪新天地

  2. 长春世界雕塑园冰雪艺苑→庙香山滑雪场/世贸莲花山滑雪场→长春冰雪新天地→凯撒温泉/天怡温泉


  1. 长光卫星技术有限公司→伪满皇宫博物院→孔子文化园→长春世界雕塑园

  2. 吉林省博物馆→长春中国光学科学技术馆→吉林省科技馆→慢山里研学营地

  3. 吉林省自然博物馆→东北民族民俗博物馆→长影旧址博物馆→长春冰雪新天地




Changchun travel strategy?

Bogus palace, south lake, grow a shadow, one steam

Does North Shaanxi set out go filling in strategy of rarely dam travel?

1.The proposal plans ahead of schedule good journey, plan enough time. 2. North Shaanxi sets out go filling in rarely dam needs to pass many province, distance is further, need considers the time with the choice of vehicle and enough obligate. In the meantime, area of scene of dam of rarely of a place of strategic importance is larger, need arrangement is good visit course and time, in order to fill the beautiful scenery of area of fission check scene and culture. 3. In visitting a process, can understand historical culture of place and local customs, sample local cate, increase the fun of travel and results. In the meantime, the attention protects an environment, civilization travels.

Does island of emperor of the Qin Dynasty set out go prairie travel strategy?


Does island of emperor of the Qin Dynasty set out two days does road of day of one night prairie drive strategy: oneself?


Saturday in the morning, from Qin Huang the island sets out, the travel of international of forest of immortal Gu Qicai that went be located in Cheng Defeng to could there be first goes vacationing area. Here scenery is pretty, prairie landscape, and You Le project is much, can choose sightseeing car to enter.


If time is enough, can choose to live here. We arrive midday, played one afternoon, went from here next Zhang Bei county. Enter piece of north county, weekday swims by Zhang Bei county happy distributing center center, enter prairie day grade, from birch Pi Ling leaves, toward direction coming home.


We reach night Saturday piece of north county, those who eat bake complete sheep, big Wei bakes complete sheep () of prairie characteristic registered office, very hot, need queues up to make an appointment ahead of schedule. Recommend the skin on boiled milk that bake, with leg of the sheep that bake. Accommodation: ?


: of You Le project?

The little tourist attraction on prairie day road is more, big tourist attraction can have those who sell a thing, have toilet but wholesome requirement is general, clean addiction is entered by accident. Have near every tourist attraction equestrian, ride a camel, roadside still has calorie of Ding Che, some positions have a lamb to pull a cart, intermediate position has glide umbrella experience.

The proposal is gone to in go to ride again, the price and prospect are better. About the course, the car with proposal car average horsepower advocate, do not want to be entered from birch skin mountain, it is too difficult to enter even if go on brow, wild Hu Ling is relatively gently.

Does Changchun carry midday travel strategy?

Answer: Strategy of travel of Changchun end midday can choose the first day to go south lake park, can yacht, fire, dodgems, ride row; Go the following day museum of bogus full palace; Go moving plant park afternoon; The 3rd day goes growing shadow century city.

Strategy of summertime Changchun travel?

Changchun regards Chinese northeast as the main city of the area, summertime travel is having the choice of rich diversity. It is the detailed proposal of strategy of Changchun summer travel below:

1.Garden of Changchun world rich: This is park of a large theme, summertime season can admire blooming beautiful sea and beautiful landscape here. You can stroll leisurely inside garden area, see all sorts of exhibitions and culture activity, return the flowers that can view and admire different sort and plant at the same time.

2.South lake park: Be located in center of the Changchun City south lake park is with laky the urban park that gives priority to body. Summertime season, you can hire a boat to row in the lake, admire the scenery of lakefront. There still are pavement and recreational area inside the park, suit to take a walk and be loosened.

3.Grow shadow century city: The city of century of lasting vague impression that is located in south of the Changchun City is the travel tourist attraction that motion picture of a market film park of base, theme and culture sightseeing an organic whole. You can be viewed and admire here be performed wonderfully and act art program, the setting of behind the curtain that visiting film films, return the recreational establishment that can enjoy different sort and You Le project.

4.Jilin visits museum: Regard northeast area as one of the biggest museum, the cultural relic that province museum collected Jilin to abound and history are vestigial. In the summer, you can visit the exhibition of museum, understand the history that Jilin saves and culture.

5.Changchun zoo: Changchun zoo is a large zoo, have all sorts of animals that come from world each district. In the summer, you can enjoy an animal people live show, still can view and admire beautiful flowers and vegetation at the same time.

In addition, the Changchun City still has a lot of other tourist attractions and activity, if Changchun is clean lunar pool, Changchun is happy garden of rich of cereal, Changchun farming, you can choose to suit your travel course according to individual interest.

This is the initial proposal that summertime Changchun travels, specific journey and arrangement still need to undertake adjustment according to individual circumstance and be fond of. Understand weather situation ahead of schedule and reasonable arrangement time, the travel that can enjoy Changchun summer better experiences.

Winter of Changchun travel strategy?

Answer: ?  of Tao of Mei Wo of leek of ご regret  and member drought of ご of  of model of Jian of  ┪  mu  investigate ゾ of tip divide evenly brightness ┏ of green blain  . Tip of  of    grows ㄉ of  of laborious of river of ご of  of  of  of Yi  small box to hand in  ┏ . Min of  Xin neodymium hands in  ┏ .

Does Xi'an set out go strategy of travel of military forces tomb figure?

Public transportation circuitry: The subway subway of 2 lines → → of a line 307, whole journey makes an appointment with 53.1 kilometers 1, make an appointment with 850 meters on foot from Xi'an city, arrive at administrative center to stand 2, take the subway 2 lines, through 6 stations, arrive at Beijing University street to stand 3, take the subway a line, through 9 stations, arrive at spin city to stand 4, make an appointment with 570 meters on foot, arrive at spin town hub to stand 5, take 307, through 16 stations, arrive at military forces tomb figure to stand 6, make an appointment with 580 meters on foot, arrive at museum of tomb figure of military forces of Qin Shi emperor

Does Kunming set out go to Guilin is travel strategy course recommended?

Kunming -- Suo Longsi -- wide south (dam is beautiful) -- Fu Ning -- that slope -- Jing Xi (De Tianbao cloth) -- 100 kinds -- Li wave (size 7 aperture) -- banyan river -- from -- Long Sheng.

Along the line still has a lot of beautiful and wonderful tourist attractions, be like: General person the black, eight treasures, river that carry a woman on the back, friendship closes, clean hill of terraced field of backbone of stockaded village of Xing Dong of 100 color, Miao Zhai, cause, dragon, Buddhist is waited a moment. Play repeatedly take away, month of one or two can swim to make a journey.

Does Shanghai set out go thoroughfaring strategy of hill island travel?

Thoroughfare strategy of hill island travel suggests to choose Gao Tie or long-distance car is headed for thoroughfare hill island, the tourist attraction that the island can visit to go up during travel and participate in the activity on all sorts of water. Thoroughfare hill island is located in Zhejiang to visit boat hill town, compare advantage with the traffic of Shanghai, can choose freeway, Gao Tie or go to before long-distance car, but without the airport. Can visit during travel thoroughfare the tourist attraction of hill island, be like on the west memorial hall of harbor dock, Chen Jiageng, still can enter the activity on all sorts of water in the seaside, like briny bath, delimit kayak, dive. In thoroughfare during hill island travels, proposal tourist tries local cate more as far as possible, if thoroughfare Li of the abalone of hill characteristic, sea child, the seafood such as shrimp, crab, and the sweetmeats of local characteristic is like small steamed bread to wait. Can choose to go vacationing in accommodation respect village, hotel or civilian constellation, will choose budgetary accommodation pattern according to oneself demand and budget.

Strategy of travel of Changchun ice and snow 2023?

City ice and snow? Enjoy the travel of snow glacial play

1. Agriculture of Changchun of → of park of forest of country of pool of only month of → of park of Changchun world sculpture reads extensively new scope of operation of ice and snow of garden → Changchun

2. Field of ski of sweet hill of temple of → of art and literary circles of ice and snow of garden of Changchun world sculpture / → of new scope of operation of ice and snow of Changchun of → of field of ski of hill of world trade lotus triumphant Sa Wenquan / Tian Yi hot spring

City ice and snow? Grind the brigade that learns science and education

1. Museum of full palace of bogus of → of limited company of technology of satellite length light garden of sculpture of world of Changchun of → of garden of → Confucius culture

2. Jilin of → of house of optical science and technology of → Changchun China visits Jilin province museum grind in slow hill of → of house of science and technology learn camping ground

3. Jilin province is natural → grows museum of folk-custom of museum → northeast nation shadow site museum new scope of operation of → Changchun ice and snow

City ice and snow? The brigade of urban culture

Museum of bogus full palace → is new civilian museum of site of lasting vague impression of → of block of ave history culture this has → garden of sculpture of world of Changchun of → of garden of zoology of culture of water of hill → Changchun
